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Pemeriksaan SD-OCT Pada Bidang Neuro-oftalmologi Nurul Fitri; Gatot Suhartono
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 47 No 1 (2021): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v47i1.100165


Neuro-oftalmologi merupakan subdivisi luas yang befokus pada hubungan kelainan neurologis dengan kelainan mata. Modalitas diagnostik pada bidang ini mencakup anamnesa yang mendalam, pemeriksaan klinis, dan pemeriksaan penunjang yang lengkap. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) merupakan salah satu modalitas penunjang yang berkembang pesat dan banyak membantu diagnosis dan terapi dalam bidang oftalmologi. Teknologi terbaru dari OCT adalah Spectral Domain OCT (SD-OCT) yang mempunyai resolusi 2-3 kali lebih jelas dan kecepatan scanning 60-110 kali lebih cepat dibanding pendahulunya berupa Time Domain OCT (TD-OCT), menghadirkan scanning yang lebih menyeluruh dan menghasilkan gambaran 3 dimensi yang hampir mendekati gambaran histologis dari tiap lapisan. SD-OCT merupakan modalitas esensial untuk mengevaluasi keutuhan neuron, mengevaluasi progresifitas penyakit dan memprediksi perbaikan visus pasca operasi pada compressive optic neuropathy, menjadikan SD-OCT mempunyai potensi besar untuk membantu penegakan diagnosis dan terapi dari berbagai macam penyakit di bidang neuro-oftalmologi.
Identification of Adhesive Material Substance in Ancient Fortress Located at Aceh Besar using XRF Nurul Fitri; Elin Yusibani; Evi Yufita
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 5 Number 2, September 2016
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kandungan material perekat yang digunakan pada tiga benteng purba di kawasan Aceh Besar, yaitu Benteng Indrapatra (BIP), Benteng Inong Balee (BIB), dan Benteng Kuta Lubok (BKL). Analisa dilakukan menggunakan X-Ray Flourescence (XRF) dengan metode Fusion Beads. Hasil uji XRF menunjukkan bahwa ketiga benteng tersebut memiliki kandungan senyawa oksida yang sama, dengan persentase CaO sebanyak 46,16-51,37%, SiO2 sebanyak 2,56-6,68%, MgO sebanyak 1,01-2,16%, Al2O3sebanyak 0,73-1,18%, dan Fe2O3 sebanyak 0,53-0,70%. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut merupakan komposisi penyusun dari batu kapur jenis Kalsit. Hasil tersebut dibandingkan dengan material perekat yang digunakan saat ini (Semen) didapatkan memiliki komposisi yang berbeda. Semen mengandung komposisi oksida SiO2 dan SO3yang lebih besar daripada material perekat pada benteng purba yaitu sebesar 18% dan 3% untuk sampel sebanyak 1 gr. Preliminary study about adhesive material content in ancient fortress at Aceh Besar has been done. The fortress are Indrapatra, Inong Balee and Kuta Lubok. The sample is analyzed using X-Ray Flourescence (XRF) with Fusion Beads method. The result of XRF shows that all of the fortress have the same oxide compound which is CaO, with percentage of (46,16-51,37)%, SiO2 around (2,56-6,68)%, MgO around (1,01-2,16)%, Al2O3 around (0,73-1,18)%, and Fe2O3 around (0,53-0,70)%. The compounds are constituent of limestone of calcite. The results have been compared with the modern adhesive material (cement). It was found that cement has a different oxide composition with the adhesive material used in ancient fortress. Cement contains SiO2 and SO3 more than ancient adhesive material, the values are 18% and 3%, respectively, in one gram sample.
Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENGABDIAN VOL. 5 NO. 2 MEI 2020
Publisher : Departemen Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jdp.v5i2.10142


Mandar silk crafts is a creative industry that utilizes the basic ingredients of silk that are processed into a piece of cloth that can be sarong, shirt, shawl and etc. One of the Mandar silk artisants is in the Karama village, Tinambung subsdistrict, Polewali Mandar district. The Area manages the Mandar silk sarong commonly known by the term " Lipa Sa'be Mandar" is one of the Mandar tribes woven has a high cultural value passed down from generation to generation. Lipa Sa'be Mandar has long been known, because it has special characteristic that is in terms of style (Sure') and how to make it. Most of the people of the Karama Village, Tinambung subdistrict, especially women work as a mandar silk artisants by developing their potential and trying to get the maximum income to meet their daily needs. The problems faced by these craftsmen are the lack of Knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship, relatively small capital technology (Weaving equipment) that is used is still simple and that marketing of silk weaving products is also an obstacle. Therefore, it is necessary to carryout PKM activities to overcome these problems. The target to be achieved from this PKM activity is to (1) Increase the knowledge and skills of the mandar silk craftsmen craftsmen group in relation to the added value of products, management and marketing; (2) The formation of a wider marketing network for the sale of mandar silk products produced; and (3) Increased income of Mandar silk artisan families approaches that will be offered to achieve these objectives are through the empowerment model, which includes several stages including : 1) Preparation, 2) Assesment, 3) Action Plan, 4) Implementation, and 5) Evaluation. To achieve the expected output targets, the implementation method that will be used in this PKM activity is the Method of counseling, training and mentoring in the joint silk bussines group (KUB) in Karama village, Tinambung Subsdistrict, Polewali Mandar disftrict.Keywords: Silk Sarong Craftsman, Creative Economy, and Entrepreneurship. ABSTRAKKerajinan Sutera Mandar merupakan industri kreatif yang memanfaatkan bahan dasar sutera yang diolah menjadi selembar kain yang bisa dibuat sarung, baju kemeja, selendang dan lain-lain. Salah satu daerah pengrajin sutera mandar berada di Desa Karama Kecamatan Tinambung Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Daerah tersebut mengelola Sarung Sutera Mandar yang biasa dikenal dengan istilah “Lipa’ Sabe Mandar” merupakan salah satu tenunan suku bangsa mandar memiliki nilai budaya tinggi yang diwariskan turun temurun. Lipa’ Sabe Mandar ini telah lama dikenal, karena memiliki ciri khusus yakni dari segi corak (Sure’) dan cara pembuatannya. Sebagian besar masyarakat Desa Karama Kecamatan Tinambung ini, terutama perempuan bekerja sebagai Pengrajin Sutera Mandar dengan mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki dan berusaha semaksimal mungkin mendapatkan penghasilan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Adapun permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pengrajin tersebut adalah kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam berwirausaha, modal yang relatif kecil, teknologi (peralatan tenun) yang digunakan masih sederhana dan pemasaran produk tenunan sutera juga menjadi kendala. Oleh karena itu, perlu melaksanakan kegiatan PKM guna mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.Target yang ingin dicapai dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah (1) meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok pengrajin Sutera Mandar dalam kaitannya dengan nilai tambah produk, manajemen dan pemasaran; (2) terbentuknya jaringan pemasaran yang lebih luas untuk penjualan produk Sutera Mandar yang dihasilkan; dan (3) meningkatnya pendapatan keluarga pengrajin Sutera Mandar. Pendekatan-pendekatan yang  akan ditawarkan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah melalui model pemberdayaan, yang meliputi beberapa tahapan antara lain: 1) persiapan, 2) assessment, 3) rencana aksi, 4) implementasi, dan 5) evaluasi. Untuk mencapai target luaran yang diharapkan maka metode pelaksanaan yang akan digunakan dalam kegiatan PKM ini adalah metode penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan pada Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) Sutera Mandar di Desa Karama Kecamatan Tinambung Kabupaten Polewali Mandar.Kata kunci: Pengrajin Sutera Mandar, Ekonomi Kreatif, Kewirausahaan
CLOSING STRATEGIES CONVEYED BY THE ENGLISH TEACHERS Rachmawati Rachmawati; Nurul Fitri; Hustarna Hustarna
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

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The present research is inevitable at revealing the types of closing strategies and the reasons of realizing those closing strategies by the teachers at one of private English courses in the Jambi City. Two English teachers engage in the research who coach students at the advanced and conversation classes. The data of the research are utterances produced by the research subjects (teachers) all through the classroom interactions. The utterances are assembled by means of a tape recorder and a pen-cam as the supporting instrument. Every single word is recorded by these two instruments (a tape recorder and a pen cam) conversely not all of the utterances are regarded as the data (data reduction process). Besides the two instruments mentioned, note-taking is too utilized in an attempt to get rid of bias of the research. The results of this research highlights nine genuses of closing strategies uttered by the research subjects, namely positive comment (31 occurrences), excuse (12 occurrences), imperative to end (27 occurrences), blame (5 occurrences), goal (40 occurrences), summary (70 occurrences), an expression of thanks for the conversation (15 occurrences), plan (16 occurrences), and general wish (5 occurrences). Briefly, the cultural issue entirely have a consequence on the closing strategies realized by the research subjects.   Keywords: closing utterances, politeness, strategies
THE Analisis Potensi Kebangkrutan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Altman Z-Score, Springate Score, Dan Zmijewski Score (Studi Kasus Pada PT Hanson International Tbk) Nurul Fitri
Jurnal Pasar Modal dan Bisnis Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : The Indonesia Capital Market Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37194/jpmb.v3i2.99


This study aims to describe the potential for bankruptcy using the Altman Z-score, Springate score, and Zmijewski score method, and to see which method has the highest level of accuracy. This type of research is qualitative using secondary data, namely data on the annual financial report publication of PT Hanson International Tbk for the period 2015-2018. The sampling technique is side purposive. Buy using data analysis techniques Altman Z-score, Springate score, and Zmijewski score method. The results of this study indicate that there are difference in predicting the potential bankruptcy of PT Hanson International Tbk for the 2015-2018 period from each method used between the Altman Z-score, Springate score, and Zijewski score method. and the rate of the Springate score method which has the highest level of 100% with an error type of 0%.
Jurnal Biotek Vol 4 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Biotek
Publisher : Department of Biology Education of Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (890.571 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/jb.v4i1.1892


This Skripsi study to [regarding/ hit] influence of discipline attitude and sincerity of educative participant to result learn this biologi,Penelitian [is] including quantitative research with Descriptive approach with aim to to know influence of discipline attitude and sincerity of educative participant to result learn Biology class of VIII SMP Country 2 Bajeng West sub-province of Gowa. This Research entangle three variable of yaitudua free variable and one variable tied. the Free variable is discipline attitude and sincerity while variable tied is result learn Biology.Result of discipline attitude analysis obtained average value equal to 85,92 with category of sedang,sikap sincerity obtained average value equal to 75,26 with category is and result of learning Biology obtained average value equal to 80,95 residing in at category very high.Result of statistical analysis [of] inferensial with test of F indicate that value of Fhitung>Ftabel ( 26,09> 3,99), so that Ho refused and [Is] ha accepted meaning discipline attitude and sincerity have an effect on to result learn Biology class of VIII SMP Country 2 Bajeng West Sub-Province of Gowa with contribution equal to 90,5% and the rest 9,5 influenced by other variable which [do] not be packed into this research like enthusiasm learn, motivation learn, style learn and others. To researcher hereinafter, researcher suggest to continue research which similar to seeing other factors which influence result learn and also pay attention the amount of item swampy forest to every used enquette aspect have to flatten. In development of research of researcher shall enhance observation process and interview in course of intake of data and also cooperate with psikolog in development of research.
Jurnal Ilmiah Dikdaya Vol 7, No 2 (2017): September
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.724 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/dikdaya.v7i2.94


English Learning is a process where a learner expanding his/her knowledge about English and its implementation. Speaking Difficulty is the inhibition that a learner used to face when they learn to use language orally. The purpose of conducting this research is to know about the difficulties that the students have in English spoken learning. Design of this research uses Qualitative research. The subject of the research is the fourth semester students of Batanghari University in academic year 2016/2017.Keyword: English Learning, Speaking Difficulty
Jurnal Ilmiah Dikdaya Vol 7, No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (46.586 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/dikdaya.v7i1.28


This research is aimed at identifying the effect of using English songs in increasing students’ pronunciation in semester IV program in English Education program Batanghari University Academic Year 2015/2016. The population of this research is 28 students of fourth semester. The population of the research is devided into 14 students of experimental class and 14 students of control class. The experiment class is taught by using English songs technique while control class is taught by using repetition of words or practical technique. This research is experimantal research. The data are taken from pronunciation tests which are given in learning process. The result of the research shows that English songs technique can improve students’ pronunciation. It is concluded from the post-test that there is statistically difference of the mean between experimental class and control class. The mean score of experimental class is 91.78 and the mean score of control class is 84.64. it means that the mean score of experimental class is higher than control class. Post-test also indicates an improvement on students’ pronunciation after the students is taught by English songs technique. There is statistically difference on the result of t-test and t-table in which t-test is bigger than t-table, 2.29 > 2.00.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Blended Learning pada Mata Kuliah Sejarah Indonesia Kontemporer Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Nur Agustiningsih; Nurul Fitri
Jurnal Ilmiah Dikdaya Vol 10, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/dikdaya.v10i2.173


The purpose of this research is to find out (1) the process of learning media development based blended learning for Indonesia Contemporary History subject of History Education Program batanghari University Jambi, (2) The eligibility of learning media based blended learning for Indonesia Contemporary History subject of History Education Program Batanghari University Jambi. The types of this research are research and development. This research emphasizes an effort to produce certain products that will be used in certain fields of science and can also be used in an activity that needs it. The development which was carried out in this research is developing of learning media based on blended learning in the form of an ebook. To determine the feasibility of the media, the media experts and material experts validated the media that had been made and then conducted a media trial to the students, the trial was carried out on three stages, one to one, small group trials, and field test trials. The results showed that (1) the stages of developing blended learning based media in Indonesia Contemporary History subject adopted the steps or stages which were developed by ADDIE which consisted of five stages, they are:  analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. (2) The results of the assessment by media experts for all aspects obtained an average score of 4.25 with very good category and reasonable to be used. Furthermore, based on the media expert's assessment, the average of all aspects is 4.35 dan 4,48 after revision with a very good category so that the material reasonable to be used. The advisability of blended learning based media in Indonesia Contemporary based on student assessment in the field test obtained an average of all aspects 4.45 in the very good category so that the media was very suitable to be used in this learning activity.
Jurnal Ilmiah Dikdaya Vol 7, No 2 (2017): September
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (366.397 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/dikdaya.v7i2.91


This research is aimed at describing the functions of Swear Words in the “Celebrity Mean Tweets” in Jimmy Kimmel Late Show. The data is taken from the tweets of the celebrities in Jimmy Kimmel Late Show. The design of this research is qualitative research. In collecting the data, the researcher retypes all the swear words that are found in the celebrity read mean tweets with left the tweet without swear words, change the data from video into the word file. Then, the technique for analyzing the data is by pointing out the functions of swear words used by those celebrities. The conclusion shows that there are four functions of swearing according to this data, there are the abusive swearing, the largest and the most frequent, the emphatic, the dysphematic and the lowest and least frequent, the idiomatic. Even though their functions are different, but they are connected in the relation; which they are used to either insult, emphasis, explain the vulgar situation and change the word, they still used to fill the swear words by its function, either insult people, emphasizing bad words, explain the vulgar situation to insult and change the word into insult word. Keywords: Swear Words, Social Media