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Analisis Kemampuan Berbahasa Dan Perilaku Moral Pada Anak Usia Dini Di Masa Pandemi Melalui Metode Bercerita Siti Nurjanah; Machmudah Machmudah; Nurul Kamariyah; Chilyatiz Zahroh; Nur Ainiyah
JURNAL ILKES : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 13 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilkes (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan)
Publisher : STIKES Karya Husada Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35966/ilkes.v13i2.240


Abstract The ocvid-19 pandemic period caused the Minister of Education and Culture to work to carry out online learning (distance) which applies from early childhood learning to higher education. Online learning uses gadgets that are under the supervision of parents, many parents are impatient in assisting early childhood in learning. This causes parents to often get angry by saying rude things to their children. Early childhood needs role models, namely to teach language and good morals from an early age.The purpose of this study was to assess language skills and moral behavior in early childhood using the storytelling method (hand puppets and picture series). This research method is correlative analytic with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were students at PPT Sawahan. The number of samples is 65 children. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. The dependent variable in this study is the Storytelling Method. The independent variables are language skills and moral behavior. The instruments used in this study were hand puppets to tell stories, serial cards, while to measure language skills and moral behavior (polite, honest, responsible) using indicators in early childhood education, measured based on observations or observations. The results of the study after being given the method for six meetings with large language interactions (53.85%) developed as expected. Most of the moral behavior (polite, honest, responsible) (61.54%) developed very well. The use of storytelling methods during learning at an early age can improve children's language skills and moral behavior.
Maddah : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Konseling Islam Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Komunikasi dan Konseling Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Universitas Ibrahimy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.475 KB) | DOI: 10.35316/maddah.v2i1.640


Empirically transcendental communication creates inner experiences for humans. Humans as communicators convey messages in prayer as a medium of communication against God as an absolute communicator. The effect in transcendental communication felt by humans is inner peace or tranquility of the soul. In Islamic epistemology methodically known methods of thinking bayani, burhani and irfani. Burhani is a framework for thinking that is not based on sacred texts, nor experience. The aim of the viewfinder is exoteric, so the way it works is based on logic wrangling. Burhani is a framework for thinking that is not based on sacred texts, nor experience. The aim of the viewfinder is exoteric, so the way it works is based on logic wrangling. Irfani is a thinking methodology model based on direct experience and approaches to religious spiritual reality. With Burhani's methodical reasoning humans use their minds in analyzing empirical events that are seen, heard and felt. But reason alone is not enough in processing human experience. then with the method of intuition or irfani use the heart to feel the inner experience that humans pass in each event of his life. The union with his Lord in prayer, which is manifested in his prayers, fasting and other worship become part of the process of human transcendental communication
PETIK LAUT: Social-Ideological Accommodation in the Fishermen Community of Kedungrejo Muncar Banyuwangi Nur Ainiyah
Religia Vol 20 No 2: Oktober 2017
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v20i2.905


This research aims to showing how accommodating the differences of two traditions ideologically and socially can create tolerance and peace in a plural society. The plurality of Muncar such ethnicity, religion, culture and class-economy could protect the conflict. They more choose the public interest than personal interest. The social reality of Muncar is showing with ritual Petik Laut which combines between Islamic and Osing tradition. Cosmologically both of them are different, Islam believes in the singular God and the Osing believes in the plural God. The main problem of this research is how the ideological and social accommodation between the Islamic and Osing tradition can work. So my conceptual framework of research that syncretism is the accommodation of differences which can create society to be peaceful. And the ritual collective is the combining media of how the differences because the ritual has the collective goal which is reached by society as the actors.This research shows that the differences of religion and ideology in the multi-ethnical and cultural society have potentials for conflict. But the conflict can be protected by involving the social agents of society like santri and kejawen  in order to avoid riot. The ideological problem is significant and sensitive and it is easy to create raise strong emotions among the fishermen. The wrong interpretation of ideology can be fatal. However the coastal society generally is known as less temperamental and open-minded person and permissive for the religious and ideological plurality. Their attitudes which want to show ‘dignity’ (jati diri) are the characteristic of the coastal society. This attitude manifests in the petik laut ritual by involving the symbols of religions, cultures and ethnicities in Kedungrejo.The Kedungrejo society majority is Islam but they believe in Ratu Reja Mina as the fish Queen although it is the Osing belief. The honor for the Sayid Yusuf as the historical figure of the Petik Laut history is done together by them. These beliefs complete the Islamic belief for Prophet Hidir. The coastal cosmology of Kedungrejo is the result of accommodating between Islam and Osing. So it became the local ideology which can avoid the conflict. Because left one of two ideologies can create the ideological conflict in society. They are still doing the process for the survival society life peacefully although they have the different interpretation about ritual petik laut. The conflict of economy as the consequence of the work system between jaragan and pandiga, and the environmental conflict between fabric and society can assimilate in this ritual because the social function of petik laut can accommodate all of the elements of society even religion to include in this ritual. So the person who has the certain conflict became the ritual as the mediation for building up the social cohesion (silaturohmi) among the fishermen community, religious institution and the organization of the pesantren’s alumni. From the social accommodation, the social cohesion came back to unity so that peace can return to Kedungrejo.Â