Andi Nurmas
Jurusan Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Haluoleo Kendari Jl. H.A.E Mokodompit Kampus Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu Kendari, 93232.

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Jurnal Agroteknos Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Agroteknos

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.767 KB)


Azotobacter is bacterium that has the ability to fix nitrogen and produce hormone IAA, thus potentially acts as biofertilizer agent. There are differences in chemical, biological and other characters of Azotobacter strains. Some strains have higher ability to fix nitrogen than the others. Exploration and characterization are important to be done because the bacteria that provide nutrients and live free rhizosphere regions, possible have different abilities.  In addition to N2 fixing, growth hormone production, phosphate dissolving, they are also tolerant to a certain temperature and pH. The purpose of the research was to obtain information and the latest data on indigenous Azotobacter that potential as a source of biofertilizer, and triggering factor for upland rice growth on marginal lands in Southeast Sulawesi.  Exploration from several locations has selected 21 Azotobacter isolates. The test results indicated that the 21 Azotobacter isolates have the ability to produce IAA, dissolve phosphate and stable at pH 5.0-7.0. All 21 isolates tested had the ability to survive at 40oC, eight isolates i.e. LT2D1, LT2d2, LU2c, RG4c, MP1f, LT2d3, ML1j, and RR8awere able to survive at a temperature of 45o C, and LT2d1 isolate survived at temperatures 50oC. The results of the evaluation of the wet weight of upland rice seedlings selected 10 isolates that were: KU6e, MS3e, RG4c, RR8b1, LU2c, RB4b, MS3f, LU2c1, RJ5e, RR8b2 and evaluation of seedling dry weight selected 5 isolates that were: RB4b, LU2c, RJ5e, RR8b2, LT2d1. Keywords:      exploration, characterization, indigenous Azotobacter, local upland rice
Pengaruh Komposisi Media Tanam terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Pembungaan Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Lokal Muna dalam Polybag I Putu Widana; Andi Nurmas; Rachmawati Hasid
Berkala Penelitian Agronomi Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/bpa.v10i1.26381


Komposisi media tanam sangat menentukan keberhasilan budidaya tanaman dalam polybag, untuk itu perlu mencermati jenis bahan yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan perlakuan terbaik komposisi media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman tomat lokal Muna. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Lapangan Kebun Percobaan II Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari. Berlangsung pada Bulan Juli sampai Bulan Oktober 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok yang terdiri dari M0 = 100 % tanah, M1 = campuran tanah + arang sekam padi dengan perbandingan 1:1 (v/v), M2 = campuran tanah + pupuk kendang sapi dengan perbandingan 1:1 (v/v), M3 = arang sekam padi + pupuk kendang sapi dengan perbandingan 1:1 (v/v), M4 = campuran tanah + arang sekam padi + pupuk kandang sapi dengan perbandingan 1:1:1 (v/v). Masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali sehingga diperoleh 15 unit percobaan, setiap unit percobaan terdiri dari 3 polybag. Variabel yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, panjang akar, volume akar, bobot kering tanaman, umur munculnya bunga dan jumlah bunga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi media tanam berpengaruh nyata pada semua variabel pengamatan. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan M3 (arang sekam padi + pupuk kandang sapi) dan M4 (tanah + arang sekam padi + pupuk kandang sapi). Kata Kunci: Arang sekam padi, komposisi media tanam, pupuk kandang sapi, tomat