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Kontribusi Penentu Produktivitas Karyawan Seni di Bali Putri Anggreni
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 5, No 6 (2003)
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/pep.v5i6.2061


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kemampuan individual seniman dan kemampuan mengembangkan produk seni. Penelitian ini menguraikan serta mengungkap kemampuan internal dan eksternal individu dalam meningkatkan produkti vitas. Kemampuan internal individu terdiri dari variabel: (1) kreativitas, (2) desain, dan (3) proses berkarya. Sedangkan kemampuan eksternal individu terdiri dari variabel: (1) bahan baku, (2) proses produksi, dan (3) pemasaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksploratory-confirmatory dengan metode kuantitatif.Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan seni yang ada di Kabupaten Gianyar, dan sampel penelitiannya adalah 217 orang karyawan seni yang terdiri dari 90 orang karyawan seni patung pada "AWA Gallery", 37 orang karyawan tenun ikat Bali pada perusahaan pertenunan "Setia Cap Cili", dan 90 orang karyawan seni lukis tradisional Bali pada MDian Lestari Painting**. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi dan angket untuk mengungkap variabel bahan baku, kreativitas, desain, proses berkarya, proses produksi, dan pemasaran terhadap produktivitas karyawan seni di Bali. Tiap-tiap instrumen di uji coba dan memenuhi syarat validitas dan reliabilitas. Validitas instrumen dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik analisis butir, dan reliabilitas dilakukan dengan menggunakan formula Alpha dari Cronbach. Data dianalisis dengan teknik statistic deskriptif dan analisis regresi ganda.Hasil analisis regresi ganda untuk pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh bahan baku, kreativitas, desain, proses berkarya, dan proses produksi terhadap produktivitas karyawan seni di Bali. Sedangkan untuk pengujian hipotesis yang lain, menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pemasaran terhadap produktivitas karyawan seni di Bali (pada taraf signifikansi 5%). Keenam variabel bebas secara bersama-sama memberikan kontribusi sebesar 9,6% terhadap produktivitas karyawan seni. Besarnya kontribusi keenam variabel bebas mulai dari yang tertinggi hingga yang terendah dalam menjelaskan produktivitas, yaitu: pemasaran (X6) = 4,2%, proses berkarya (X4) = 1,8%, bahan baku (X,), kreativitas (X2) = 1,2%, proses produksi (X5) = 0,9%, dan desain (X3) = 0,3%. Dari hasil penelitian ini, dapat diketahui bahwa variabel pemasaran berpengaruh secara signifikan dan memeberikan kontribusi paling besar terhadap produktivitas karyawan seni di Bali. Hal tersebut diduga karena diterapkannya strategi pemasaran yang terfokus pada kepentingan mencari keuntungan, dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan penghasilan (income generating), dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup mereka.Untuk mendorong berkembangnya kemampuan seniman Bali, perlu dicari strategi produksi dan pemasaran produk seni yang mendorong berkembangnya kreativitas, desain, dan proses berkarya yang original dan bernilai seni tinggi. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menetapkan segmentasi pasar yang dituju. Di mana dengan mengetahui sasaran pasar yang diinginkan, akan memudahkan dalam pemasaran produk seni yang dihasilkan, di samping itu juga dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi permintaan dan harapan dari konsumen/pelanggan yang berdampak pada kepuasan dari konsumen/pelanggan terhadap produk seni yang dibeli. Sedangkan strategi pemasaran yang dilaksanakan melalui peningkatan kemampuan eksternal dengan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi. Penerapan   perkembangan   teknologi   dilakukan   melalui   usaha pengawetan terhadap karya seni yang dihasilkan, dengan tujuan agar karya seni tersebut dapat tahan lama dan berkualitas tinggi, baik yang dilakukan dengan cara tradisional maupun modern (mekanis). Di samping itu, juga dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas dari proses produksi, sehingga produk seni yang dihasilkan benar-benar merupakan produk seni yang memiliki kualitas, nilai seni yang tinggi, dan original (merupakan karya seni asli" para seniman).Kata kunci: produktivitas karyawan seni di Bali, pemasaran, proses berkarya, bahan baku, kreativitas, desain.
Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar Vol 18 No 2 (2020): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 18 No. 2 - 2020
Publisher : Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar

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The purpose of this research is to explain and describe about electrical communication prepaid PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Negara and to know the influence of marketing communication prepaid electricity PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Negara against the formation of corporate image. By marketing communication as independent variable and Corporate Image as dependent variable. This research uses the research instrument in the form of questionnaires with a sample of 98 respondents. Data collection using field research method, literature study, documentation, data source and data type. Data analysis technique used descriptive statistic analysis, normality test, homogeneity test, heteroscedasticity test, auto correlation test, t test (Hypothesis) and F-test (Hypothesis) previously tested the validity and reliability to test the questionnaire with SPSS Version 20 for Windows. The results stated that in communicating the marketing of electricity prepaid PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Negara with incentive to socialize to the community through 2 (two) ways: 1) Personal marketing; 2) Non-personal marketing and then the influence of marketing communication prepaid electricity PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Negara on the formation of corporate image that, sig (2-tailed) and marketing communications and image of company is smaller than 0,05 so H 0 is rejected and H accepted. This states that the influence between independent variables Marketing Communication (X) and dependent variable Company Image (Y) studied.
ANALISIS KINERJA KEUANGAN DITINJAU DARI LIKUIDITAS DAN RENTABILITAS PADA PT. BANK PERKREDITAN RAKYAT SAPTACRISTY UTAMA, PENDAHULUAN Salah satu perusahaan yang menjual jasa adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang perbankan atau lebih dikenal dengan Putri Anggreni
Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar Vol 10 No 2 (2012): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 10 No. 2 - 2012
Publisher : Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar

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The Intention of this research is to know level of likuiditas rentabilityand, its effectiveness and also growth of monetary performance which evaluatedfrom the level of likuiditas (cash ratio and loan to deposit ratio) and rentability(return on asset and of return on equity). The Analyzer which is used in this researchis monetary ratio analysis and statistical analysis. Statistical analysis which is usedis determination of historical standard with searching standard and mean of deviasifrom result of financial analysis, so that can assess effectiveness level and also itsgrowth. The analysis result which have done,showing that is monetary performance which is have a fluctuation. Likudity ratio analysis ratio and also adapted with historical standard pursuant to cash ratio,shows that the percentage in the 2009cash ratio equal to 14% (enough liquid), year 2010 going down to become 13,82%(enough liquid) and for year 2011 mounting to become 22% (liquid). For Loan ofdeposit ratio, in 2009 shows 79,27% number (enough liquid), mounting year 2010becoming 84,93% (enough liquid), while year 2011 going down to become 64,95%(less liquid). Rentability ratio is and also adapted for by historical standard, evaluatedfrom return n asset have effectiveness level which is have fluctuation, in 2009 assetson return equal to - 0,41 (efficient enough), mounting for 2010 becoming 1,98%(efficient enough), so also for 2011 equal to 4,46 is% (efficient). Rentability pursuantto return to equity have effectiveness level which is have fluctuation. in 2009 return onequity equal to - 3,89% (less efficient), mounting in 2010 becoming 11,26% (efficientenough), so also for 2011 becoming 18,85% (efficient enough). The suggestionwhich can be suggested to the BPR to be more improve asset of management andoptimise credit giving to society so that it can happened the increasing of profitcredit earnings at BPR, without disregarding observation to giving credit procespass through 5C application (character, capacity, capital, condition, collateral) toclient candidate.
Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar Vol 15 No 1 (2017): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 15 No. 1 - 2017
Publisher : Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar

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This study aims to find out what there is significant influence betweenleadership style and work discipline on employee motivation KUD Catur GunaAmertha, Yehembang Village, District Mendoyo, Jembrana. The research concludesthat: Firstly, there is significant influence leadership style and work disciplineon employee motivation KUD Catur Guna Amertha, Yehembang Village, DistrictMendoyo, Jembrana, partially evident from the results count each partial correlationfor both variables showed that rx1y = 0.792 with figures significance of 0.000 andrx2y = 0.610 with 0.007 significance figures. Where both figures obtained significancesmaller than 0.05. Partial means indicates that these two variables have a relationshipthat is very significant to employee motivation. Secondly, there is a significant effectof leadership style and work discipline on employee motivation KUD Catur GunaAmertha Yehembang Village, District Mendoyo, Jembrana, simultaneously this canbe proven by obtaining F hitung = 35.306 with a significance figure of 0.000. Wherethe significance of the figures obtained are smaller than 0.005, means simultaneouslyreject H0 and accept H1. Thirdly there is a significant relationship leadership styleand work discipline on employee motivation KUD Catur Guna Amertha YehembangVillage, District Mendoyo, Jembrana, that of the correlation coefficient is jointlyacquired by rx1x2y = 0.919 with 0.000 significance figure where this number issmaller than in figure 0.05.
Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar Vol 14 No 1 (2016): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 14 No. 1 - 2016
Publisher : Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar

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Retribution is one kind of market revenue sources region. Regions that areimportant to the Company Seririt Market Unit. This was proven during the period2009-2013 levy revenue realization fluktuatives market experience and indicatingthere are problems in the performance of the market in the company’s acceptance ofretribution Regional Market Unit Seririt. This study aimed to calculate the level ofeffectiveness and contribution levy market, and formulate appropriate strategies toimprove the performance of the market in the company’s acceptance of retributionRegional Market Unit Seririt. Based on the analysis that has been done can beconcluded that the implementation of market levies in Buleleng is the authority andresponsibility of the Regional Corporate Markets Buleleng and fully implemented byRegional Company Seririt Market Unit using the official assessment system, votingbased on Local Regulation, 4 in 2009 the collection system directly using valuableobjects or ticket, levy implementation market in the last five years running properly.Effectiveness achievement and contributions levy market Regional CorporateMarket Unit Seririt period 2009-2013 experienced fluctuate. So in need of properstrategy to increase market levies in Regional Corporate Market Unit Seririt namelyto socialize, improve infrastructure services market and increased scrutiny.
Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar Vol 10 No 1 (2012): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 10 No. 1 - 2012
Publisher : Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar

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Hospital represent one of example institute the service in healtharea. At the height of the requirement and society awareness in the fi eld of healthaccompanied with the change of patterned thinking of society which of opinion thehealth is very important investment in their live, have pushed a lot of party to exploitto existing market opportunity by development building various to like hospital. Inthe development it is effort the hospital do not get out of the compulsion to apply themanagement process in it is effort consumer satisfaction presented is very importantnecessary for the peripatetic company in service area like to hospital. And one ofstrategy which can by run the hospital to take care of the consumer satisfaction with the maximization to applying of the marketing mix in the company activities as far becoming formula oppositely, also how infl uence to applying of the marketing mix toconsumer satisfaction in using the service in Surya Husadha Hospital? How strengthof relation to applying of the marketing mix to consumer satisfaction in using theservice in Surya Husadha Hospital? At the research, analysis the information used istechnique is Multiple Regression Analysis with this analysis in Multiple RegressionAnalysis to know there is do not in infl uence of between two variable is the freevariable and the trusted variable. Correlation analysis and determination analysisdo know how infl uence of the marketing mix practices to consumer satisfactionF-Test and t-Test. Pursuant to obtained by Multiple Regression Analysis to resultof is exixtence of real infl uence and is positive than marketing mix to consumersatisfaction at Surya Husadha Hospital is a 4.427. From obtained the CorrelationAnalysis the result of is existence which positive and strong relation of the marketingmix to consumer satisfaction at Surya Husadha Hospital scale 0.792. From thedetermination analysis obtained by result is 62.7% the most percentage of consumersatisfaction infl uence to applying of the marketing mix while some minimizinginfl uence by other, dissimilar factor is which not checked. From analysis F-Test andt-Test either through entirety and also each variable marketing mix have to effecton consumer satisfaction and his meaning is hypothesis (Ha) accepted. Conclusionwhich can be pulled from research is between applying to of marketing mix toconsumer satisfaction of at Surya Husadha Hospital own to infl uence and relationwhich are positive and strong go together that is Surya Husadha Hospital alwaysimprove the marketing mix applying to be consumer satisfaction to be weaked
Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar Vol 19 No 2 (2021): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 19 No. 2 - 2021
Publisher : Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar

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Cooperatives are economic institutions of the people who move the economy in promoting the welfare of the people of society. The main purpose of this study is to determine the level of efficiency and performance and cooperation of civil servants existing in Jembrana district. Data used in this research is secondary data obtained from PKPRI. KPRI population in Jembrana, while the number of samples used is 5 KPRI taken by simple random sampling. The research method used is Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Capital cost, management, number of managers as variable input, whereas Sisa Hasil Usaha (SHU) as output variables. Results of analysis states that KPRI-KPRI cause of these inefficiencies derived from inputs that do not conform with the needs/going waste. Cost management becomes the biggest cause of inefficiency in the cooperative that is equal to 2,65 %, followed by the number of managers amounted to 0,81% and 0,81% of capital. There were 1 of 5 KPRI KPRI samples were low, There were 1 of 5 KPRI samples that have not been efficient, there are: Shad Karya KPRI: 95,93%. Suggestion for KPRI is not efficient should pay more attention to the use of inputs in order to achieve maximum output, especially the allocation of operational costs so that more attention, use of employees' needs and improve its work, and reduce the use of funds derived from loans and optimize the rotation of capital and refers to other KPRI has achieved efficiently.
STRATEGI OPTIMALISASI PENERIMAAN PAJAK DAERAH PADA BADAN PENDAPATAN KOTA DENPASAR Ni Luh Evayani; Putri Anggreni; Sebastianus Bambang Dwianto; Ni Luh Indiani; Ni Made Widiani; I Nyoman Wirakusuma
Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar Vol 20 No 1 (2022): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 20 No. 1 - 2022
Publisher : Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar

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Development is a series of activities or efforts to change the state of a country. Basically, national development aims to create a just and prosperous society through improving people's living standards. Regional taxes are one of the important components in Regional Original Income, namely mandatory contributions that can be imposed on everyone (taxpayers) without exception and the tax proceeds are used to finance the implementation of regional government and regional development. The purpose of this study was to determine the Strategy for Optimizing Regional Tax Revenue at the Denpasar City Regional Revenue Agency. The analytical techniques used to analyze the data are descriptive, qualitative, and SWOT analysis techniques. Where the results of the analysis show that the Denpasar City Revenue Agency has a good ability to respond to various threats and opportunities contained in its internal and external environment with the final value of the IFAS matrix of 3.37 and the final value of the EFAS matrix of 3.19. Being in Quadrant I is an aggressive strategy in a good position to have opportunities and strengths, so they can take advantage of existing opportunities. Through the use of the SWOT matrix, the strategies used in this research are Improving the Local Tax Intensification and Extensification Program, the Quality of Human Resources of the Regional Tax Apparatus, and Building Cooperation with Government, Private and Community Agencies in the collection of Regional Taxes at the Denpasar City Regional Revenue Agency.
Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar Vol 17 No 2 (2019): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 17 No. 2 - 2019
Publisher : Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar

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This study aims to determine and analyze how much influence the quality of service and social media to interest of blood donor volunteers at Unit Donor Darah PMI Kabupaten Gianyar. Results of data processing with SPSS For Windows Version 24 obtained the results of multiple linear regression results obtained results of multiple linear regression analysis Y = 4,982 + 0,088X1 + 0,439X2. The result of the analysis of multiple correlation is 0,730, lies between 0.60 to 0.799 which means there is a positive and strong correlation. Based on the result of determination analysis, the value of R2 stated that 55,1% of blood donor volunteer interest is influenced by both variables, service quality and social media, the rest 44,9% volunteer donor blood interest influenced by other variables outside of research. Simultaneously the quality of service and social media influence on the real interest of blood donor at Unit Donor Darah PMI Kabupaten Gianyar. Partially, the service quality (X1) and social media (X2) have positive and significant effect on interest of blood donor volunteer in Unit Donor Darah PMI Kabupaten Gianyar. Thus the quality of service and social media is not only important for the company or profit organization but for non profit organization both of them give a positive effect. Especially for Unit Donor Darah PMI Kabupaten Gianyar engaged in community services, especially blood transfusion.
Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar Vol 17 No 1 (2019): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 17 No. 1 - 2019
Publisher : Forum Manajemen STIMI Handayani Denpasar

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On this research will be analyzed about internal control influence to employee’s performance. Result obtained from this study is, there is positive and significant relationship between internal control to employee’s performance. This can be seen from correlation coefficient obtained is 0,940 so it can be said that internal control has very strong correlation to employee’s performance at CV. Bali Bintang Terang Denpasar. Hypothesis applied is accepted defines there is positive and significant impact between internal control to employee’s performance at CV. Bali Bintang Terang Denpasar. Determination analysis is obtained by determination coefficient as 88,3% means employee’s performance is influenced by internal control as 88,3% and remain 11,7% is influenced other factor not being studied.