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Journal : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

Perencanaan Dinding Penahan Sebagai Alternatif Pencegah Bahaya Longsor Pada Konstruksi Pangkal Jembatan Hatwan Fardilla; Idharmahadi Adha; Nur Arifaini
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Edisi Maret 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Jembatan adalah prasarana sipil yang membentang di atas aliran sungai dan secara topografi tidak rata. Perbedaan elavasi dari daratan yang dilewati sungai ini membentuk suatu lereng. Bencana yang sering terjadi pada permukaan tanah yang tidak rata atau curam adalah longsor. Kondisi lereng dengan kemiringan yang curam dan menahan beban yang besar dapat mengakibatkan longsor. Oleh karena itu diperlukan dinding penahan untuk menjaga kestabilan lereng agar tidak terjadi penurunan sehingga jembatan tetp aman dari bahaya longsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan dinding penahan dalam perlindungan pangkal jembatan dari bahaya longsor.Dalam penelitian ini letak dinding penahan sesuai dengan data gambar rencana. Kemudian dilakukan analisis geoteknik dengan dimensi dinding yang direncakan, dari data tanah dan data beban dapat diperoleh tekanan tanah yang terjdai. Melalui analisis geoteknik didapatkan nilai stabilitas dinding penahan tanah berupa nilai keamanan terhadap guling,geser dan daya dukung tanah hingga dimensi yang dipakai aman. Selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan struktur penulangan dinding penahan tanah dan diperoleh gambar rencana dari dinding penahan tanah. Dimensi dinding penahan tanah yang direncakan adalah sebesar 0,3 m untuk lebar mercu, panjang kaki 2,4 m, tebal kaki 0,5 m dengan tinggi dinding 5 m. Berdasarkan analisis stabilitas dinding yang dilakukan, disimpulkan dinding aman dari bahaya guling, geser, serta aman dalam perhitungan daya dukung tanah sehingga dinding mampu menjadi salah satu alternatif upaya pencegah bahaya longsor.
Analisis dan Perencanaan Sistem Drainase Di Jl. Raden Gunawan 2 Kecamatan Rajabasa Bandar Lampung Ismawan Dewan Syah; Nur Arifaini; Ofik Taupik Purwadi
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 6, No 3 (2018): Edisi September 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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The occurrence of floods at Raden Gunawan 2 street, Rajabasa district, Bandar Lampung was caused by the inability of existing drainage channels to accommodate direct run-off discharge and blockage of drainage channels by garbage.Hydrological analysis was performed by using the maximum rainfall data within the last 10 years, then, parameter calculation were performed to calculate the discharge plan using rational method. The wide-scale of watershed is 0.77308 km2 and the drainage coefficient is 0.5132. The hydraulic analysis was conducted to calculate the drainage channel discharge capacity using continuity formula and Manning formula, after that, suitable systems and dimensions were planned.Based on the results of the research, the suitable rain distribution is Log Pearson III Distribution which obtained rainfall value of plan for the 5-year rework time of 109,016 mm and the amount of the biggest discharge at joint segment between primary channel and Kemiling area is 2,8336 m3 / sec. Then, flood heights were found in the research area as high as 10-30 cm, because the existing dimensions were not able to accommodate the discharge plan. Thus, suitable channel dimensions are planned using U-Ditch shaped sections with U100 / 100, U150 / 150, U150 / 250 and U250 / 250 sizes. So, the discharge plan (Qr) is smaller than the discharge channel (Qs). Keywords: drainage, hydrology, hydraulics, distribution.
Analisis Struktur Bangunan Bawah Jembatan Kereta Api Way Pengubuan Aulia Vinandhitha; Setyanto Setyanto; Nur Arifaini
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 8, No 3 (2020): Edisi September 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Jembatan merupakan salah satu konstruksi yang berguna untuk melancarkan proses pengiriman batu bara yang diangkut oleh KA Babaranjang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merencanakan struktur bawah jembatan kereta api dan mengetahui tingkat keamanan berdasarkan beban dari aksi tetap, aksi lingkungan, beban lalu lintas, dan aksi lainnya.  Berdasarkan penelitian analisis struktur bawah didapatkan dimensi abutment dengan tinggi 7,67 m dan panjang 6 m. Dengan dimensi abutment tersebut diperoleh angka aman untuk kontrol stabilitas guling arah x sebesar 2,5825 dan arah y sebesar 28,9128, dengan batas aman stabilitas guling sebesar 2,5. Kontrol stabilitas geser arah x sebesar 1,1003 dan arah y sebesar 1,9991, dengan batas aman stabilitas geser sebesar 1,1. Dimensi pile cap digunakan tebal 1,5 m, lebar 8,8 m, dan panjang 6 m. Pondasi yang digunakan adalah pondasi tipe bored pile dengan diameter sebesar 1 m dan kedalaman sebesar 6 m. Jumlah pondasi yang dipakai 12 buah dengan susunan 3 x 4. Dan diperoleh daya dukung aksial maksimum sebesar 1979,497 kN serta daya dukung aksial izin sebesar 3072,403 kN. Kata Kunci : Struktur Bawah Jembatan, Abument, Pile Cap, Bored Pile
Body Cliff Safety Study Of Double Track Railway With Geostudio Slope/W Analysis Yance Y D Warikar; Nur Arifaini; Amril Ma'ruf Siregar
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 8, No 1 (2020): Edisi Maret 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Double track railway construction area railroad crossing many hills and rivers makes the railroad body located between the slopes of the hill. Around the area, disasters that often occur are landslides caused by increased pore water pressure on the slope resulting a decrease in the shear strength of the soil (c) and the deep shear angle (φ). Therefore in planning the handling of cliffs of railroad tracks it is necessary to analyze the stability of slopes or cliffs so as not to endanger the surrounding environment, especially in railroad transportation. The purpose of the research are: (1) To know the cross section of the safest slope by considering the slope angle, (2) To Find the value of the safe factor for shear and rolling on the slope by using software analysis, (3) To know type of slope safety in accordance with slope conditions. The location of this research was conducted in the Martapura-Giham area which is the location of the construction of double track railroad, Waykanan Regency, Lampung. The method used in the analysis of slope stability is Geostudio Slope/W Analysis by making 3 cross-section slope designs which are then analyzed further. The results of the analysis found that the slope conditions before handling obtained the number of safe factors with ordinary, bishop, and morgenstern methods, respectively 0.730; 0.911; and 0.950. While after handling with sheetpile construction, it was obtained the number of safe factors with ordinary, bishop, and morgenstern methods in a row that is 2,945; 3,633; and No Solution. It can be concluded that the slope condition after handling shows increase in the value of the safe factor by 500%. Keywords: Geostudio Slope/W Analysis, Double track railroad, Cliffs and slope stability.
Studi Long Storage Sebagai Upaya Mengatasi Kekeringan Di Daerah Cinta Manis Sumatera Selatan Fitri Trisdiana; Nur Arifaini; Ahmad Zakaria
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Edisi Maret 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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This study aims to conduct a long storage study as an effort to overcome drought in the Cinta Manis area, South Sumatra. The research data used is the maximum daily rainfall data from 2009 - 2018 which was obtained from the Palembang Climatological Rain Station. From the research results obtained hydrological analysis data and hydraulic analysis. For hydrological analysis, statistical parameter methods are used to determine the planned rainfall. The results of this method were analyzed in harmony with the Chi Square test and the Smirnov-Kolmogorov test and the distribution type used was the Log Pearson III distribution. To calculate the water holding capacity in long storage, the cumulative storage volume analysis is used to analyze the volume that is bounded by a certain contour, with a simple formula published by the Manual of Sediment Control Dam Construction of the Ministry of Public Works. Based on the research results, it can be seen that the potential for long storage storage obtained from rainwater is 95771.18 m³ and water storage capacity in long storage which is 137334.43 m³ is able to serve 40.87 ha. The water storage capacity in long storage is able to irrigate the sugarcane fields in Rayon 1B and as a storage place for water reserves so that there is no drought when the dry season arrives.Keywords: long storage, rain, analysis
Analysis And Planning of Bored Pile Foundation In Double Train Bridge Way Changes In Central Lampung Regency Adit Pratama Hendri; Nur Arifaini; Idharmahadi Adha
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 7, No 4 (2019): Edisi Desember 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Indonesia has considerable coal reserves, but only a few or even very few can be exploited. The potential of coal owned by South Sumatra Province is known to reach around 85% of the total reserves contained in Sumatra, or around 22.24 billion tons. This means that even though mining is maximized to 50 million tons per year, coal will not be mined for 200 years. To maximize the potential of available coal, modes are needed from the train, but for now there is only one mode used to extract coal from it to transport coal from Tarahan - Tanjung Enim or vice versa. So to maximize the coal's potential, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Railways plans to build a double track railway line between Tarahan - Tanjung Enim, one of the roads going through the river is needed a bridge to facilitate the train journey to transport the coal. The railroad bridge that was built was located in KM132 in the burial way of Central Lampung Province. In this bridge construction, the carrying capacity of the foundation needs to be analyzed so that it can withstand the burden of the upper structure and the train.From the results of the study showed that the analysis of the carrying capacity of the permit pile of 1700 kN was greater than the maximum carrying capacity that burdened the pile of 1508.93 kN so that it could be concluded that the structure under the bridge was able to withstand the load from the upper structure. Keywords: analysis, coal, bridge, carrying capacity.
Studi Kolam Retensi sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Banjir Sungai Way Simpur Kelurahan Palapa Kecamatan Tanjung Karang Pusat Florince Florince; Nur Arifaini; Idharmahadi Adha
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 3, No 3 (2015): Edisi September 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Flood is one of the natural phenomena that cause huge losses. Population growth led to the needor increased settlements and land use changes. Rain water infiltration is reduced not only causingfloods but also droughts. Therefore, it is necessary to do environmental insightful flood control,such as retention pond. This research aims to plan and analyze the effect of making retention pondfor flood control.This research was conducted in Duana Street, Palapa Urban Village, Tanjung Karang PusatDistrict which is flowed by Way Simpur River. In this research, the hydrological analysis made ofrainfall data PH 001 Pahoman Station from 1995 to 2009. After having planned rain discharge,hydraulics analysis was executed to analyze the discharge capacity of the existing and planvolume of the storage pond. Calculations of infiltration rate were performed to calculate theabsorbed discharge. Furthermore, storage pond design plan and budget plan were made.In the analysis made, the value of planned rain discharge for 5 years return period is 5.0617m 3 /sec. Total capacity of the storage pond is 12,074.1058 m 3 . The time needed by pool fromvacant until full is 29.0202 minutes. Budget plan required in making this retention pond is Rp1,838,436,742.69. Based on the analysis performed, it was concluded that the retention pond iseffective enough to be used as one of the alternative flood control measures in urban areas.Keywords : flood, retention pond, flood control.
Validasi Metode untuk Mencari Data Curah Hujan dengan Menggunakan Metode Rata-Rata Aljabar, Normal Ratio, Inversed Square Distance dan Modified Inversed Square Distance Irvan Tegar Cesar; Ahmad Zakaria; Riki Chandra Wijaya; Nur Arifaini
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 9, No 4 (2021): Edisi Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menghitung korelasi data curah hujan terukur dengan data curah hujan hasil perhitungan dengan masing-masing metode menggunakan lima stasiun. Dari hasil penilitian menggunakan metode Rata-Rata Aljabar, metode Normal Ratio, metode Inversed Square Distance dan metode Modifikasi dengan data hujan harian satu tahun, data hujan kumulatif bulanan, maupun data hujan rata-rata bulanan, dapat diambil kesimpulan semakin banyak jumlah stasiun maka semakin baik nilai korelasinya. Nilai korelasi dengan data hujan kumulatif bulanan serta data hujan rata-rata bulanan menggunakan beberapa jumlah stasiun yang berbeda setiap masing - masing metode tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dengan nilai rata-rata korelasi persentase perbedaannya 0.30 sampai dengan 0,40.