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Design Planning of Small DAM Conservation at Simple Rental Flats University of Lampung Novitasari Novitasari; Ofik Taupik Purwadi; Subuh Tugiono
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 7, No 2 (2019): Edisi Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Rain Water Harvesting is a method of water conservation by flowing rainwater into a single point of basin on the surface of the earth.  This method can be applied to areas that have a supporting topography including the educational environment.  The Lampung University area has several points of basin to hold rainwater, one of them is a water basins in the area of Simple Flats for University of Lampung can be used to do water conservation through the construction of small dam.The methods are used to redesign this small dam conservation are hydrological , small dam conservation construction planning , analysis stability of  planned constructions and the last method is estimating building construction cost.  Small dam conservation planned height of 4 m, with a base elevation at +107,00 m the dam crest elevation +110,00 m, dam crest width 2 m, the slope of 1:1,5.  The inflow debit of 0,987 m³/sec and the outflow debit of 0,586 m³/sec with cycle period 5 years. Spillway which used is free overflow type and basin specific energy building Vlugter type.  Stability small dam conservation at simple rental flats University of Lampung construction stated as safe. Reservoir volume after planned to be 29.160,750 m3, increasing from the previous volume 3.309,741 m3.  Cost estimated of design planning of conservation small dam is Rp. 7.323.901.000,00. Keywords: Small dam, Conservation, University of Lampung.
Analisis dan Perencanaan Sistem Drainase Di Jl. Raden Gunawan 2 Kecamatan Rajabasa Bandar Lampung Ismawan Dewan Syah; Nur Arifaini; Ofik Taupik Purwadi
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 6, No 3 (2018): Edisi September 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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The occurrence of floods at Raden Gunawan 2 street, Rajabasa district, Bandar Lampung was caused by the inability of existing drainage channels to accommodate direct run-off discharge and blockage of drainage channels by garbage.Hydrological analysis was performed by using the maximum rainfall data within the last 10 years, then, parameter calculation were performed to calculate the discharge plan using rational method. The wide-scale of watershed is 0.77308 km2 and the drainage coefficient is 0.5132. The hydraulic analysis was conducted to calculate the drainage channel discharge capacity using continuity formula and Manning formula, after that, suitable systems and dimensions were planned.Based on the results of the research, the suitable rain distribution is Log Pearson III Distribution which obtained rainfall value of plan for the 5-year rework time of 109,016 mm and the amount of the biggest discharge at joint segment between primary channel and Kemiling area is 2,8336 m3 / sec. Then, flood heights were found in the research area as high as 10-30 cm, because the existing dimensions were not able to accommodate the discharge plan. Thus, suitable channel dimensions are planned using U-Ditch shaped sections with U100 / 100, U150 / 150, U150 / 250 and U250 / 250 sizes. So, the discharge plan (Qr) is smaller than the discharge channel (Qs). Keywords: drainage, hydrology, hydraulics, distribution.
Analisis Sistem Kinerja Drainase Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di Lingkungan Universitas Lampung Aulia Fikri; Ofik Taupik Purwadi; Geleng Perangin Angin
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 6, No 4 (2018): Edisi Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Urban drainage systemare important. Drainage problems can cause puddle and flood. Therefore, it is needed an analysis and information about drainage system’s performance in Lampung University’s environment. The information of this data is in the form of digital based system that is Geographic Information System.Research is done at the environment of Lampung University, Bandar Lampung. The purpose of study is to know the drainage problem, drainage performance, handling concept, and database that is visualized based on GIS. So, it is expected to be useful and facilitate the policy holder and society to access the information.Based on research, formed a database GIS that is a result of spatial, hydrology, and hydraulics analysis is watersheds analysis, flood debt data, condition data, function, type, geometric and waterworks, puddle data and capacity of drainage. From those analysis obtained the drainage performance system that needed to have a physical and flow network connectivity repair. Also, the implementation of environmentally drainage concept with optimization the function of retention pond a way to manage water conservation is connected with drainage system. There are 4 pond and retention pond as handling plan. Keywords: Drainage, Watersheds Analysis, GIS, SIG, Geographics Information System.
Perbandingan Hitungan Debit Banjir Menggunakan Data Curah Hujan Pada Stasiun Penakar Hujan Polinela Dengan Stasiun Penakar Hujan Bandar Lampung OFIK TAUPIK PURWADI; LUSMEILIA AFRIANI; IRZA SUKMANA
Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Prosiding SNIP Vol.3 No.2 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

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Sistem hidrolgi dalam ekosistem DAS mempunyai karakteristik spesifik dengan unsur utama seperti jenis tanah, jenis penutupan lahan, kemiringan, topografi, dan panjang lereng yang dapat mempengaruhi evapotranspirasi, infiltrasi, limpasan, debit, dan aliran sungai. Jika intensitas curah hujan melebihi laju infiltrasi, maka kelebihan air mulai berakumulasi sebagai cadangan permukaan. Bila kapasitas cadangan permukaan dilampaui, maka limpasan permukaan mulai sebagai suatu aliran lapisan yang tipis. Lama waktu hujan, intensitas, dan penyebaran hujan mempengaruhi laju volume limpasan permukaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan nilai hujan rata-rata maksimum, menghitung debit banjir rencana, dan membandingkan data hujan antar stasiun hujan. Nilai hujan rata-rata maksimum pada stasiun Polinela dari tahun 2007-2016 sebesar 94,66 mm sedangkan pada stasiun Bandar lampung dari tahun 1995-2014 sebesar 29,83 mm, dari hasil pengolahan data pada stasiun curah hujan polinela tahun 2013 didapatkan nilai R maksimum 107,2 mm, sedangkan pada stasiun Bandar lampung nilai R max lebih besar yaitu 177,41 mm pada tahun 2006, setelah mendapatkan Rmax maka dapat dihasilkan nilai debit banjir rencana pada stasiun polinela sebesar 0,1840 sedangkan pada stasiun hujan Bandar lampung sebesar 141,8 .
Perbandingan Hitungan Debit Banjir Menggunakan Data Curah Hujan Pada Stasiun Penakar Hujan Polinela Dengan Stasiun Penakar Hujan Bandar Lampung Ofik Taupik Purwadi; Lusmeilia Afriani; Irza Sukmana
Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Prosiding SNIP Vol.3 No.2 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/snip.v3i2.518


Sistem hidrologi dalam ekosistem DAS mempunyai karakteristik spesifik dengan unsur utama seperti jenis tanah, jenis penutupan lahan, kemiringan, topografi, dan panjang lereng yang dapat mempengaruhi evapotranspirasi, infiltrasi, limpasan, debit, dan aliran sungai. Jika intensitas curah hujan melebihi laju infiltrasi, maka kelebihan air mulai berakumulasi sebagai cadangan permukaan. Bila kapasitas cadangan permukaan dilampaui, maka limpasan permukaan mulai sebagai suatu aliran lapisan yang tipis. Lama waktu hujan, intensitas, dan penyebaran hujan mempengaruhi laju volume limpasan permukaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan nilai hujan rata-rata maksimum, menghitung debit banjir rencana, dan membandingkan data hujan antar stasiun hujan. Nilai hujan rata-rata maksimum pada stasiun Polinela dari tahun 2007-2016 sebesar 94,66 mm sedangkan pada stasiun Bandar lampung dari tahun 1995-2014 sebesar 29,83 mm, dari hasil pengolahan data pada stasiun curah hujan polinela tahun 2013 didapatkan nilai R maksimum 107,2 mm, sedangkan pada stasiun Bandar lampung nilai R max lebih besar yaitu 177,41 mm pada tahun 2006, setelah mendapatkan Rmax maka dapat dihasilkan nilai debit banjir rencana pada stasiun polinela sebesar 0,1840 sedangkan pada stasiun hujan Bandar lampung sebesar 141,8 .