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Ultrafiltration Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in mung Beans Broth by Mixed LAB Culture Aspiyanto, Aspiyanto; Susilowati, Agustine
Biopropal Industri Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Pontianak

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Increasing Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) concentration in fermented broth of mung beans by mixed culture of Lactobacillus sp. and Streptococcus thermophillus through ultrafiltration (UF) (20,000 MWCO) at flow rate of ~8.87 L/min, room temperature and pressure 5 and 7 bars for 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes was performed. The results showed that pressure and time affected on UF performance, total solids, total protein and total number of LAB. Optimal time at pressure 5 bar was reached 60 minutes with flux 11.94 L/m2.hour, total solids 13.9423%, total protein 8.95%, total LAB 6.18 log CFU/mL, Robs of total solids 3.45%, total protein  58.67%, LAB 100% and DC 1.38 folds. The best time at 7 bar was reached 30 minutes with flux 16.16 L/m2.hour, total solids 12.2879%, total protein 4.41%, total LAB 6.04 Log CFU/mL, Robs of total solids 11.98%, total protein 45.76%, LAB 99.5 and DC 1.16 folds.
SEPARATION OF FERMENTED INULIN FIBER BY Lactobacillus acidophillus USING Aspergillus clavatus-CBS5 THROUGH MICROFILTRATION MEMBRANE - (PEMISAHAN SERAT INULIN TERFERMENTASI OLEH L. acidophillus MENGGUNAKAN A.. clavatus-CBS5 MELALUI MIKROFILTRASI MEMBRAN) Aspiyanto, Aspiyanto; Susilowati, Agustine; Maryati, Yati; Melanie, Hakiki
Biopropal Industri Vol 8, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Pontianak

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The condition of Stirred Filtration Cell (SFC) was used as reference to a large-scale process conditions (modules) on the separation offermented inulin fibers by Lactobacillus acidophillus. Inulin hydrolyzate as biomass was produced  from inulinase hydrolysis stage by inulinase enzyme from Aspergillus clavatus-CBS5. Separation of inulinfiber aims to obtain inulin fiber through a microfiltration (MF) membrane 0.45 μm at room temperature, 400 rpm stirrer cycle and 40 psia for 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. The results showed that best separation time was 120 minutes based on optimal CBC (cholesterol binding capacity) which fermented inulin fiber concentrate was produced with a total sugar concentration of 105.21 mg/mL, total solids 2.11%, total fiber 23.36%, total acid 6.66% (dry weight), 4.05 mg of dissolved protein/mL and CBC 13.781 mg/g. MF membrane increased the CBC by 23.4% compared to no separation process.Keywords: cholesterol binding capacity, inulin fiber, microfiltration membrane, permeate, retentateABSTRAKKondisi Sel Filtrasi Berpengaduk (SFB) digunakan sebagai acuan menuju kondisi proses skala besar (modul) terhadap pemisahan serat inulin terfermentasi oleh Lactobacillus acidophillus. Hidrolisat inulin yang digunakan sebagai biomassa dihasilkan dari tahapan hidrolisa inulin oleh enzim inulinase dari kapang Aspergillus clavatus-CBS5. Pemisahan serat inulin bertujuan untuk mendapatkan serat inulin melalui membran mikrofiltrasi (MF) 0,45 µm pada temperatur ruang, kecepatan putaran pengaduk 400 rpm dan tekanan 40 psia selama 0, 30, 60, 90 dan 120 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu pemisahan yang lama dapat menahan dan meningkatkan padatan total, serat total, asam total, protein terlarut dan kemampuan pengikat kolesterol (KPK) tetapi menurunkan gula total dalam retentat. Membran mikrofiltrasi melewatkan dan menurunkan gula total, protein terlarut dan KPK tetapi meningkatkan padatan total, serat total, asam total dalam permeat. Berdasarkan KPK optimal, waktu pemisahan terbaik dicapai setelah 120 menit. Pada kondisi ini dihasilkan konsentrat serat inulin terfermentasi dengan konsentrasi gula total 105,21 mg/mL, padatan total 2,11%, serat total 23,36%, asam total 6,66% (berat kering), protein terlarut 4,05 mg/mL dan KPK 13,781 mg/g. Membran MF mampu meningkatkan KPK 23,4% dibandingkan tanpa  menggunakan proses pemisahan.Kata kunci:          kemampuan pengikat kolesterol, membran mikrofiltrasi, permeat, retentat, serat inulin
Pemisahan Eksopolisakarida (Eps) Sebagai Metabolit Bakteri Usus untuk Aditif Makanan dalam Biomassa Pati Sagu {Metroxylon sp.) dan Glukosa melalui Sistem Mikrofiltrasi Sel Berpengaduk (Separation of Exopolysaccharides (Eps) As Colon Bacteria Metabolismfor FoodAdditive in Sago Starch Biomass (Metroxylon sp.) and Glucose through Membrane Cell Microfiltration System) Susilowati, Agustine; Aspiyanto, Aspiyanto; Dinoto, Achmad; Lotulunga, Puspa D.
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 21, No 4 (2012): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1224.818 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v21i4.203


Kultur bakteri usus Lactobacillus sp. FU-0811 dan Enterobacter sp. FU-0813 yang ditumbuhkan pada medium berupa biomassa pati sagu (Metroxylon sp.) menghasilkan eksopolisakarida (EPS) yang berpotensi sebagai aditif makanan (pengental, pengemulsi, penstabil, pembawa). Penggunaan pati sagu merupakan alternatif biomassa selain glukosa. Melalui pemisahan dengan sistem membran mikrofiltrasi (MF) 0,15 pm berpengaduk diharapkan EPS dan metabolit lainnya diperoleh dengan konsentrasi lebih optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemisahan EPS hasil pertumbuhan bakteri usus Lactobacillus sp. FU-0811 dan Enterobacter sp. FU-0813 masing-masing dalam media biomassa pati sagu dan sebagai pembanding digunakan biomassa glukosa pada kondisi proses pemurnian tetap (kecepatan putar sel pengaduk 400 rpm, suhu ruang dan tekanan proses 40 psia) terhadap metabolit dengan komposisi terbaiksebagai bahan food aditif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwajenis biomassa, jenis mikroba dan sistem membran MF berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pemisahan metabolit. Retentat atau konsentrat hasil pemisahan memiliki komposisi dan jumlah mikroba lebih baik daripada permeat atau ekstrak untuk kedua jenis bahan tersebut. Proses membran MF terhadap biomassa glukosa dengan Lactobacillus sp. FU-0811 dan Enterobacter sp. FU-0813 masing-masing mampu menahan EPS sebagai gula reduksi dalam retentat atau konsentrat berturut-turut 73,73 persen dan 47,33 persen, serta pada biomassa pati sagu berturut-turut 95,5 persen dan 83,435 persen apabila dibandingkan dengan total gula reduksi dalam permeat dan retentat atau konsentrat pada masing-masing biomassa. Hasil idensifikasi metabolit melalui LC-MS memperlihatkan bahwa intensitas senyawa monosakarida dalam retentat atau konsentrat lebih tinggi daripada yang terdapat di dalam permeat.Colon bacteria culture of Lactobacillus sp. FU-0811 and Enterobacter sp. FU-0813 grown on biomass ofsago (Metroxylon sp.) produced exopolysaccharides (EPS) that have an important potential useas food additive (thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer and carrier). The useofsago starch isan alternative biomass beside glucose. By applying the stirred microfiltration membrane (0.15 pm ofpore size) cell, the biomass was separated to get EPS and other metabolites with more optimal concentration. The goal of this experiment was to find out separation effect ofEPS as a result of the growth ofcolon bacteria of Lactobacillus sp. FU-0811 and Enterobacter sp. FU-0813 in the biomass ofsagostarch. Asa comparison, glucose was used on fixed condition ofpurification process (rotation speed ofstirrer cell of400 rpm, room temperature and pressure of 40 psia) and the best composition of metabolite as food additive agent. The result showed that the type biomass, microbe, and MF membrane system influenced on the level of metabolite separation. The retentate or the concentrate of separation had better composition and microbial count than that of the permeate orextract for both biomasses. The process of MF membrane on glucose biomass with Lactobacillus sp. FU-0811 and Enterobacter sp. FU-0813 were subsequently able toretain EPSas reducing sugar in the retentate orconcentrate by 73.73 percent and 47.33percent, and the biomass ofsago starch by95.5percent and 83.435 percent when compared to total ofreducing sugar in permeate and retentate or concentrate for each biomass. The result ofmetabolite identification through LC-MS instrument displayed that greater intensity of monosaccharide compound was found in the retentate or concentrate than that of in the permeate. 
Pusat Penelitian Kimia LIPI, Kawasan Puspiptek, Serpong Susilowati, Agustine; M. Iskandar, Yetti; Aspiyanto, Aspiyanto; Maryati, Yaty
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 20, No 4 (2011): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.448 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v20i4.182


Rhizopus C1 adalah kultur dari Rhizopus oligosporus yang diisolasi dari usar tempe Malang dan biasa digunakan sebagai inokulum tempe. Potensinya sebagai sumber enzim protease dapat dimanfaatkan dalam menghidrolisis protein sorgum (Sorgum bicolor L Moench) untuk memperoleh serat pangan (Dietary Fiber) yang berperan sebagai anti kolesterol dan anti konstipasi. Perlu diketahui bahwa serat pangan tidak termasuk protein, sehingga hidrolisis protein diharapkan dapat membentuk asam-asam amino dengan berat molekul rendah dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap Total Serat (TDF/Total Dietary Fiber). Hidrolisis dilakukan pada suhu 60°C, pH 5,5 dengan variasi waktu hidrolisis yaitu 30 menit (W 30’) dan 60 menit (W 60’) dan variasi konsentrasi Rhizopus C1 dalam substrat sorgum mulai dari nol (kontrol) sampai 0,8 persen (b/b protein) pada liquisat yaitu hasil hidrolisis sorgum dengan a-Amylase. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa hidrolisis dengan konsentrasi Rhizopus C1 dan waktu proses hidrolisis yang berbeda berpengaruh terhadap aktifitas proteolitik dan amylolitik Rhizopus C1, total padatan, N-Amino, TDF, protein terlarut dan gula pereduksi hidrolisat. Kondisi optimum hidrolisis berdasarkan TDF tertinggi diperoleh pada konsentrasi Rhizopus C1 0,6 persen (b/b) selama 30 menit (W 30’) dengan peningkatan TDF sebesar 63,021 persen dibandingkan kontrol tanpa penambahan Rhizopus C1 (0 persen).Rhizopus C1 is a culture of the Rhizopus ologosporus isolated from Malang tempe usar and used in fermentation of tempe. Its potential as the source of protease enzyme can be used to hydrolyze sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) protein in order to get Dietary Fiber (DF) as the functional food for anti cholesterol and anti constipation.DF does not include protein, so that hydrolysis of protein can be expected to degrade and convert amina groups into amino acids with low molecular weight (MW). Therefore it does not affect the Total Dietary Fiber (TDF). Hydrolysis process was carried out at the concentration of Rhizopus C1 in sorghum substrate varied from zero (control) to 0.8 percent (w/w) onto the liquifisate (sorghum hydrolysate with a-Amylase), with pH of 4.5 and 5.5 and temperature of 60°C for the duration of 30 and 60 minutes.The result demonstrated that the variation of process conditions (Rhizopus C1 concentration and time) affected the proteolytic and amylolytic activities of Rhizopus C1, total solids and reduction of dissolved protein, and the increase of TDF of liquifisate. Based on the highest TDF yield, the optimal condition of protease hydrolysis was reached at Rhizopus C1 concentration 0.6 percent (w/w) for 30 minutes. 
PENGARUH WAKTU FERMENTASI TERHADAP AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN DAN KADAR BETASIANIN MINUMAN FUNGSIONAL DARI BUAH NAGA (Hylocereus polyrhizus) DAN UMBI BIT (Beta vulgaris) Maryati, Yati; Susilowati, Agustine; Artanti, Nina; Lotulung, Puspa Dewi Narij; Aspiyanto, Aspiyanto
Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Balai Bioteknologi, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (716.82 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jbbi.v7i1.3732


Effect of Fermentation on Antioxidant Activities and Betacyanin Content of Functional Beverages from Dragon Fruit and BeetrootKombucha is a traditional beverage prepared by fermenting polyphenol-rich tea using a consortium of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). Dragon fruit and beetroot contain a significantly high amount of polyphenols and betacyanin as antioxidants which are beneficial in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and the body's natural degeneration related to the early-aging process. This study aims to determine changes in antioxidant activity and levels of betacyanin from fermented dragon fruit and beetroot as functional drinks during different fermentation times. The results showed that there was a correlation between fermentation time and antioxidant activity in its ability to counteract free radicals, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), and the levels of betacyanin produced. Longer fermentation time caused an increase in free radical inhibition and reduction of iron ions but reduced the levels of betacyanin. The optimum value of free radical inhibitory activity (DPPH) was obtained in the 12-day fermented dragon fruit drink with an inhibitory value of 80.76%, ability to reduce iron ions by 197.94 µg ascorbic acid mL-1, and betacyanin level of 0.055 mg L-1Keywords: antioxidants, dragon fruit, betacyanin, beetroot, functional beverages ABSTRAKKombucha merupakan minuman tradisional hasil olahan fermentasi teh yang kaya polifenol dengan konsorsium bakteri dan yeast (SCOBY). Buah naga dan umbi bit memiliki polifenol dan senyawa betasianin yang cukup tinggi sebagai antioksidan yang bermanfaat dalam menurunkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular, penyakit kanker dan degenerasi alami tubuh terkait proses penuaan dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan aktivitas antioksidan dan kadar betasianin dari fermentasi buah naga maupun umbi bit sebagai minuman fungsional selama waktu fermentasi yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya korelasi antara waktu fermentasi terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dalam kemampuannya menangkal radikal bebas, kemampuan mereduksi ion besi (FRAP), dan kadar betasianin yang dihasilkan. Semakin lama waktu fermentasi menyebabkan peningkatan penghambatan radikal bebas dan reduksi ion besi, namun menurunkan kadar betasianin. Nilai aktivitas penghambatan radikal bebas (DPPH) optimum diperoleh dari minuman fermentasi buah naga selama waktu fermentasi 12 hari dengan nilai penghambatan sebesar 80,76%, kemampuannya dalam mereduksi ion besi sebesar 197,94 µg asam askorbat mL–1, dan kadar betasianin sebesar 0,055 mg L–1
Effect of Diafiltration on Preparation of Fermented Mung Beans Concentrate as Probiotic Savory Flavor Through Ultrafiltration Membrane Aspiyanto, Aspiyanto; Susilowati, Agustine
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 14, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Diafiltration by means of the ultrafiltration system of probiotic fermented Mung beans (Phaseolus radiatus L.) concentrate has been performed to reduce or eliminate salts and smaller impurities than the nominal cut-off of the membrane of 20,000 nominal weight cut-off (NWCO). These processes have been conducted as an attempt in order to get a probiotic product with organoleptic acceptability, composition, and the optimal total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) counts because the presence of salts will affect on the viability of LAB and the cell lysis of LAB and limit its utility in food products. Concentrate of probiotic mung beans was prepared through fermentation of LAB using inoculum of LAB consisting of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophylus (1 : 1) on fermented mung beans extract inoculated by inoculum of Rhizopus–C1 in rice substrates at salt condition. Ultrafiltration and diafiltration modes have been carried out at flow rate of 8.77 Liter/minute, room temperature and the pressure of 5 bar (0 to 79.7 minutes) and 7 bar (0-154.5 minutes) with the ratio of the volume of pure water to the volume of initial feed (number of diavolume, Nd) of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25, respectively. The experiment results based on total LAB counts as a probiotic product show that a high Nd can reduce the salt content but increase the total LAB counts. Nd of 1.0 results reduce the salt content which is equal to retentate, permeate, and the optimal total LAB counts. Ultrafiltration and diafiltration modes at the pressure of 7 bar and Nd of 1.0 give a retentate with total solid of 6.1355%, salt of 1.3515% and remove 86.15% of the salt from probiotic fermented mung beans concentrate and total LAB counts of 10.73 log cycles. Meanwhile, the permeate obtained at this condition results in flux value of 10.83 Liter/m2.hour with contents of total solid of 6.8199%, salt of 1.325% and total LAB counts of 5.49 log cycles.