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Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis (JITRO)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari pemberian kunyit (3%), bawang putih (5%) dan mineral zink (180 ppm) terhadap kadar kolesterol darah broiler.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pakan Terpadu Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Hasanuddin dengan menggunakan DOC sebanyak 100 ekor broiler dari Strain Arbor Acres 707, dibagi ke dalam 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan yang setiap perlakuan terdiri atas 5 ekor. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis statistik dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dan diuji lanjut dengan uji ortogonal kontras. Ransum perlakuan R0 (ransum jadi atau kontrol), R1 (ransum jadi + serbuk bawang putih 5% + serbuk kunyit  3%, R2 (ransum jadi + serbuk bawang putih 5% + ZnO 180 ppm), R3 (ransum jadi + serbuk kunyit 3% + ZnO 180 ppm), R4 (ransum jadi + serbuk bawang putih 5% + serbuk kunyit 3% + ZnO 180 ppm). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian serbuk bawang putih, kunyit dan mineral zink dalam pakan menurunkan terhadap parameter kadar kolesterol darah. Kombinasi serbuk bawang putih (5%) dan ZnO (180 ppm) pada perlakuan R2 efektif menurunkan kadar kolesterol total, LDL, trigliserida dan meningkatkan kadar HDL dalam darah. Kata kunci : Kunyit, Bawang putih, Zink, Kolesterol darah.
Garak Jo Garik : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni Vol 12, No 2 (2016): Garak Jo Garik
Publisher : Garak Jo Garik : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni

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Koreografer perempuan  Minangkabau dari satu sisi mendapat julukan yang tinggi sehubungan dengan kiprahnya dalam beraktivitas  disertai popularitas yang diraihnya. Namun di sisi lain sebagai  penggagas seni koreografer perempuan dihadapkan pada persoalan terkait dengan nilai, norma yang telah diatur dalam adat istiadat yang semestinya  dijunjung tinggi sesuai dengan  fitranya sebagai seorang peremuan Minangkabau. Aturan norma yang telah ditetapkan dalam adat istiadat yang diperuntukkan pada perempuan termuat dalam kandungan  nilai sumbang duo baleh. Namun seakan-akan nilai-nilai tersebut  luntur dan para koreograer perempuan tidak berdaya untuk mengakomodasikan nilai-nilai tersebut ke dalam karya tari yang diciptakan. Akhirnya perkembangan tari dengan berbagai macam pijakan dan konsep yang digunakan  tidak mampu mempertahankan dan menunjujukkan identitas sebagaimana halnya perempuan ideal Minangkabau dalam aktivitas tari yang disajikan. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan karakter tari yang diperuntukkan pada perempuan tidak jelas, abu-abu seakan-akan kehilangan identitas sehinga kelogisan, kesantunan dan etika dalam penampilan  tari yang disajikan bukan menjadi prioritas perhatian utama, sehingga pada kalangan  tertentu memunculkan banyak persoalan di lingkungan masyarakat. Dengan kreativitas yang tinggi seseorang dapat melakukan pembaharuan baik yang disalurkan melalui karya maupun dalam menghadapi persoalan yang dialami dalam kehidupan. Akan tetapi, jika tidak berhati-hati dan kurang cermat, justru dengan daya kreativitas yang tinggi dapat membuat seseorang tergelincir, sehingga menimbulkn masalah baru Minangkabau female choreographer gets a high nickname from one side in connection with her work and move along with the popularity she achieved. But on the other hand as the initiator of art, female choreographers are faced with an issues related to values, norms that have been set by customs that should be upheld in accordance with its essence as a Minangkabau woman. The rule of norms which have been set by the customs that are destined for women are contained in Sumbang Duo Baleh. But as if the values were faded and the female choreographers were powerless to accommodate those values into dances. Even though the dance development using variety of footholds and concepts, it were not able to maintain and showing the identity as Minangkabau ideal woman in the presented dance activities. It can be said that the dances character that is devoted to women is unclear, its gray as if it losing identity and logic, politeness and ethics in the presented dance performance it is not a priority and main concern, so that in certain circles it raises many problems in the community. With higher creativity a person can make a renewal both channeled through the work and facing the problems that experienced in life. However if a person lacks of cautious, with a higher creativity it can make someone slip and causing new problems. 
Humanus Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Humaniora FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.346 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jh.v15i1.6412


DEVELOPING LOCAL WISDOM VALUES THROUGH THE DANCE WORKS OF FEMALE CHOREOGRAPHERS IN WEST SUMATERA: A GENDER STUDIES Minagkabau in the social order, the personality of a woman governed by a norm that is contained in the content of the values of sumbang duo baleh (the twelfe of improper behaviors). As a female choreographer, the values of sumbang duo baleh are not only seen in the attitude of her personality, but also in the content her dance work as a reflection of her personality. However, all the twelfe values cannot considered altogether in a dance. If all the content of those values are fully referenced in the dance work, choreographers feels such rules would hamper creativity, especially in the embodiment of motion to the media staple in dance. The values of twelfe improperly behaviors can be implemented into the dance are walk improperly, sit improperly, stand improperly, look improperly, improper clothing, and improper behaviors. On the other hand, the involvement of women in artistic activity, driven by the demands of the economy. For that reason, women no longer have to rely on the man as the leader of the household, or be the responsibility of the system as in the economy in the longhouse, yet can already be anticipated through achievement in art. It likewise trigger the choreographer seeks to meet the needs of consumers, even vying to create markets that are commercial.Key words: The twelfe lacks, choreographer, dance AbstrakDalam tatanan sosial masyarakat Minagkabau, kepribadian seorang perempuan diatur oleh suatu norma yang tertuang dalam kandungan nilai-nilai sumbang duo baleh. Sebagai seorang koreografer perempuan, kandungan sumbang duo baleh tidak hanya terlihat dalam sikap kepribadiannya, namun kandungan nilai-nilai itu juga dapat terlihat dalam karya tari sebagai cerminan  kepribadiannya. Kandungan nilai sumbang duo baleh tidak semuanya dapat dituangkan dalam karya tari. Jika semua kandungan nilai-nilai tersebut secara utuh dijadikan acuan dalam berkarya tari, koreografer merasakan aturan-aturan tersebut akan menghambat kreativitas, terutama dalam perwujudan gerak yang menjadi media pokok dalam tari. Adapun kandungan nilai sumbang duo baleh dengan lugas dapat diimplementasikan  ke dalam tari adalah sumbang jalan, sumbang duduak, sumbang tagak, sumbang penglihatan, sumbang pakaian, dan sumbang kurenah. Di sisi lain, keterlibatan perempuan dalam aktivitas kesenian, didorong oleh tuntutan perekonomian. Untuk itu, perempuan tidak lagi harus menggantungkan perekonomian sepenuhnya kepada laki-laki sebagai pemimpin rumah tangga, atau menjadi tanggung jawab kaum sebagaimana dalam sistem perekonomian di rumah gadang, namum sudah dapat diantisipasi melalui prestasi dalam berkesenian. Hal demikian pula memicu para koreografer berupaya memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, bahkan berlomba-lomba untuk menciptakan pasar yang sifatnya komersil.Kata Kunci: Sumbang duo baleh, koreografer, tari
Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 6, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan

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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripisikan dan menganalisis manajemen peserta didik di MTs Arrisalah Ponorogo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan penelitian studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data meliputi kondensasi, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Uji keabsahan data yang dilakukan meliputi uji kredibilitas meliputi triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik, waktu dan membercheck; transferabilitas penyajian hasil penelitian dilakukan secara rinci, jelas, sistematis, dan dapat dipercaya; dependabilitas meliputi audit oleh dosen pembimbing; serta uji konfirmabilitas meliputi pengujian hasil penelitian dengan proses secara berulang-ulang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen peserta didik di MTs Arrisalah Ponorogo meliputi: 1) Analisis kebutuhan peserta didik baru, yaitu perencanaan jumlah peserta didik dengan target 200 peserta didik dan penyusunan program dilaksanakan secara musyawarah oleh majelis: 2) Pengorganisasian peserta didik baru yaitu sebagai pelindung, penasehat, pembimbing, ketua panitia, sekretaris, bendahara dan anggota penerimaan peserta didik baru; 3) Proses rekruitmen peserta didik baru, yaitu pembentukan panitia, rapat, pembuatan/pemasangan pengumuman peserta didik, pendaftaran peserta didik, seleksi peserta didik, rapat penentuan pengelompokan kelas, pengumuman pengelompokan kelas dan pendaftaran ulang; 4) Pembinaan peserta didik meliputi: (1) kegiatan kurikuler dilakukan selama 24 jam di pondok, dan (2) kegiatan ekstrakurikuler wajib dan non-wajib; 5) Evaluasi peserta didik tidak lakukan oleh pondok baik remidi maupun pengayaan. Kata Kunci : manajemen peserta didik, peserta didik, pondok pesantren Abstract This study aims to describe and analyze the management of students at MTs Arrisalah Ponorogo. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study research design. Data collection techniques are carried out by interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include condensation, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. Data validity tests conducted include credibility tests including source triangulation, technical triangulation, time and member check; transferability of the presentation of research results is carried out in a detailed, clear, systematic and trustworthy manner; dependability includes an audit by a supervisor; and the confirmability test includes testing the results of the research repeatedly. The results showed that the management of students at the Ponorogo Arrisalah MTs included: 1) Analysis of the needs of new students, in the form of planning the number of students with a target of 200 students and the preparation of the program carried out by deliberation by the assembly: 2) Organizing new students as protectors, advisor, mentor, committee chairman, secretary, treasurer and new student admission members; 3) The recruitment process of new students, namely the formation of committees, meetings, creation / installation of student announcements, student registration, selection of students, meetings for determining class groupings, announcements of class groupings and re-registration; 4) The guidance of students includes: (1) curricular activities are carried out for 24 hours in the cottage, and (2) compulsory and non-compulsory extracurricular activities; 5) Evaluation of students not done by the cottage either remedial or enrichment. Keyword : manajemen of students, students, islamic boarding school
The Essence of Siganjua Lalai Values in Dance Movements of Minangkabau Women Astuti, Fuji
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education Vol 19, No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Department of Drama, Dance and Music, FBS, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v19i1.23622


Customary and cultural values are an important part which may be found not only in daily routines, but also reflected in all actions, particularly in art. Women’s smooth characteristic in Minangkabau tradition is called siganjua lalai. This research needs to be conducted since some choreographers make princess dance using masculine movements. This research aims at studying and finding the basic concept of women’s dance movements according to the concept of siganjua lalai. This research employs qualitative and experimental methods with social approach of Minangkabau culture. Analyzed using interpretive qualitative techniques, the data are in the form of siganjua lalai dance movement concept, including the design of 1) space, 2) time and 3) energy. The experiment was conducted with students of Sendratasik Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Padang State University. Based on the research results, the basic patterns of siganjua lalai cover attitudes, leg and arm movements. The philosophy also considers the space, time, and energy. Therefore, the pattern design refers to the philosophy of siganjua lalai. The dance may be expressed in accordance with Minangkabau women’s characteristics in reflecting their cultural identity.
Al-Ikhtibar: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Juli-Desember 2016
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

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Bahasa Arab memiliki tempat istimewa dalam Agama Islam karena kitab suci agama yang mulia ini menggunanakan Bahasa Arab. Bahasa Arab sebagai Bahasa Al-Qur?an dan Hadits tentulah tidak hanya dipakai oleh orang arab saja, melainkan oleh semua umat muslim di dunia untuk mendalami agama mereka. Bahasa ini menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah- sekolah dan dayah-dayah di Indonesia. Selain sebagai mata pelajaran, Bahasa Arab juga berkembang menjadi mata kuliah dan salah satu konsentrasi ilmu pada Perguruan-perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam di negeri ini. Tulisan ini membahas tentang kedudukan Bahasa arab sebagai Bahasa agama dan buku-buku teks berbahasa Arab sebagai referensi utama ilmu-ilmu agama dalam pendidikan, terutama pendidikan Agama Islam.  Kemudian optimalisasi penggunaan Bahasa Arab dan buku buku teks berbahasa Arab pada pengajaran dan pendidikan di Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam. Pemahaman yang baik terhadap kedudukan Bahasa Arab akan menjadikan para pendidik, terutama di Perguruan-Perguruan Tinggi untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan buku-buku teks berbahasa Arab sebagai referensi utama dalam pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pendidikan baik di kampus maupun di luar kampus.
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Seri D. Maret 2019
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (87.465 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v7i3.103331


AbstractThis article aims to describe the traditional dance study with method of peer tutors in SMP 1 Superior Bukittinggi. This type of research is research experiments. Test skills (psychomotor) students in learning dance with wiraga indicators, wirama, wirasa, property, floor patterns. Types of data using primary data and secondary data. The technique of data collection is done by way of observation, study and library test appearances. And data were analyzed using t-test paired sample t test (paired t-test). The results showed that there is a difference between learning outcomes students learn the art of dance with the application of peer tutor methods with conventional approaches to learning outcomes. This can be seen from the average value of experimental class learning outcomes i.e. 87,66, while the average value of control class learning outcomes i.e. 84.57. Then strengthened again with the results of hypothesis testing where tc­ount > tta­ble (9,989 > 2,0021). Then H1 accepted and H0 is rejected.Keywords: Peer tutors, learning methods of dance 
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Seri D. Maret 2019
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (87.465 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v7i3.103280


AbstractThis study aimed to describe the motivation of students to take part in learning dance in SMP N 3 Padang. This type of research was qualitative research with descriptive analysis method. The main instrument in this study was the researcher selves and assisted with supporting instruments such as stationery and cameras. The types of data used are primary data and secondary data. Techniques of data collection were carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The results of data collection are presented, concluded and verified to obtain the correct data conclusions. The results showed that students' motivation in dance learning at SMPN 3 Padang was caused by individual students’ factors and teacher factors, with a poor percentage result, because the teachers in the learning process did not use varied methods and media. In the learning process, the teacher does not use media (laptops, pictures, videos, infocus, tape / speakers) as a tool. The teacher only explains the subject matter. From the results of observations and interviews, students' motivation looks less motivated caused by individual factors and teacher factors.Keywords: motivation, learning the art of dance
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Seri E. September 2019
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v8i1.105833


Abstract This article aims to determine the effects and differences of the integrated learning of the webbed model on the learning outcomes of Grade VIII students in art and culture subjects at SMP Pembangunan Laboratorium UNP. The type of this research was quantitative research using experimental method. The objects of research were students of grade VIII, with researcher’s instruments. The techniques of data collection were conducted through learning outcomes test aspects of knowledge and skills as well as observation. Then,  the data were analyzed quantitaively towards the learning outcomes by means of normality, homogeneity, and hypothesis testing. The results confimed that the use of a webbed integrated learning model in learning arts and culture created students more actively excited and easier to understand the material in learning. Meanwhile, through the results of learning arts and culture, it could be seen that the experimental class students had higher grades and were better than the control class. It indicated, in the aspect of knowledge, the average value using the integrated learning model webbed was 83.3 whereas in the control class using conventional methods, the average value of learning outcomes was 76.4. By means of the t test obtained Fcount 10.36 while Ftabel 1.67 with a significance level of 0.05. As a result, the value of Fcount > Ftabel. Thus, the hypothesis was accepted. Keywords: Integrated Learning Webbed model, Cultural Arts.
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Seri E. September 2019
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v8i1.105828


Abstract This article aims to describe the character development through dance learning at SMP N 35 Padang. The research was a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. This research was conducted in IX grade which amounted to 24 students. The main research instrument was the reseracher herself and assisted by supporting tools such as stationeries and photo camera. Character Education is the education that places great emphasis on the aspect of values that are expected to produce human the have a high sensitivity to the upholding of the values of truth, justice, humanity and progress which are the foundation in human life on this earth. Based on interviews with arts and culture teacher (on July 6, 2018) and several teachers at SMP N 35 Padang, they stated that the students at the school prefered to be busy with their own activities, even they had deviant behavior.The results of this study indicated that through dance students' characters emerged, these students’ characters were divided into three namely; appearing, some appearing and not appearing in the students. Then, the 8 characters that appeared in the students are religious, honest, tolerance, respect for achievement, friendship, love for peace, social care and the environment.The 6 other characters partly appeared in the students, namely curiosity, discipline, hard work, independent, responsibility, creative. Meanwhile, the 4 characters that did not appear at all in the formation of character through dance were the spirit of nationalism, love of the motherland, and fond of reading.Based on the description above, it could be concluded that dance could be a media in shaping Character Building through Dance Learning because there were 8 characters that appeared in each students. Keywords: character building, dance art, dance education