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Profetika Vol. 16, No. 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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The thought of Islamic politics which develops in Indonesia recently has various epistemology, either being viewed from the discourse of Islamic politics conveyed by Muslim politicians, or what contained on the basic stipulation/bylaws (AD/ART) of each party. It is a kind of plurality of Islamic political thought which is less influenced by the frame of Islamic political epistemology itself and by Islamic political paradigm which develops in Indonesia that has textual-idealistic, realistic and integral patterns. To further investigate the problem, the focus of this research was how is an ideal reconstruction of the contemporary thought of Indonesian Islamic politics? The results of the research showed that the epistemology frame of Islamic political thought that has classical and mid century pattern should be reconstructed suitable with the context of social life of 21st century, in which the interaction among Muslim community or non Muslim community has been closer each other. Of course, it needs a new theology of Islamic politics which is more tolerant and pluralistic, therefore, issues of contemporary politics related to the concept of hudûd, gender problem, muslim-non muslim positions, concept of dãrulharb, human rights, citizenship, a new relation pattern between Islam and the West, response of political philosophy on postmodernism and other issues can be responded and implemented according to the principle of Islamic politics.
Profetika Vol. 15, No. 1, Juni 2014
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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This article discusses about M. Amin Abdullah’s thought (A professor at StateIslamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) in the field of Islamic Studies. The methodused in this paper is biographical-reflective method because the writer was his student.The focus of the writing is the heredity of the scientific methodology and its implication inthe study of Islam in Indonesia. This article concludes several Islamic scientific hereditiesfrom M Amin Abdullah majoring on the integrative-interconnectivity concept in Islamthat tends to be spaced out, especially in the study of Islamic classics. The other thoughtis about the importance of academic attitude in the development of the future Islamicstudy. In the scientific methodology aspect, he stresses the importance of the renewal inthe Islamic contemporary study to spread the teachings on the earth as the sky heredity,sacral and transcendental, to dive the needs to answer various worldly problems that areempiric and immanent. The implication of Amin Abdullah’s thought gives newinterpretation in the contemporary Islamic scientific study that is more contextualempiricaland different from textual-normative classic Islamic study format.Key Words: integration-interconnection; scientific methodology; Islamic study.Makalah ini membahas tentang pemikiran M. Amin Abdullah (Guru BesarUIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) dalam bidang Islamic Studies. Metode penulisan yangdigunakan dalam makalah ini adalah metode biografis-reflektif karena penulis merupakansalah seorang mantan mahasiswanya. Fokus pembahasan makalah ini adalah warisanmeteodogi keilmuan dan implikasinya dalam kajian Islam di Indonesia. Makalah inimenyimpulkan beberapa warisan keilmuan Islam dari M. Amin Abdullah umumnyabermuara pada konsep integrasi-interkoneksi keilmuan dalam Islam yang selama inicenderung berjarak, khususnya dalam warisan studi keislaman klasik. Pemikiran lainnyaadalah tentang pentingnya sikap akademis dalam pengembangan studi keislaman masadepan. Dalam aspek metodologi keilmuan, beliau menekankan pentingnya pembaharuandalam studi keislaman kontemporer untuk membumikan ajaran Islam sebagai warisanlangit, sakral dan transendental, menukik pada kebutuhan untuk menjawab berbagaipersoalan duniawi yang empiris dan imanen. Implikasi pemikiran Amin Abdullah adalahmemberikan interpretasi baru studi keilmuan Islam kontemporer yang lebih kontekstualempiris,yang berbeda dengan format studi keislaman klasik yang tekstual-normatif.Kata Kunci: Amin Abdullah, metodologi keilmuan, studi Islam.
Profetika Vol. 14, No. 1, Juni 2013
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The concept of authority and dominance bore political intrigues among Muslimcommunity throughout the history. The two concepts bore creative tense between Islamicpolitics that had Makkiyah characteristics that was myth-theological and Maddaniyah onethat was rational. After the prophet and the expansion of Islam, the Islamic dominancetended to be tyrannical. The application of the authority and dominance bore Islamicgovernment style that was repressive ((qawãn)n siyãsiyyah) andrational (siyãsah ‘aqliyyah)also the government stylethat had religious characteristics or caliphate (siyãsah diniyyah).WhileAsy-Syãtibi focused more on political dimension that had orientation on maqãþidasy-syari’ah and maslahah ‘ãmmah aspects. The next step emerged various interpretationsabout imamah, wilayah, khilafah, ummah, syura, amir concepts up to bai’ah and jihad. Inpsychological-sociological manner, the sacred dominance became unhindered.Key words: Caliphate, Imamah, Amir, Wilayatul Faqih, Syuradan Nation StateKonsep wewenang dan kekuasaan melahirkan intrik politik di kalangan umatsepanjang sejarah. Dua konsep tersebut melahirkan ketegangan kreatif antara politikIslam yang bercorakMakkiyyah yang mitis-teologis dan Madaniyyah yang rasionalistik.Pasca era Nabi kekuasan Islamcenderung tiranik setelah adanya perluasan kekuasaanIslam.Aplikasi wewenang dan kekuasaan melahirkan style pemerintahan Islam yangrepresif (qawãn)n siyãsiyyah), rasional (siyãsah ‘aqliyyah) dan yang bercorak agamisatau khilafah (siyãsah diniyyah).Sedangkan Asy-Syãtibi) lebih memfokuskan padadimensi politik yang lebih berorientasi pada aspek maqãþid asy-syari’ah dan maslahah‘ãmmah.Pada tahap selanjutnya muncul berbagai interpretasi tentang konsep-konsep:imamah, wilayah, khilafah, ummah, syura, amir, hingga bai’ah dan jihad. Secarapsikologis-sosiologis, sakralitas kekuasaan menjadi tak terhindarkanKata Kunci: Khilafah, Imamah, Amir, Wilayatul Faqih, Syura dan Nation State
Aktivitas Antioksidan Senyawa Asam 5(E)-Eikosenoat dari Batang Tanaman Polygonum pulchrum Bl Malaka, Muhammad Hajrul; Yodha, Agung Wibawa Mahatva; Azhar, Muhammad; Hamsidi, Rini; Sahidin, Sahidin
Pharmauho: Jurnal Farmasi, Sains, dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Pharmauho
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (328.093 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/pharmauho.v1i2.3462


Isolation and identification of secondary metabolite stem bark of Polygonum pulchrum and its antioxidant activity were done. Extraction was performed by maceration using methanol solvent. The separation and purification obtained by using vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC), radial chromatography (RC) and monitored by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Identification of isolated compounds determined by spectroscopy method i.e. FT-IR, 1D-NMR (1H, 13C-NMR and DEPT) and 2-D NMR (HMQC and HMBC). White solid compound was isolated and characterized as 5(E)-eicosenoic acid. Antioxidant was analyzed towards DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-picrilhydrazil). The compound showed that has antioxidant potency with IC50 value at 348.10 µM.Keywords: Polygonum pulchrum, 5(E)-eicosenoic acid, antimicrobial, antioxidant 
IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities) Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.086 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/ijish.v1i2.559


The teacher should have a steady, stable, adult, wise, and authoritative personality competence, be an example for learners, and have a noble character, but in reality, his personality competence is still low and still far from the personality that teachers should have. The authors offer an alternative solution with the Islamic psychology approach that is Tazkiyatun nafs that can be used as a basis of teacher personality strengthening. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach and literature or library research. The essence of tazkiyatun nafs tends to talk about the soul (an-nafs). It is a process of purification of the human soul from the impurities, both visible dirt and inner dirt. Therefore, the notion of tazkiyatun nafs is closely related to morals and psychology, and in Islam, it serves as a pattern of human formation of good character and cautious to Allah. In this study, the authors found some of the following findings. First, the growth of one's personality is influenced by factors from within that is the integration of elements of aql (mind), qalb (heart), lust and outside factors such as the process of interaction with the environment. Second, the soul is very functional to one's personality. A clean soul will produce good behavior while a dirty soul will result in a low or weak personality.
Profetika Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 16, No. 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v16i1.1834


The thought of Islamic politics which develops in Indonesia recently has various epistemology, either being viewed from the discourse of Islamic politics conveyed by Muslim politicians, or what contained on the basic stipulation/bylaws (AD/ART) of each party. It is a kind of plurality of Islamic political thought which is less influenced by the frame of Islamic political epistemology itself and by Islamic political paradigm which develops in Indonesia that has textual-idealistic, realistic and integral patterns. To further investigate the problem, the focus of this research was how is an ideal reconstruction of the contemporary thought of Indonesian Islamic politics? The results of the research showed that the epistemology frame of Islamic political thought that has classical and mid century pattern should be reconstructed suitable with the context of social life of 21st century, in which the interaction among Muslim community or non Muslim community has been closer each other. Of course, it needs a new theology of Islamic politics which is more tolerant and pluralistic, therefore, issues of contemporary politics related to the concept of hudûd, gender problem, muslim-non muslim positions, concept of dãrulharb, human rights, citizenship, a new relation pattern between Islam and the West, response of political philosophy on postmodernism and other issues can be responded and implemented according to the principle of Islamic politics.
Profetika Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 15, No. 1, Juni 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v15i1.1965


This article discusses about M. Amin Abdullah?s thought (A professor at StateIslamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) in the field of Islamic Studies. The methodused in this paper is biographical-reflective method because the writer was his student.The focus of the writing is the heredity of the scientific methodology and its implication inthe study of Islam in Indonesia. This article concludes several Islamic scientific hereditiesfrom M Amin Abdullah majoring on the integrative-interconnectivity concept in Islamthat tends to be spaced out, especially in the study of Islamic classics. The other thoughtis about the importance of academic attitude in the development of the future Islamicstudy. In the scientific methodology aspect, he stresses the importance of the renewal inthe Islamic contemporary study to spread the teachings on the earth as the sky heredity,sacral and transcendental, to dive the needs to answer various worldly problems that areempiric and immanent. The implication of Amin Abdullah?s thought gives newinterpretation in the contemporary Islamic scientific study that is more contextualempiricaland different from textual-normative classic Islamic study format.Key Words: integration-interconnection; scientific methodology; Islamic study.Makalah ini membahas tentang pemikiran M. Amin Abdullah (Guru BesarUIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) dalam bidang Islamic Studies. Metode penulisan yangdigunakan dalam makalah ini adalah metode biografis-reflektif karena penulis merupakansalah seorang mantan mahasiswanya. Fokus pembahasan makalah ini adalah warisanmeteodogi keilmuan dan implikasinya dalam kajian Islam di Indonesia. Makalah inimenyimpulkan beberapa warisan keilmuan Islam dari M. Amin Abdullah umumnyabermuara pada konsep integrasi-interkoneksi keilmuan dalam Islam yang selama inicenderung berjarak, khususnya dalam warisan studi keislaman klasik. Pemikiran lainnyaadalah tentang pentingnya sikap akademis dalam pengembangan studi keislaman masadepan. Dalam aspek metodologi keilmuan, beliau menekankan pentingnya pembaharuandalam studi keislaman kontemporer untuk membumikan ajaran Islam sebagai warisanlangit, sakral dan transendental, menukik pada kebutuhan untuk menjawab berbagaipersoalan duniawi yang empiris dan imanen. Implikasi pemikiran Amin Abdullah adalahmemberikan interpretasi baru studi keilmuan Islam kontemporer yang lebih kontekstualempiris,yang berbeda dengan format studi keislaman klasik yang tekstual-normatif.Kata Kunci: Amin Abdullah, metodologi keilmuan, studi Islam.
Profetika Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 14, No. 1, Juni 2013
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v14i1.2003


The concept of authority and dominance bore political intrigues among Muslimcommunity throughout the history. The two concepts bore creative tense between Islamicpolitics that had Makkiyah characteristics that was myth-theological and Maddaniyah onethat was rational. After the prophet and the expansion of Islam, the Islamic dominancetended to be tyrannical. The application of the authority and dominance bore Islamicgovernment style that was repressive ((qawãn)n siyãsiyyah) andrational (siyãsah ?aqliyyah)also the government stylethat had religious characteristics or caliphate (siyãsah diniyyah).WhileAsy-Syãtibi focused more on political dimension that had orientation on maqãþidasy-syari?ah and maslahah ?ãmmah aspects. The next step emerged various interpretationsabout imamah, wilayah, khilafah, ummah, syura, amir concepts up to bai?ah and jihad. Inpsychological-sociological manner, the sacred dominance became unhindered.Key words: Caliphate, Imamah, Amir, Wilayatul Faqih, Syuradan Nation StateKonsep wewenang dan kekuasaan melahirkan intrik politik di kalangan umatsepanjang sejarah. Dua konsep tersebut melahirkan ketegangan kreatif antara politikIslam yang bercorakMakkiyyah yang mitis-teologis dan Madaniyyah yang rasionalistik.Pasca era Nabi kekuasan Islamcenderung tiranik setelah adanya perluasan kekuasaanIslam.Aplikasi wewenang dan kekuasaan melahirkan style pemerintahan Islam yangrepresif (qawãn)n siyãsiyyah), rasional (siyãsah ?aqliyyah) dan yang bercorak agamisatau khilafah (siyãsah diniyyah).Sedangkan Asy-Syãtibi) lebih memfokuskan padadimensi politik yang lebih berorientasi pada aspek maqãþid asy-syari?ah dan maslahah?ãmmah.Pada tahap selanjutnya muncul berbagai interpretasi tentang konsep-konsep:imamah, wilayah, khilafah, ummah, syura, amir, hingga bai?ah dan jihad. Secarapsikologis-sosiologis, sakralitas kekuasaan menjadi tak terhindarkanKata Kunci: Khilafah, Imamah, Amir, Wilayatul Faqih, Syura dan Nation State
Classroom reading program to increase children's reading interest at the Emha Ainun Najib (EAN) Yogyakarta library Suud, Fitriah M.; Azhar, Muhammad; Kibtiyah, Mariah
Community Empowerment Vol 6 No 5 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.011 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.4424


The problems faced by partners are the lack of children's interest in reading and the lack of library facilities other than school libraries that are specifically available for children. So that the purpose of this service is to increase children's interest in learning and at the same time facilitate children to be able to use the library around them by providing classroom reading programs. The library was the Emha Ainun Najib (EAN) library in Kadipiro Yogyakarta City which is provided for the general public. This dedication means a lot to children and the local librarian. Children live around the EAN library were more enthusiastic to come and read books in the library. This was due to the pleasant library layout supported by interesting books. This activity was also able to respond to children's curiosity to be more interested in reading so that literacy increases. This service recommends that children's reading rooms need attention, including the types of books that need to be adjusted according to age.
Santri’s Humility in the Salafiyyah Islamic Boarding School Rahmatullah, Azam Syukur; Azhar, Muhammad; Fatwa, Ahmad Fajruddin
Dinamika Ilmu: Jurnal Pendidikan Dinamika Ilmu Vol 21 No 2, December 2021
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/di.v21i2.3590


This research belongs to qualitative research, which explored the tawadhu' (humility) in the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri. Tawadhu' in Islamic boarding school is traditional, rooted, and has become a positive character. Thus, it deserves to be explored and later can be used as a "role model" for other educational institutions to implement, develop and produce individuals with this character. The method used was field research with an ethnomethodological approach, a cluster of qualitative research that focused on reality with practical interpretation. Research results showed that the notion of tawadhu', according to the kyai's perspective at the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri, was an effort to transfer values and morality to the santri. Thus, they would possess polite behavior, obey goodness and virtue, will be kind to others. Second, tawadhu' had several foundational factors at the Salafiyyah Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, East Java, including (a) spiritual foundations, (b) struggling mental foundations, (c) prosocial foundations. The objectives of tawadhu' for the santri at the Salafiyyah Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, East Java, were: (a) growing value education in the students, (b) Preventing self-deception and misdirection to others, (c) building and instilling muhsin's personality to the students. Creating the teachings of tawadhu' at the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri was influenced by several factors: (a) the kyai's charisma, (b) the continuous book learning, and kaffah internalization to students. Many teachings have educated students in the books studied to be humble, obedient, and glorify others.