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Pengelolaan Rekam Medis Inaktif Di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Nina Rahmadiliyani; Wiliyanor Wiliyanor
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 8 No 2 (2018): Maret
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Inactive Medical Record is a medical record document that reaches for 5 years and never used to visit health service. Often the storage of inactive medical records is not properly managed. Many inactive medical record documents are stored and stacked on the floor because of insufficient shelf capacity.The purpose of this study is to understand the management of inactive medical records In ulin banjarmasin hospitals.The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive.The study subjects were inactive medical record storage officer, which consisted of a medical record head and two storage officers. Storage of inactive medical records is on the 6th floor and active medical records are on the 2nd floor, outpatient and inpatient are combined, on retention of inactive medical records are not stored in the form of microfilm and disk but stored in books and computer. In medical record room, there is no room temperature control, there is no humidity control room, and light arrangement of room using lamp. Maintenance of the record room cleaning inactive medical record storage is done by cleaning service, on the exchange of air through the door. There is no maintenance of the inactive medical record file, such as hygiene, air exchange and medical record control. In today's inactive medical record storage still uses a centralized system and an active medical record file using a decentralized system. The requirements of inactive medical record storage room on temperature control, storage shelves and humidity of the room do not use air conditioner. And there is no control on the maintenance of inactive medical records files such as cleanliness, air exchange.
Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Mengkonsumsi Tablet Fe Dengan Kejadian Anemia Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Aranio Fakhriyah Fakhriyah; Husnul Khatimah; Nina Rahmadiliyani; Nurul Hayati
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 8 No 2 (2018): Maret
Publisher : HB PRESS

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According to WHO, 40% of maternal death in the developing countries related to anemia in a pregnancy. The highest factor which influence anemia occurrence is obedience in consuming Fe tablet i.e 60% compare to other factors. The aim of this research is to know the relationship between obidiencein consuming Fe tablet and anemia in Aranio Health Center. This research using analytic survey with cross sectional approach. Subject of this research are the pregnant women of trimester II and trimester III amount 52 respondents which are taken by total population. The result of the research showed that most of pregnant women were not obedient in consuming Fe tablet were 38 women (73,1%), Most of them with anemia that are 44 women (84,6%). The result of statistical using chi square test showed there is correlation between the obidience in consuming Fe tablets with anemia occurrence in the Work Area of Aranio Health Center (p value = 0,000). Midwifes as care provider have to motivate the pregnant woment to understand about how important to consume Fe tablet during pregnancy in order to decrease anemia occurrence to the pregnant women.
Pengaruh Pemberian Kunyit Asam terhadap Intensitas Nyeri saat haid pada RemajaTingkat SMA di Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah Puteri Nina Rahmadiliyani; Ainun Qomariah
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 7 No 1 (2016): November
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Dysmenorrhea experienced by woman. The pain felt by every woman is different, it can be mild pain, moderate, or severe that interfere with daily activities and women's health. Turmeric, tamarind is a traditional herb that is believed to be hereditary cope with menstrual pain. This study aims to determine the effect of acid turmeric to the intensity of pain during menstruation in young girls at the senior high school level at Boarding School Darul Hijrah Puteri. This study is a pre-experimental with sampling technique with total sampling are 52 respondents. Measurement of menstrual pain using a pain scale from 0-10 (Comparative Pain Scale) on a checklist. Based on the research before giving turmeric, tamarind majority of respondents experienced mild pain as many as 32 respondents (61.5%), and after giving turmeric acid responde majority do not experience menstrual pain as many as 25 respondents (48.1%). Results Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test, obtain p value= 0.000 < 0.05, so the hypothesis is accepting H1. Which means there are effect giving of turmeric tamarind against the current intensity of menstrual pain in adolescent senior high school level in Boarding School Darul Hijrah Puteri. Keywords : Dysmenorrhea, Turmeric Treatment Acid
Tinjauan Penggunaan Simbol dan Singkatan pada Rekam Medis Rawat Inap dalam Menunjang Akreditasi SNARS Edisi 1.1 di RSD Idaman Kota Banjarbaru Nina Rahmadiliyani; Nor Chia
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 11 No 1 (2020): November
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v11i1.328


Symbols and abbreviations included to the standard of SNARS Edition 1.1 that found in hospital management standard groups that are Information Management and Medical Record (IMMR 12). The uniform use of diagnostic codes and procedures facilitates data collection and analysis in accordance with statutory regulations. The aim of this study is to consider the use of symbols and abbreviations in medical record of hospitalization to supporting the accreditation of SNARS Edition 1.1 at RSD Idaman Banjarbaru, Banjarbaru city. The method of this study is qualitative descriptive study. The instrument of this study uses interviews and observations guideline. The number of samples calculated using the Slovin formula was 332 medical records of inpatients that had symbols and abbreviations In this study using purposive sampling technique. The research subjects consisted of the main informant who was the head of the medical record installation while the triangulation informant was the officer for coding, indexing, and analysis. The results of this study showed that RSD Idaman Banjarbaru city already has their own regulations or rules about the use of symbols and abbreviations those are SOP and guide books of symbols and abbreviations. The regulation of symbols and abbreviations has been carried out in inpatient medical record, but in this implementation there are still uses of symbols and abbreviations that should not be used, and also those that are not in the guidelines.The evaluation of the use of the proper symbols is 70,8% and the improper symbols is 29,2%. The percentage of proper abbreviations for diagnotics and acts is 60,2% and the improper abbreviations is 39,8%. The percentage of proper abbreviations for prescription drugs is 76,3% and the improper abbreviations is 24,7%.
Analisis Indikator (BOR, AVLOS,TOI dan BTO) Pada Ruang Anak Dalam Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Nina Rahmadiliyani; Ramadhan Dwi Nugrohoi; Ermas Estiyana
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 10 No 2 (2020): Maret
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v10i2.218


One problem in hospitals is the low efficiency of the use of beds (TT). This study aims to determine the analysis of indicators (BOR, AVLOS, TOI and BTO) at the child’s room in improving health services at the BLUD RSU Ratu Zalecha Martapura in 2018. This study uses descriptive research methods with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The variables used in this study were inpatient daily census in child’s rooms, BOR, AVLOS, TOI and BTO and Barber Johnson charts, the research instruments used interviews and observation. This study uses triangulation data analysis techniques. Based on the overall results of the research on the efficiency of the use of beds in child’s rooms at BLUD RSU Ratu Zalecha Martapura in 2018 with a BOR value of 69%, AVLOS which was 3.3 days, TOI 1.47 days and BTO was 75.91 times. Barber Johnson's graphic in the child’s room at BLUD RSU Ratu Zalecha Martapura in 2018 has not yet fulfilled one intersection of four.
Pelaksanaan Rujukan Rawat Jalan Pelayanan Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama Pasien BPJS di UPT Puskesmas Martapura Barat Nina Rahmadiliyani; Muhammad Khalid Fahrizal Adha
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 9 No 1 (2018): November
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Health service is implemented gradually since the first level, second level (regional/ city general hospital) which can only be accessed through referral from first level of health service, the third level (provincial/central general hospital) which can only be accessed through referral from first or second level health service, with exception of emergency situation, problem specialty in the regulation of Healthcare Social Security Administrator. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the first-level outpatient health care referral services for BPJS patients at the UPT Puskesmas Martapura Barat. This research uses qualitative research method with case study approach, conducted in the working area of UPT Puskesmas Martapura Barat, using in-depth interviews data collection techniques to two general practitioners, heads of puskesmas, drug managers, nurses, midwives and JKN managers. The results of this study indicate that the reference policy of the UPT Puskesmas Martapura Barat is SK based on the MoU regulated by BPJS, and there is also a diagnosis of BPJS that should be handled by puskesmas, UPT Puskesmas Martapura Barat is still short of doctors, the availability of medicines contained in puskesmas is still a lot of drug shortage, the completeness of health equipment facilities at the puskesmas in general is sufficient, but still needs to be improved, and there are still patients asking for referrals.
Konsumsi Daun Kelakai (Stenochlaena pallustris) Pada Produksi ASI Nina Rahmadiliyani; Dailila Audita
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 7 No 2 (2017): Maret
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Traditionally, Dayak people in Central Kalimantan consumption Stenochlaena pallustris plants to stimulating milk production for new mothers. This is due to the nutritional value of Stenochlaena pallustris that contains lots of Fe. Fe element is useful in overcoming anemia problem, so consuming Stenochlaena pallustris can increase blood volume that stimulate milk production. This study aims to determine the effect of consumption of leaves Stenochlaena pallustris to the production of breastfeeding of postpartum mothers at the public health center of Gambut. This research use analytic survey design with cross sectional approach. The population of this research is all postpartum in Public Health Center of Gambut counted 75 people with sampling technique that is total sampling. The research instrument used is a checklist.The result of this research was the most of the respondents (66,7%) not consuming the Stenochlaena pallustris and the most of the respondents have production of ASI is sufficient that is 58 respondents (77,3%). Based on correlation analysis there is no influence of leaves consumption of Stenochlaena pallustris to milk production. It is expected that health workers, especially midwives, provide counseling or health education on how to process leaves Stenochlaena pallustris
Faktor Penyebab Keterlambatan Waktu Pengembalian Berkas Rekam Medis Pasien Rawat Inap Faizah Wardhina; Nina Rahmadiliyani
J-REMI : Jurnal Rekam Medik dan Informasi Kesehatan Vol 3 No 3 (2022): June
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/j-remi.v3i3.3164


The activity of returning medical record files for inpatients at Mawar Hospital has a standard return time of 1 x 24 hours after the patient returns. Medical records that experience delays in returning will have an impact on the delay in data processing, delays in submitting insurance claims, and delays in service to patients. The purpose of this research was to determine the factors causing the delay in returning inpatient medical record files at Mawar Hospital. The research method used is qualitative. The research subjects were the head nurse of the inpatient room and the head of the medical record, also called the main informant. In this study, the validity of the data was also carried out by triangulation to other informants, an inpatient nurse. The conclusions of this study are the factors that cause delays in returning the medical record files of inpatients at Mawar Hospital: man factor are doctors or nurses, the material factor is an incomplete filling of medical record files, the method factor is incomplete standard operating procedures, the money factor is no budget for granting rewards for doctors or nurses in carrying out their duties.
Literature Review : Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Ketidaklengkapan Pengisian Formulir Informed Consent di Rumah Sakit Nina Rahmadiliyani; Ni Wayan Kurnia Widya Wati
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 13 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v13i1.771


Informed consent is the approval of a medical action given by the patient or his closest family after receiving a complete explanation of the medical action to be carried out on the patient. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors causing the incomplete filling of the informed consent form at the hospital. The research method uses a literature study. The results showed that the incomplete informed consent filling in the hospital on the components of identification, important reporting, authentication and correct documentation, the factors causing incomplete filling of the informed consent form at the hospital due to lack of human resources due to limited workforce and lack of accuracy of installation officers. medical records so that the quality of the information produced is low and the implementation strategy of filling out a complete informed consent form in the hospital must have policies and SOPs, basically standard operating procedures.
Sosialisasi Pengisian Lembar Catatan Perkembangan Pasien Terintegrasi pada Perawat Nina Rahmadiliyani; Faizah Wardhina
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bestari Vol. 1 No. 5 (2022): August 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/jpmb.v1i5.1081


Rumah sakit adalah suatu institusi pelayanan kesehatan yang kompleks, padat pakar, dan padat modal. Kompleksitas ini muncul karna pelayanan rumah sakit menyangkut berbagai fungsi pelayanan, pendididikan penelitian, serta mencakup berbagai tingkatan maupun jenis disiplin, agar rumah sakit mampu melaksanaakan fungsi yang professional baik di bidang teknis medis maupun administrasi kesehatan. Catatan perkembangan pasien terintegrasi merupakan catatan pendokumentasian yang dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan untuk melakukan koordinasi atau kolaborasi antar tenaga kesehatan dalam melakukan pendokumentasian pelayanan kesehatan pada pasien. Pelaksanaan program pengabdian ini dilakukan melalui sosialisasi dengan memberikan materi berupa pengisian lembar Catatan perkembangan pasien terintegrasi. Evaluasi pelaksanaan program dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu memberikan pertanyaan kepada responden sebelum pelaksanaan sosialisasi (pretest) dan kembali memberikan pertanyaan lagi setelah pelaksanaan sosialisasi (posttest). Berdasarkan hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan sosialisasi ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan perawat mengenai ke catatan perkembangan pasien terintegrasi.