Philia Setiawan
Departemen Anestesi Dan Terapi Intensif Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga RSUD Dr Soetomo Surabaya

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Analisis Syndecan-1 Laktat dan Profil Lipid Sebagai Faktor Risiko Keparahan dan Mortalitas Sepsis Yopie Wiguna; Philia Setiawan; Bambang Pujo Semedi; Bambang Purwanto
Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15851/jap.v9n1.2251


Pada sepsis, endothelial glycocalyx (EG), dapat rusak dan luruh melepaskan syndecan-1 ke dalam plasma. Kerusakan EG akan mengganggu mikrosirkulasi, menimbulkan hipoperfusi jaringan, dan meningkatkan kadar laktat. Gangguan profil lipid pada sepsis terjadi karena gangguan metabolisme dan kerusakan langsung hepatosit akibat meluruhnya EG. Penelitian ini bermaksud menganalisis syndecan-1, laktat, dan profil lipid sebagai faktor risiko keparahan dan mortalitas pada pasien sepsis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional pada 39 pasien dewasa yang memenuhi kritera sepsis-3. Keparahan sepsis diklasifikasikan menjadi sepsis dan syok septik dan ditentukan dalam 6 jam setelah time zero berdasarkan penggunaan vasopresor, kecukupan resusitasi cairan, dan nilai laktat ulangan. Kematian 7 hari dihitung sejak time zero sepsis. Syndecan-1, laktat, dan profil lipid diambil dalam jam pertama setelah time zero dianalisis sebagai faktor risiko keparahan dan mortalitas 7 hari. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji logistik regresi bivariat dan multivariat. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 20 pasien dengan sepsis, 19 pasien dengan syok septik. Berdasar atas mortalitas 7 hari, 10 pasien meninggal dan 29 pasien bertahan hidup. Laktat dan syndecan-1 merupakan prediktor keparahan pada sepsis. Laktat merupakan variabel yang lebih superior dibanding dengan syndecan-1 sebagai prediktor keparahan sepsis. Laktat merupakan prediktor untuk mortalitas 7 hari pada pasien sepsis. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah laktat dan syndecan-1 merupakan prediktor keparahan pada sepsis. Laktat merupakan prediktor kematian 7 hari pada sepsis. Syndecan-1 Lactate and Lipid Profiles as Risk Factors for Severity and Mortality in SepsisIn sepsis, endothelial glycocalyx (EG) may experience damages and decay, releasing syndecan-1 into plasma. EG damages will disrupt microcirculation, causing tissue hypoperfusion and increasing lactate levels. Disorders of the lipid profile in sepsis occur due to metabolic disorders and direct hepatocyte damages due to EG shedding. This study intended to analyze the Syndecan-1, lactate, and lipid profiles as risk factors for severity and mortality in septic patients. This was an observational analytic study on 39 adult patients who met the criteria for sepsis-3. Sepsis severity was classified into sepsis and septic shock and was determined within 6 hours after time zero based on the vasopressor use, adequacy of fluid resuscitation, and repeat lactate values. The 7-day mortality was counted from time zero sepsis. Syndecan-1, Lactate, and Lipid Profiles were assessed within the first hour after time zero and analyzed as risk factors for severity and 7-day mortality. Data analysis was performed using bivariate and multivariate logistic regression tests. In this study, there were 20 patients with sepsis, 19 patients with septic shock. Based on the 7-day mortality, 10 patients died and 29 patients survived. Lactate and Syndecan-1 are predictors of severity in sepsis. Lactate is superior than Syndecan-1 as a predictor of sepsis severity and is a predictor of 7-day mortality in septic patients. Nonetheless, both lactate and Syndecan-1 are predictors of severity in sepsis.
Hubungan Profil Lipid (Kadar Trigliserida, HDL, LDL, Total Kolesterol) dengan Jenis Infeksi Bakteri pada Pasien Sepsis Yopie Wiguna; Philia Setiawan; Prananda Surya Airlangga
Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif Vol 8, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15851/jap.v8n3.2156


Gangguan profil lipid berhubungan dengan peningkatan kejadian gagal organ dan kematian pada pasiensepsis. Gangguan profil lipid mungkin berbeda antarjenis infeksi bakteri (gram positif vs gram negatif),perbedaan ini mungkin jadi disebabkan oleh perbedaan klirens endotoksin yang berbeda dan mekanisme imunologis host yang berkaitan dengan metabolism lipid. Tujuan, menganalisis perbedaan profil kadar lipid (HDL, LDL, Trigliserida, total kolesterol) dengan jenis infeksi bakteri pada pasien sepsis di ruang perawatan intensif RSUD Dr. Soetomo yang dilaksanakan pada bulan April–Juli 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional pada pasien dewasa yang memenuhi kritera sepsis-3. Jenis infeksi bakteri diklasifikasikan menjadi infeksi bakteri gram negatif, infeksi bakteri gram positif, infeksi campuran, dan tidak tumbuh kuman. Penelitian ini menganalisis perbedaan profil kadar lipid antarjenis infeksi bakteri menggunakan analisis normalitas data dan analisis varian data. Hasil dari 38 pasien sepsis dewasa pada penelitian ini didapatkan 13 pasien infeksi bakteri gram negatif, 13 pasien infeksi gram positif, 5 pasien infeksi campuran gram positif dan negatif, dan tidak didapatkan pertumbuhan kuman pada 7 pasien. Kadar HDL lebih rendah pada infeksi bakteri gram negatif dan infeksi bakteri campuran gram positif-gram negatif (p<0,05). Kadar trigliserida lebih tinggi pada infeksi bakteri gram negatif dan infeksi bakteri campuran gram positif - gram negatif (p<0,05). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar LDL dan total kolesterol antarjenis infeksi bakteri. Simpulan, kadar HDL plasma lebiH rendah dan kadar trigliserida lebih tinggi pada pasien sepsis infeksi bakteri gram negatif dan bakteri campuran gram positif–gram negatif disbanding dengan pasien sepsis infeksi bakteri gram positif dan tidak didapatkan pertumbuhan kuman. Relationship of Lipid Profile (Levels of Triglyceride, HDL, LDL, Total Cholesterol) with Types of Bacterial Infection in Sepsis PatientsImpaired lipid profiles are associated with an increased incidence of organ failure and mortality in septic patients. Disorders of the lipid profile may differ between bacterial infection types (gram-positive vs gram-negative). Differences could be due to dissimilarities in different endotoxin clearance and host immunological mechanisms related to lipid metabolism. The study analyzed differences in lipid profiles (HDL, LDL, triglycerides, total cholesterol) with the bacterial infection type in septic patients in the intensive care room of Dr. Soetomo Hospital in April–July 2020. This study was an observational analytic study of 38 adult patients who met the criteria for sepsis-3. Bacterial infection types were classified into gram-negative bacterial infections, gram-positive bacterial infections, mixed infections and culture negative. This study analyzed differences in lipid profiles between bacterial infection types, and used data normality analysis and data variant analysis. Results showed that 13 patients had gram-negative bacterial infection, 13 patients were with gram-positive infection, five patients were with mixed gram-positive gram-negative infections, and seven patients had no germ growth. Plasma HDL levels were lower in gram-negative bacterial infections and mixed gram-positive gram-negative bacterial infections (p<0.05). Plasma triglyceride levels were higher in gram-negative bacterial infections and mixed gram-positive gram-negative bacterial infections (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in LDL levels and total plasma cholesterol between bacterial infections types. In conclusion, plasma HDL levels are significantly lower, and triglyceride levels were significantly higher in septic patients with gram-negative and mixed gram-positive bacterial infections than in sepsis patients with gram-positive bacterial infections and culture negative.
Exertional Heatstroke, Asesmen Cepat Dan Penatalaksanaan Tepat: Laporan Kasus . Melinda; Filipus Michael Yofrido; Philia Setiawan
JURNAL WIDYA MEDIKA Vol 5, No 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (868.649 KB) | DOI: 10.33508/jwm.v5i1.2001


Heatstroke is the most severe heat illness which homeostatic thermoregulatory mechanism is failed, characterized by an elevation of the core body temperature above 40 oC, central nervous system dysfunction, and possible multi-organ failure. Heatstroke is the third leading cause of death among athletes. Exertional heatstroke (EHS) is exercise-induced; usually affects young healthy people during strenuous physical activity and have not acclimatized to environmental heat stress. Frequently encountered complications include encephalopathy, acute respiratory distress syndrome, myocardial injury, acute kidney injury, hypoglycemia, intestinal ishemia or infarction, pancreatic injury, rhabdomyolysis, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), hypocalcemia, lactic acidosis, and hepatic failure. Immediate cooling is the cornerstone of treatment which evaporative cooling is preferred. Aspiration and seizure are common; airway management, oxygenation, and ventilation have to be adequately maintained. Crystalloid-fluid resuscitation is essential, averaging 1200 mL in first 4 hours. Systemic complications of heatstroke should be well-managed to prevent worse outcome. A case of 32-years-old man with no significant medical history was brought to emergency department after collapsing while running into the 20-kilometres marathon. He was unresponsive (GCS E1V2M1), had serial generalized seizure and hematemesis-melena. On primary survey, the patient was shocked (BP 67/24 mmHg, HR 165 bpm, cold extremity), tachypnea (41/min), hyperthermia (40.5oC rectally), SpO2 95% on simple mask 10 L/min. His laboratory results showed full-blown complications of heatstroke. Immediate rehydration therapy using saline solution and colloid solution intravenously was started, followed with blood or blood component transfusion. Tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation were performed. During the intensive treatment, he became fully conscious and was extubated on hospital day 7. He was hemodynamically stable without any support, but developed multi-organ failure. Unfortunately, on twentieth day, he was cardiac arrest during hemodialysis and died four days later.
Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease Vol. 6 No. 3 (2016)
Publisher : Institute of Topical Disease Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.886 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/ijtid.v6i3.3013


Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) remains a problem with the highest cos, morbidity and mortalityt in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The correlation between mechanical ventilation and pneumonia is considered as common sense, yet scientific evidence to support this statement is still needed. This research aims to analyze the bacterial colony grows in mechanical ventilation circuit and those grew in the patient’s sputum culture. We performed an observational study. Samples for bacterial culture were taken from ventilator circuit and patient sputum on Day-0, Day-3 and Day-7. Sputum samplings are collected using double catheter tracheal aspiration technique; Results are then analyzed with Chi-square test. While the similarity of bacteria species in ventilator circuit to patient’s sputum is analyzed with Binomial test. Two samples are dropped out immediately due to the rate of bacterial growth on Day-0. Bacterial colony growth in ventilator circuit shows a significant difference on Day-3 and Day-7 at 50% and 92% respectively (p = 0.05). A comparison for the bacterial similarity of the ventilator circuit and patient’s sputum shows that the bacterial growth on Day-3 is 7 out of 14 (50%) and 3 with more than 105 CFU/ml colony; while on Day-7, there are 13 out of 14 positive bacterial growth, both in the circuit and the patient’s sputum. Among them, 5 out of 14 (35%) of the bacterial colony which grow in the circuit have the same species as those grow in patient’s sputum. The recent study shows that there is bacteria colony growth in the ventilator circuit after Day-3 and a significant increase on Day-7. Almost half of the colony illustrates similar species from both ventilator circuit and patient’s sputum. This suggests that the bacterial growth on Day-7 in the ventilator circuit might be related to those growth in patient’s sputum. 
TEG's Utility to Detect Hypercoagulability in Adult Patients at Post-Cardiac Surgery Using Cardiopulmonary Bypass in ICU Hildegardis Dyna Dumilah; Hartono Kahar; Arifoel Hajat; Philia Setiawan; Heroe Soebroto
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v27i1.1615


The use of Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) in adult patients of cardiac surgery disrupts the coagulation system. The mostcommon complication of the coagulation system is bleeding; however, that does not rule out the possibility of a dangeroushypercoagulation condition. A quick and precise coagulation test can provide clues for clinicians to predict futurehemostatic disorders or determine interventional therapy. aPTT and PT are standard laboratory tests, which are limited todetect a deficiency of coagulation factors. Thromboelastography (TEG) test (R time, K time, α angle, MA, and LY30) providesan overview of the entire coagulation and fibrinolysis process with faster results. A 2.7 mL citrate blood sample was takenand tested in a TEG®5000 device, then centrifuged. The plasma was then tested for aPTT and PT using the Sysmex CS-2100idevice. Bleeding volume was measured from chest drain 1-2 hours in the ICU after chest closure in the operating room.Bleeding criteria were as follows: > 1.5 mL/kg/hour for 6 hours consecutively in 24 hours or > 100 mL/hour. The resultsshowed 30 patients with no clinically significant bleeding. A significant correlation was found between PT and bleedingvolume at IV hour (p=0.008, r= 0.472). There was no correlation between aPTT and TEG (R time, K time, α angle, MA, andLY30) with the bleeding volume at I, II, III, and IV hours. There was a hypercoagulation indication of the TEG test of 56.7%,which showed clinical importance for the patient. PT can be used to analyze changes in bleeding volume at IV hour and TEGis more superior to detect hypercoagulability of adult patients after cardiac surgery with CPB.
TEG's Utility to Detect Hypercoagulability in Adult Patients at Post-Cardiac Surgery Using Cardiopulmonary Bypass in ICU Hildegardis Dyna Dumilah; Hartono Kahar; Arifoel Hajat; Philia Setiawan; Heroe Soebroto
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v27i1.1615


The use of Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) in adult patients of cardiac surgery disrupts the coagulation system. The most common complication of the coagulation system is bleeding; however, that does not rule out the possibility of a dangerous hypercoagulation condition. A quick and precise coagulation test can provide clues for clinicians to predict future hemostatic disorders or determine interventional therapy. aPTT and PT are standard laboratory tests, which are limited to detect a deficiency of coagulation factors. Thromboelastography (TEG) test (R time, K time, α angle, MA, and LY30) provides an overview of the entire coagulation and fibrinolysis process with faster results. A 2.7 mL citrate blood sample was taken and tested in a TEG®5000 device, then centrifuged. The plasma was then tested for aPTT and PT using the Sysmex CS-2100i device. Bleeding volume was measured from chest drain 1-2 hours in the ICU after chest closure in the operating room. Bleeding criteria were as follows: > 1.5 mL/kg/hour for 6 hours consecutively in 24 hours or > 100 mL/hour. The results showed 30 patients with no clinically significant bleeding. A significant correlation was found between PT and bleeding volume at IV hour (p=0.008, r= 0.472). There was no correlation between aPTT and TEG (R time, K time, α angle, MA, and LY30) with the bleeding volume at I, II, III, and IV hours. There was a hypercoagulation indication of the TEG test of 56.7%, which showed clinical importance for the patient. PT can be used to analyze changes in bleeding volume at IV hour and TEG is more superior to detect hypercoagulability of adult patients after cardiac surgery with CPB.  
Intervensi Kombinasi Deep Breathing Exercise dan Murottal terhadap Perubahan Nyeri dan Tanda-Tanda Vital Pasien Pasca Bedah Jantung Terbuka Didit Supriyanto; Tintin Sukartini; Philia Setiawan; Asroful Hulam Zamroni; Siti Maimuna
Journal of Telenursing (JOTING) Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/joting.v5i2.7205


This study aims to analyze the effect of a combination of deep breathing exercises and murottal on changes in pain and vital signs in patients after open heart surgery in intensive care. This research method uses a quasi-experimental design pre-post test. The results showed that the difference test between the treatment and control groups, there was a significant difference. value= 0.001, SpO2 with p value=0.000 and MAP with p value=0.000. The statistical tests used are the Independent t-test, Paired t-test, and Manova, with a significance level of α= 0.05. In conclusion, combining deep breathing exercises and murottal is a relaxation technique that can affect changes in pain and vital signs (pulse, RR, SpOâ and MAP) in patients after open heart surgery. Keywords: Deep Breathing, Post-Cardiac Surgery, Vital Signs, Pain Level