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Perlindungan Hukum Pejabat Notaris Di Pekanbaru Ditinjau Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris Yulfita Rahim; Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi; Thamrin S
UIR Law Review Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): UIR Law Review
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/uirlrev.2021.vol5(2).7890


Notary public in carrying out their profession to provide services and legal services to the community need to get protection and guarantees in order to achieve legal certainty. Guarantee of protection and guarantee of legal certainty on the implementation of notary duties and functions has been stipulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 30 of 2004 concerning Notarial Positions. This change in the legal basis is intended to further affirm and strengthen the duties, functions, and authority of notary public officials as well as synchronize with other laws. The role of the Notary Department in Indonesia as well as in Pekanbaru City is very important for the community in solving various legal problems faced by the community, one of which is in issuing authentic deed. The professional rights of notary positions, especially regarding civil rights, ideally should get legal protection in carrying out their profession, but in fact Notaries in carrying out their duties often do not get legal protection as they should, as a result notary are faced with civil or criminal legal proceedings.
Perbandingan Implementasi MBKM pada Bidang Sosial dan Sains Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi; Arbi Haza Nasution; Syafhendry Syafhendry
EDUKATIF : JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN Vol 4, No 6 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/edukatif.v4i6.4142


Penelitian mengenai implementasi Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) telah banyak dilakukan. Namun, belum ada penelitian yang secara khusus membandingkan implementasi MBKM di bidang Sosial dan Sains. Jika terdapat perbedaan sigfinikan antara mahasiswa Sosial dan Sains, perguruan tinggi perlu menetapkan strategi khusus untuk masing-masing kedua bidang. Sampel penelitian ini adalah lima perguruan tinggi yang berada di Pekanbaru. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian menggunakan teknik survey dengan instrumen kuesioner. Dari data yang terkumpul, dilakukan analisis deskriptif bagaimana minat, pengetahuan mahasiswa terhadap program MBKM, kesiapan mengikuti MBKM dan persepsi terhadap program-program MBKM. Selain analisis deskriptif terhadap variabel tersebut, dilakukan juga analisis perbandingan impelementasi secara total program MBKM pada mahasiswa bidang bidang Sosial dan Sains. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada variabel pengetahuan, minat, kesiapan dan persepsi mengikuti program MBKM. Hasil ini dibuktikan dari hasil uji perbandingan t-test dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0.083. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan rujukan untuk perbaikan dan rekomendasi terhadap kebijakan universitas di Pekanbaru, Riau, dan seluruh penjuru Indonesia dimana tidak perlu perlakuan khusus antara bidang Sosial dan Sains dalam implementasi kegiatan MBKM.
Legal Review of the Existence of Customary Land of the Sakai Tribe in Kesumbo Ampai Village, Bathin Solapan District, Bengkalis Regency Based on the Basic Agrarian Law Ulva Dina; Moza Dela Fudika; Ellydar Chaidir; Desi Apriani; Asri Muhammad Saleh; Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi; Sri Murtini
Proceeding International Conference on Malay Identity Vol. 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah, Seni, dan Arkeologi, FKIP, Universitas Jambi

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Abstract The problem of land ownership in Indonesia in general and in the Kesumbo Ampai Village area has complex problems. Among them, the government takes over land from the people, to be developed in accordance with the plans that have been set to continue economic modernization or the creation of oil palm fields for investors, both inside and outside the State. This land problem shows a conflict of interest between the government, which sees land as capital for national development, and local residents who see land as a source of income. Based on the above problems, the formulation of the problem is how is the legal review of the existence of customary land in the Sakai Tribe Village based on the UUPA. The research method uses observation research. The result of the research is that the existence of the Sakai tribe community has been based on the conditions of existence determined by law so that the Sakai tribe is still truly a customary law community, as well as the land or land on which they live is land belonging to their ancestors for generations which is still jointly owned, which in terms of management and control and use of the land still follows the rules of customary law that apply in their environment, supervised by the customary leader they have.
Custom Sanctions for Sanctions on Same Marriage in Petalangan Malay Community Viewed from Islamic Law M Rivaldo; Desi Apriani; Selvi Harvia Santri; Rosyidi Hamzah; Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi; Heni Susanti; Irwanto Irwanto
Proceeding International Conference on Malay Identity Vol. 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah, Seni, dan Arkeologi, FKIP, Universitas Jambi

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Abstract Same-tribal marriages are common nowadays, because men and women love each other. However, this research focuses on the customary sanctions for same-ethnic marriages carried out by the Petalangan Malay indigenous people. Same-tribal marriage in Islam has no rules, but in customary law, same-tribal marriage will result in the consequences of customary law that applies in the Petalangan Malay indigenous people. Based on the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem raised is, what is the history of the Prohibition of Same-ethnic Marriage in the Petalangan Malay Indigenous Community in the Perbatinan Bunut Region. The research method is sociological law which is research that goes directly to the field. This research was conducted in the Balam Merah Spiritual Area, Pelalawan Regency. From this research, it is known that historically the prohibition on same-ethnic marriages for ninik mamak testifies that one person or one ethnic group is brother and sister. Therefore, if a person or group of people is prohibited from marrying, the prohibition is highly trusted and if it is carried out, bad things will happen to the couple and they are afraid of sanctions
Sosialisasi Merek Bagi Pelaku Industri UMKM Di Kota Pekanbaru Sebagai Solusi Dan Proyeksi Terhadap Upaya Pemberian Kepastian Dan Perlindungan Hukum Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi; David Hardiago
ARSY : Jurnal Aplikasi Riset kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): ARSY : Jurnal Aplikasi Riset kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Inovasi Al-Matani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55583/arsy.v3i2.408


Badan Ekonomi Kreatif mencatat bahwa 96% UMKM  belum berbadan hukum ataupun memiliki payung hukum yang memadai di bidang kekayaan intelektual khususnya pendaftaran merek. Data tersebut termasuk jumlah UMKM di Kota Pekanbaru yang belum terdaftarsehingga berdampak pada ketiadaan payung hukum  yang dapat memberi kepastian dan perlindungan hukum terhadap pelaku usaha. Ketiadaan payung hukum dan perlindungan  hukum terhadap merek bagi pelaku industri UMKM khususnya di Kota Pekanbaruberindikasi membawa dampak integral tidak saja terhadap pelaku industri kaitannya dengan konflik di bidang merek. Melainkan, akan berdampak pada beberapa hal lainnya seperti hilangnya beberapa lapangan pekerjaan, berkuranganya pemasukan negara khususnya di sektor pajak, berkuranganya pemasukan negara atas biaya pendaftaran merek, meningkatnya jumlah biaya peradilan sebagai imbasdari konflik hukum, dan beberapa problem-problem  hukum lanjutan lainnya. Atas dasar problem tersebut, Tim PKM melakukan sosialisasi pada hari Rabu 21 September 2022 bertempat di Dinas Koperasi dan UKM Kota Pekanbaru. Peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan berjumlah 54 orang didalam pemaparan terjadi tanya jawab untuk menghimpun permasalahan yang dituangkan dalam suatu daftar inventaris dan ditujukan untuk memberi solusi yang nantinya dijikan sebagai blue print kebijakan untuk pemberian kepastian dan perlindungan hukum terhadap UMKM Di Kota Pekanbaru.
The Effect of Technology on Trafficking in Persons After the Covid-19 Pandemic Heni Susanti; Lidya Chabelita Silaban; Evi Yanti; Yusramiza Md Isa; Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi
Proceeding International Conference on Malay Identity Vol. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah, Seni, dan Arkeologi, FKIP, Universitas Jambi

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The purpose of this research is to know and understand the implementation of law enforcement against the Crime of Trafficking in Persons, as well as how the influence of digitalization in carrying out law enforcement against the Crime of Trafficking in Persons in the Riau Regional Police (Riau Regional Police).The method used in this research is empirical legal research by conducting research on the role of the Riau Regional Police (Riau Regional Police) in law enforcement, with data collection tools, namely interviews. The nature of this research is descriptive in nature, that is, it provides a clearer picture by revealing the problems and conditions as they are.From the results of the research it is known that the Crime of Trafficking in Persons is a type of crime that is worrying in Riau Province, dominated by the mode of illegal migrant workers. Riau Province is used by trafficking syndicates to serve as a transit area before sending victims to their destination, namely Malaysia. The Riau Regional Police (Polda Riau) as a law enforcement agency carries out its duties in prevention, law enforcement and countermeasures. The influence of digitalization on law enforcement on trafficking in persons has made this crime more prevalent with a more sophisticated modus operandi. Keywords: Trafficking in Persons, Digitalization, Post Pandemic Covid 19 Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dan memahami pelaksanaan penegakan hukum terhadap Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang, serta bagaimana pengaruh digitalisasi dalam melaksanakan penegakan hukum terhadap Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang di Kepolisian Daerah Riau (Polda Riau).Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris atau empirical legal research dengan melakukan penelitian terhadap peranan Kepolisian Daerah Riau (Polda Riau) dalam penegakan hukum, dengan alat pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara. Sifat penelitian ini adalah bersifat deskriptif, yaitu memberikan gambaran lebih jelas dengan mengungkapkan masalah dan keadaan sebagaimana adanya.Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwasanya Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang merupakan jenis tindak pidana yang mengkhawatirkan di Provinsi Riau, didominasi dengan modus pekerja migran ilegal. Provinsi Riau digunakan sindikat perdagangan orang untuk dijadikan sebagai daerah transit sebelum memberangkatkan korban ke daerah tujuan, yaitu Malaysia. Kepolisian Daerah Riau (Polda Riau) sebagai lembaga penegak hukum menjalankan tugasnya dalam upaya pencegahan, penegakan hukum dan penanggulangan. Adnya pengaruh digitalisasi terhadap penegakan hukum perdagangan orang menjadikan kejahatan ini semakin marak terjadi dengan modus operandi yang lebih canggih. Kata kunci : Perdagangan Orang, Digitalisasi, Pasca Pandemi Covid 19
Implementation of Trademark Registration in Pekanbaru Yufrizal Yufrizal; Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi; Abdul Thalib; Heni Susanti
Rechtsnormen Journal of Law Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarul Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/rjl.v2i1.543


Background. The use of Intellectual Property Rights, especially product brand registration for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, has not been running optimally in Indonesia, and especially in the city of Pekanbaru, due to the lack of understanding of home industry entrepreneurs about brands and registration procedures, lack of technical guidance and programmatic socialization from the Regional Government. Purpose. This study aims to analyze the low implementation of product trademark registration for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and to analyze the role of the local government of Pekanbaru city in the implementation of product trademark registration for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in improving trade business. Method. The approach used in this study is a normative juridical approach and an empirical juridical approach to obtain correct and objective research results. Results. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the implementation of product trademark registration for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Pekanbaru city has not been running as expected, as evidenced in 2022, out of 25,074 trademarks circulating in the market, only 8 (eight) have implemented their trademark registration. Conclusion. Furthermore, it is known that the role of local government in the implementation of trademark registration for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Pekanbaru city is not running as expected, because the local government of Pekanbaru city has not given maximum attention to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises so that they do not develop and make updates in innovating in accordance with science and technology and community needs.
Sosialisasi Merek bagi Pelaku Industri Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) di Negeri Kedah Malaysia sebagai Solusi dan Proyeksi terhadap Upaya Pemberian Kepastian dan Perlindungan Hukum Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi; Noranida Mokthsim; David Hardiago
Community Engagement and Emergence Journal (CEEJ) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Community Engagement & Emergence Journal (CEEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/ceej.v5i1.4193


Penjabaran dan sosialisasi atas mekanisme pendaftaran merek UMKM di Malaysia sebagai suatu kebutuhan tidak saja dilatarbelakangi atas masalah dan hambatan yang dihadapi oleh UMKM Malaysia untuk menghadapi tantangan baru yang timbul dari globalisasi, melainkan ditujukan pula untuk menarik jumlah pelaku Industri agar berkeinginan melakukan pendaftaran atas merek yang secara signifikan akan berdampak pada pemasukan negara atas biaya pendaftaran merek yang dilakukan disatu sisi, dan di sisi lainnya agar memberikan dampak positif kepada para pelaku industri UMKM dalam hal perlindungan dan pemberian kepastian hukum. Mengingat, dalam mekanisme pendaftaran merek dengan merujuk pada Pasal 18 ayat (1) Trademark ACT 2019 atau UU Merek Malaysia, memberi klasifikasi pendaftaran merek dengan total 45 pembagian kelas yang penting untuk dijabarkan termasuk yang terkait dengan mekanisme perlindungan hukum apa yang disajikan oleh Trademark ACT 2019 terhadap pelaku industri UMKM yang mendaftarkan merek miliknya.
Hygiene Criminil & Politic Criminil: Upaya Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan Narkotika Melalui Mekanisme Soft Approach di Negeri Kedah Malaysia David Hardiago; Noranida Mokthsim; Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi
Community Engagement and Emergence Journal (CEEJ) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Community Engagement & Emergence Journal (CEEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/ceej.v5i1.4197


Kejahatan terkait penyalahgunaan narkotika yang terjadi di Malaysia menduduki tren peningkatan tertinggi jika dibandingkan dengan kejahatan-kejahatan lainnya yang terjadi, yang pada gilirannya berdampak pada terjadinya permasalahan overcrowding di penjara Malaysia, di mana 56% dari total overcrowding tersebut disumbangkan dari kejahatan terhadap penyalahgunaan narkotika. Tentunya, angka overcrowding penjara di Malaysia tersebut turut memasukan jumlah penyalahguna narkotika yang terjadi di Negeri Kedah, mengingat data yang dimaksud merupakan akumulasi dalam skala nasional. Terlebih lagi, berdasarkan data statistik kejahatan narkotika yang terjadi di Malaysia antara tahun 2016 - 2020, daerah dengan tingkat penyalahguna narkotika tertinggi didominasi oleh Negeri Kedah dengan total 15.097 penyalahguna. Dengan tingkat penyalahguna narkotika di Negeri Kedah yang tinggi tersebut, tentunya membutuhkan strategi yang ditujukan sebagai upaya untuk pemberantasan terhadap penyalahgunaan narkotika yang dimaksud.  
Consumer Legal Protection for Whitening Cream Cosmetic Products Sri Arlina; Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi; Faiz Mufidi
Jurnal Ius Constituendum Vol 9, No 2 (2024): JUNE
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/jic.v9i2.8459


This research aims to determine the implementation of the principles of justice and supervision of consumer protection in protecting consumers who use whitening cream cosmetic products (from the perspective of legal justice theory). The urgency of this research was initiated because many whitening cream products are circulating that contain dangerous ingredients and are sold at low prices. The research involved takes a juridical-normative approach. Techniques for data collection include literature studies and observations at BPOM Pekanbaru City. The principle of justice in consumer legal protection has not been effectively implemented by Article 2 paragraph (2) of the UUPK. One of the factors is a lack of effective compensation. The government merely issues administrative and criminal sanctions without being obliged to compensate for damages or restore the health of the skin affected by products. Then, according to UUPK rules, the BPOM does not have the authority to supervise the execution of consumer protection (Article 30 (1) UUPK). As a result, the Pekanbaru City BPOM's supervisory function on this research issue is ineffective, leaving consumers with insufficient facilities and infrastructure, free legal aid, and quick access to settle consumer disputes with business actors.