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Evaluasi Masalah Bottom Hole Assembly Lepas Pada Pemboran Berarah Di Sumur X Lapangan Y Idham Khalid; Ali Musnal
Journal of Earth Energy Engineering Vol. 4 No. 2 (2015): OCTOBER
Publisher : Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1244.972 KB) | DOI: 10.22549/jeee.v4i2.638


Sumur X pada lapangan Y merupakan sumur dengan permasalahan rangkaian BHA terlepas setelah proses pembebasan rangkaian pipa pemboran karena adanya Pack off pada kedalaman 3.360 ft MD. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan tidak adanya return pada saat dilakukan circulation serta tekanan pompa naik secara tiba-tiba. Pack off menyebabkan formasi gugur dan cutting terakumulasi di lubang sumur. Terakumulasinya cutting menjadi penyebab rangkaian terjepit akibat. Perhitungan reactive torque dengan persamaan Frank J Schuh dilakukan untuk mengetahui besarnya nilai torsi yang menyebabkan BHA terlepas dari rangkaian tersebut. Menurut perhitungan yang telah dilakukan, rangkaian BHA lepas terjadi karena torsi reaksi (reactive torque) sebesar 60.240 yang sekitar dua kali lebih daripada nilai make up torque untuk HWDP 5” yaitu sebesar 22.800 Masalah rangkaian BHA lepas dapat ditangani dengan menggunakan metode operasi fishing. Waktu ekonomis fishing yang didapat untuk melakukan kegiatan fishing sebesar 3,1 hari. Apabila fishing job tidak berhasil, maka dapat dilakukan operasi penindaklanjutan untuk menghindari fish yang tertinggal di dalam lubang sumur dengan melakukan pembelokan lintasan sumur pada titik Kick Off Point (KOP) yang baru, yakni pada kedalaman 485 ft.
Analisa Dan Optimasi Recovery Perolehan Cadangan Gas Dengan Melihat Parameter Design Sumur Pada Struktur Musi Barat Di Lapangan Riyadh Rycha Melysa; Idham Khalid
Journal of Earth Energy Engineering Vol. 6 No. 2 (2017): OCTOBER
Publisher : Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (723.579 KB) | DOI: 10.22549/jeee.v6i2.1013


Lapangan Riyadh merupakan lapangan yang memiliki potensi cadangan gas. Berdasarkan hasil perkiraan cadangan secara volumetric lapangan Riyadh memiliki cadangan sebesar 686.334 Bcf. Lapangan Riyadh ini memiliki 28 sumur yaitu hanya 20 sumur yang berproduksi hingga tahun 2016. Perolehan gas pada lapangan Riyadh hingga akhir tahun 2016 yaitu sebesar 505.336 Bcf. Maka perlu dilakukan perkiraan cadangan berdasarkan material balance dan melakukan optimasi recovery perolehan gas sesuai dengan design sumur di lapangan riyadh. Pada lapangan Riyadh ini dilakukan analisa forecast tekanan terhadap kumulatif produksi gas untuk mengetahui tekanan pada kumulatif produksi gas terhadap waktu. Selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan perkiraan cadangan dengan metode plot P/z vs Gp dan dilakukan identifikasi driving mechanism. Dari hasil perkiraan cadangan dapat dihitung perkiraan recovery factor current dan recovery factor predict . tahap optimasi recovery perolehan gas dilakukan dengan prosper dan mbal software. Hasil perkiraan cadangan gas dengan material balance plot P/z vs Gp sebesar 702.895 Bcf. Analisa plot P/z vs Gp dapat diketahui bahwa reservoir pada lapangan Riyadh dipengaruhi aquifer influx sehingga dapat di indikasi dari hasil metode cole plot, driving mechanism lapangan Riyadh ini adalah strong water drive .kemudian dari hasil perhitungan cadangan plot P/z vs Gp untuk RF current sebesar 72 % dengan RF prediksi 82 % berdasarkan manual. Setelah dilakukan simulasi Mbal recovery perolehan gas pada lapangan Riyadh dapat di optimasi sampai 85 % berdasarkan parameter design sumur yaitu tubing 3 inch.
Performance Analysis of Local Pekanbaru Bentonite for Reactive Solid Application of Mud Drilling Novrianti Novrianti; Idham Khalid; Richa Melysa
Journal of Earth Energy Engineering Vol. 7 No. 2 (2018): OCTOBER
Publisher : Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (720.091 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/jeee.2018.vol7(2).2192


In oil and gas drilling activities, drilling mud is one of the most important commodities. The main mineral used as a reactive solid that works to suck fresh water and form drilling mud is bentonite. Bentonite which is used as a drilling mud in the market is mostly imported from the United States. In Indonesia there are several areas that have enough potential for bentonite minerals, namely Java, Sumatra, parts of Kalimantan and Sulawesi with reserves estimated to be more than 380 million tons. This study uses bentonite in Kulim area, Tenayan Raya City, Pekanbaru, in hopes of providing useful information input, especially in the use of bentonite minerals in drilling mud. Using local bentonite the price is cheaper and more efficient. The object observed was the effect and number of bentonite mixed with fresh water so that the rheological properties of drilling mud such as viscosity, gel strength, mud cake and filtration loss were obtained and would be in accordance with API specification 13A standards. Whereas to find out the composition and structure of local mineral clay, SEM and EDX analyzes were performed to determine the characteristics and composition of these minerals. From these tests add additives NaCO3 and NaOH as ion exchangers and add the element Na to the sludge. From SEM and EDX analysis, two samples taken in central Sumatra Sumatra can be categorized as clay Illite fe-rich and Clay Illite Platty. Rheological testing of drilling mud and chemical composition analysis of clay Illite fe-rich minerals and Clay Illite Platty in Riau, Central Sumatra and with the addition of additives NaCO3 and NaOH to local Clay, Rheology in mud based on Clay Illite Platty is obtained with Bentonite. commonly used as a basic material for the manufacture of oil and gas drilling mud with API Spec13 A.
Aplikasi Bentonite Lokal Terhadap Nilai Compressive dan Shear Bond Strength Suspensi Semen Sumur Minyak: Application of Local Bentonite to Compressive Value and Shear Bond Strength for Oil Well Cement Suspension Idham Khalid; Ali Musnal; Adi Novriansyah; Kurniawan Sitanggang
JURNAL SAINTIS Vol. 20 No. 02 (2020)
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/saintis.2020.vol20(02).5252


[ID] Pelaksanaaan proses penyemenan yang baik pada sumur minyak merupakan aspek penting yang berpengaruh pada suskesnya produksi minyak ke permukaan. Untuk itu, penggunaan additif dalam suspense semen direkomendasikan supaya kulitas suspense semen tetap stabil selama proses penyemenan berlangsung. Melakui penelitian ini kualitas bentonite lokal dan bentonite komersial terhadap parameter compressive strength(CS) dan shear bond strength (SBS) akan dibandingkan. Pengukuran CS dan SBS dilkukan berdasarkan rekomendasi dari American Petroleum Institute (API) pada tujuh buah sampel suspense semen dengan konsentrasi aditif yang bervariasi. Hasil penelitian terhadap bentonite lokal menunjukkan penurunan nilai CS dengan bertambahnya konsentrasi aditif. Konsentrasi optimum bentonite lokal adalah 1.6% dengan nilai CS sebesar 1649 psi, 6% dibawah nilai CS untuk sampel suspense semen dan bentonite komersial pada konsentrasi yang sama. Untuk nilai SBS, konsentrasi optimum untuk aditif bentonite lokal adalah 4.8% dengan nilai SBS sebesar 439 psi, 21 % diatas nilai SBS untuk sampel semen dengan 4.8% bentonite komersial. Dari penentuan nilai CS dan SBS dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan bentonite lokal dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti bentonite komersial dimana hasil pengukuran CS dan SBS tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. [EN] The implementation of a good cementing process in oil wells is an important aspect that affects the success of oil production to the surface. For this reason, the use of additives in semen suspense is thought that the quality of the cement suspension remains stable during the cementing process. By doing this research, the quality of local bentonite and commercial bentonite against the parameters of compressive strength (CS) and shear bond strength (SBS) will be compared. CS and SBS measurements were carried out based on recommendations from the American Petroleum Institute (API) on seven cement suspension samples with varying additive concentrations. The results of research on local bentonite showed a decrease in the value of CS with an increase in additive concentration. The optimum concentration of local bentonite is 1.6% with a CS value of 1649 psi, 6% below the CS value for cement and commercial bentonite suspense samples at the same concentration. For the SBS value, the optimum concentration for local bentonite additives is 4.8% with an SBS value of 439 psi, 21% above the SBS value for cement samples with 4.8% commercial bentonite. From the determination of CS and SBS values, it can be shown that the use of local bentonite can be an alternative to commercial sites where the CS and SBS measurement results do not show a significant difference.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jmbc.v9i1.4397


Human resources development of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) through education and training to form a professional apparatus. In order to be able to carry out its duties and functions so that services to the community can be qualified. The importance of education and training programs in the government apparatus is realized education through school lines, both public education and vocational education. This study aims to find out and analyze the influence of education level, training and motivation on improving the quality of employee services at Padjonga Daeng Ngalle Hospital Takalar Regency. This type of research is quantitative with explanatory research approach. The population in this study was employees of Padjonga Daeng Ngalle Hospital Takalar Regency. Sampling techniques using simple random sampling distributed to 269 respondents. The analytical method used in this study is multiple linear analysis.The results of this study showed that education has an insignificant positive influence on improving the quality of service; training has a significant positive influence on improving the quality of service; motivation has a significant positive influence on improving the quality of service; training has a dominant effect on the quality of service. Different medical and non-medical sample tests of four direct variables hypothesized only significantly different medical and non-medical motivations. This shows that the better the training and motivation of employees' work, the better the quality of service.
Holistik Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.362 KB) | DOI: 10.24235/holistik.v1i2.1123


Kemiskinan seringkali menjadikan orang pada kekufuran dan menggiringnya terjebak pada kehidupan yang penuh hayalan dan fatamorgana. Fenomena hidup dengan hiasan hayalan ini tampaknya dapat ditemukan pada para pengikut paham atau ajaran Mukrominiyyah yang dipimpin oleh Bapak Mukromin di desa Jangga Kecamatan Jangga Kabupaten Indramayu. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian iini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Dengan menggunakan data primer dan skunder dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui: riset kepustakaan, pengamatan terlibat (participant observation), wawancara terbuka (open interview) dan mendalam.Simpulan penelitian 1. Genealogi Mukrominiyyah. Mukrominiyah adalah merupakan kelompok keagamaan yang berawal dari munculnya pemikiran seorang yang bernama Mukromin. Mukrominiyah berada di Desa Jangga Kecamatan jangga Kabupaten Indramayu. 2. Doktri dan ajaran Mukrominiyyah meliputi: Harta karun, budi pekerti, fiqih, tasawuf dan tauhid. 3. Implikasi doktrin dan ajaran Mukrominiyyah. 1. Implikasi positif meliputi: pengikut Mukrominiyyah yang bersifat sabar, bijak dan dermawan. Sedangkan implikasi negatifnya adalah: para pengikut Mukrominiyah memiliki sifat pemimpi, malas bekerja dan terganggu akidahnya.Kata kunci: Misteri, Harta karun, Paham, Mukrominiyyah. 
Ar-Ribh : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (715.885 KB) | DOI: 10.26618/jei.v3i1.3295


The pawn contract practice conducted by the community in Salohe Village, East Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency is a rice field pawning. This research is focused to further study whether the practice of paddy pawning which has been carried out by the people of Salohe Village is in accordance with the Shariah economic principles. The problems studied are focused on the understanding of the people of Salohe Village regarding the implementation of paddy pawning and the application of Sharia principles in the implementation of paddy pawning in Salohe Village, East Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency. The method in this research is a qualitative approach. With the data source used is prime data, secondary data and informant data. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation. To analyze data, researchers used Data Reduction, Data Presentation and Conclusion Drawing / verification. The results obtained from this study of the implementation of paddy pawning in Salohe Village, Sinjai Timur District, Sinjai Regency were done long ago because of very urgent needs. The pawn process is only done verbally, namely the pawners (rahin) come to the murtahin to offer their fields to be pawned with the intention of obtaining some money. The power / use of rice fields is in the hands of the pawning recipient (murtahin) until the repayment of debt. Generally done interpersonal, which is inseparable from the spirit please help. However, the majority of them do not understand the pawn rules in Islam.
(العادةيووانجعانتينفينظرالأحكامالشريعةالإسلامية (دراسةميدانية :حولالمجتمعكاجيجانجإسلامبوعايةكاعينباباندامكارانجاسامبالي Idham Khalid; Isa Anshori; Ahmad Masduqi
MAQASID Vol 9, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (590.49 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/mqsd.v9i1.6554


ABSTRACTIn the Balinese community, especially the people in the Kecicang Islam Village of Bungaya Village Kangin Bebandem Karangasem, there is a tradition in the marriage process called "Nyuang Nganten". This tradition one day before the contract of the prospective bridegroom brings the prospective bride to his residence at night. In this tradition, the bride and groom are picked up by the bridegroom's relatives and accompanied by the community while in this tradition the bridegroom's family brings something like betel leaves, sugar, prestige, coffee, tobacco and others.From the background of the problem, the writer formulates the problem into 2 questions, namely 1) How is the Nyuang Nganten tradition in the Islamic village of Kecicang? 2) What are the views of scholars and community leaders about the Nyuang Nganten tradition ?. This research is a field research using qualitative-descriptive method. The method used for data collection is by observation, interview, and documentation.The conclusion of this research is that the Nyuang Nganten tradition of the Kecicang Islam village of Bungaya Kangin Village is a hereditary heritage of ancestors so that it still exists. This custom is a prerequisite before holding a marriage in Kampung Kecicang Islam.  In the procession before the wedding there are several meetings required to bring up to smoothen the marriage. According to as community and religious leaders, the Nyuang Nganten custom is a necessity in marriage in the Kampung Kecicang Islam community and even if this custom is not implemented, we are not considered as respecting the custom and violate local regulations and this affects the psychological family. The views of scholars and community leaders in Kampung Kecicang Islam believe that the Nyuang Nganten custom does not violate Islamic law. In fact, this tradition may be worked on and/or abandoned.Keywords: Tradition, Nyuang Nganten, Islamic Law
Jurnal Ilmiah MEA (Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi) Vol 6 No 3 (2022): Edisi September - Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM STIE Muhammadiah Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.194 KB) | DOI: 10.31955/mea.v6i3.2457


UMKM di Kabupaten Gowa memegang peranan yang sangat penting dan menjadi basis pembangunan ekonomi kerakyatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan mengkaji pengembangan UMKM dalam rangka meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat di Kabupaten Gowa. Penelitan ini di pusatkan di Kabupaten Gowa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dapat di peroleh melalui, observasi, wawancara, rekaman, dan lain sebagainya. Metode Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis matriks SWOT. Metode analisis SWOT terdiri dari pengambungan unsure kekuatan (Strengths), kelemahan (Weaknesses), peluang (Opportunities), dan ancaman (Threats). Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa UMKM dapat menerapkan strategi pemasaran S-O dengan melakukan inovasi pada produk, membuat ciri khas produk berdasarkan klaster wilayah dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk melakukan promosi juga penjualan produk agar lebih dikenal oleh konsumen diluar klaster wilayah. Strategi W-O meliputi pelaku UMKM untuk senantiasa memperhatikan keinginan pasar dan keinginan konsumen, keinginan pasar dan konsumen yang berubah-ubah menuntut pelaku UMKM untuk melakukan inovasi pada jangka waktu tertentu. Strategi pemasaran S-T memberikan ciri khas yang menonjol pada produk yang dihasilkan oleh pelaku UMKM dan juga melakukan proteksi pada produk dengan membuat merk dagang agar produk tidak diplagiat oleh pelaku UMKM lainnya. Pemasaran dengan strategi W-T menuntut bagi pelaku UMKM untuk memperkenalkan hasil produk pada daerah lain diluar kalsterisasi agar kiranya produk dikenal tidak hanya pada lingkungan klaster tersebut.