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Feature selection for DDoS detection using classification machine learning techniques Andi Maslan; Kamaruddin Malik Bin Mohamad; Feresa Binti Mohd Foozy
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Vol 9, No 1: March 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (581.324 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v9.i1.pp137-145


Computer system security is a factor that needs to be considered in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, namely by preventing various threats to the system, as well as being able to detect and repair any damage that occurs to the computer system. DDoS attacks are a threat to the company at this time because this attack is carried out by making very large requests for a site or website server so that the system becomes stuck and cannot function at all. DDoS attacks in Indonesia and developed countries always increase every year to 6% from only 3%. To minimize the attack, we conducted a study using Machine Learning techniques. The dataset is obtained from the results of DDoS attacks that have been collected by the researchers. From the datasets there is a training and testing of data using five techniques classification: Neural Network, Naïve Bayes and Random Forest, KNN, and Support Vector Machine (SVM), datasets processed have different percentages, with the aim of facilitating in classifying. From this study it can be concluded that from the five classification techniques used, the Forest random classification technique achieved the highest level of accuracy (98.70%) with a Weighted Avg 98.4%. This means that the technique can detect DDoS attacks accurately on the application that will be developed.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Mempengaruhi Kesenjangan Digital Studi Kasus Barelang (Batam, Rempang Dan Galang) Kepulauan Riau Andi Maslan
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (585.847 KB)


Teknologi informasi telah berkembang dengan pesat dan menjadi semakin mudah diakses oleh masyarakat. Informasi telah menyebar melalui berbagai media, baik media cetak (Koran dan majalah), maupun media elektronik, seperti televisi, dan internet. Indonesia merupakan negara yang tidak lepas dari perkembangan global internet, dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat. Desa Digital adalah konsep pembangunan pedesaan yang memberdayakan masyarakat dengan sarana teknologi informasi yang memadai, tetapi saat ini program pemerintah belum tercapai sehingga muncullah istilah kesenjangan digital. Menurut OECD tahun 2001 (1), kesenjangan penguasaan teknologi informasi (digital divides) didefinisikan bahwa kesenjangan bukan hanya terjadi di tingkat bisnis dan geografi saja, tetapi juga mencakup kesenjangan di tingkat individu. Kesenjangan digital (digital divide) sangat dirasakan tidak saja dalam kaitan paradox kota kecil melainkan juga dalam suatu kota besar. Kesenjangan digital tersebut terjadi terutama sejak penggunaan Internet secara luas dan meningkatnya arus informasi yang sangat dominan, yang didukung platform Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi. Laporan ini berisi hasil pembuktian bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesenjangan digital adalah faktor umur, pendidikan, pendapatan dan lokasi. Kesemua faktor ini dianalisis dengan metode SEM sehingga diperoleh tingkat signifikansi masing-masing faktor
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.314 KB)


Kehadiran internet bagaimanapun harus dipadukan dengan kecanggihan desain dan pertimbangan dari sisi usability. Jika pengguna tidak dapat menemukan apa yang dibutuhkan dari halaman web yang diberikan karena kurangnya informasi atau kompleksitas navigasi, pengguna akan menjadi frustrasi dan pindah ke situs lain. Rata-rata pengguna menghabiskan 46 detik melihat setiap halaman web. Berbagai organisasi tertarik dalam mengevaluasi website untuk memastikan bahwa pihak organisasi secara efektif dapat mencapai dan mempertahankan pelanggan, dan penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa estetika telah menjadi semakin penting bagi pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur nilai estetika website Bank BPR Kota Batam dengan Model End User Computing Satisfaction, apakah pengguna merasa puas terhadap desain website yang ada. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan diagram tulang ikan. Diagram tulang ikan digunakan untuk mengetahui akar penyebab pengguna merasa puas terhadap website yang ada di Bank BPR Kota Batam. Berdasarkan hasil survey dan penyebaran kuesioner kepada pengguna sistem sebanyak 60 responden didapatkan hasil bahwa pengguna puas dengan indicator warna, lay out, animasi, image, jenis huruf, keseimbangan tampilan dan daya tarik untuk Bank BPR di Kota Batam. Nilai estetika website bank Kencana Graha sebesar 68,2 % menyatakan puas dengan tampilan dan di urutan kedua bank BPRS Vitka Central dengan persentase 67,90%.
Pembuatan Media Promosi Berbasis Web, Sistem Administrasi, dan Manajemen Pemasaran pada Mitra Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) Nelayan di Kelurahan Pulau Temoyong, Batam Andi Maslan; Erlin Elisa; Raymond Raymond
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1060.104 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.201944.230


MAKING WEB-BASED PROMOTION MEDIA, ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM, AND MARKETING MANAGEMENT IN JOINT BUSINESS GROUP OF FISHERMANS IN PULAU TEMOYONG VILLAGE, BATAM. Batam City is a municipality which has a strategic location directly adjacent to Singapore which is included in the Riau Islands Province. The current reality is that the contribution of the fisheries sector to the regional treasury of Batam is relatively small and is still dominated by other sectors. Some obstacles faced are the lack of knowledge in the field of Information Technology (ICT), especially how to promote aquaculture and catches that are less than the maximum, resulting in a decrease in sales turnover for fishermen. This is felt by the Fishermen Joint Business Group (KUB). This KUB is spread in six villages in the Bulang Sub-District, Batam. Each village is approximately 20 KUB consisting of 10 members. This KUB certainly regulates production and coordinates with regard to the development of fisheries and capture aquaculture products. In the process of cultivation and capture there are no problems, resulting in decreased sales turnover, decreased sales turnover ranging from 10% to 20%, according to interviews with the service team, that one of the consequences is due to the lack of ICT-based promotional media (E-commerce Website), lack of computer-based administrative system management and lack of knowledge in the field of marketing. To avoid ongoing problems, web design training with MDA models and participant satisfaction analysis have been carried out involving 30 participants who are members of a fishing business group. The overall result in the implementation of the training to the community was that 79.58% of participants were satisfied with the training, and there were some inputs that the material provided was too difficult and the training time was also limited.
PENINGKATAN LITERASI DIGITAL DAN PENGELOLAAN MEDIA SOSIAL SEBAGAI PENCEGAHAN PENYEBARAN HOAX PADA SISWA/I DI SMA IMMANUEL KOTA BATAM: Digital Literacy Improvement and Social Media Management as Prevention of the Spread of Hoax to Students in Immanuel High School Batam City Ageng Rara Cindoswari; Angel Purwanti; Andi Maslan; Qori Framana; Stevander Glenn Jeremiah Leong; Liberniat Gea; Auric Auric; Era Azriani
PUAN INDONESIA Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Puan Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 Juli 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/jpi.v5i1.166


The high exposure to information and the rapid circulation of hoax information in Indonesia, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic, indicate the importance of digital literacy education for all parties. Literacy education for students needs to be carried out considering that students are the highest internet users in Indonesia. Literacy education activities are highly recommended to be carried out in formal institutions/organizations or the school environment. SMA Immanuel is one of the educational institutions in the city of Batam that requires assistance regarding digital literacy at SMA Immanuel. This training was carried out to provide (1). Knowledge and understanding of digital literacy and digital security (2). Understanding of hoax news and skills in avoiding the spread of hoax news, and (3). Skills in wise social media management. This coaching method are using lecture, discussion, and practice methods with a duration of 1 hour per session for 4 alternate meetings and is scheduled to involve 7 service members. This coaching is conducted in online meetings using the Zoom application. This coaching will be given to Immanuel school students in the city of Batam, totaling around 10-15 people which will be carried out in the January-June 2022 range. The results of the activity show that there is a significant increase in skills both in digital literacy skills, handling hoaxes, and also social media management.