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EEG signal classification for drowsiness detection using wavelet transform and support vector machine Novie Theresia Br. Pasaribu; Timotius Halim; Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Agus Prijono
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Vol 10, No 2: June 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v10.i2.pp501-509


There are several categories to detect and measure driver drowsiness such as physiological methods, subjective methods and behavioral methods. The most objective method for drowsiness detection is the physiological method. One of the physiological methods used is an electroencephalogram (EEG). In this research wavelet transform is used as a feature extraction and using support vector machine (SVM) as a classifier. We proposed an experiment of retrieval data which is designed by using modified-EAR and EEG signal. From the SVM training process, with the 5-fold cross validation, Quadratic kernel has the highest accuracy 84.5% then others. In testing Driving-2 process 7 respondents were detected as drowsiness class, and 3 respondents were detected as awake class. In the testing of Driving-3 process, 6 respondents were detected as drowsiness class, and 4 respondents were detected as awake class.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (686.519 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v4i1.1609


Abstrak: Menyongsong era revolusi masyarakat 5.0 generasi muda perlu dibekali dengan ilmu pengetahuan yang bermanfaat pada waktu yang akan datang. Hal ini yang menjadi dasar dilakukan pendampingan pembelajaran NodeMCU sebagai salah satu perangkat Internet of Things yang berguna untuk mengendalikan perangkat dari perangkat mobile atau perangkat komputer jarak jauh. Evaluasi hasil pendampingan digunakan dua cara yaitu, metode survey dan participatory action research. Pendampingan diikuti oleh 43 siswa-siswi SMA X di Bandung selama dua hari. Hasil kuesioner pertama dan kedua setelah dibandingkan terdapat peningkatan pemahaman sebelum dan sesudah mentorship sebesar 20%-25% yang diperoleh dari persentasi siswa yang menjawab benar materi kuesioner. Sedangkan hasil kuesioner ketiga diperoleh pencapaian kepuasan siswa rata-rata di atas 3 yang berarti siswa merasa penyampaian materi, fasilitas, dan kualitas kegiatan pendampingan bernilai ”baik”.  Abstract:  Toward the era of revolution in society 5.0 young generations need to be equipped with useful knowledge in the future. This is the basis for NodeMCU learning mentorship as one of the Internet of Things devices that is useful for controlling devices from mobile devices or remote computer peripheral. The evaluation results of the mentorship are used in two ways that are survey methods and participatory action research. The mentorship was attended by 43 students of SMA X in Bandung for two days. The results of the first and second questionnaires after comparison have increased understanding before and after mentorship by 20% - 25% obtained from the percentage of students who answered the questionnaire material correctly (Figure 6). While the results of the third questionnaire obtained an average achievement of student satisfaction above 3, which means students feel the delivery of material, facilities, and the quality of mentoring activities is worth "Good".
Implementation of Art and Technology in Batik Purwakarta Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Ariesa Pandanwangi; Agus Prijono
JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.662 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jtam.v4i1.1872


Indonesia is dominated by cities that have a history of batik, but Purwakarta does not have a history of batik. But thanks to the persistence of policy holders, Purwakarta currently has batik obtained by elevating the local wisdom of the city of Purwakarta. After surveys and interviews, several batik motifs were designed. The batik motif shape, size and position will be studied which will formulate mathematical equations based on basic geometric shapes such as circles, arches, lines, rectangles, which are implemented into the form of computer graphics (turtles) graph and explained in the form of an algorithm (pseudocode) computer programming to make autogenerative motifs on Purwakarta batik that did not exist before. Batik design is inspired by food and tourist locations which form the basis of the formation of typical Purwakarta batik motifs. Jatiluhur Dam, Datura Metel L. Flower, Sate Maranggi, Mangosteen Fruit is a local wisdom owned by the city of Purwakarta. The results of the morning glory batik design and Jatiluhur dew through mathematical and turtle charts are then formulated so that the batik motif design can be saved by documenting the mathematical equation or the pseudocode of the batik motif. With the results of digital motifs, the process of repeating patterns, duplicating and storing data becomes easier.
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Oktober 2021
Publisher : LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v5i1.961


West Java has a centre for craftsmen who have a variety of motifs drawn from their regional potential. One of them is Ciamis batik, but now with the pandemic of the Corona 19 virus, it has had a tremendous impact on the macro and micro industrial economy in the development of the batik business. More and more are stopping their business. So it is feared that Ciamis batik motifs are increasingly rare in the market. Through Turtle graphics, existing batik motifs are made in the form of vector images to be preserved by utilizing digital technology. This research has the aim to that the Ciamis batik motif can be made into a visual language through the digitalization process using the MuPAD programming language. The benefit is to document and reintroduce Ciamis Batik motifs that are almost extinct. The method used is a digitalization experiment through the Lindenmayer System. Ciamis batik samples selected motifs that have repetition in the form of a repeating pattern. Based on the research, the Ciamis batik motif can be made using the technique of arches, horizontal lines, vertical lines, and rotation. The conclusion of this research is that batik motif design can use the Lindenmayer System program as a blueprint and can be implemented on Indonesian batik.  This research contributes to the efficient documentation of batik motifs in digital form with good quality so that they can be implemented in the creative industry.
Generative Art sebagai Pembentuk Motif Geometris Ariesa Pandanwangi; Agus Prijono; Ratnadewi Ratnadewi
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 8 No 4 (2022): Ideas: Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (November)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32884/ideas.v8i4.959


Designing motifs is still mostly done manually, using a pencil and then drawing on paper. The purpose of this research is to offer a solution in making geometric motifs by utilizing algorithmic art produced through computer technology. This method is a combination of the use of algorithmic art and the design used in making geometric motif designs. Algorithmic Art is a subset of generative art that is the result of an algorithmic process and is designed by the artist and usually uses a random process to generate variations based on external input. The results of this study are geometric motifs using the algorithmic art method. Geometric motifs can be applied to fabrics, decorations, and others.
Pelatihan Daring Robotika bagi Siswa dan Guru di Sekolah Menengah Atas Kristen Yahya Bandung Ratnadewi; Muliady; Agus Prijono; Aan Darmawan Hankawidjaja; Christian Felix
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (DPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jpm.v8i1.6164


During the era of adapting to new habits after the Covid-19 pandemic, on-line learning needs to be done, considering the problem of the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia. Learning to improve logical thinking skills and abstraction skills is needed by high school students. This can be done by providing online robotics training. so that teaching and learning activities are still carried out online, and there is also a need for knowledge about robotics for students and teachers at SMAK Yahya. The implementation of this activity will be carried out online and will be accompanied by selected instructors who have been tested for their abilities in robotics. The results of this service are expected that participants can practice on their own about robotics, can train logical thinking, and can improve abstraction skills. Based on the results of the questionnaire obtained, it can be concluded that there was an increase of 30%-40%. Students who initially had 0% of knowledge about VEX robot programming increased to 30%-40%, of course this is still not satisfactory, but is expected to be able to provide basic knowledge about VEX robots. Need further learning that is more in-depth, because the capacity of each student is different, and the provision of supporting devices is also inadequate.
Pelatihan Kecerdasan Buatan bagi Siswa-siswi SMKN-4 Bandung Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Heri Andrianto; Riko Arlando Saragih; Agus Prijono; Tio Dewantho Sunoto; Yohana Susanthi; Judea Janoto Jarden
AKM Vol 4 No 1 (2023): AKM : Aksi Kepada Masyarakat Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat - Juli 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariah (STEBIS) Indo Global Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36908/akm.v4i1.839


Salah satu bidang ilmu dari Teknik Elektro yang dikenal adalah kecerdasan buatan yang sudah berkembang pesat dan banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat pada saat ini. Pembekalan mengenai keilmuan Teknik Elektro khususnya kecerdasan buatan perlu disosialisasikan kepada para siswa-siswi agar mereka memahami lingkup dan aplikasi ilmu dari bidang Teknik Elektro dalam masyarakat. Metode pelaksanaan pelatihan yang digunakan adalah service learning, yaitu siswa-siswi SMKN-4 Bandung diberi pelatihan agar lebih memahami tentang kecerdasan buatan, machine learning, deep learning serta pengetahuan tentang computer vision dan materi tentang NLP (Natural Language Processing). Sebelum dan setelah pelatihan peserta diminta mengikuti kuis untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan meraka. Hasil kuis menunjukkan bahwa dari test pertama terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan rata-rata sebesar 36 point, sedangkan untuk test kedua terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan rata-rata sebesar 50 point, berikutnya pada test ketiga terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan rata-rata 37 point.
Pembelajaran Rangkaian Listrik dengan Aplikasi TinkerCAD Circuit pada Akademisi di Indonesia Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Muliady Muliady; Agus Prijono; Yohana Susanthi; Tio Dewantho Sunoto; Eric Chandra; Aldi Setiawan; Rio Ananda
Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara Vol 7 No 3 (2023): Volume 7 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/ja.v7i3.16831


The development of the world of education that increasingly prioritizes asynchronous learning encourages more platforms and applications to be launched online learning by combining knowledge and skills. However, there are still obstacles when students/teachers first try to use the application/platform self-taught. In order to bridge this gap, the UKM TE Study Program held a service by providing simulation and coding workshops on electrical circuits with the TinkerCAD Circuit web-based application for students and teachers in junior high schools. The main purpose of this PkM is to be a motivation and basis for participants to learn electrical circuits, and it can even be used as an online learning option in schools.