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Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama waktu pemberian tepung testis sapi (TTS) terhadap keberhasilan menghasilkan ikan cupang jantan dan mengetahui lama waktu terbaik pemberian tepung testis sapi (TTS) terhadap keberhasilan menghasilkan ikan cupang jantan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Beih Ikan (BBI) Siwarak, Ungaran, pada bulan Desember 2014-Maret 2015. Ikan uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah larva ikan cupang yang kuning telurnya sudah habis dan sudah dapat mencerna pakan buatan. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan, yaitu percampuran tepung testis sapi (TTS) dengan pakan komersil dengan dosis 15% dalam interval waktu yang telah ditentukan yaitu 0 perlakuan A, 7 hari perlakuan B, 14 hari perlakuan C, dan 21 hari perlakuan D. Variabel yang diamati adalah persentase ikan cupang jantan dan betina. Analisa data menggunakan ANOVA dan apabila terjadi perbadaan dilakukan uji lanjut yaitu Uji Duncan. Jenis kelamin dibedakan berdasarkan pengamatan secara morfologis dan menggunakan metode asetokarmin. Hasil pengamatan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh yang sangat nyata terhadap pengaruh lama waktu pemberian tepung testis sapi. Persentase kelamin jantan perlakuan A yaitu sebesar 41,14+0,23, perlakuan B sebesar 44,78+0,53%, perlakuan C sebesar 51,57+1,48 dan  perlakuan D sebesar 65,10+2,07%. Persentase kelamin betina perlakuan A sebesar 58,86+0,39, perlakuan B sebesar 55,22+0,53, pelakuan C sebesar 48,42+1,48, nilai terkecil diperoleh pelakuan D sebesar 34,90+2,07. Hasil dari kelulushidupan perlakuan A sebesar 52,67+1,53, perlakuan B sebesar 54,33+3,21, perlakuan C sebesar 56,00+4,00 dan perlakuan D sebesar 62,00+2,65. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pemberian tepung testis sapi. Lama waktu terbaik dalam keberhasilan menghasilkan ikan cupang jantan selama 21 hari dengan dosis 15% yaitu sebesar 65,10+2,07%. This study aims to determine the effect of long meal cow testicles (TTS) to produce a successful male betta fish and determine the length of time the best meal of beef testicles (TTS) to produce a successful male betta fish. The research was conducted in the Balai Benih Ikan (BBI) Siwarak, Ungaran, in December 2014-March 2015. The fish were used in this study is betta fish larvae yolk has been depleted and can digest feed. The experiment was completely randomized design (CRD) 4 treatments and 3 repetitions, ie mixing flour cow testicles (TTS) with commercial feed with a dose of 15% in the time interval that has been determined is 0 A, B 7 days of treatment, 14 days C treatment, and 21 days of treatment D. The observed variables were the percentage of male and female betta. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and in case of spending a further test is carried out Duncan test. Gender differentiated by morphological observation and using asetokarmin. Observations obtained from this study is that there is a very real impact on the long meal of beef testicles. The percentage of male sex treatment of A is 41.14 + 0.23, equal treatment of B  44.78 + 0.53, equal treatment of  C 51.57 + 1.48 and for the treatment of D 65.10+2.07%. The percentage of female treatment A of 58.86 + 0.39, the treatment of B 55.22+ 0,53, for the commission of C  48.42 + 1.48, the smallest value obtained by the commission of D 34.90 + 2.07. Results of treatment of A survival 52.67 + 1.53, treatment of B 54.33 + 3.21, treatment of C 56.00 + 4.00 and  for treatments D 62.00+ 2.65. The conclusion of this study is that there is a real impact on the provision of flour cow testicles. The length of time to produce the best success in the male betta fish for 21 days with a dose of 15% is equal to 65.10+2.07%.
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Vol 3. No 2 (2014): Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Padat penebaran merupakan hal yang penting dalam usaha penampungan dan pendederan karena akan mempengaruhi oksigen terlarut dan ammonia. Kepadatan yang tinggi maka oksigen terlarut akan berkurang, sebaliknya ammonia akan semakin bertambah akibat buangan metabolisme ikan dan juga sisa pakan. Kondisi tersebut merupakan tekanan lingkungan yang dapat menyebabkan kenyamanan ikan menjadi terganggu. Pertumbuhan akan terhambat karena energi yang seharusnya digunakan untuk petumbuhan dipakai ikan untuk mempertahankan dirinya dari tekanan lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Kepadatan yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan benih  ikan nila Pandu (O. niloticus) dan juga untuk mengetahui kepadatan yang terbaik untuk kelulushidupan (SR) dan pertumbuhan pada benih nila Pandu (O. niloticus) yang dipelihara di tambak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 40 hari pengamatan, dimulai dari bulan April sampai dengan Mei 2013 di, tambak desa Tapak kecamatan Tugu, Semarang. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah benih ikan nila Pandu (O. niloticus) berukuran 3 - 5 cm (D20-D60) dengan bobot 0,58 g. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Eksprimen lapangan dengan menggunakan pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan masing – masing 3 kali ulangan. Perbedaan padat penebaran pada setiap perlakuan A, B, dan C masing- masing adalah 15 atau 9 ekor/m2, 25 atau 15 ekor/m2, dan 35 atau 21 ekor/m2 yang dipeliharan di tambak dengan menggunakan hapa. Ikan diberi pakan 5% dari berat biomassa ikan pada pagi, siang, sore hari pukul 08.00, 12.00, dan 16.00 WIB. Variabel yang diuji adalah laju pertumbuhan spesifik (SGR), kelulushidupan (SR), Tingkat Produksi konversi pakan (FCR) dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa padat penebaran tidak berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kelululushidupan, namun berbeda sangat nyata terhadap (P>0,01)  pertumbuhan, tingkat produksi, dan rasio konversi pakan. Nilai laju pertumbuhan spesifik untuk masing-masing perlakuan A, B, dan C yaitu (6,94±0,028%), (6,23±0,041%), dan (5,63±0,003%). Nilai kelulushidupan untuk masing-masing perlakuan A, B, dan C yaitu (97,78±3,85%), (97,33±2,31%), dan (97,14±2,86%). nilai tingkat produksi untuk masing-masing perlakuan A,B,dan C adalah (99,96±7,14 g), (178,98±10,96 g), (257,56±16,67 g) Nilai FCR untuk masing-masing perlakuan A, B, dan C yaitu adalah  (0,58±0.04), (0,75±0,04), dan (0,89±0,06). Hasil pengukuran parameter kualitas air untuk suhu berkisar antara 26 – 310C, Salinitas 12 – 14 ppt; pH 7,97 – 8,69; DO 3,25 – 3,78 mg/l; dan amonia 0,02 – 0,04 mg/l. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan  bahwa kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan terbaik dengan kepadatan 15 atau 9 ekor/m2.              Density stocking important thing deep relocation effort and Nursery because will regard dissolved oxygen and ammonia. Tall density therefore dissolved oxygen will decrease, on the contrary ammonia will get buangan's effect crescent metabolite fishes out and also residuary weft. Condition of that constitute environment pressure that can cause fish convenience becomes to be troubled. Growth will be constrained since energy that necessarily been utilized for Growth is used fishes out to keep her of environment pressure. Conducted research aimed to determine the effect of different density on the growth of Tilapia Pandu (Oreochromis niloticus) and also to determine the best density for survival rate (SR) and growth in Tilapia Pandu strain seed (Oreochromis niloticus) were kept in fish ponds. The research was carried out during 40 days of observation, starting from April to May 2013 in desa tapak, Tugu district, Semarang. Test fish used are Tilapia Pandu (Oreochromis niloticus) fairish 3-5 cm (D 20 -D 60 ) with wight 0,58 g. The Eksprimen's method field used in this study is completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and each of 3 replications. Differences in stocking density on each treatment A, B, and C, respectively 15 or 9 fish/m2, 25 or 15 fish/m2, and 35 or 21 fish/m2 were keep in the ponds by using hapa. The fish were fed 5% of the fish biomass at 08:00, 12:00, and 16:00 pm. Variables tested is specific growth rate (SGR), survival rate (SR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), production level and water quality.The results showed that stocking density had no effect (P <0.05) against survival rate, but highly significant effect (P> 0.01) growth rate. Value of the specific growth rate for each treatment A, B, and C are (6.94 ± 0.028%), (6.23 ± 0.041%), and (5.63 ± 0.003%) survival values for each treatment A, B, and C are (97.78 ± 3.85%), (97.33 ± 2.31%), and (97.14 ± 2.86%). production level values for each treatment A, B, and C are (99,96±7,14 g), (178.96±10,96 g), dan (257,56,±16,67 g). FCR values for each treatment A, B, and C which is (0.58 ± 0:04), (0.75 ± 0.04), and (0.89 ± 0.06). The results of measurements of water quality parameters for the temperature range between 26 - 330C, salinity 12-14 ppt; pH 7.97 to 8.69; DO from 3.25 to 3.78 mg / l, and ammonia from 0.02 to 0.04 mg / l. Based on the results of this study concluded that the best survival and growth of the density is 15 or 9 fish/m2.
PENGARUH EKSTRAK PURWOCENG ( Pimpinella alpina ) TERHADAP JANTANISASI IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus) DENGAN LAMA PERENDAMAN LARVA YANG BERBEDA Pradana, Fiky Mahendra; Basuki, Fajar; Nugroho, Ristiawan Agung
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 6, Nomor 4, Tahun 2017
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus)  merupakan jenis ikan air tawar yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis penting dan merupakan komuditas unggulan. Kekurangan dari ikan nila yaitu mudah kawin silang dan bertelur secara liar sehingga untuk mencapai ukuran konsumsi sedikit sulit, khususnya untuk ikan nila betina setelah ukuran 200 gram akan mulai bereproduksi. Upaya jantanisasi ikan nila dilakukan untuk optimalisasi pertumbuhan dilakukan dengan cara manipulasi lingkungan menggunakan ekstrak purwoceng. Ekstrak purwoceng (Pimpinella alpina) merupakan tumbuhan afrodisiaka yang mengandung senyawa berkaitan dengan fitosteroid, misalnya stigmasterol yang berkhasiat meningkatkan kualitas seksual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui  pengaruh  pemberian larutan ekstrak purwoceng terhadap jantanisasi ikan nila melalui perendaman pada larva serta menentukan lama waktu perendaman larva untuk menghasilkan ikan nila jantan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Juli 2017 di PBIAT Janti Klaten. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan lama waktu perendaman ekstrak purwoceng yang berbeda pada ikan nila. Perlakuan tersebut adalah A yang merupakan perlakuan dengan tidak ada perendaman (kontrol), Perlakuan B, C, D masing masing dengan menggunakan perendaman ekstrak purwoceng 20 mg/liter. Perlakuan B dengan perendaman 8 jam, perlakuan C dengan perendaman 10 jam, dan perlakuan D dengan perendaman 12 jam.  Data yang diamati meliputi persentase jantan dan betina (%), dan kelulushidupan (SR). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama perendaman larva selama 12 jam memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) yaitu menunjukkan hasil persentase jantan paling tinggi sebesar 79,52 % dengan kelulushidupannya 81,33%.  Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one type of freshwater fish that is quite popular in Indonesia because it is a superior commodity and has important economic value. The weakness of fish is easy to interbreed and lay eggs wildly and then quite difficult to reach the proper consumption size, especially for female  tilapia after 200 grams will start to reproduce. Efforts to  tilapia jantanization by environment manipulation treatment with using purwoceng extract is conducted for growth optimization. Purwoceng (Pimpinella  alpina)  extract is an aphrodisiac plant  that contain several compounds associated with fitosteroid like stigmasterol that can improve sexual quality. This research aims to know the effect of giving purwoceng extract solution to Tilapia jantanization by larvae immersion and determining duration of  larvae immersion for producing male Tilapia. This research was conducted in March to July 2017 at PBIAT Janti Klaten.This research was conducted by using experimental method that is  Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment used different immersion duration of  tilapia on purwoceng extracts. The treatments was treatment A with no immersion (control), treatment B, C, D for each treatment with purwoceng extract 20 mg / liter. Treatment B within 8 hours immersion, treatment C within 10 hours immersion, and treatment D within 12 hours immersion. Observed data included percentage of males and females (%), and survivalrate (SR). The result showed that immersion for 12 hours gave the significant effect (P<0,05) that was showed the highest percentage of males at 79.52% with survival rate at 81.33%.
Performa Pertumbuhan Strain Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Yang Berbeda Pada Sistem Budidaya Minapadi Salsabila, Alifia; Basuki, Fajar; Hastuti, Sri
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Vol 2, No 4 (2013) : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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The purpose of study is to observe the effect of different tilapia strains in Rice-fish culture systems to the growth (individual absolute weight growth, RGR), feed utilization eficiency (EPP) and survival rate (SR) of tilapia. The method used in this research was experimental method carried out in the field. The material that used was tilapia seed in size 7 -10 cm with average individual weight 12- 24 gr. The trial design in this research used completely randomized design (CMD) with 3 treatment and 3 replications. The treatment tested A (Larasati), B ( Gift), and C (Gesit). The feed was given 2 times a day in the morning and afternoon. The variable measurable were individual absolute weight growth, RGR, EPP and SR. The result shows that the giving growth performance of different tilapia strains has highly significant (P> 0.01) to the individual absolute weight growth (gr), relatif growth rate (RGR), feed utization eficiency (EPP) and not significant influence (P ˃ 0.05) to survival rate (SR) of tilapia. Treatment A gives high relative growth rate and individual absolute weigth growth is 8.81% / day and 125.47 gr. Treatment A provide the best feed utilization eficiency of 84.08% and survival rate ranged from 86.46 to 94.94%. Range of water quality is still in decent condition for tilapia cultivation media. Based on the study it can be concluded that larasati tilapia strain provides the best growth in Rice-fish culture systems.
Analisis Genetic Gain Ikan Nila Kunti (Oreochromis niloticus) Antara Generasi F4 Dan F5 Pada Umur 5 Bulan Nugroho, Faried; Basuki, Fajar
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Vol 2, No 3 (2013) : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one kind of freshwater fish which are economical important and widely cultivated by people as export commodities. The efforts to improve the quality of tilapia using selection program are needed in order to increase production and profitability of tilapia growers. High quality parents and seeds are absolutely necessary in tilapia farming activities because the superior parent seed quality is expected to be obtained as well. This study aims to compare the growth between Kunti Tilapia F4 males with F5 male and F4 female with F5 female and also to know the value of genetic gain Kunti Tilapia at age 5 months. Tested fish used in the study were Kunti Tilapia F4 and F5 at the age of 4 months. The rearing treatment lasted in 30 days. The variables measured were survival rate, relative growth rate, weight, total length, thickness, food convertion ratio, and genetic gain. This study used two treatments and 3 replications for each gender (F4 and F5 ♂ and F4 and F5 ♀). The research was conducted in October to November in SATKER PBIAT Janti, Klaten.The genetic gain value of Kunti tilapia from F4 to F5 generation at the age of 5 months are as follows, SR genetic gain : male (♂)2,72 % and female (♀)3,02 %; RGR genetic gain : male (♂) 11,37 % and female (♀) 10,78 %; weight genetic gain : male (♂)25,91 % and female (♀)24,9 %; total length genetic gain : male (♂) 8,08 % and female (♀) 1,51 %; thickness genetic gain : male (♂) 12,09 % and females (♀) 11,79 %; food convertion ratio (FCR) genetic gain : male (♂) 0,95 % and females (♀) 0,83 %. The Growth of Kunti Tilapia F5 generation is better than the F4 generation.
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan recombinant Growth Hormone (rGH) pada pakan dengan kadar protein tinggi terhadap pertumbuhan dan mengetahui kadar protein terbaik serta tingkat kelulushidupan benih ikan Gurame strain Bastar (Osphronemus gouramy) pada fase pendederan benih. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Perbenihan dan Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar (BPBIAT) Muntilan, Jawa Tengah. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah benih ikan gurame bastar, berumur 10 hari setelah menetas. rGH yang digunakan adalah recombinant Epinephelus lanceolatus Growth Hormone (rElGH). Pembuatan larutan rGH untuk 1 kg pakan adalah pencampuran rGH 2 mg + kuning telur 20 gram + larutan Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) 100 ml, dicampur & disemprotkan secara merata ke pakan dan diberikan secara at satiation setiap 3 hari 2 kali. Pada penelitian ini digunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan yaitu: perlakuan A (pakan protein 37% + rGH), perlakuan B (pakan protein 40% + rGH) dan perlakuan C (pakan protein 43% + rGH), dan perlakuan D (pakan protein 46% + rGH) masing-masing perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Variabel yang diukur meliputi: Panjang Total, Bobot Total, Specific Growth Rate (SGR), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Efisiensi Pemanfaatan Pakan (EPP), Survival Rate (SR) dan Kualitas Air. Data dianalisa dengan analisa ragam anova dan deskriptif. Pendederan benih berlangsung selama 60 hari. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi rGH dan pakan dengan kadar protein tinggi, menunjukkan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap Panjang Total, Bobot Total, SGR, FCR, dan tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap SR benih ikan gurame. Nilai pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelulushidupan terbaik didapatkan pada perlakuan C dengan nilai Panjang Total: 3,12±0,006 cm, Bobot Total: 1,38±0,07 gram, SGR: 4,28±0,05% per hari, FCR: 1,05±0,04, EPP: 93,66±3,34 dan SR: 85,34±2,08%.This research aims to assess the added effect of recombinant growth hormone (rGH) in feed with high protein content on the growth and knowing the best protein content and survival rate of fish seed strain Gurame (Osphronemus gouramy) in seed nursery phase. This research was conducted in Balai Perbenihan dan Budidaya Air Tawar  ( BPBIAT ) Muntilan, Central Java. Test fish used are bastar strain gouramy, aged 10 days after hatching. rGH used is a recombinant Ephinephelus lanceolatus Growth Hormone. Made of combination between rGH for 1 kg of feed is mixing rGH 2 mg + yolk 20 g + solution Phosphate Buffered Saline ( PBS ) 100 ml , mixed and sprayed evenly to feed and fed by at satiation every 3 days 2 times. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments, ie : treatment A ( feed protein 37 % + rGH ) , treatment B ( feed protein 40 % + rGH ) and treatment C ( feed protein 43 % + rGH ) , and treatment D ( 46 % protein feed + rGH ), each treatment was repeated 3 times. Variables measured include: Total Length , Total Weight , Specific Growth Rate ( SGR ) , Feed Conversion Ratio ( FCR ) , Survival Rate (SR), Efficiency of Feed Utilization (EFU) and Water Quality. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance ANOVA and descriptive. Separating the seeds lasts for 60 days. The results showed that the combination of RGH and feed with high protein content , showed highly significant effect ( P <0.05 ) of the Total Length , Total Weight, SGR , FCR , and no significant effect ( P >0.05 ) to SR fish seed. Value growth and the level of the best survival was found in treatment C with a value Length Total : 3.12 ± 0.006 cm , Weight Total : 1.38 ± 0.07 grams , SGR : 4.28 ± 0.05 % per day , FCR : 1.05±0.04 , EPP: 93.66±3.34 and SR : 85.34 ± 2.08% .
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 6, Nomor 3, Tahun 2017
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Ikan arwana merupakan ikan hias yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi tetapi dalam pemasarannya memiliki kendala. Kendala seperti informasi pasar, margin pemasaran yang terlalu tinggi  dan cara pemasaran yang menyebabkan saluran pemasaran tidak efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efisiensi saluran pemasaran ikan arwana dan juga margin pemasaran yang terjadi di Jawa Tengah dengan membandingkan hasil antara saluran satu dengan yang lain. Perumusan masalah berapa pendapatan yang diterima oleh pembudidaya, bagaimana sistem pemasaran yang ada, bagaimana efisiensi pemasaran Ikan arwana berdasarkan marjin pemasaran, bagian harga yang diterima produsen. Penelitian menggunakan metode wawancara. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan quesioner yang diberikan kepada para pembudidaya, pedagang pengumpul, pedagang pengecer. Beberapa tahapan untuk  pengolahan data dengan menghitung keuntungan dari pembudidaya, tengkulak, pengecer, dan membandingkannya sehingga diketahui saluran mana yang paling efisien. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa saluran pemasaran bagian yang diterima pembudidaya (farmer’s share) terbesar terdapat pada saluran pemasaran 4 yaitu sebesar 70% dikarenakan dari pembudidaya menjual langsung ke pengecer selanjutnya dijual kepada konsumen dan bisa dikatakan bahwa merupakan yang paling efisien. Rasio keuntungan terbesar berada pada saluran pemasaran 1 sebesar 724% dimana setiap Rp100 biaya yang dikeluarkan menghasilkan keuntungan sebesar Rp724. Margin pemasaran total pada saluran 4 mempunyai nilai paling kecil yaitu Rp30.000. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil, saluran pemasaran yang dianggap efisien apabila harga dari produsen sampai kepada konsumen tidak terlalu tinggi atau wajar dan hal tersebut terjadi pada saluran pemasaran ke 4 dengan total margin pemasaran Rp70.000. Penelitian ini memiliki 4 saluran pemasaran yang kesemuanya memiliki rasio keuntungan terhadap biaya lebih tinggi daripada biaya margin terbesar diperoleh pada saluran pemasaran 3. Faktor yang mempengaruhi besar kecilnya farmer’s share  pada saluran pemasaran 4 adalah margin yang  rendah dan juga pendeknya saluran pemasaran. Arwana fish is an ornamental fish with an expensive price in a market but have a marketing problem. The problem  are marketing information, marketing margin, marketing ways  which cause problem in marketing efficiency. The purpose of this research is to analyze marketing  efficiency of Arwana fish and the marketing margin that occurs in the central java, with comparing outcome between one with other channels. Problem formulations are some opinions accepted by cultivators, how existing marketing system, how marketing efficiency of Arwana fish based on the marketing margin, price sections which are received by producers. This research use qualitative metod.  Collecting data used quesioners which have been distributed to fish farmers, merchants, collectors, retailers. Some stages are used to processing data with counting profit of cultivators, collectors, retailers and comparing it to analyze know the most efficient channel. Research outcome shows that the biggest precentage recieved by farmer from marketing channel (farmer’s share) is 70% on the 4th marketing channel, because cultivators directly sell it to retailers, then to consumer and it can be stated as the most efficient marketing channel. The biggest profit ratio is 724% on the 1st marketing channel where each cost IDR 100,- incurred produces profit IDR 724,-. Total marketing margin on the 4th channel has lowest value of IDR 30.000,-. The conclusion is that  marketing channel is efficient if price from producer to consumer is not too high or standard and this is on the 4th marketing channel with total marketing margin IDR 70.000,-. This research has 4 marketing channels which all of them have a profit ratio to higher cost than the biggest margin cost obtained on the 3rd marketing channel. Factors effecting high or low farmer’s share on 4th marketing channel are a low margin and short marketing channel.
Analisa Ketahanan Tubuh Benih Hibrida Nila Larasati (Oreochromis niloticus) Generasi 5 (F5) Yang Di Infeksi Bakteri Streptococcus agalactiae Dengan Konsentrasi Berbeda Santoso, Beny Budi; Basuki, Fajar; Hastuti, Sri
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Vol 2, No 3 (2013) : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Seed quality can be increased by fish genetic amelioration. Good quality seed is characterized by its immunity from diseases. Nila Larasaty (O. niloticus) Hybrid F5 is ameliorated genetic product of cross breeding between Nila Gift F5 female and Nila Singapore F5 male. This research aims to know Nila Larasati F5 Hybrid’s immunity system infected by S. agalactiae. Completely randomized design (RAL) is applicated on the research with 3 treatments and 3 repetitions, which treatments are: A (105 CFU/ml bacteria); B (107 CFU/ml bacteria) and C (109 CFU/ml bacteria). This research done in 35 days started from September until October 2012 at 2nd Class of BKIPM, Semarang Examined variabels are erythrocyte, leucocyte, hemoglobin, trombocyte, hematocrite, blood glucose, and survival rate. The result shows that erythrocyte highest on treatment C (1,87±0,19x106 sel/mm3); leucocyte highest on B (126,53±13,36 x103sel/mm3); hemoglobin on C (8,43±0,40 g/dl); trombocyte on B (50,33±45,72x103sel/mm3); hematocrite on C (9,20±1,71%); blood glucose on A (57,07±23,10 mg/dl); and survival rate highest on A (97,22±4,81%). Water quality parameters checked i.e DO (Dissolved Oxigen) 0,8 – 1,4 mg/l; pH 7,7 – 7,9; tempeature 28 – 28,3°C and ammonia 0,173 – 0,215 mg/l. Also the result shows that infection by S. agalactiae with different concentration has no significant effect (P>0,05) on seed of Nila Larasati F5 hybrid’s immunity system.
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.578 KB)


Ikan cupang merupakan salah satu jenis ikan hias air tawar yang populer dan banyak digemari masyarakat. Perkembangan ikan cupang cukup pesat karena mudah untuk dipelihara. Namun, penggemar ikan hias ini lebih menyukai ikan jantan daripada betina karena ikan jantan memiliki nilai estetika dan warna yang lebih bagus dan menarik serta memiliki profit yang lebih tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian tepung testis sapi terhadap persentase kelamin benih ikan cupang jantan dan betina, serta dosis terbaik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Balai Benih Ikan Siwarak, Ungaran pada bulan Desember 2014-Maret 2015 dengan metode penelitian menggunakan ekperimental. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Dosis yang digunakan adalah perlakuan A dengan dosis 0%, perlakuan B 5%, perlakuan C 10%, perlakuan D 15%, dan perlakuan E 20% dengan pemeliharaan selama 21 hari. Variabel yang diukur meliputi persentase kelamin jantan dan betina, laju kelulushidupan (SR), dan kualitas air. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA dan apabila terdapat perbedaan yang nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjut yaitu dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase jantan dan betina perlakuan A sebesar 42,11%±1,64;57,89%±1,64, perlakuan B sebesar 45,77%±1,92;54,23%±1,92, perlakuan C sebesar 54,43%±3,46;45,57%±3,46, perlakuan D sebesar 65,18%±2,15;34,82%±2,15, dan perlakuan E sebesar 75,46%±2,72;24,54%±2,72. Hasil kelulushidupan (SR) perlakuan A sebesar 53%±1,73, perlakuan B sebesar 55,33%±1,53, perlakuan C sebesar 60%±2,00, perlakuan D sebesar 61,33%±3,21, dan perlakuan E sebesar 69,33%±1,15. Kualitas air selama penelitian masih berada dalam kisaran yang layak untuk kehidupan ikan cupang yaitu suhu 26-270C; pH 6-7; DO 4,06-4,89mg/l. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pemberian tepung testis sapi selama 21 hari dengan dosis terbaik 20% dan menghasilkan persentase kelamin jantan tertinggi sebesar 75,46%±2,72.Betta fish is one type of freshwater fish are popular and highly favored by the people. Betta fish development is very fast because it is easy to maintain. However , fans betta fish prefer males than females because male fish have aesthetic value , the color is more attractive and has a higher profit. This study aimed to determine the effect of the testis flour cows on the percentage of seed sex male and female betta fish , as well as the best dose. Research conducted at the Fish Seed Center Siwarak , Ungaran in December 2014 - March 2015 by using experimental research methods. The design used is RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The dose used is a treatment with a dose of treatment A 0 % , treatment B 5 %, treatment C 10 %, treatment D 15 %, and treatment E 20 % with maintenance for 21 days. Measured variables include the percentage of male and female, survival rate ( SR ), and water quality. Data analysis using ANOVA and if there is a noticeable difference then conducted a further test is the test of Duncan. Results of the percentage of male and females treatment A has a value of 42.11%±1.64 ; 57.89%±1.64, treatment B has a value of 45.77%±1.92 ; 54.23%±1.92, treatment C has a value of 54.43%±3.46 ; 45.57%±3.46, treatment D has a value of 65.18%±2.15 ; 34.82%±2.15, and treatment E has a value of 75.46%±2.72 ; 24.54%±2.72. Results of the survival rate (SR) treatment A has a value of 53%±1.73, treatment B has a value of 55.33%±1.53, treatment C has a value of 60%±2.00, treatment D has a value of 61.33%±3.21, and treatment E has a value of 69.33%±1.15. Water quality during the research is still in reasonable range for the life of Betta fish are temperature 26-27oC; pH 6-7; DO 4.06-4.89mg/l . The conclusion from this study is that there is a real impact on the provision of flour cow testicle, the best dose given was 20%, and the highest percentage of male sex amounts to 75.46%±2.72.
Profil Darah Ikan Nila Kunti (Oreochromis Niloticus) yang Diinjeksi Streptococcus agalactiae dengan Kepadatan Berbeda Matofani, Ayu Shinta; Hastuti, Sri; Basuki, Fajar
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Vol 2, No 2 (2013) : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (296.628 KB)


S. agalactiae is a bacteria that often attack tilapia. The purpose of this study was to examine the blood profile of Tilapia Kunti that infected by bacterium S. agalactiae with use variable concentration of erythrocytes, leukocytes, haemoglobin, hematocrit, trombocyte, and blood glucose. The method used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 3 replications. Treatment I (Tilapia Kunti injected using S. agalactiae with density 105), treatment II (tilapia kunti injected using S. agalactiae with density107), and treatment III (tilapia kunti injected using S. agalactiae with density 109). The results showed that the tilapia kunti injected using S. agalactiae with different densities have significant differences on the hematocrit and no significant differences on erythrocytes, leukocytes, haemoglobin, trombocyte, blood glucose and survival rate. The highest concentration of erythrocytes was observed in treatment II, in the amount of 1.933 ± 0.162 x106 cells/mm3, the highest concentration of leukocytes was observed in treatment II, in the amount of 122.267 ± 3.265 x103 cells/mm3, the highest concentration of hemoglobin was observed in treatment II, in the amount of of 9.333 ± 0.404 g / dL, the highest concentration of hematocrit was observed in treatment II, in the amount of is 30.933 ± 1.168%, the highest trombocyte concentration was observed in treatment I, in the amount of 30.333 ± 14.742 x103/μL, the highest blood glucose concentrations was observed in treatment I, in the amount of 73.933 ± 47.446 mg / dL, and the highest survival rate was observed in treatment II, in the percentage of 94.443 ± 9.624%.