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Nominal group technique application towards design of components and elements of non-digital game framework Siti Khadijah Anis; Alias Masek; Muhammad Nurtanto; Nur Kholifah
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 11, No 1: March 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v11i1.22164


Non-digital games are a tool that can help children to build and improve problem solving skills in early mathematics learning. Teachers need to design a learning activity using non-digital games taken account problem solving skills in the learning activities. However, the application of problem-solving skills in early mathematics learning activities is challenging, as there is no specific reference that can be used as a guide in implementing effective learning activities. The nominal group technique (NGT) approach is used to design the main components and elements of ProSkiND non-digital games framework based on the expert validation. A total of 12 experts were selected to validate the proposed main components and elements of the ProSkiND non-digital game using NGT online workshop. There were five main components with 41 elements were proposed: activity objective, teacher’s preparation, teacher’s role, children’s role, and activity evaluation. In this study, experts are asked to evaluate the ProSkiND non-digital games main components and elements based on the percentage value of agreement. The value of percentage of agreement that exceeds 70% (≥70%) is acceptable. The findings in this phase are used to develop main components and elements of the ProSkiND non-digital game framework based on problem solving skills for preschool early mathematics using the interpretive structural modelling (ISM) approach.
Fuzzy Delphi Method Application Towards Usability Evaluation of Problem Solving Framework: Application in Education Siti Khadijah Anis; Alias Masek
Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Technology Vol 4, No 1 (2024): (ONLINE FIRST) IJERT: March 2024
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijert.v4i1.58699


Non-digital games are tools that can help children build and improve problem-solving skills. Children need to solve problems using analogies from one situation to another, following the correct steps. To improve these skills, teachers play a role in guiding children so that these skills can be enhanced along with their age and developmental stage. However, the application of problem-solving skills in learning activities has become a challenge for teachers to implement because there are no specific reference sources that can be used as a guide. This is also supported by the findings of a needs analysis where there is a need to develop a problem-solving framework that focuses on problem-solving steps using non-digital games. The problem-solving framework has been developed and needs to be evaluated for its usability in the usability evaluation phase using the Fuzzy Delphi Method. It aims to measure the usability and suitability of the non-digital game-based problem-solving framework that has been developed in the design and development phase. 25 preschool teachers were selected as experts to provide feedback through a questionnaire. The findings show that all experts in this phase agree that all main components, elements in the main components, and the priority flow for each element of the problem-solving framework have achieved an appropriate status and show a high consensus on the usability of the problem-solving framework that has been developed. Therefore, the problem-solving framework can be used by preschool teachers as a specific guide in implementing problem-solving activities using non-digital game.