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The Effects of Modified Games on the Development of Gross Motor Skill in Preschoolers Indah Lestari; Tri Ratnaningsih
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 5, No 3: September 2016
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.585 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v5i3.4542


Gross motor skills on children must be optimized much earlier since it plays important role not only on their interaction process but also in supporting other multiple developments. One of the means in developing child's motor skill is by providing innovative games i.e. modified games including game format, game timing, and game sequence. The objective of this research was to prove the effects of modified games to the development of gross motor skill of preschoolers. Research method was pre-experimental with One Group Pre-post test Design approach. Research samples were the students of Group B Kindergarten in the districts of Gedeg as many as 180 students which were conducted by using purposive sampling. Research instrument was observation during one month. The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon sign rank test. The results suggested that there was effect of modified games to the development of preschool gross motor skill with p-value = 0.000. Changes on motor skill development were obtained from those who were initially on the beginning stage, as many as 101 respondents, became 14 respondents after intervention. Development stage proceeded as expected, from initial 65 respondents the number increased to 130 respondents. At the end of the intervention, there were even 36 respondents whose development stage beyond where they were supposed to be. This proved that the provision of modified games had positive effects on physical, cognitive, and social development. Modified games triggered children's interest and made them be willing to train their activities as well as muscle development, decreased saturation, and improved their skills in a fun way.
Correlation between Food Schemes and Children Nutrient Status at the Toddler’s Age Tri Ratnaningsih; Indah Lestari
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 5, No 1: March 2016
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (124.706 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v5i1.4522


The nutrient in the meal is very important, especially for the children at the toddler’s age. The aim of this research was to know the correlation between the food schemes with the children nutrient status at the toddler’s age (1-3 years). The research design was cross sectional. The population for this research was all of the mothers and the children at the toddler’s age (1-3 years). The sample was taken using purposive sampling method. Many respondents served in appropriate meal to their children. Many children suffered poor nutrition status.
Relationship Between Cleanliness of the Home Environment with Incidence of Acute Respiratory Infections among Children Under Five Years Tri Ratnaningsih; Eva Lusiana
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJHNS)
Publisher : Alta Dharma Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (774.566 KB) | DOI: 10.35654/ijnhs.v3i2.335


Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) was the first cause of illness among children under five years. One of the factors that because ARI was the cleanliness of the home environment. The study aimed at the relationship between the cleanliness of the home environment and the incidence of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) among children under five years. The cross-sectional study design approach was applied in this study. Sixty-six samples were recruited by using the simple random sampling technique. The research instrument used a healthy home assessment form and a medical record of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) disease. Data analysis was using the Rho Spearman Test. The results of this study showed that most are classified as healthy houses, as many as 36 respondents (55%), and those who did not experience Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) was 35 respondents (53.0%). The Spearman Rho test results showed that the value = 0,000 or <? (0,005) meant that there was a correlation between the cleanliness of the home environment and the incidence of ARI in children under five in the Pungging Health Center Pungging District, Mojokerto Regency. If the house were not healthy, the toddler would get sick more easily because an unhealthy house would store a lot of dust. It could trigger Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI), and vice versa, if the home were healthy, then the occupants would also feel comfortable and not susceptible to disease
Factors Associated with Development among Children in Flood-Prone Areas in Indonesia: - Tri Peni; Tri Ratnaningsih; Siti Indatul Laili
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) Vol. 3 No. 6 (2020): International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS)
Publisher : Alta Dharma Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35654/ijnhs.v3i6.349


Every natural disaster must cause losses and impacts in the affected area, as well as flooding. Among them are the spread of various germs, loss of property, agriculture, crops, or damaged fields, public facilities, facilities, and infrastructure to be damaged. The purpose of this study was to analyze economic factors, environmental sanitation, nutritional and psychological status of children on children's development in flood-prone areas of Gayaman Village. In this study, the population is all families who have children in flood-prone areas of Gayaman Village. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using the rho spearmen test. The results showed that most children with good psychology with normal development there were 56 respondents (54.9%) with the statistical test results p-value 0.002 the value of the closeness of the relationship was 0.301, meaning that there is a close relationship between child psychology and child development. Respondents were mostly in good environmental sanitation with child normal development to 60 respondents (58.8%). Statistical test results p-value 0.008 the value of the closeness of the relationship is 0.262, meaning that there is a close relationship between environmental sanitation and child development. High socioeconomic with child normal development to 32 respondents (31.4%) with a p-value of 0.079 a closeness value of 0.175, meaning that there is no significant relationship between family economic conditions and child development. The nutritional status of children is mostly good with normal child development of 66 respondents (64.7%) with a p-value of 0.019, a closeness value of 0.232, meaning that there is a close relationship between nutritional status and child development. Good nutritional status in childhood will affect subsequent child development because by providing good nutrition the child is not easily sick and development is optimal.
Publisher : Bina Sehat Press. Departement Research and Community Engagement Bina Sehat PPNI Institute of Health Science, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29082/IJNMS/2021/Vol5/Iss3/361


Coronavirus became outbreak that worsened day by day, it needed serious handling that had to be done by government to solve the problem soon, and every people had to implement social distancing to defeat this Covid-19 pandemic. The study aimed to analyze the effect of online interactive play on social development of school age children during social distancing. The population of this study was all students (146 students) in Gambiran Elementary School, Mojoagung sub-district. The sampling technique that used in this study was total sampling with 146 samples and analized by wilcoxon signed Rank test. The result showed that before the interactive game, social development of school age children were categorized less as many as 23 students (16.7%), categorized adequate 15 (10.2%), and good 108 (73.9%) students, the post-test results showed that all respondents got a good score. The result of the analysis was p 0.000 meant that there was an effect of interactive games on the social development of school age children. Interactive games helped children socialize with peers more optimally because they were more intensive and controlled.
Pelaksanaan Dukungan Spiritual Perawat Pada Pasien Covid-19 di Ruang HCU RSUD Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan Tri Ratnaningsih; Khoirun Nisak; Asnar Firoj Mu’tashim
Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) STIKES Cendekia Utama Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31596/jpk.v5i1.193


Munculnya wabah Covid-19 berdampak secara global ke seluruh dunia. Jumlah orang yang terinfeksi dan mereka yang meninggal meningkat dari hari ke hari. Kemungkinan reaksi yang berhubungan dengan stres sebagai respons terhadap pandemi Covid-19 dapat mencakup perubahan konsentrasi, iritabilitas, kecemasan, insomnia, berkurangnya produktivitas, dan konflik antar pribadi.Kegiatan ini bertujuan memberikan dukungan spiritual pada pasien covid-19 oleh perawat di Ruang HCU RSUD bangil Pasuruan, agar pasien tidak cemas berlebihan selama perawatan sampai sembuh.Metode dari kegiatan ini adalah dukungan spiritual pada pasien covid-19 di Ruang HCU RSUD Bangil Kab. Pasuruan mengacu pada pelaksanaan Asuhan Keperawatan spiritual pada pasien dengan melibatkan team PKRS RSUD Bangil Kab.Pasuruan.Hasil kegiatan ini sebagian besar perawat berusia 31-40 sebanyak 29 orang dengan persentase 78,4% mempunyai perbandingan jenis kelamin laki-laki lebih banyak daripada perempuan, yaitu sebanyak 20 orang (54,1%).  Pendidikan terakhir yang paling banyak adalah  DIII Keperawatan sebanyak  26 orang (70,3%). Masa kerja sebagian besar adalah 6-12 bulan sebanyak 24 orang (64,9%). Status pernikahan sebagian besar sudah menikah yaitu sebanyak 22 orang (59,5%). Status kepegawaian sebagian besar pegawai BLUD sebanyak 29 orang  (78,4%).Dukungan moral dan doa dari keluarga, sahabat, dan tenaga kesehatan menjadi salah satu faktor penting bagi kesembuhan para pasien yang terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19. Pelaksanaan bimbingan rohani pada pasien di rumah sakit melibatkan tenaga kesehatan, konselor rohani Islam, pasien dan keluarga pasien, semuanya saling bekerja sama demi memberikan yang terbaik bagi kesembuhan pasien. Sebelum dilaksanakan dukungan spiritual, pasien tampak tidak bergairah dan menunjukkan wajah yang tidak ceria, setelah dilakukan Tindakan dukungan spiritual pasien lebih ceria dan semangat menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit.Simpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah Pelaksanaan Doa Bersama oleh perawat dan pasien berjalan lancar. Pasien merasa dipedulikan dengan sharing pengalaman dan menyampaikan keluhan kepada perawat.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Kesehatan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): JPM | September 2020
Publisher : LPPM - STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33023/jpm.v6i2.643


ABSTRACT Tambak Rejo Village has a fairly arid area in the dry season and in areas that are flooded by rivers experiencing flooding in the rainy season. In the dry season the conditions of the settlement are hot because few plants can grow. Only certain plants can flourish in the area. Moringa plants are plants that are easy to plant and also have very good endurance in the event of seasonal changes. Moringa plants which have the Latin name Moringa oleifera can grow up to 7 meters high or even 12 meters tall. Moringa tree in addition to greening on arid land, has many benefits in the field of health both leaves, bark or fruit and seeds. The leaves can be made into useful vegetables to increase endurance and improve the digestive system. The procedure of this community service activity starts from the team coordinating with partners. The implementation begins with coordination with partners to determine the schedule of activities. The socialization of the benefits of moringa oleifera was carried out in Tambak Rejo Village, attended by 68 residents. After the socialization continued with the distribution of Moringa oleifera seeds to the people who attended. The team gave examples of planting and monitored the process of planting moringa oleifera in Tambak Rejo Village. The results of the evaluation of Moringa oleifera plants grow well and are well groomed. Residents have used the leaves for consumption as a daily vegetable menu. The targets of community service are greening on arid land and the use of moringa oleifera to improve public health.
Patient And Family Compliance In The Use Of Mask Through Health Education In The Dahlia Room Bangil Hospital: Kepatuhan Pasien Dan Keluarga Dalam Pemakaian Masker Melalui Pendidikan Kesehatan Di Ruang Dahlia Rsud Bangil Tri Ratnaningsih; Petty Andriani
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Kesehatan Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): JPM | Edisi Khusus 2022
Publisher : LPPM - STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33023/jpm.v8i2.1009


Rantai penularan covid-19 dapat di cegah dengan menutup jalur pernafasan menggunakan masker. Namun permasalahan yang dialami di masyarakat saat ini yaitu kurangnya tingkat kepatuhan masyarakat dalam menggunakan masker untuk memutus rantai penularan virus covid-19, sehingga menjadi ancaman serius bagi masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia hingga tanggal 3 Januari 2021 telah tercatat kasus terkonfirm Covid-19 sebanyak 758.473 jiwa dengan kasus kematian sebanyak 22.555 jiwa dan kasus sembuh sebanyak 625.518 jiwa (Kementrian Kesehatan RI, 2020). Sedangkan di Provinsi Jawa Timur per tanggal 3 Januari 2021 telah ditemukan kasus terkonfirm Covid-19 sebanyak 86.361 jiwa. data di Kabupaten Pasuruan hingga tanggal 2 Januari 2021 telah ditemukan kasus terkonfim Covid-19 sebanyak 2.224 kasus dengan 1.871 kasus sembuh dan 158 kasus meninggal dunia. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan edukasi pada pasien dan keluarga pasien agar menggunakan masker dengan tepat dan menjadi kebiasaan. . Populasi adalah 74 pasien covid – 19 yang sedang menjalani perawatan di Ruang Dahlia RSUD Bangil dan didapatkan sampel sebanyak 50 orang yang diambil dengan menggunakan consecutive sampling. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan menggunakan Pendidikan Kesehatan kepada pasien dan keluarga pasien. Pada kegiatan ini didapatkan hasil patuh pada pemakaian masker sebanyak 30% dan setelah diberikan penyuluhan mayoritas patuh pada pemakaian masker dengan tepat  80%. Tingkat kepatuhan individu terhadap menggunakan masker berpengaruh terhadap tindakan preventif terhadap pencegahan penularan penyakit Covid-19. Kurangnya tingkat kepatuhan masyarakat untuk menggunakan masker dalam beraktifitas dapat meningkatkan penularan Covid-19, dikarenakan masker dapat menghalau percikan air liur yang keluar saat berbicara, menghela napas, ataupun batuk dan bersin sehingga dapat mengurangi penyebaran virus Covid-19. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat berlanjut terus sampai masyarakat membiasakan diri ketika keluar rumah untuk menggunakan masker sesuai anjuran
Toddlers' Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) by Gender Ristya Widi Endah Yani; Hadi Prayitno; Indah Lestari; Tri Ratnaningsih; Lumastari Ajeng Wijayanti
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 8, No 3: September 2023
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v8i3.2000


Toddlers’ caries prevalence is influenced by some factors such as social status, economic status, parents' educational background, and dietary pattern. Caries in toddlers have a negative impact on their quality of life. The objectives of this research are to analyze the differences in Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) by gender. Analytical observational research design with a cross-sectional approach. The research population is toddlers with their parents in the Silo II Health Centre work area. The sample is 3-5 years toddlers as many as 71 respondents. The variables studied were Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) of male and female toddlers with the Ecohis index measuring instrument. The research data were tabulated and analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. The majority of respondents were female toddlers (57.7%), the age range of 60-71 months (57.7%), parents’ last education is elementary school (49.3%), with an income of less than 2 million per month (59.1%). There are no differences in Oral Health Related Quality of Life of male and female toddlers with a p-value of 0.404. There are no differences in Oral Health Related Quality of Life between female and male toddlers
Factors that Affect Coping Mechanisms in Chemotherapy Patients with the Approach of Callista Roy Adaptation Theory Ifa Roifah; Elies Meilinawati; Tri Ratnaningsih; Rina Nur Hidayati
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 6 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v6i2.ART.p235-240


Chemotherapy could cause pain in the patient, thus causing the condition of the body would gradually weaken. This condition would make the patient delay the therapy due to physical symptoms and emotional pressure (psychological), which affected the seriousness of patients in the treatment and strong coping mechanism required to maintain good conditions One of the empirical evidence of conceptual model theory "Holistic Adaptif System", Callista Roy put it, this model was used in chronic illnesses undergoing treatment, because theoretically successful handling by conducting adaptive coping mechanism behavior was an important variable in the physiological and psychological adaptation process to the stimulus that occurs. This study aimed to identify the behavior of patients using Callista Roy adaptology. This study aimed to analyze factors that influenced coping mechanisms in chemotherapy patients with the Callista Roy adaptation theory approach. This research design is analytical with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were 95 patients. This research sampling technique was Consecutive Sampling. The sample size in this study was 78 respondents who met the criteria of the researcher. The research instrument used CAPS with an adaptation theory approach. The results showed that educational factors (p = 0.031) and job (p = 0.023) influenced the coping mechanism with the theory approach of Callista Roy adaptation to chemotherapy patients. The higher the level of education, the tolerance and control of stressors is better so that coping mechanisms become adaptive. Those who worked were more stress because they had to combine their work with scheduled care.