Ifa Roifah
STIKes Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto

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Bahasa Indonesia Vol 5 No 2 (2016): Jurnal Keperawatan
Publisher : STIKes William Booth Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47560/kep.v5i2.166


This study is based on the high level of unmet need in Indonesia. The high level of unmet need for spacing found among young women is less than 30 years old and a high level of unmet need for an end to the group of women are elderly and have a number of children as expected. This study aims to determine the factors behind unmet need in Jetak Jasem Village Ngoro District Mojokerto Regency. This study was descriptive. The populations in this study were all EFA that do not use family planning in Jetak Jasem Village Ngoro District Mojokerto Regency as many as 33 EFA. Sampling of this research is total sampling. The variables in this study were age, income, education, occupation, and number of children. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The results suggest that the age factor underlying the unmet need in Jetak Jasem Village Ngoro District Mojokerto Regency almost all respondents aged over 35 years, most of the income is less than or equal UMK, basic education, not working, and has two children. This suggests that the dominant factor behind the unmet need is the age factor. EFA did not use birth control due to feel old age, number of side effects that may arise as a result of birth control, forbidden by the husband to use birth control, the myth of the limit on the number of children that can be owned by the mother, and the herbal drink to not get pregnant.
Publisher : Bina Sehat Press. Departement Research and Community Engagement Bina Sehat PPNI Institute of Health Science, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29082/IJNMS/2020/Vol4/Iss3/322


Hypertension often results in dangerous conditions that are often not realized and often do not cause complaints. Hypertension is also often referred to as the silent kiler because it is a deadly disease. Even hypertension can lead to other deadly diseases and can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney failure. The research design used Quasi Experiment with Non Equivalent Control Group design with pre-postest control one group design. The research was conducted in the working area of ​​the Dlanggu Health Center on September 2020. The population in this study were all hypertension sufferers. The sampling technique used simple random sampling of 60 people. The instrument used was a sphygmomanometer, measuring height and weight and an observation sheet. Data analysis used the Ancova test with the assumption of normal and homogeneous data distribution. Ancova analysis results showed that BMI did not affect systolic blood pressure (F = 0.014, p value 0.907> α), but there was a difference in systolic blood pressure between the control group and the treatment group (F = 105.06, p-value 0,000 <α). The results of the ancova analysis showed that BMI did not affect diastolic blood pressure (F = 0.003, p value 0.953> α), but there was a difference in diastolic blood pressure between the control group and the treatment group (F = 80.899, p-value 0.000 <α). It can be concluded that the difference in systolic and diastolic blood pressure after being given Touch Therapy is not controlled by the BMI variable. This is because blood pressure is controlled by other influencing factors, including stress and physical activity.
Penyuluhan dengan Multimedia untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan tentang Perilaku Hidup Sehat dan Bersih Siswa SMA Ifa Roifah; Agus Novianto
coba Vol 2 No 2 (2014): Mei 2014
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Dharma Husada Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6.098 KB) | DOI: 10.32831/jik.v2i2.34


Children are future generations which are the most important asset in order to achieve Nation’s success to realize it is needed to apply Clean and Healthy Life Behaviors (PHBS) by no smoking, right personal hygiene, regular physical exercise, and no drugs by using multimedia method extension towards students’ knowledge of Clean and Healthy Life Behaviors (PHBS) on educational aspect in SMA Negeri 1 Gondang Mojokerto. The research design is used Pre-Experiment, which is applied One-Group Pre-Post Test Design. The populations of students which join School Health Program are 101 students, and the samples are 81 students taken by probability sampling (Simple Random Sampling). The independent variable is extension through multimedia method and the dependent variable is students’ knowledge about Clean and Healthy Life Behaviors (PHBS) on educational aspect. The data is taken by the using of puzzle game crosswords form which is use after and before extension. After all of data collected and data processing statistical test followed by Wilcoxon sign test SPSS17, the result showed Asymp.Sig value (2-tailed) of 0.000 and α of 0.05. Because Asymp.Sig value (2-tailed) <α 0.05 then H0is rejected and H1 is accepted, it means that there is an influence using multimedia method extension towards students’ knowledge of Clean and Healthy Life Behaviors (PHBS) on educational aspect in SMA Negeri 1 Gondang Mojokero. Key words: patients with violent behavior, nurse experience, qualitative
Analisis Hubungan Lama Menderita Diabetes Mellitus Dengan Kualitas Hidup Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Ifa Roifah
coba Vol 4 No 2 (2016): Mei 2016
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Dharma Husada Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.776 KB) | DOI: 10.32831/jik.v4i2.84


Diabetes mellitus if doesn’t treated properly can cause various complications in organs such as the eyes, kidneys, nerves and blood vessels of the heart that will harm the soul or affect a person's quality of life. The purpose of this research was to know relationship long suffering diabetes mellitus with the quality of life of people with diabetes mellitus. The design of the study was analytic corelasional with cross sectional approach. Research of variable that is long suffering diabetes mellitus as the independent variable and the dependent variable as a quality of life. Population research namely whole sufferers of diabetes Mellitus at internist disease room in the Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Hospital Mojokerto as much as 103 patients. The samples were taken with the techniques of systematic sampling as much as 81 respondents. Data collected by questionnaire WHOQOL instruments, then the result of pengunpulan data processing data is done editing, coding, scoring and tabulating and tested with test speaman rho. Spearman rho test results retrieved data ρ value = 0,027 <α = 0.05 so that H1 is accepted so there is a connection between the long suffering with kualits life of sufferers of diabetes mellitus in internist disease room in the Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Hospital Mojokerto. Low quality of life occur because respondents are already feeling tired and tired with the treatment process has already lived in a long time, so they feel resigned to the situation that is happening will they be healed or not of disease processes that affect them. Especially the Family expected to have family members suffering from diabetes mellitus to always provide good family support in the form of encouragement, communicating medical treatment to keep his health and direct when got health information. Key Words : Diabetes Mellitus, Qualiity Of Life, long suffering
Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Penderita Kusta Dengan Menggunakan Metode Self Help Group (SHG) Ifa Roifah
coba Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Nopember 2017
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Dharma Husada Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.631 KB) | DOI: 10.32831/jik.v6i1.158


Leprosy is one of the infectious diseases that cause a very complex problem, not only from a medical point of view. In addition there is a negative stigma from the community tends to cause the quality of life of people with leprosy decline. Quality of life is the concept of individual ability analysis to get a normal life associated with individual perceptions of goals and expectations, one of the measures to improve the quality of life of leprosy is by doing Self Help Group (SHG) therapy. This study aims to determine the quality of life in people with leprosy. The design of this research using pra experiment with pretest-posttest design approach. The samples were taken with the techniques of cluster random sampling as much as 15 respondents. Tool used WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire containing 26 questions. Patients with leprosy prior to being given Self Help Group (SHG) from 15 respondents mostly experience poor quality of life 7 people (46,7%), leprosy patient after given Self Help Group (SHG) that from 15 respondents mostly experience quality of life is 5 people (33.3%). The test used is using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. p value = 0,007 and α = 0,05 so Ha is accepted, it means there is influence Self Help Group therapy (SHG) to quality of life in leprosy patients in tanjungkenongo village sumberglagah kec. Pacet kab. Mojokerto. Self Help Group (SHG) is a group or peer where each member share the same physical or emotional issues or specific issues where they work together to share problems and choose what will be the focus of solving group members, helping each other in motivating to create a sense of prosperity.
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Tingkat Depresi Pada Penderita Kusta Di Ruang Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Kusta Sumberglagah Kabupaten Mojokerto Rina Nur Hidayati; Ifa Roifah; Nur Wahyuni; Thomas Aquino Erjinyuare Amigo
Jurnal Keperawatan Respati Yogyakarta Vol 6 No 2 (2019): MAY 2019
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35842/jkry.v6i2.311


Kusta merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang sampai saat ini masih menimbulkan masalah yang sangat kompleks. Masalah yang dihadapi pada penderita bukan hanya dari segi fisik saja, tetapi juga masalah psikososial yaitu depresi. Keluarga merupakan sumber koping terdekat, sehingga dukungan yang diberikan akan sangat berarti bagi penderita kusta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dan tingkat depresi pada penderita kusta di Ruang Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Kusta Sumberglagah Kabupaten Mojokerto. Desain penelitian analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penderita kusta yang mengalami cacat tingkat II.Sampel yang diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling sebanyak 54 responden.Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar kuesioner dukungan keluarga dan depresi ZSDS (Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan responden yang mendapat dukungan keluarga baik sebanyak 32 responden (59.3%) dan tidak mengalami depresi sebanyak 30 responden(55.6%). Berdasarkan hasil uji Spearman Rho bahwa ada hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan tingkat depresi penderita kusta (Pv 0,000 < 0,05). Dukungan keluarga dapat menurunkan tingkat depresi penderita kusta.Keluarga hendaknyamemberikan perhatian, menghargai dan mendengarkan keluhan penderita kusta, serta mengantar penderita kusta dalam memeriksakan kesehatannya.
Factors that Affect Coping Mechanisms in Chemotherapy Patients with the Approach of Callista Roy Adaptation Theory Ifa Roifah; Elies Meilinawati; Tri Ratnaningsih; Rina Nur Hidayati
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 6 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v6i2.ART.p235-240


Chemotherapy could cause pain in the patient, thus causing the condition of the body would gradually weaken. This condition would make the patient delay the therapy due to physical symptoms and emotional pressure (psychological), which affected the seriousness of patients in the treatment and strong coping mechanism required to maintain good conditions One of the empirical evidence of conceptual model theory "Holistic Adaptif System", Callista Roy put it, this model was used in chronic illnesses undergoing treatment, because theoretically successful handling by conducting adaptive coping mechanism behavior was an important variable in the physiological and psychological adaptation process to the stimulus that occurs. This study aimed to identify the behavior of patients using Callista Roy adaptology. This study aimed to analyze factors that influenced coping mechanisms in chemotherapy patients with the Callista Roy adaptation theory approach. This research design is analytical with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were 95 patients. This research sampling technique was Consecutive Sampling. The sample size in this study was 78 respondents who met the criteria of the researcher. The research instrument used CAPS with an adaptation theory approach. The results showed that educational factors (p = 0.031) and job (p = 0.023) influenced the coping mechanism with the theory approach of Callista Roy adaptation to chemotherapy patients. The higher the level of education, the tolerance and control of stressors is better so that coping mechanisms become adaptive. Those who worked were more stress because they had to combine their work with scheduled care.