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Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Google Classroom Guna Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Meidyan Permata Putri; Deri Susanti; Eka Hartati
COMVICE: Journal Of Community Service Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Oktober (2021)
Publisher : STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26533/comvice.v5i2.808


Abstrak Pandemi Covid-19 telah membawa perubahan pada setiap kegiatan masyarakat termasuk dalam kegiatan bidang pendidikan. Perubahan tersebut berpengaruh pada proses belajar mengajar yang mana saat ini para guru dan peserta didik memanfaatkan media pembelajaran berbasis dalam jaringan (daring/online) salah satunya adalah google classroom. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) yang dilakukan tim penulis dilakukan di SMKN 2 Palembang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara intensif selama 2 (dua) hari pada tanggal 30 – 31 Maret 2021 dengan melibatkan 50 orang guru. Metode kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan cara praktik langsung sehingga peserta bisa langsung memahami, mempraktikkan dan mengaplikasikan kepada peserta didik. Diharapkan, kegiatan pengabdian ini akan terus berlanjut dengan pelatihan lain yang berguna bagi para guru dan peserta didik untuk menunjang kegiatan pembelajaran.
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset (SIMASET) Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit pada PT. Treekreasi Margamulia Palembang Eka Hartati Syamiri; Dedy Kurnianto; Selviani Maramis
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 1 No 3 (2019): November
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v1i3.41


PT. Treekreasi Margamulia is a company that eliminates oil palm plantations in the city of Palembang. In the processing of oil palm plantation Asset in PT. Treekeasi Margamulia conducted by the staff of finance. The data of the processed assets is data on fixed assets and asset data. The asset data does not yet have an integrated system. Data management related to procurement, use, maintenance, and depreciation of assets that have not been integrated lead to frequent loss and also the hassle of happiness and Company's need to upgrade the old system to switch to the system A new facility with the utilization of local server facilities in the company. To maximize the performance of financial staff in the company in the process of asset management, in order to present better report results and Efisen for the company leader. Research using the method of developing Rational Unified Process (RUP) system, with four phases namely, inception, elaboration, construction, and trantition, research results in the form of asset Management Information System (SIMASET) palm oil Plantation At PT. TreeKreasi Margamulia.
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (943.199 KB) | DOI: 10.31949/jb.v1i3.296


Seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan zaman, seluruh aspek kehidupanpun ikut berubah. Era globalisasi yang ditandai dengan tidak adanya sekat dimensi ruang dan waktu, mengharuskan seluruh aspek kehidupan bersentuhan dengan informasi dan teknologi. Seorang guru dituntut memiliki keterampilan berupa strategi dalam meramu pembelajarannya. Guru tidak hanya memiliki strategi pembelajaran tetapi juga mengkombinasikan TIK dalam pembelajarannya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu guru dalam membuat media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Edmodo. Diharapkan kepada para peserta pelatihan agar dapat memanfaatkan penggunaan Edmodo dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran di SMK Swakarya Palembang. Bertempat di SMK Swakarya Palembang, yang telah dilakukan pada tanggal 7 – 9 Februari 208. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah dan tanya jawab. Diharapkan dari telah terlaksananya kegiatan ini peserta dapat menerapkan pengetahuan yang sudah diperoleh dalam proses pembuatan media pembelajaran.
Evaluasi Penerapan Computer Based Test (CBT) sebagai Upaya Perbaikan Sistem pada Ujian Nasional untuk Sekolah Terpencil di Sumatera Selatan Eka Hartati; Mardiana Mardiana
MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer Vol 18 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (109.367 KB) | DOI: 10.30812/matrik.v18i1.321


Academic year there were 2014/2015 the latest national test that policy can be implemented in two ways, the first national examination was carried out with the mechanics in writing or Paper Based Test (PBT), and the second national examination is carried out by the mechanism uses a computer or Computer Based so-called Test (CBT). Computer Based Test (CBT) for its implementation, where all test process was done through computers, ranging from the creation of matter, the setting class, setting the user can take the exam, the teacher was teaching, setting up the test process, utilizing web engineering technology, as well as its spring system online. Academic year 2016/2017 in South Sumatra by as much as 261 high schools both public and private have been implementing a national exam in the form of Computer-Based Test (Kemendikbud 2017). This study sampled in ten high schools located in remote villages. In understanding and knowledge about the use of technology-based desktop application specifically at schools that are in remote villages is insufficient, in karenakan least amount of computers and teachers who are in school. The purpose of this research was to measure the application of Computer Based Test using variable effectiveness and efficiency on the basis of ISO 9126. In this study researchers use quantitative research methods with the application of the model of ISO 9126, which consists of a variable effectiveness and efficiency. This research use the measuring instrument in the form of a questionnaire consisting of 297 respondents out of ten high school, where the measurement scale that is used in the form of data analysis and likert scale done testing the validity of, reabilitas and regression Double
Analisis Pengukuran Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna Terhadap Penerapan Aplikasi SISKEUDES Pada Kabupaten Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan Mardiana Mardiana; Eka Hartati
MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer Vol 19 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.192 KB) | DOI: 10.30812/matrik.v19i1.478


SISKEUDES is a village finance application that was developed in 2015 by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency. Banyuasin District has implemented SISKEUDES, and in 2017 as many as 227 villages have used this system. The application of SISKEUDES with the level of user satisfaction can determine the success of the implementation of the SISKEUDES system itself. This study took a sample in Banyuasin district, South Sumatra province. The aim of the study analyzes the level of user satisfaction in the application of SISKEUDES using multiple linear regression. In this study, researchers used quantitative research methods with the application of the Green-Pearson model consisting of Easy of Use, Customization, Download Delay, and Content variables. This study uses a questionnaire measuring device consisting of 93 respondents from nineteen districts in Banyuasin district, where the measurement scale used is a Likert scale and data analysis is tested for validity, reliability and multiple regression. The results of the study get the regression equation Y = -0.4.727 + 0.1.050 X1 + 0.1.222 X2 + -0.082 X3 + 0.042 X4. The variables X1 and X2 significantly influence the variable Y, while the variables X3 and X4 have no effect on the variable Y.
STMIK PalComTech Customer Service Questionnaire Processing Application Design Atin Triwahyuni; Eka Hartati; Hera Setiawan; Riska Triani
Telematika Vol 19, No 1 (2022): Edisi Februari 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/telematika.v19i1.6415


Purpose: The focus of this research is to create a Consumer Service Questionnaire Dashboard application that can perform questionnaire data processing, service satisfaction analysis and reporting the results of service improvement recommendations at STMIK PalComTech.Design/methodology/approach: This study uses the Prototype method, where this method can interact with the user during user creation. This method consists of five stages, namely communication, planning quickly, modeling the design quickly, making prototypes, and submitting the system or software to the user or users to be tested using the black box testing method.Findings/result: The results of this study resulted in an application for processing customer service questionnaires from STMIK PalComTech, to simplify and shorten UPT-PM staff in preparing reports on the results of the questionnaire recap, reporting and distributing the results of the questionnaire recap of the Head of UPT-PM.Originality/value/state of the art: The system testing technique used in this study is black box testing, this testing technique focuses on the functional specifications of the software, this test is also used to find errors in the system, for example interface errors, performance errors, incorrect or missing functions.
Pengukuran Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna Terhadap Penerapan Aplikasi Polisiku di Kota Palembang Wiza Yunifa; Eko Setiawan; Eka Hartati
Teknomatika Vol 12 No 01 (2022): Teknomatika Vol 12 No 01 Maret 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer PalComTech

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Aplikasi Polisiku merupakan aplikasi berbasis mobile yang dibuat Polri sebagai manifestasi pelayanan lebih mudah kepada masyarakat aplikasiku memiliki situs website resmi dengan alamat ...... sebagai sarana informasi pelayanan untuk masyarakat khususnya masyarakat Palembang. Pada penelitian ini peneliti melakukan pengukuran aplikasi polisiku dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat ukur. Pada tahun 2017 telah diimplementasikan aplikasi polisku belum pernah dilakukan pengukuran sebelumnya. Pada penelitian ini variable yang digunakan terdiri dari Task Effectiveness, Error Frequency, Task Completion, Compliance, Resource Utilization, dan User Satisfaction menggunakan variabel efektivitas dan berdasarkan ISO 9126. Jumlah sample dari penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden yang terdiri dari masyrakat. teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan secara langsung ke responden. Hasil dari penelitian ini pada variabel Compliance mendapatkan nilai tertinggi sebesar 84,50% yang artinya menu layanan aplikasi Polisiku mudah dipahami sesuai dengan harapan pengguna pada tampilan aplikasi yang menarik dan informasi yang disajikan mudah dimengerti khususnya oleh masyarakat umum pengguna aplikasi Polisiku. Sedangkan pada variabel Error Frequency mendapatkan nilai terendah sebesar 74,50% yang artinya bahwa untuk saat ini aplikasi Polisiku masih ada menu yang tidak memberikan respon dan ada menu yang kosong.