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Journal : English and Literature Journal

Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2015): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.914 KB)


Abstract This study aims to find and to compare (similarities and differences)  values of character Education in literary works those are Falsafah Hidup by Hamka and The Prophet by Khalil Gibran. This study reveals values of character education beyond a literary work in order to give contribution to build human character. This study also gives information that literary work is not only display a beautiful string of word but it contains life  meaning, so literary work can be an alternative source for building human character. This study uses content analysis technique and comparative approach with coding sheet as the instrument.Falsafah Hidupand The Prophet as object of study. Data analysis starts from preparing data, defining unit of analysis, building coding sheet, coding, comparing, making conclusion, and reporting. Result of study shows there are 13 values of char4acter education in Falsafah Hidupand 11 values of character education in The Prophet. There are some same and different in value and both of these works focus on humanistic and social value. But some values in Falsafah Hidup are not found in The Prophet. The value is character toward nation. Values of character education in The Prophet are not refer to certain religion or faith. Differ than Falsafah Hidup, the values always relies on Al Qur’an and Hadits.Abstrak Nilai Pendidikan Karakter pada Karya Sastra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh dan membandingkan nilai pendidikan karakter pada karya sastra Falsafah Hidup oleh Hamka dan The Prophet oleh Khalil Gibran. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pembentukan karakter manusia serta memberikan pengetahuan bahwa karya sastra bukan hanya menampilkan rangkaian kata-kata indah, namun juga makna hidup. Dengan demikian, karya sastra juga berfungsi untuk membangun karakter manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan, teknik analisis isi dan pendekatan komparatif dengan lembar pengkodean sebagai instrumennya. Falsafah Hidup dan The Prophet sebagai objek penelitian dimana analisis data dimulai dari mempersiapkan data, mendefinisikan, membuat lembar pengkodean, pengkodean, membandingkan, membuat kesimpulan, dan pelaporan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada 13 nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter di Falsafah Hidup dan 11 nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam The Prophet. Kedua karya ini fokus pada nilai humanistik dan sosial, tapi beberapa nilai dalam falsafah Hidup tidak ditemukan dalam The Prophet, yaitu nilai karakter bangsa. Nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam The Prophet tidak mengacu pada agama atau kepercayaan tertentu. Berbeda dari Falsafah Hidup yang nilai-nilainya selalu bergantung pada Al Qur'an dan Hadits. 
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.221 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a5


Abstract            The nature of literature is beautiful and meaningful or in the other word is beautiful and teaching something. Studying literature is not only elaborating the beautiful string of word, sentence as the structure building of literary work. As the nature of literature, then, studying literature must touch into the revelation meaning beyond the text, revealing values, moral messages in literary work so the function of literature which is not mere giving pleasure  and entertaining. This study reveals relation between human, universe, and God portrayed in novel “Anak Rantau” by Ahmad Fuadi. This study analyzes texts using hermeneutic method. The relation between human, universe, and God means is how human supposed to behave toward universe which suits to the purpose of the human creation as “khalifah”  in the earth. The portrait of relation between human, universe,and God seems in some story extracts. The effort to return the seaside condition and environment in large which polluted by poison and fish bones in “gotongroyong” to clean seaside for returning the seaside function as giving benefit to human. In addition, the relation between human, universe, and God seems when universe becomes a teacher for human which alwaays obeys to the God decision. Keywords: the nature of literature, khalifah, human, universe, God Abstrak            Hakikat sastra adalah indah dan bermakna atau dengan kata lain indah dan mengajarkan sesuatu. Mengkaji sastra tidak cukup hanya mengurai keindahan rangkaian kata, kalimat sebagai unsur pembangun sebuah karya sastra. Sesuai dengan hakikatnya, maka Mengkaji sastra haruslah sampai pada mengungkap makna di balik teks, mengungkap nilai-nilai, pesan-pesan moral yang terkandung dalam sebuah karya sastra sehingga fungsi sastra yang tidak hanya sekedar memberi kesenangan dan menghibur semata bisa terungkap. Kajian ini mengungkap hubungan antara manusia, alam, dan Tuhan yang tergambar pada novel Anak Rantau karya Ahmad Fuadi.  Kajian ini menganalisis teks dari penggalan konflik dengan metode hermenutika. Hubungan antara manusia, alam dan Tuhan yang dimaksudkan adalah bagaimana seharusnya manusia berperilaku terhadap alam sesuai dengan tujuan penciptaannya sebagai khalifah di bumi. Potret hubungan antara manusia, alam dan Tuhan nampak pada beberapa penggalan cerita. Adanya upaya mengembalikan kondisi pantai dan lingkungan secara luas yang tercemar oleh racun dan bangkai-bangkai ikan dengan cara bergotongroyong menbersihkan pantai untuk mengembalikan fungsi pantai yakni memberi manfaat kepada manusia. Selain itu hubungan manusia, alam, dan Tuhan juga nampak ketika alam dijadikan guru oleh manusia yang selalu patuh pada hukum-hukum  Tuhan. Kata kunci: Hakikat sastra, khalifah, manusia, Alam, Tuhan 
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 10 No 2 (2023): Sasta
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v10i2.42500


The Industrial Revolution 5.0 is an integration of advanced technology and human expertise. The era that focuses on improving the quality of life and human welfare by optimizing the use of limited natural resources but still environmentally friendly forces people to be adaptive to the orientation of that era. Based on the core of literature as dulce et utile, beautiful and meaningful or useful (Horatius), this study intends to find and show the meaningfulness and contribution of literary work as a medium in increasing ecological awareness in era of Industrial Revolution 5.0. As a perspective to understand environmental problems, ecological literature (Eco Literature) was chosen as an approach to find answers in this research. The research method is hermeneutic method. The object of research is novel. The selected novels are Dunia Anna and The Overstory. The characters in the two novels are described as having ecological awareness. They are aware about the importance of preserving the environment so that the earth is not damaged but could benefit to future generations. The characters are described as carrying out a mission to save the environment and making efforts to restore the state of the environment. This is in line with the vision of Industrial Revolution 5.0 which prioritizes environmentally friendly concepts. Ecological awareness messages in these two novels provide evidence that novels as literary works contain life learning values ​​that are useful, contributive and deserve to be taught and disseminated.