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All Journal JWEM (Jurnal Wira Ekonomi Mikroskil) Agrifor : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian dan Kehutanan Tanra : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Fakultas Seni dan Desain Universitas Negeri Makassar Humani (Hukum dan Masyarakat Madani) Jurnal Ius Constituendum JEMST: Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Journal Publicuho MEJ (Mathematics Education Journal) Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation) Vygotsky: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN DAN MATEMATIKA SIGMA (JPMS) Journal of Education and Learning Mathematics Research (JELMaR) Musamus Journal of Public Administration Journal of Governance and Local Politics (JGLP) Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Matematika (JUMADIKA) JURNAL GEOGRAFI Geografi dan Pengajarannya Dinamika Bahari: Journal of Maritime Dynamic JURNAL USM LAW REVIEW Riemann: Research of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan dan Sains Al-fahim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Eduproxima : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan IPA Indonesian Journal of Police Studies Jurnal Cafetaria Special and Inclusive Education Journal (SPECIAL) Indonesian Journal of Mathematics and Natural Science Education Jurnal PEKA (Pendidikan Matematika) Khatulistiwa Law Review Inspirasi Ekonomi : Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Jurnal Litbang Kota Pekalongan LINEAR: Journal of Mathematics Education Oikonomia: Jurnal Manajemen Dawuh Guru: Jurnal Pendidikan MI/SD Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) VEKTOR: Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Jurnal Digital Media dan Relationship Experiment: Journal of Science Education Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Al-Kawakib JPPOL : Jurnal Poros Politik Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Raflesia Wacana: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Interdisiplin Al Kawnu : Science and Local Wisdom Journal Jurnal Cerdik: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Jurnal Lemhannas RI International Journal of Education and Teaching Zone Jurnal Ilmiah Kemaritiman Nusantara Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah I (JUDIK) Jurnal Muassis Pendidikan Dasar Langgas: Jurnal Studi Pembangunan Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains PLEDOI (Jurnal Hukum dan Keadilan) Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma Recht Studiosum Law Review Sosial Khatulistiwa: Jurnal Pendidikan IPS Journal of Humanity Studies Quadratic: Journal of Innovation and Technology in Mathematics and Mathematics Education Jurnal El-Hamra : Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation)
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Easy Multiplication from Left to Right and Al Khwarizmi Method: Hypothesis Testing Against Median Values Endro Tri Susdarwono
MEJ (Mathematics Education Journal) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): MEJ Vol 5 No.2
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/mej.v5i2.16348


This study aims to provide an overview of easy multiplication with the left to right method and also the right to left method (Al Khawarizmi Method). Furthermore, from easy multiplication with 2 methods, a test is carried out to determine the level of ease in its application to the two methods of multiplication. The method used in this research is experimental. While the approach in this research used is quantitative. The quantitative approach used includes testing the hypothesis on the median value. The conclusion of this study is that the median value of the posttest value of easy multiplication from left to right and easy multiplication from right to left is the same. Since the median is also the average value, it can also be concluded that the average number of easy multiplication posttest scores from left to right and easy multiplication posttest scores from right to left are the same. As an implication, the two easy multiplication techniques are able to produce the same level of convenience.
A Defense Industry Economy: The Concept of Dual-Use Technologies (Spin On & Spin Off) as an Effort to Accelerate the Independence of the Indonesian Defense Industry Endro Tri Susdarwono
Economics and Education Journal (Ecoducation) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): ECODUCATION : Economics and Education Journal
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/ecoducation.v3i2.1347


The purpose of this study discusses the concept of dual-use technologies (spin on and spin off) in an effort to accelerate the economic independence of the Indonesian defense industry. This research is a qualitative research, the type of research uses a comprehensive analytical study and analytical normative approach. The development of defense technology in addition to aiming at production independence that can compete with other countries' products, must also provide a multiplier effect. The strategy is clear: optimize the added value of the defense industry. To that end, the first step that must be taken is to encourage import substitution for the defense industry and, after the industry develops, the final step is to commercialize or spin off the spillover effect or defense industry multiplier effect in the form of products that can be used for civil benefit. Defense provides a direct advantage of technology and its influence on other sectors, where the spin-off is used by the civil sector which can increase growth. In developing countries, defense spending can increase growth if some portion of expenditure is used for the provision of social infrastructure. Defense spending provides protection for citizens, where internal and external security will increase exchange in the market.
Khatulistiwa Law Review Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Edisi Oktober
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/klr.v1i2.86


Abstrak Komponen cadangan merupakan sumber daya nasional di bidang pertahanan yang berasal dari sumber daya manusia, sumber daya alam, sumber daya buatan, serta sarana dan prasarana. Kebutuhan akan komponen cadangan memiliki landasan konstitusional serta amanat UU Pertahanan Negara. Namun, pembahasan RUU Komponen Cadangan menimbulkan pro kontra sehingga formulasinya membutuhkan argumentasi yang kuat terutama mengenai asumsi wajib militer bagi warga negara. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk membahas ketentuan wajib militer yang tertuang dalam Undang-Undang Wajib Militer dan relevansinya dengan pengaturan komponen cadangan. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kebuntuan pembahasan pada RUU Komponen Cadangan melahirkan reformulasi baru ke dalam UU PSDN. Selain itu, terjadi pergeseran konsep wajib militer dari yang sebelumnya diwajibkan kepada setiap negara sesuai UU Wajib Militer, menjadi pelatihan dasar kemiliteran bagi setiap warga negara yang lulus sebagai komponen cadangan. Untuk pola perekrutan, komponen cadangan menerima setiap warga negara yang ingin menjadi calon anggota secara sukarela sesuai dengan persyaratan dengan mengikuti seleksi administrasi dan seleksi kompetensi. Sedangkan pada wajib militer diwajibkan bagi setiap warga negara mulai dari usia 18 (delapan belas) tahun sampai dengan 40 (empat puluh) tahun. Pola pelatihan dan pendidikan juga berbeda. Pada komponen cadangan, anggota hanya melaksanakan pelatihan dasar kemiliteran, sedangkan pada wajib militer adalah pelatihan militer. Abstract The reserve component is a national resource in the defense sector originating from human resources, natural resources, man-made resources, and facilities, and infrastructure. The need for a reserve component has a constitutional basis and the mandate of the State Defense Law. However, the discussion of the Draft Reserves Component Bill raises pros and cons so that its formulation requires strong arguments, especially regarding the assumption of compulsory military service for citizens. Therefore, this research aims to discuss the provisions of military service as stated in the Military Compulsory Law, and their relevance to the regulation of reserve components. The results of the study revealed that the deadlock in deliberations on the Reserve Components Bill gave birth to new reformulations into the PSDN Law. Besides, there has been a shift in the concept of compulsory military service from what was previously required for every country, to basic military training for every citizen who passes as a reserve component. The reserve component accepts every citizen who wants to become a candidate for membership voluntarily under the requirements by following administrative selection and competency selection. Meanwhile, compulsory military service is compulsory for every citizen from the age of eighteen to forty years.
Analisis Varian Sederhana dan Uji-Scheffe dalam Penelitian Eksperimen Pengajaran Matematika Melalui Pemahaman Filsafat Matematika Endro Tri Susdarwono
Vygotsky : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Vygotsky: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.992 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/vj.v2i2.240


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji beda pengajaran matematika dengan menggunakan pemahaman filsafat matematika terhadap nilai soal matematika yang tergolong kategori sulit. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen. Pengujian yang digunakan dengan memakai analisis varians sederhana dan uji scheffe. Hasil penelitian eksperimen ini mengungkapkan bahwa dengan analis varians ada beda yang signifikan antara mean-mean kelompok, yaitu kelompok 1 sebagai variabel control, kelompok 2 sebagai variabel eksperimen dengan lama setengah semester pengajaran matematika dengan model filsafat matematika dan kelompok 3 sebagai variabel eksperimen dengan lama satu semester pengajaran matematika dengan model filsafat matematika serta melalui uji scheffe disimpulkan bahwa kelompok eksperimen secara signifikan bepenampilan lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok control.
Penguasaan 4 (Empat) Prasyarat Dasar Aritmatika untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Matematika Endro Tri Susdarwono
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Labuhan Batu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/jpms.v6i2.1856


The purpose of this study discusses how mastery of 4 (four) basic prerequisites of arithmetic which includes the ability to count, make Arithmetic / multiples, complement especially Nines and ten, and the concept of place values in numbers affect students' ability to solve math problems consisting of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and multiplication. The approach in this study uses a descriptive approach, the method used is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. A qualitative approach is used to describe the basic arithmetic mastery of students including numeracy, making Arithmetic / multiples numbers, complements especially nines and ten, and the concept of place values in numbers. The quantitative approach uses statistical tests with canonical correlation analysis to answer the relationship and influence between understanding of basic arithmetic mastery on the ability to solve math problems related to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. From the results of the canonical weight and canonical loading function 1, it can be concluded that there is indeed a significant relationship between the dependent variate and the independent variate or basic arithmetic mastery and the students' ability to do math problems is indeed correlated together.
TANRA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Fakultas Seni dan Desain Universitas Negeri Makassar Vol 7, No 3 (2020): September - Desember
Publisher : Universitas Negeri makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/tanra.v7i3.16162


The purpose of this study is to discuss the Semar puppet characters who are Indonesian local culture as a wealth of imagination and a source of creativity in the creation of visual communication design works. This research is a qualitative research, the type of research uses a comprehensive analytical study and analytical normative approach. Indonesian local culture needs to be embraced into a wealth of imagination and a source of creativity for the process of creating advertising design works. By following the prevailing customs, upholding morality, and prioritizing local cultural wisdom to be later appointed as inspiration, source of ideas and ideas, as well as software to communicate various commercial, social, or moral messages to the target audience, existence A visual communication design work will accentuate people's lives, in the end it is expected to be able to enlighten the thoughts and feelings of human beings who live and fill their lives according to their respective talents. The mysterious Semar wayang figure is also part of the religious mythological figure loved by the Javanese people in particular. Therefore, Semar is considered to have high value and value in wayang as part of Javanese life. So, of course the character Semar will be interesting to study more carefully and more deeply in terms of philosophy in an effort to unravel the mystery that surrounds him.
Reaksi Fisi dan Reaksi Fusi dalam Mekanisme Bom Atom dan Senjata Termonuklir Endro Tri Susdarwono
VEKTOR: Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): VEKTOR: Jurnal Pendidikan IPA
Publisher : HMPS Tadris IPA FTIK IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/vektor.v2i1.19


Tujuan penelitian ini membahas mengenai reaksi fisi dan fusi pada bom atom dan senjata termonuklir. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, jenis penelitiannya menggunakan studi analitik komprehensif. Bagian paling vital dari ledakan fisi yang terjadi dalam bom atom tak lain adalah material yang berfisi itu sendiri. Ada dua unsur radioaktif yang biasa dipakai, yakni uranium dan plutonium, masing-masing dengan aneka isotopnya. Mulai dari U-232, U-234, U-235, dan U-238 untuk uranium, hingga Pu-238, Pu-239, dan Pu240 untuk plutonium. Elemen pemicu ledak yang dipakai dalam ledakan termonuklir ialah deuterium (D) alias hydrogen berat atau yang juga popular dengan sebutan ‘air berat’ (heavy water). Dari setiap 5000 atom hydrogen, bisa dipastikan satu isotop di antaranya dalam bentuk deuterium. Inti deuterium (deutron) terdiri dari satu proton (p) dan satu neutron (n). saat berpasangan, dua deutron membentuk inti atom helium (He-4) yang relatif stabil. Dalam semua jenis reaksi ini, inti atom berat terbentuk melalui proses fusi. Kata Kunci: bom atom, reaksi fisi, reaksi fusi, senjata termonuklir The purpose of this research is to discuss fission and fusion reactions in atomic bombs and thermonuclear weapons. This research is a qualitative research. This type of research uses a comprehensive analytical study. The most vital part of the fission explosion that occurs in an atomic bomb is none other than the fission material itself. There are two radioactive elements in common use, uranium and plutonium, each with its different isotopes. They range from U-232, U-234, U-235, and U-238 for uranium, to Pu-238, Pu-239, and Pu240 for plutonium. The explosive trigger element used in thermonuclear explosions is deuterium (D) heavy hydrogen or also popularly known as "heavy water" (heavy water). For every 5000 hydrogen atoms, one can be sure of one of them in the form of deuterium. The nucleus of heuterium (deutron) consists of one proton (p) and one neutron (n). When paired, the two deutrons form a relatively stable nucleus of helium (He-4). In all of these types of reactions, heavy atomic nuclei are formed by fusion. Keywords: atomic bombs, fission reactions, fusion reactions, thermonuclear weapons
Analisis Yuridis Kapal kesehatan (Bantu Rumah Sakit) dalam Misi Kemanusiaan Masa Perang dan Damai Endro Tri Susdarwono
Humani (Hukum dan Masyarakat Madani) Vol 9, No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (604.176 KB) | DOI: 10.26623/humani.v9i2.1707


Since a long time ago, BRS (Hospital Assistance) had played a major role in saving lives. Under the Hague Regulations of 1907, BRS type ships were prohibited from being attacked in warfare and these ships themselves were prohibited from possessing weapons. Indeed, World War I and II experience shows that BRS ships remain the target of attacks. It was only after World War II was over, this immunity could be implemented in the field. The Republic of Indonesia is a participant of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 concerning Protection of War Victims by means of a declaration of participation dated 10 September 1958, based on Law Number 59 of 1958 concerning the participation of the Republic of Indonesia in all Geneva Conventions on 12 August 1949 (Lembaran Negara No. 109, 1958. BRS operates not only during wartime, but also during peacetime, BRS operations in peacetime in the form of disaster relief and ordinary situations. In ordinary situations, BRS visits remote islands to provide medical assistance and equipment free medical services for the local community
Jurnal Ius Constituendum Vol 5, No 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (958.083 KB) | DOI: 10.26623/jic.v5i1.1759


Tujuan penelitian ini membahas mengenai deskripsi pokok-pokok pikiran mengenai pembangunan kemandirian industri pertahanan Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif, tipe penelitiannya menggunakan kajian komprehensif analitis dan pendekatannya normatif analitis. Undang-undang industri pertahanan mengatur bahwa industri pertahanan terdiri atas industri alat utama, industri komponen utama dan penunjang, industri komponen dan pendukung (perbekalan), serta industri bahan baku. Dari awal, pemerintah sudah mengatur bahwa BUMN pertahanan menjadi industri alat utama sekaligus pemandu utama (lead integrator) yang menghasilkan alat utama sistem senjata dan/atau mengintegrasikan semua komponen utama, komponen, dan bahan baku menjadi alat utama. Pertahanan Indonesia memerlukan kebijakan yang lebih progresif untuk mengejar ketertinggalan dalam penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (iptek) bidang pertahanan, serta dalam rangka mewujudkan kemandirian Industri Pertahanan (Indhan). Kemandirian industri pertahanan sangat bergantung pada tiga pilar pelaku iptek, yaitu perguruan tinggi dan Lembaga Litbang, industri, dan user (TNI sebagai pengguna). Oleh sebab itu, pemerintah  merumuskan kebijakan terpadu bidang iptek dan industri pertahanan yang diarahkan pada kebutuhan industri pertahanan. Pokok-pokok pikiran mengenai pembangunan kemandirian industri pertahanan Indonesia  meliputi: pembentukan dan penguatan KKIP (Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan), pembinaan industri utama dan pendukung, pendanaan industri pertahanan, mandiri dalam membuat/memproduksi, peningkatan kemampuan dan penguasaan teknologi industri pertahanan lewat sistem nasional, Research and development (R & D), kekuatan pertahanan minimum / Minimum Essential Force (MEF) dan Industri Pertahanan.
Tingkat Pemahaman Materi Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Terkait Status Kewarganegaraan (Prinsip Ius Soli dan Ius Sanguinis) Endro Tri Susdarwono
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 19, No 1 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Department of Pancasila and Civic Education, Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jk.v19i1.27755


AbstractThis study aims to describe the level of understanding of civic education materials related to citizenship status (the ius soli and ius sanguinis principles). How is the insight or knowledge related to citizenship understood by citizens, especially those who have received the material at the time of learning both at the high school, vocational, and university levels. The method used in conducting this research is a descriptive analysis method with a case study approach with data or information collection techniques using a survey conducted by compiling a list of questions posed to respondents. The data analysis technique used hypothesis testing through the Khuskall-Wallis method. In principle, the Kruskal-Wallis method combines all observational samples. Then, for each level a sample is given. The levels are given in order from the smallest value to the largest value. The results of the study stated that the level of understanding of civic education materials related to citizenship status material (ius soli and ius sanguinis principles) of the respondents at the three levels of education of high school students, vocational students, and college students was different. Respondents have different levels of understanding in understanding citizenship status.________AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan mengenai tingkat pemahaman materi pendidikan kewarganegaraan terkait status kewarganegaraan (prinsip ius soli dan ius sanguinis). Bagaimana wawasan atau pengetahuan terkait kewarganegaraan dipahami oleh warga negara terutama yang sudah mendapatkan materi tersebut pada waktu mengikuti pembelajaran baik di tingkat SMA, SMK, maupun Perguruan Tinggi. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan studi kasus dengan Teknik pengumpulan data atau informasi menggunakan survei yang dilakukan dengan cara menyusun daftar pertanyaan yang diajukan kepada responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pengujian hipotesis melalui metode Khuskall-Wallis. Pada prinsipnya metode Kruskal-Wallis seluruh sampel pengamatan digabungkan. Kemudian, kepada setiap sampel jenjang diberikan. Jenjang diberikan secara urut dari nilai yang paling kecil hingga nilai terbesar. Hasil dari penelitian menyatakan bahwa tingkat pemahaman terhadap materi pendidikan kewarganegaraan terkait materi status kewarganegaraan (prinsip ius soli dan ius sanguinis) para responden pada ketiga tingkat pendidikan siswa SMA, siswa SMK, dan Siswa Perguruan Tinggi berbeda. Responden memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang berbeda dalam memahami mengenai status kewarganegaraan.