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A Narrative Inquiry into Indonesian Elementary Students’ Experiences in English Online Learning during Covid-19 Ning Setio Wati; Ahmad Madkur
Elementary: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Elementary: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Jurusan PGMI FTIK IAIN Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (768.284 KB) | DOI: 10.32332/ejipd.v7i2.3718


Abstract Despite the extensive research on the issues of online learning in various contexts and at any education level, there is a paucity of exploration on elementary students’ perceptions and experiences in online English learning. This study therefore attempts to fill this gap by drawing on narrative inquiry to allow students to voice and express what they perceive of learning English in online mode. Through shared reflection, the students offer a snapshot of their lived experiences related to English online learning. The findings from this narrative investigation show that the problems faced by elementary school students when English learning online by using digital media are related to individual factors, and differences in students’ family backgrounds to be actively involved in verbal communication. To overcome these challenges, the participants applied direct communication with their classmates in outside of the online class. Face-to-face language learning has a very important influence on the understanding of communication for young learners. In addition, this study suggests the importance of digital literacy for students particularly in time of online learning era. Keywords: Covid-19, elementary students, English online learning, digital media, narrative inquiry Abstrak Meskipun sudah banyak penelitian tentang pembelajaran online dalam berbagai konteks dan tingkat pendidikan, persepsi dan pengalaman siswa sekolah dasar dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris online masih belum banyak diteliti. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengisi kesenjangan ini dengan melakukan penelitian inkuiri naratif yang memungkinkan siswa untuk menyuarakan dan mengekspresikan apa yang mereka rasakan dari belajar bahasa Inggris dalam mode online. Melalui refleksi bersama, para siswa menawarkan gambaran tentang pengalaman hidup mereka terkait dengan pembelajaran online bahasa Inggris. Temuan dari investigasi naratif ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah yang dihadapi siswa sekolah dasar ketika belajar bahasa Inggris online dengan menggunakan media digital adalah faktor individu dan perbedaan latar belakang keluarga siswa untuk terlibat aktif dalam komunikasi verbal. Untuk mengatasi tantangan tersebut, siswa menerapkan komunikasi langsung dengan teman sekelasnya di luar kelas online. Pembelajaran bahasa tatap muka memiliki pengaruh yang sangat penting terhadap pemahaman komunikasi bagi pelajar muda. Selain itu, penelitian ini menyarankan pentingnya literasi digital bagi siswa khususnya di era pembelajaran online. Kata kunci: Covid-19, siswa SD, pembelajaran online bahasa Inggris, media digital, narrative inquiry
The Students’ Perceptions of National Examination Washback: A Case Study at MTS Daarul ‘Ulya Metro Ahmad Madkur; Dedi Irwansyah
AT-TA'LIM Vol 25, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1608.238 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/jt.v25i2.405


Studies on washback of testing have been recently conducted. This demonstrates that there is a growing awareness that testing can have consequences beyond just the classroom. For one decade, Ministry of Education in Indonesia has administered National Examination (NE) as the standardized test for passing grade requirement. In spite of its good aim, NE has become one of controversial issues among educators, students and even parents. Some say yes while some others say no. This paper was mainly attempted to display some impacts, not all, of NE toward the test takers, the students. A qualitative research was employed where the data taken from observation and questionnaires to 20 students. The result of the study showed that most of the students felt unconfident with their score in National Examination due to the fact that their English competence was considered low. However, the difficulty of NE did not significantly affect their studying English language. In other words, the washback of NE on their study was negative.
Domestikasi Perempuan Salafi: Konstruksi Sosial Perempuan Salafi di Kota Metro Lampung Khotijah Khotijah; Ahmad Madkur
Kafa`ah: Journal of Gender Studies Vol 8, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jk.v8i2.219


In the midst of a current era where gender equality is increasingly echoed, there are salafi groups, especially for women, who try to obey the mainstream. In this way, they even tend to have cultivation of a new  way to counter the old culture. In the midst of a negative stigma towards the characteristic of their dress that tends to be closed and restricted by their husbands,  many salafi women are able to move forward and do not miss the non-Salafi women in general. This research attempt to reveal the concept of Islamic women social live according to Salafi doctrine in the middle plurality of Metro regency. The findings of this study conclude that the woman do not experience significant social interaction in social aspect. They can even others you as a woman in general. Associated domestication by husbands, they believe that it is basically not the husband's command but more on the shari'a they believe in
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 22 No 2 (2017): Ekonomi Islam dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.331 KB)


Abstrak Pemulung sampah adalah warga yang terpinggirkan dalam peta ekonomi, sosial, dan politik. Lalu bagaimana upaya mereka agar bisa merangsek ke tengah peta? Tulisan ini mengulas bagaimana para pemulung sampah di TPAS Karangrejo Kota Metro mengonsolidasi kapital sosial bersama para stakeholders terkait, termasuk dosen IAIN Metro, Walhi, perusahaan, dan Pemerintah Daerah. Tulisan ini bersumber dari kegiatan PAR (participatory action research) yang merupakan sebuah kegiatan pengabdian dan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh dosen IAIN Metro kepada warga pemulung anggota sebuah paguyuban di TPAS Karangrejo. Potret yang dideskripsikan meliputi bagaimana mereka mengorganisir diri, menciptakan alat-alat produksi, lalu meningkatkan nilai tambah atas produk-produk mereka. Tujuannya adalah bagaimana mereka berdaya di hadapan rentenir sekaligus meningkatkan taraf hidup. Ujung tulisan ini mengupas sejauh apa mereka berdaya, juga apa peluang dan tantangan yang mereka hadapi. Kata kunci: Kapital Sosial, Pemulung Sampah, dan TPAS Karangrejo. Abstract Waste pickers are frequently marginalized in economic, social, and political maps. So how do they try to get to the center of the map? This research-based paper reviews how waste pickers in TPAS Karangrejo Metro City consolidate their social capital with relevant stakeholders, including the lecturers of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro, WALHI, companies, and local government. The writing of this paper is based on participatory action research in which the community empowerment and research were both conducted in the same time by a lecturers team of IAIN Metro for the waste pickers in TPAS Karangrejo. The portraits described include how they organize themselves, create the means of production, and then increase the added value of their products. The goal is how they are empowered in the presence of moneylenders while improving living standards. The end of this paper explores how far they are empowered,and what opportunities and challenges they face. Keywords: Social Capital, Waste Pickers, TPAS Karangrejo
Jurnal Visi Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 14, No 2 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jvip.v14i2.52829


Abstract Despite the global recognition of online learning as the best available option to keep enacting educational practices, particularly foreign language learning,  amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, many concern about the constraints faced by students in this unpredicted distance learning. Involving second-year students in an Islamic state university in the province of Lampung, this study aimed to investigate EFL leaners’ barriers in learning speaking in online classroom and how they cope with the barriers. The data were generated through open-ended questionnaires and then analyzed using Miles and Huberman Model. The findings of the study classified three types of barriers, namely technical barriers such as bad internet connection and running out of data quota, linguistic barriers such as by lack of vocabularies, grammar and pronunciation, and personal emotional barriers such as lack of confidence and afraid of making mistakes.  Meanwhile, the coping strategies with these obstacles were using more providers and finding area with good signal for technical strategies. For linguistics Strategies, learners listened the conversation and the song, memorized more vocabularies, comprehended more grammar, Reading a lot and highlight the unknown words, found the meaning of unknown words from dictionary, Watched more videos and films, discussed everything in English with more friends, practice to speak in front of the mirror and recorded it.  While in Personal Emotional, learners increased their confidence by forcing and convincing themselves to speak and always keep trying, everything they felt was the challenge, ignored of being afraid on making mistakes, not be panic and take a deep breath to make them relax and enjoy every situation. Keywords: English speaking, barriers, online learning, Covid-19