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The Students’ Perceptions of National Examination Washback: A Case Study at MTS Daarul ‘Ulya Metro Ahmad Madkur; Dedi Irwansyah
AT-TA'LIM Vol 25, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1608.238 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/jt.v25i2.405


Studies on washback of testing have been recently conducted. This demonstrates that there is a growing awareness that testing can have consequences beyond just the classroom. For one decade, Ministry of Education in Indonesia has administered National Examination (NE) as the standardized test for passing grade requirement. In spite of its good aim, NE has become one of controversial issues among educators, students and even parents. Some say yes while some others say no. This paper was mainly attempted to display some impacts, not all, of NE toward the test takers, the students. A qualitative research was employed where the data taken from observation and questionnaires to 20 students. The result of the study showed that most of the students felt unconfident with their score in National Examination due to the fact that their English competence was considered low. However, the difficulty of NE did not significantly affect their studying English language. In other words, the washback of NE on their study was negative.
Jurnal Pedagogy Vol 4 No 1 (2016): Pedagogy: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : State Institute for Islamic Studies IAIN of Metro

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The term ‘meaningful’ or ‘authectic’ assessments might be understood variously depending on the charateristics of the learners and the type of educational setting. General universities and Islamic universities are likely to employ the terms differently. It is no secret that an Islamic university seeks to integrate Islamic values into all aspects of its English Language Teaching (ELT) curriculum including writing assessment. The fact that Muslims constitue a vast number of English learner in Indonesia has not yet been adequately supported by assessment procedures designed to guide the English instruction. The assessments in every teaching level is suppossed to be meaningful. To design a meaningful assessment tasks for a writing course in Islamic universities, teachers should consider the growing number of Islamic terms and Islam-related expressions in the field of English language education. The terms and expressions could be integrated into imitative, intensive, responsive, and extensive writings. This paper focuses on meaningful assessment for writing course in Islamic university, an area on which researchers have not conducted adequate analyses.
Jurnal Pedagogy Vol 1 No 1 (2013): Pedagogy: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : State Institute for Islamic Studies IAIN of Metro

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English for young learners (EYL) studies have dealt with quiet number of teaching methods and strategies. However, researchers have not conducted adequate analyses of EYL teacher candidates‟ creativity in integrating the local context into their lesson plans. This writing, therefore, address this issue by analyzing the teacher candidates‟ portfolio when they take English for Children course. Limitation of accessibility, however, have led this study to only focus on analyzing the portfolios submitted by the teacher candidates pursuing their S1 degree in an English Language Teaching Department of State Islamic College of Metro Lampung, Indonesia. This study will contribute to filling the gap of the stakeholders‟ expectation toward the possibility of integrating the local context, particularly Islamic values as they are the prominent characteristic of the college, into the arena of ELT within Indonesian context. The analysis shows that local and ideological features are inseparable in ELT and that those are commonly integrated with songs and pictures.
PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT MISKIN-KOTA MELALUI PENGEMBANGBIAKKAN KAMBING (Studi pada Program Pengabdian Dosen Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro) Imam Mustofa; Dedi Irwansyah
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 22 No 2 (2017): Ekonomi Islam dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

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Abstrak Kajian ini merupakan kajian akadmik program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, (PPM) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Metro. Program ini berupa peberdayaan ekonomi melalui komunitas. Lokasi Program pemberdayaan ini difokuskan di Kecamatan Metro Utara.Program pemberdayaan dilaksanakan melalui pengembangbiakkan kambing di keluarahan karangrejo Metro Utara Kota Metro. Subyek pemberdayaan ini adalah jamaah yasinan dan pengajian di Bedeng 23 A, Karangrejo. Tujuan pemberdayaan adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, taraf hidup subyek dampingan, jamaah yasinan dan pengajian. Lebih dari itu, pemberdayaan ini diharapkan dapat menciptakan komunitas masyarakat yang hidup mandiri. Masyarakat yang mampu mengendalikan kehidupan mereka.Berdasarkan evaluasi dan pengamatanlapangan, kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa keberhasilan program pemberdayaan melalui pengembangbiakkan kambing tidak hanya ditentukan jumlah modal yang diberikan, akan tetapi oleh spirit dan komitmen subyek pemberdayaan. Selain itu, faktor lain yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pemberdayaan ini adalah manajemen pengelolaan modal dan aset pemberdayaan. Subyek dampingan yang dipercaya untuk mengembangbiakkan kambing dengan sistem bergulir dan tidak menjadi hak milik, semangat dan komitmen mereka untuk memelihara hewan tersebut lebih tinggi, sehingga pemberdayaan berjalan efektif. Sementara model pemberdayaan yang modalnya berasal dari dana zakat profesi berupa kambing yang diserahkan kepada mustahiq untuk menjadi hak milik dan tidak bergulir, umumnya komitmen dan kesriusan penerima kurang maksimal. Akibatnya, tujuan pemberdayaan tidak tercapai secara maksimal. Kata kunci: Pemberdayaan ekonomi, subyek pemberdayaan, zakat profesi, pengembangbiakkan kambing.
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 19 No 1 (2014): Agama dan Kepemimpinan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

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Tindakan kekerasan atas Islam Syi’ah di Indonesia menunjukkan adanya gab komunikasi antarmazhab yang perlu direspon melalui ragam pendekatan termasuk pendekatan pendidikan. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa ranah pendidikan merupakan pintu masuk yang relevan untuk saling mengenal dan mempersempit gab yang dimaksud. Dalam banyak hal, pendidikan Islam Syi’ah telah mengalami kemajuan signifikan sejak zaman Morteza Muthahhari di Iran terutama melalui perubahan radikal pada filosofi pendidikan yang menghilangkan polarisasi ilmu agama dan ilmu modern. Revolusi pendidikan tersebut menguat melalui pemikiran dan kiprah Muhammad Husain Fadlullah di Libanon. Peran Fadlullah sebagai seorang marja’ membuat pemikirannya dalam bidang sosial, politik, dan pendidikan, beresonansi hingga ke Indonesia. Resonansi pemikiran tersebut terlihat jelas pada kiprah Jalaluddin Rakhmat dalam memimpin pendirian Yayasan Muthahhari yang salah satu visinya adalah untuk mempromosikan komunikasi antarmazhab di Indonesia. Yayasan tersebut juga bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan terutama melalui SMA Plus Muthahhari di Bandung. Pencapaian SMA Plus Muthahhari yang sangat gemilang dan telah mendapat pengakuan dari pihak swasta dan pemerintah, menunjukkan keunggulan filosofi pendidikan Islam Syi’ah. Resonansi pemikiran pemimimpin Islam Syi’ah dan manifestasinya dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia, selain berpengaruh positif terhadap dunia pendidikan di Indonesia, tampaknya juga akan mampu mempersempit gab komunikasi antarmazhab di Indonesia sehingga perbedaan mazhab akan dapat dipandang sebagai dinamika dalam kehidupan keberagamaan di Indonesia yang pluralis.The violence act toward the Shi’a followers in Indonesia indicates a gab in term of communication among the different Islamic school of thoughts (mazhab). Such gab is in need of urgent response from various approaches including education approach. This article shows that education is a relevant entry point to bridge those different Islamic school of thoughts and to narrow down the existing gab. To many extents, Shi’a has experienced remarkable progress in education field particularly since Morteza Muthahhari’s era in Iran through the change of educational philosophy which breaks such polarization of religion knowledge and modern science. Such revolution of education was strengthened by the works and thoughts of Muhammad Husain Fadlullah in Lebanon. Fadlullah was a marja’ whose sayings and thoughts on social, political, and educational matters, resonates and reaches Indonesia. His thought resonance is clearly seen in Jalaluddin Rakhmat’s playing important role in establishing Muthahhari Foundation in which one of its mission is to promote effective communication among the Islamic school of thoughts in Indonesia. The foundation also focuses on education field particularly through the establishment of SMA Plus Muthharari in Bandung. Some remarkable achievement of SMA Plus Muthahhari, besides being acknowledged by reputable institutions both private and state, show the superiority of Shi’ah educational philosophy implementation in Indonesia. The thought resonance among Shi’a leaders and its manifestation in Indonesia not only brings positive fresh air to Indonesia educational context but also carries hope for the betterment of communication among the Islamic school of thoughts so that the differences existing within the schools would be seen as a dynamic of religion life in the pluralistic Indonesia