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Journal : Conference on Community Engagement Project (Concept)

Penyusunan Bahan Ajar Administrasi Perpajakan Kelas Xi Pada Smks Maitreyawira Tanjungpinang Robby Krisyadi; Miranda Irawan
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Penyebaran virus Covid-19 menyebabkan pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar sekolah harus dilakukan secara jarak jauh. Hal ini menyebabkan terdapat kesulitan bagi peserta didik yang tidak terbiasa menggunakan media online dalam pembelajarannya. Penyusunan bahan ajar ini dilakukan untuk mempermudah guru sekolah dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran dan juga para peserta didik dalam memahami materi pembelajarannya secara mandiri. Adapun hasil dari kegiatan ini ditujukan untuk SMKS Maitreyawira Tanjungpinang. Bahan ajar yang disusun terdiri dari modul dan slide presentasi pembelajaran Administrasi Perpajakan kelas XI yang merujuk pada kompetensi dasar dan indikator pencapaian kompetensi dalam silabus mata pelajaran dari pihak sekolah. Materi pokok yang disampaikan pada bahan ajar untuk setiap bab nya yaitu Konsep Dasar Perpajakan, Wajib Pajak dan Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP), Nomor Pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak (NPPKP), Bentuk-Bentuk Dokumen Pajak, Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 21, Surat Setoran Pajak (SSP), Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Badan Terutang, serta Pelaporan SPT Tahunan Wajib Pajak Badan. Dengan adanya modul pembelajaran dapat bermanfaat sebagai referensi dalam pemahaman materi secara mandiri oleh para peserta didik, dan adanya slide presentasi dapat digunakan oleh guru pengajar di dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajarannya.
Perancangan Dan Penerapan Sistem Pencatatan Akuntansi Pada Toko Andi Com Jaya Robby Krisyadi; Novilim Novilim
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The accounting recording system plays an important role in providing accounting information for a business partner. A general problem that exists in Andi Com Jaya store is lack of an effective and efficient accounting recording system, so that the provision of financial information cannot be maximally known. This program began by directly reviewing the activities of business operations and understanding the business procedure in Andi Com Jaya store. The next phase is creating an accounting system using Microsoft Office Access that suits with the store condition. The accounting system includes transactions for economic activities, operational activities, as well as the accurate financial reports. The completed system then was implemented to Andi Com Jaya store. The accounting recording system which has done designed was successfully implemented to Andi Com Jaya store. Manifested financial information can provide an overview for the owner regarding the store’s financial condition and decision making for future developments in the business ventures.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Digital Administrasi Perpajakan Di SMK Negeri 2 Batam Robby Krisyadi; Ricky Ricky
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The aim of designing digital-based learning media is to help overcome the obstacles experienced by SMKN 2 Batam which is caused by the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak which has forced teaching and learning activities in schools to be carried out online. This situation of course creates an uncommon feeling for students, parents, and especially teachers due to unpreparedness of facilities, infrastructure and human resources in carrying out teaching and learning activities online. Before starting the design of instructional media, the authors conducted discussion and direct observation with Mrs. Dian as the representative of SMKN 2 Batam to understand the situation and activities of online teaching and learning activities carried out by SMKN 2 Batam. This learning media has been designed to provide modules and power points containing material and practice questions tailored to the KIKD in the Tax Administration subject so that teachers and students only need to use them when online learning and teaching activities are in progress. Through the process of implementing work results, the process of online learning and teaching activities will be better with digital learning media applied at SMKN 2 Batam. These results also show that well-designed learning media will support students in mastering the subject matter during online learning and teaching activities.
Penyusunan Dan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Perpajakan Untuk SMA Islam Nabilah Robby Krisyadi; Salma Alfiqi
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The COVID-19 outbreak that hit Indonesia has caused the Indonesian government to issue new policies to carry out online learning and teaching activities. This new policy poses many difficulties, especially for students with the main constraints of learning media that are less interesting and difficult to understand. The preparation and development of teaching materials is aimed at SMA Islam Nabilah with the main goal of simplifying the teaching and learning process. The learning media developed consists of modules, slideshows, and animation videos for grade XI. The material presented refers to the basic competencies from the annual learning syllabus provided by SMA Islam Nabilah. The subject presented includes basic concepts of taxation such as understanding, functions, benefits, to tax rates and their calculations. With modules, slideshows, and video animation learning that has been developed will provide benefits as a reference in the learning process and can be used continuously by the teachers.
Pembuatan Bahan Ajar Pada Mata Pelajaran Administrasi Perpajakan Kelas XII Di SMKN 1 Tanjungpinang Robby Krisyadi; Mariska Ramadana
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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As an important system in education, learning is an interactive space for the building of teacher and student relationships in order to develop self-potential and achieve learning goals. The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the world, including Indonesia, has made significant changes for all sectors in Indonesia including education. Changes in learning methods from face-to-face to long-distance become a challenge as well as an obstacle to the learning process, not only for teachers but also for students and parents. Therefore, schools need teaching materials that are able to facilitate the distance learning process by making teaching materials. Making digital teaching materials in the form of learning modules is one form of community service. The target of this activity is students majoring in accounting at SMKN 1 Tanjungpinang for the subject of Tax Administration. The output produced from this activity is a learning module equipped with case examples, practice questions, and answer keys. This learning module is expected to make it easier for students during the distance learning process and independent learning and make it easier for teachers to achieve learning goals. It is hoped that this module can continue to be used and developed to support the learning process.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Digital Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Mata Pelajaran Administrasi Perpajakan di SMK Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang Robby Krisyadi; Windy Sjachputri
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Starting from a local case, Covid-19 spread throughout the world one after another, including Indonesia. Since the beginning of 2020, the government issued a policy for teachers and students to carry out teaching and learning activities online while at their respective homes, as a form of prevention for the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. With the existence of government policies, the learning system which is always implemented face-to-face has changed to have to go through digital media. However, the existence of weaknesses in this learning system can make students bored, less interested, and less interested in carrying out the learning process online. The activity began with an interview with the tax administration subject teacher about the difficulties in the teaching and learning process through digital media. The results of the interview, the authors found the problems faced by students of SMKN 1 Tanjungpinang, especially the Accounting Department, namely the difficulty of understanding the material being taught because they cannot interact directly. Therefore, SMKN 1 Tanjungpinang needs digital teaching materials on Tax Administration that are easy to understand by students at the school. The digital learning media produced from this activity is a module that is expected to help schools carry out teaching and learning activities with digital learning media and help and make it easier for students to understand and obtain alternative teaching materials besides books.
Perancangan Sistem Pencatatan Akuntansi Pada Pt. Aroma Nusajaya Karya Robby Krisyadi; Andi Andi
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The purpose of this PkM is to design adjusted accounting system report for a company or firm in accordance with accounting standard. The object of this PkM is PT. Aroma Nusajaya Karya which located at Ruko Cahaya Garden Block D1 No.2, Batam City. Data collection method is do some observation, interview, designing, and simulation. The accounting system report is designed by using Microsoft Access software application that has been adjusted to the needs and conditions of the company with the accounting standard (SAK) for EMKM. Generated financial reports by the system is, profit and loss report, financial position report, ledger, trial balance report, sales and purchases report, also receivables and payables report. The result of the PkM showed that by implementing the accounting system report at PT. Aroma Nusajaya Karya, it can assist the owner of the company in monitoring their business performance and decision making to achieve greater profits. It is recommended for the next PkM to learn book keeping and accounting in order to be able to grasp the concept before implementing and designing the system.
Perancangan Dan Penyusunan Sistem Akuntansi Berbasis Microsoft Access Pada Pt. Yasasian Robby Krisyadi; Jeslyn Jeslyn
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Yasasian adalah suatu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang supplier distributor yang menjual marking sistem seperti alat industri inkjet coding. PT. Yasasian masih belum memiliki sistem pencatatan akuntansi yang akurat dan efisien. Tujuan PkM ini adalah merancangkan sistem akuntansi yang dapat menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang efisien dan akurat, sehingga dapat mempermudah pemilik perusahaan mengetahui kondisi keuangan dan menyusun laporan keuangan perusahaan serta mencatat transaksi sehari-hari. Oleh sebab itu, hal yang pertama kali penulis lakukan yakni menemukan masalah yang dihadapi oleh pemilik perusahaan serta memberi solusi yang tepat pada pemilik. Penulis mengunjungi tempat PkM mengumpulkan informasi dan merencanakan sistem akuntansi yang akan dirancang untuk memberikan solusi atas masalah yang dihadapi oleh pemilik perusahaan. Perancangan sistem ini dimulai dari penginputan formulir pembelian, formulir penjualan, dan formulir transaksi. Laporan yang dihasilkan yakni laporan laba rugi, laporan arus kas, laporan sisa persediaan, buku besar, laporan penjualan, laporan pembelian, neraca saldo, dan jurnal umum. Sistem pencatatan akuntansi yang dirancang diharapkan dapat membantu pemilik usaha menyelesaikan kendala dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan dan memperbaiki sistem pencatatan akuntansi pada PT. Yasasian. Hasil dari perancangan sistem akuntansi menunjukkan PT. Yasasian dapat mencatat transaksi sehari-hari dengan lancar, menyusun laporan keuangan dengan tepat, dan pemilik usaha dapat memantau keuangan perusahaan. Direkomendasikan terhadap pelaksanaan PkM selanjutnya adalah merancang sistem pencatatan akuntansi dengan menggunakan program lain serta dapat menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang lengkap.
Perancangan Dan Implementasi Sistem Akuntansi Berbasis Microsoft Accesss Pada Toko Spotlesstep.Id Robby Krisyadi; Efri Mulfandi
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Toko Spotlesstep.Id merupakan usaha yang bergerak dalam jasa perawatan sepatu. Toko Spotlesstep.Id menawarkan jasa mencuci sepatu, melakukan pengecatan ulang pada warna sepatu yang sudah pudar, dan lain sebagainya. Toko Spotlesstep.Id masih menggunakan pencatatan secara manual dan mengalami kendala dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan. Tujuan pelaksanaan PkM ini untuk membantu Toko Spotlesstep.Id dalam menyelesaikan masalahnya terutama dalam pencatatan akuntansi dan pembuatan laporan keuangan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data dan informasi yaitu menggunakan metode wawancara dan melakukan pengamatan secara langsung dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh informasi yang berhubungan pada aktivitas usaha toko tersebut. Sistem yang dirancang merupakan sistem yang sederhana, praktis, dan mudah dipahami sesuai kebutuhan aktivitas usaha dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Hasil dari pelaksanaan PkM yang dilakukan adalah terciptanya sebuah sistem yang bersifat praktis dan mudah dipahami yang dapat membantu pencatatan transaksi akuntansi dan membuat laporan keuangan berdasarkan standar akuntansi yang berlaku pada Toko Spotlesstep.Id. Direkomendasikan terhadap pelaksana PkM selanjutnya untuk dapat mengimplementasikan ilmu pengetahuan serta kreativitas yang dimiliki kepada mitra PkM dengan membuat sistem yang diaplikasikan pada mitra PkM.
Perancangan Sistem Pencatatan Akuntansi Pada Toko La Collection Robby Krisyadi; Laurence Laurence
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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LA Collection Store is a fashion store located in the Penuin Market Area, Batam. The purpose of this student creativity program is to improve the financial recording system at the LA Collection Store into a system that can facilitate business owners from preparing an accurate business financial reports in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Currently, LA Collection Store record transactions manually, resulting in inaccurate reports. Therefore, the author will design a computerized accounting recording system using Microsoft Access application to assist LA Collection Store in preparing financial reports. The financial reports produced by the accounting recording system are expected to be taken into consideration by business owners in making business decisions. The author designed an accounting recording system based on requirement from LA Collection Store’s business owner. The result of the designed system are sales form, purchase form, transaction form, inventory form, fixed asset form, account form, statement of financial position, income statement, statement of change in equity, statement of cash flow, general journal, general ledger, inventory report, remaining inventory report, and fixed assets report. Following the authors carry out the implementation process and ensure the designed system can be run without a hitch, the author hand over the accounting recording system to business owners. Microsoft Access system that has been designed is expected to be able to solve the problems faced by LA Collection Stores. Recommendations that can be taken into consideration for the next implementation of student creativity program is to design a more comprehensive accounting recording system that can produce more types of reports such as budget reports and dead stock reports. In addition, the next implementation of student creativity program can also try to design a web-based or online accounting recording system so that users can access the system flexibly.