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Peran Mikoriza Arbuskula pada Insidensi Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang Lada Halim Halim; Mariadi Mariadi; La Karimuna; Rachmawati Hasid
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia Vol 12 No 5 (2016)
Publisher : The Indonesian Phytopathological Society (Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.929 KB) | DOI: 10.14692/jfi.12.5.178


Stem rot or foot rot disease caused by Phytophthora capsici is known as an important constraint on pepper cultivation. Research was conducted to determine the effect of arbuskula mycorhizal fungi (AMF) on incidence of foot rot disease of pepper seedlings.  The experiment was done in the net house and arranged using completed randomized design with 6 treatments, i.e. (1) soil infested by P. capsici (TPC) as negative control treatment, (2) sterilized soil (TS) as positive control treatment, (3) TPC with 5 g of AMF, (4) TPC with 10 g AMF, (5) TPC with 15 g AMF, and (6) TPC with 20 g AMF.   Observation involved plant height, number of shoots, disease incidence, the percentage of AMF infection on the roots of pepper plants, and pepper plants dependence on AMF. The results showed that the application of AMF at a dose of 20 g per 10 kg of soil effectively suppressed incidence of foot rot disease and improve plant growth
Analisis Kelayakan Implementasi Program Layanan Lumpur Tinja Terjadwal di Kota Baubau Kasmawati Kasmawati; La Karimuna; La Ode Ahmad Nur Ramadhan
Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jpw.v7i2.28444


ABSTRACTScheduled Sludge Service (SSS) is a program designed by the government to manage fecal waste so as to create proper sanitation conditions for the community. Baubau City has the opportunity to implement a SSS, because since 2011 the Wakonti Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) has been built with a capacity of 40 m3/day. This study was aimed at analyzing the feasibility of SSS program and its implementation strategy in Baubau City. The research was conducted by analyzing the potential of the research city such as regional data, sanitation conditions, conditions of desludging services, sewage treatment, the agencies involved, policies and regulations as well as implementation procedures and aspects of scheduled sewage services such as operating patterns, customers, infrastructure, institutions. , procedures, finances and regulations. The results of the gap analysis show that Baubau City is feasible to implement the LLTT program. However, it should be noted to the Baubau City government to follow up on deficiencies such as operating patterns, procedures and related rules to maximize this program. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, seven strategies were produced that can support the implementation of LLTT in Baubau City including: 1) Agreeing on service principles, 2) Accelerating the ratification of the Regional Regulation on LLTT, 3) Determining service zones, desludging patterns and desludging periods, 4) Increasing access to water services waste, 5) Forming a regional technical implementing unit, 6) Increasing funding allocation, and 7) Maximizing the active role of the government.Keywords: Baubau City, SSS, Wakonti STP, SWOT AnalysisABSTRAKLayanan lumpur tinja terjadwal (LLTT) merupakan program yang dirancang pemerintah untuk mengelolah limbah tinja sehingga menciptakan kondisi sanitasi yang layak bagi masyarakat. Kota Baubau memiliki peluang untuk mengimplementasikan kegiatan LLTT, karena sejak tahun 2011 telah dibangun fasilias Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT) Wakonti dengan kapasitas 40 m3/hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan program LLTT dan strategi implementasinya di Kota Baubau. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis potensi kota penelitian seperti data wilayah, kondisi sanitasi, kondisi layanan sedot tinja, pengolahan lumpur tinja, instansi yang terlibat, kebijakan dan peraturan serta prosedur pelaksanaan dan aspek-aspek layanan lumpur tinja terjadwal seperti pola operasi, pelanggan, infrastruktur, kelembagaan, prosedur, finansial dan aturan. Hasil analisis gap/kesenjangan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kota Baubau layak untuk mengimplementasikan program LLTT. Namun, perlu menjadi catatan kepada pemerintah Kota Baubau untuk menindaklanjuti kekurangan-kekurangan seperti pola operasi, prosedur dan aturan yang terkait untuk memaksimalkan program ini. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SWOT, dihasilkan tujuh strategi yang dapat mendukung implementasi LLTT di Kota Baubau diantaranya: 1) Menyepakati prinsip layanan, 2) Mempercepat pengesahan Perda tentang LLTT, 3) Menentukkan zona pelayanan, pola penyedotan dan periode penyedotan, 4) Meningkatkan akses layanan air limbah, 5) Membentuk unit pelaksana teknis daerah, 6) Meningkatkan alokasi pendanaan, dan 7) Memaksimalkan peran aktif pemerintah.Kata Kunci: Kota Baubau, LLTT, IPLT Wakonti, Analisis SWOT
The Effect of Rice Straw Mulch and Plus Organic Fertilizer Residue on The Growth of Glutinous Corn (Zea mays ceratina Kulesh) Hadi Riyandi; La Ode Afa; La Ode Safuan; La Karimuna; La Ode Sabaruddin
Agrotech Journal Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Agrotech Journal
Publisher : Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31327/atj.v7i2.1861


This study aimed to determine the effect of rice straw mulch and plus organic fertilizer residue on the growth of glutinous corn. This study was conducted from May to July, 2022 at the Field  Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. This study used a randomized block design with split-plot design treatments. Main plots were residue of rice straw mulch (M): without residue of rice straw mulch (M0), 4 t ha-1 residue of rice straw mulch (M1), and 8 t ha-1 residue of rice straw mulch (M2). Main subplots were residue of plus organic fertilizer (P): without residue of plus organic fertilizer (P0), 2.5 t ha-1 residue of plus organic fertilizer (P1), 5 t ha-1 residue of plus organic fertilizer (P2), and 7.5 t ha-1 residue of plus organic fertilizer (P3). Each experimental unit was repeated three times. Measured variables were plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, , plant fresh weight, plant dry weight, and flowering age. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, if the analysis result was significant (Fhit Ftab), then analyzed further using DMRT on α=0.05. The research results showed a single effect in 8 t ha-1 residue of rice straw mulch  (M2) or 7.5 t ha-1 residue of plus organic fertilizer (P3) by producing the highest growth of glutinous corn