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GWO-based estimation of input-output parameters of thermal power plants Osea Zebua; I Made Ginarsa; I Made Ari Nrartha
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 18, No 4: August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v18i4.12957


The fuel cost curve of thermal generators was very important in the calculation of economic dispatch and optimal power flow. Temperature and aging could make changes to fuel cost curve so curve estimation need to be done periodically. The accuracy of the curve parameters estimation strongly affected the calculation of the dispatch. This paper aims to estimate the fuel cost curve parameters by using the grey wolf optimizer method. The problem of curve parameter estimation was made as an optimization problem. The objective function to be minimized was the total number of absolute error or the difference between the actual value and the estimated value of the fuel cost function. The estimated values of parameter that produce the smallest total absolute error were the values of final solution. The simulation results showed that parameter estimation using gray wolf optimizer method further minimized the value of objective function. By using three models of fuel cost curve and given test data, parameter estimation using grey wolf optimizer method produced the better estimation results than those estimation results obtained using least square error, particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm, artificial bee colony and cuckoo search methods.
Perkiraan Kestabilan Tegangan Secara Dinamis Menggunakan Eksponen Lyapunov Maksimum M. Widi Triyatno; Osea Zebua; I Made Ginarsa
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.185 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v4n1.138.2015


Disturbances in the operation of the power system may cause disturbance in voltage stability. Therefore, dynamic voltage stability analysis before and after disturbance needs to be performed. This paper proposes dynamic voltage stability prediction using maximum Lyapunov exponent with Lampung’s electrical system as case study. Voltage stability simulation is performed with various types of disturbances that occur at line between of Baturaja substation and Bukit Kemuning substation. Time-series data of voltage measurement of simulation results at GI Baturaja is applied for voltage stability prediction analysis using maximum Lyapunov exponent. With the same number of data samples and the same time for circuit breakers to interrupt disturbances, the simulation results using maximum Lyapunov exponent show that the voltage can be stabilized at 1.7 seconds after the occurrence of the three-phase disturbance, at 1.2 seconds after the occurrence of the phase-to-ground disturbance, at 0,9 second after the occurrence of the disturbance between phase, at 1.2 seconds after the occurrence of the loss of line disturbance and 1.4 seconds after the occurrence of the loss of load disturbance. The amount of data samples used in analysis affect the time for the voltage reaches stability.
Rekonfigurasi Jaringan Distribusi untuk Meminimisasi Rugi-Rugi pada Penyulang Kabut di Gardu Induk Teluk Betung Menggunakan Metode Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) Osea Zebua; I Made Ginarsa
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (592.825 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v5n1.198.2016


Distribution network reconfiguration is needed to minimize losses, especially in densely populated areas. Various reconfiguration methods and techniques have been proposed for the purpose of minimizing power losses. This paper presents a reconfiguration of the distribution network using the binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) with a case study in Kabut feeder at the Teluk Betung substation. Reconfiguration is performed only by creating new lines without changing the number of lines. The results showed that with the planned four new lines, BPSO method can find new configuration to further minimizes losses. Active power losses resulting from the new configuration is 47.1043 kW or decreased by 1.81% of active power losses before the reconfiguration, i.e. 47.9477 kW. Voltage profile on each bus is better than those of before reconfiguration, where the minimum voltage obtained is 0.98603 per unit compared with a minimum voltage of 0.98597 per unit prior to reconfiguration. However, the selection of the best initial position of the whole of particle swarms outside loop configuration formed by new lines may cause a failure to find the best configuration.Keywords : Reconfiguration, distribution network, loss minimization, BPSO, feederAbstrak—Rekonfigurasi jaringan distribusi sangat diperlukan untuk mengurangi rugi-rugi khususnya pada daerah yang berpenduduk padat. Berbagai metode dan teknik rekonfigurasi telah diusulkan untuk tujuan meminimalkan rugi-rugi daya. Makalah ini menyajikan rekonfigurasi jaringan distribusi dengan menggunakan metode binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) dengan studi kasus penyulang Kabut di gardu induk Teluk Betung. Rekonfigurasi dilakukan hanya dengan membuat saluran baru tanpa merubah jumlah saluran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan merencanakan empat saluran baru, metode BPSO dapat menemukan konfigurasi baru yang lebih meminimalkan rugi-rugi. Rugi-rugi daya aktif yang dihasilkan dari konfigurasi baru sebesar 47,1043 kW atau berkurang sebesar 1,81% dari rugi-rugi daya aktif sebelum rekonfigurasi, yakni 47,9477 kW. Profil tegangan pada setiap bus juga lebih baik dari tegangan sebelum rekonfigurasi, dimana tegangan minimum yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 0,98603 per unit dibandingkan dengan tegangan minimum 0,98597 per unit sebelum rekonfigurasi. Namun pemilihan posisi awal terbaik dari seluruh kumpulan partikel di luar lup konfigurasi yang dibentuk oleh saluran baru dapat menyebabkan kegagalan untuk menemukan konfigurasi terbaik.Kata Kunci : Rekonfigurasi, jaringan distribusi, minimisasi rugi-rugi, BPSO, penyulang
Rancang Bangun Alat Monitoring Ketidakseimbangan Beban Pada Jaringan Tegangan Menengah Osea Zebua; Angga Hidson Setiawan; Noer Soedjarwanto; Jemi Anggara; Abdul Haris
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1041.998 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v5n3.325.2016


Load unbalance is a fault that can damage power transformers in medium voltage networks. The larger load or current unbalance cause heating at the transformer winding and can cause fatal damage if it occurs in a long time. One way to prevent this damage is by monitoring the percentage of load unbalance or current unbalance in medium voltage network. This paper presents the design of load unbalance monitoring equipment on medium voltage networks. Arduino microcontroller is used as the main controller. Current sensors and voltage sensors are used to obtain the data of current and voltage at any time. The load unbalance monitoring result that exceeds the setting value is sent to a warning systems and mobile phones. The test results on the secondary side of the power transformer showed that the equipment can monitor load (current) unbalance with a maximum difference of 0.17%, voltage unbalance with maximum difference of 0.033% and neutral current with maximum difference of 3.29A compared to the actual values. The monitoring equipment is also capable of sending data to sound warning system and to the mobile phone when the percentage of load (current) unbalance exceeds the setting value, i.e. 30%.Keywords : load unbalance,monitoring, medium voltage network, power transformerAbstrak— Ketidakseimbangan beban merupakan gangguan yang dapat merusak transformator daya di jaringan tegangan menengah. Ketidakseimbangan beban atau ketidakseimbangan arus yang besar menyebabkan pemanasan pada belitan transformator dan menyebabkan kerusakan fatal bila berlangsung pada waktu yang lama. Salah satu cara untuk mencegah kerusakan ini adalah dengan memonitoring persentase ketidakseimbangan beban atau ketidakseimbangan arus di jaringan tegangan menengah. Makalah ini menyajikan perancangan dan pembuatan alat monitoring ketidakseimbangan beban pada jaringan tegangan menengah. Mikrokontroler Arduino digunakan sebagai pengendali utama. Sensor arus dan sensor tegangan digunakan untuk memperoleh data arus dan tegangan setiap saat. Hasil monitoring ketidakseimbangan beban yang melebihi nilai yang sudah ditentukan dikirim ke sistem peringatan dan handphone. Hasil pengujian pada sisi sekunder transformator daya menunjukkan bahwa peralatan dapat memonitoring ketidakseimbangan beban (arus) dengan perbedaan maksimum 0,17%, ketidakseimbangan tegangan dengan perbedaan maksimum 0,033% dan arus netral dengan perbedaan maksimum 3,29A dibandingkan dengan nilai-nilai sebenarnya. Alat monitoring juga mampu mengirimkan data arus ke sistem peringatan bunyi dan ke handphone bila persentase ketidakseimbangan beban (arus) melebihi nilai yang sudah ditentukan, yakni 30%.                                                                Kata Kunci : ketidakseimbangan beban, monitoring, jaringan tegangan menengah, transformator daya
Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch untuk Meminimisasi Rugi-Rugi Daya Aktif pada Sistem Lampung Menggunakan Metode Grey-Wolf Optimizer (GWO) Osea Zebua; I Made Ginarsa
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (576.647 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v6n2.414.2017


Optimal reactive power dispatch has a purpose to achieve secure and economic operation of power system by regulating reactive power allocation in electric power system, such as regulating generators voltage, capacity of shunt capacitors and tap position of transformers. The optimal reactive power dispatch is complex combinatorial optimization problem and more easily solved by using artificial intelligence-based methods. This paper presents the solving of optimal reactive power dispatch problem to minimize active power loss using grey-wolf optimizer method with Lampung electrical power system as a case study. Matpower 5.1 software is used to calculate power flow and active power losses. The simulation is performed by regulating the voltage on each bus or substation connected to the generator with the limit of 0.95 pu to 1.05 pu, adjusting tap position of transformer on Gumawang and Seputih Banyak substations with a limit of 0.95 pu to 1,025 pu and regulating the capacity of shunt capacitors in Natar, Sutami and Kalianda substations with a limit of 0 to 25 MVAR. The simulation results show that the gre-wolf optimizer method can reduce the total active power losses from 18.97 MW to 18.2377MW.Keywords : optimal reactive power dispatch, grey-wolf optimizer, loss minimizationAbstrak—Optimal reactive power dispatch bertujuan untuk memperoleh operasi yang aman dan ekonomis dari sistem tenaga listrik dengan mengatur alokasi daya reaktif pada sistem tenaga listrik, antara lain dengan mengatur tegangan generator, kapasitas kapasitor paralel dan posisi tap transformator. Optimal reactive power dispatch adalah masalah optimisasi kombinasi yang kompleks dan lebih mudah diselesaikan dengan menggunakan metode-metode berbasis kecerdasan buatan. Makalah ini menyajikan penyelesaian masalah optimal reactive power dispatch untuk meminimisasi rugi-rugi daya aktif menggunakan metode grey-wolf optimizer dengan sistem kelistrikan Lampung sebagai studi kasus. Perangkat lunak Matpower 5.1 digunakan untuk menghitung aliran daya dan rugi-rugi daya aktif. Simulasi dilakukan dengan mengatur tegangan pada setiap bus atau gardu induk yang terhubung dengan generator dengan batas 0,95 pu sampai 1,05 pu, mengatur posisi tap transformator pada gardu induk Gumawang dan Seputih Banyak dengan batas 0,95 pu sampai 1,025 pu dan mengatur nilai kapasitas kapasitor pada gardu induk Natar, Sutami dan Kalianda dengan batas 0 sampai 25 MVAR. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa metode grey-wolf optimizer dapat mengurangi rugi-rugi daya aktif dari 18,97 MW menjadi 18,2377MW.Kata Kunci : optimal reactive power dispatch, grey-wolf optimizer, minimisasi rugi-rugi.
Desain Power System Stabilizer Berbasis Fuzzy Tipe-2 untuk Perbaikan Stabilitas Mesin Tunggal I Made Ginarsa; Agung Budi Muljono; I Made Ari Nrartha; Osea Zebua
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 14, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1036.913 KB) | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v14i1.8464


The growth of type-2 fuzzy logic system is penetrating electric power system field, especially on electric power system control sub-field in order to simplify the design of power system stabilizer (PSS). Traditionally, the function of conventional PSS is to damp rotor oscillation when a disturbance occurred due to transmission configuration or/and loading changes. However, the response of conventional PSS is slow with long settling time and high peak overshoot. To cover this problem, PSS based on type-2 fuzzy logic system (PFT2) is proposed. Simulation results show that the PFT2 is able to improve the stability of a single machine with 3 scenarios on transmission configuration and loading variation. The PFT2 gives shorter settling time for all scenarios and loading variation than the settling time of conventional PSS. Also, the peak overshoot of the PFT2 is smaller than the peak overshoot of the other competing PSS.
Desain Power System Stabilizer Berbasis Fuzzy Tipe-2 untuk Perbaikan Stabilitas Mesin Tunggal I Made Ginarsa; Agung Budi Muljono; I Made Ari Nrartha; Osea Zebua
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 14, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v14i1.8464


The growth of type-2 fuzzy logic system is penetrating electric power system field, especially on electric power system control sub-field in order to simplify the design of power system stabilizer (PSS). Traditionally, the function of conventional PSS is to damp rotor oscillation when a disturbance occurred due to transmission configuration or/and loading changes. However, the response of conventional PSS is slow with long settling time and high peak overshoot. To cover this problem, PSS based on type-2 fuzzy logic system (PFT2) is proposed. Simulation results show that the PFT2 is able to improve the stability of a single machine with 3 scenarios on transmission configuration and loading variation. The PFT2 gives shorter settling time for all scenarios and loading variation than the settling time of conventional PSS. Also, the peak overshoot of the PFT2 is smaller than the peak overshoot of the other competing PSS.