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Pemanfaatan Teknik Voice Activity Detection Untuk Mengamati Prosentase Pendudukan Sinyal Wicara Pada Saluran Telephon Rena Widyaningtyas, ; Mike Yuliana, ; Tri Budi Santoso, ; Titon Dutono,
Teknika Vol 9, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Teknika

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Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan sebuah pengamatan nilai prosentase pendudukan sinyal wicara pada saluran telephon. Kondisi voice ditandai sebagai suatu kondisi di mana terdapat sinyal wicara yang terdeteksi oleh sistem. Kondisi silent dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah kondisi di mana tidak ada sinyal wicara yang menduduki sistem. Penentuan kapan kondisi voice atau silent dapat dilakukan dengan teknik voice activity detection (VAD). Sinyal wicara yang melalui jalur telephon disampel dan disusun dalam bentuk frame. Proses penghitungan energi pada setiap frame untuk penentuan kondisi voice atau silent dengan memanfaatkan short term energy (STE) dengan level standar dari ambang pendengaran. Hasil penghitungan ini dikombinasikan dengan proses pitch detection untuk menentukan kondisi voice atau bukan (silent). Berapa besar prosentase nilai voice dari total waktu yang digunakan akan menentukan prosentase pendudukan sinyal wicara pada saluran telephon. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini berupa prosentase kondisi voice atau bukan voice (silent). Dari hasil ini dapat diketahui karakteristik penggunaan sinyal wicara pada saluran telephon kurang lebih 35.06% untuk pembicara perempuan dan 26,6% untuk pembicara laki-laki. Dengan  demikian akan memungkinkan prosentase saluran tanpa ada sinyal wicara bisa digunakan untuk keperluan transmisi data yang lain. This paper described an observation of the percentage of speech signal occupation on the telephone line. The voice signal was signed by the condition where the speech signals detected by the system. The silent condition was defined by the condition where the speech signals did not detected by the system. The decision when the voice or silent was happened can do by using voice activity detection (VAD) technique. Speech signal through telephone line was sampled and framed. Short term energy (STE) computation based on standard energy threshold of hearing, for each frame for make a decision when the voice or silent happened. The total value of voice compare the total duration of occupation the talking time is used as the percentage of voice occupation on the telephone line.   The result of the experiment indicated that the characteristics of speech occupation in the telephone line did not more than 35.06% for female speaker and 26.60% for male speaker. Based on this real condition of the telephone line, we can see there were opportunities for other utilization, especially for data transmission.  
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 3, No 3: December 2005
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v3i3.1229


Sebuah prototipe sistem pengolahan sinyal digital menggunakan TMS32C5402 yang didukung bahasa C disajikan pada paper ini. Prototipe ini sebagai sebuah educational tool dalam proses pembelajaran konsep pengolahan sinyal digital dan merealisasikannya secara real time. Pembentukan modul perangkat lunak berbasis bahasa C sudah terintegrasi dalam paket DSP starter kit (DSK). Proses compiling, assembling dan downloading dilakukan secara otomatis ke board TMS32C5402.
Implementasi Real Time Voice Scrambler pada DSK TMS320C5402 dengan Menggunakan Metode Kriptografi RC4 Mike Yuliana; Titon Dutono; Wirawan Wirawan
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) 2007
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Pada paper ini, metode kriptografi RC4 akan diimplementasikan pada DSK TMS320C5402 sebagaimetode yang digunakan untuk mengacak suara. Sistem tersebut bisa berhasil bila proses enkripsi/dekripsi bisareal time, dan dari hasil pengukuran terlihat bahwa sistem yang dihasilkan bisa real time karena waktu eksekusiproses enkripsi/dekripsi tiap sampel tidak melebihi 125 μ detik, dimana waktu eksekusi yang dibutuhkan untukproses enkripsi adalah 1,260 μ detik sedangkan waktu eksekusi yang dibutuhkan untuk proses dekripsi adalah1,140 μ detik.Dari hasil analisa terlihat bahwa sinyal suara hasil enkripsi berbeda dengan sinyal suara aslinya,sedangkan sinyal suara hasil dekripsi sama dengan sinyal suara aslinya dan apabila kita dengarkan ternyatasinyal suara hasil dekripsi sama dengan sinyal suara aslinya . Hal ini menunjukkan keberhasilan DSKTMS320C5402 sebagai enkriptor/dekriptor suara, karena suara hasil dekripsi bisa didengarkan seperti sinyalsuara aslinyaKata kunci: DSK TMS320C5402, Metode enkripsi/dekripsi RC4, MOS, Intelligibility suara.
A Simplified Sounding System for Finding NVIS Channel Availability to Support Government Radio Networks in Indonesia Titon Dutono; Zulmi Zakariyah; Tribudi Santoso; Denny Setiawan
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 7 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (16.57 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v7i1.388


Mostly  natural disasters in Java Island such as landslides are within the vicinity of not more than 200 Km from the district capital. Cellular communications require complex systems and rather vulnerable  to cope with disasters. NVIS mode is considered as a simple radio link during disaster mitigation initiation process. It needs a valid estimation to figure out the condition of the ionosphere. There are two purposes of this study, the first of which is an attempt to find out a fact the existences of authorized HF users who still work in the band of 3 MHz – 10 MHz.  The second is to integrate low cost HF radio communication, commonly available small single board computer hardware, and opensource software, to build a sounding system to evaluate the quality of NVIS channels. Prediction system such VOACAP give hourly prediction data, however it has an inherent limitation because of   nature the underlying databases is monthly average based, therefore, the estimation could not be made in a daily bases. However, a real-time channel evaluation (RTCE)  able to purify maximum observed frequency (MOF) estimation, and consequently, its able to select the best available frequency for short term  and real time operation. In this study, we used WSPR to perform a simple RTCE technique. Furthermore, we also reviewed the current regulatory status regarding  the availability of sub-10 MHz band for NVIS radio operation. The results show that discrepancies between simulation and measurement are occurred mainly because of sporadic data in the band of 60m and 80m. However, all of the measurement results and simulations almost have the same agreement regarding the quiet period between local midnight and local sunrise. The results of measurements show that 60m band is the most reliable NVIS channel between local sunrise and local midnight. Furthermore, 100 watts is a proper transmitter power to reach the required SNR for reliable voice communication. 
Secure Data Travelling User using Hybrid Cryptosystem with User Privacy Protection Anindya Dwi Putri Islamidina; Amang Sudarsono; Titon Dutono
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.486


Nowadays traveling is the activity that everyone likes the most, but sometimes there is one traveling member who is lost and confused looking for the location of the other members. When traveling, they must bring a smartphone because of its small size and easy to carry anywhere. For this reason, an Android-based smartphone application that is able to send GPS data to all travelling members is proposed. In order to secure data transmission, cryptography and group signature to ensure that only traveling members could find out the location are applied. We use hybrid cryptography, which is a combination of symmetric cryptography using AES and asymmetric cryptography using IB-mRSA. We also add group signature as verification that members are in the same traveling group. The test result showed that the proposed method is safer than the comparison method because the symmetric key is encrypted before the key is distributed, so the attacker can not know the key. The total processing time needed to send data until member get data is 2.01 s.
FENOMENA SPORADIC E FREKUENSI 5.2 MHZ PADA KONDISI SOLAR MINIMUM TAHUN 2019 Zulmi Zakariyah; Titon Dutono; Tri Budi Santoso; Bustamir Arif
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v7i2.314


High Frequency (HF) Communication is very dependent on the condition of the ionosphere which changes conditions over time. 2019 is a year with minimum solar conditions marked by a lack of solar cold spots. This condition can cause interference with the propagation path of radio waves in the ionosphere. In this research, a report on HF wave propagation observations is presented using a retrospective method to determine the sporadic E intensity at minimum solar conditions. Data retrieval is done by beacon / sounding system between radio stations by using a low power signal processing software that is Weak Signal Propagation Report (WSPR). Observations were made by building 2 radio stations in Surabaya (7.30S, 112.78E) as transmitter and radio stations in Jombang (7.61S, 112.31E) as receiver. Observations were carried out for one year from November 2018 until October 2019. During the observation process, a frequency of 5.2 MHz is used and the results showed that there were several days that described a favorable phenomenon for HF communication at close range (below 500 km), namely Sporadic E. During the observation it was obtained 8 times the Sporadic E phenomenon that is quite long with a time span of occurrence between 1 hour to 3 hours. Overall observations show that in May to August is the time when most Sporadic E phenomena occur. So from this research, it can be concluded that the sporadic E phenomenon can still occur when the sun enters the minimum solar conditions.Keywords: HF, Solar Minimum, Ionospher, Sporadic E Komunikasi High Frequency (HF) sangat bergantung pada kondisi ionosfer yang mengalami perubahan kondisi dari waktu ke waktu. Tahun 2019 merupakan tahun dengan kondisi solar minimum yang ditandai dengan minimnya nilai titik dingin matahari. Kondisi ini dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pada jalur propagasi gelombang radio di lapisan ionosfer. Pada penelitian ini, disajikan laporan pengamatan propagasi gelombang HF menggunakan metode retrospektif untuk mengetahui intensitas sporadic E saat kondisi solar minimum. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan sistem beacon / sounding antar stasiun radio dengan memanfaatkan software pengolahan sinyal daya rendah yaitu Weak Signal Propagation Report (WSPR). Pengamatan dilakukan dengan membangun 2 stasiun radio yang berada di Surabaya (7.30S, 112.78E) sebagai pemancar dan stasiun radio di Jombang (7.61S, 112.31E) sebagai penerima. Pengamatan dilakukan selama satu tahun dari bulan November 2018 sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2019. Pada proses pengamatan digunakan frekuensi 5.2 MHz dan hasilnya menunjukkan terdapat beberapa hari yang menggambarkan fenomena menguntungkan untuk komunikasi HF jarak dekat (dibawah 500 km) yaitu Sporadic E. Selama pengamatan telah didapatkan 8 kali fenomena Sporadic E yang cukup lama dengan rentang waktu kejadian antara 1 jam hingga 3 jam. Secara keseluruhan hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa pada bulan Mei hingga bulan Agustus merupakan waktu paling banyak terjadinya fenomena Sporadic E. Sehingga dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa fenomena sporadic E masih bisa terjadi ketika matahari memasuki kondisi solar minimum.Kata kunci: HF, Solar Minimum, Ionosfer, Sporadic E
Identifikasi Jenis Kelamin Secara Real Time Berdasarkan Suara Pada Raspberry Pi Mirza Ardiana; Titon Dutono; Tri Budi Santoso
Jurnal Komputer Terapan  Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Komputer Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Caltex Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (264.461 KB) | DOI: 10.35143/jkt.v8i1.5320


The voice of each speaker has a unique specific character, influenced by gender, age, emotion, dialect, etc. The use of voice-based gender identification is growing rapidly, such as in the fields of security systems, speech recognition, artificial intelligence, etc. However, in speech processing, there are difficulties where the characteristics of the speech signal based on increasing age are difficult to determine accuracy, and there are overlapping fundamental frequency values between males and females. In this research, modeling of a gender identification system based on voice in real-time has been carried out on a Raspberry Pi device. This system is implemented by 2 methods, namely the YIN algorithm and feature extraction of Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC). The test results showed that the success of identification in the tuning parameters of scheme two is better than the first scheme by narrowing the overlapping frequency parameters. In the female test data in the closed test, the accuracy is from 98% to 100%, then in the open test starts from 92% to 96%. Meanwhile, the test data for the male closed test increased from 92% to 98%, and the open test started at 90% and rose to 94%. It indicates that the data used in this research is more suitable to use the second scheme parameter tuning to increase the accuracy of the results.
A Low-Cost Laboratory Practice for Fundamental Learning of Wireless Digital Communication Titon Dutono; Tri Budi Santoso
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol. 54 No. 6 (2022)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2022.54.6.2


Several studies have shown that the main challenge in teaching complex systems involving many theoretical backgrounds to senior students is their lack of confidence. In this paper, we present an approach to the teaching methodology of an undergraduate course in a telecommunication study program. The first goal of this methodology is to help students understand the theoretical concepts behind wireless digital communication systems through direct practice to give them more exposure to a real system through affordable practice activities in an experiential context, utilizing an HF radio and a single-board computer (SBC). The second goal is to challenge senior students to understand the data link layer by using white box testing of the syntax of the programming language embedded in the SBC. This approach is ideally carried out based on offline and hands-on class activities, however, the pandemic condition made it unavoidable to do it online using a demonstration model. Feedback from students was collected through written comments, post-testing, including a facility index analysis, and a questionnaire that was distributed using the available e-learning system. The post-test results showed that the average score was 72 out of a maximum of 100.
Aplikasi Metode Independent Component Analysis untuk Pemisahan Sinyal Wicara dengan Backsound pada Audio Movie Titon Dutono; Dinda Ayu Oktaviasari; Tri Budi Santoso
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Uniba (JTE UNIBA) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): JTE UNIBA (Jurnal Teknik Elektro Uniba)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36277/jteuniba.v7i2.209


Abstract: Voice analysis in establishing speech and non-speech is carried out by audio signal processing from the sound source. This research focuses on mixed voice data in the form of actor voices (speech signal) and background voices (backsound) from a movie. In this study, sound signal separation has been carried out using the Blind Source Separation (BSS) method to separate mixed signals into a number of forming signals without information about the number of signal sources or the process of mixing these signals. The algorithm used for BSS in this study is the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) algorithm. The actor's voice signal that has been separated from the background sound in a film was tested using MSE and SIR analysis to determine the quality of the separation signal. From the Mean Square Error (MSE) test of the speech signal from the separation results, a test value of 5 seconds was obtained of 0.036, for a duration of 10 seconds the MSE value was 0.0432, and in the data of 15 seconds it produced an MSE value of 0.0558. Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) analysis of speech signals resulting from separation, for data with a duration of 5 seconds of 14,485, for data measuring 10 seconds obtained SIR of 13,645, and for data with a duration of 15 seconds obtained SIR of 12,533. The output of this sorting process is then used as an input for other necessary signal processing processes. Intisari— Analisis suara dalam menetapkan speech dan non-speech dilakukan dengan audio signal processing dari sumber suara. Penelitian ini berfokus pada data suara campuran berupa suara aktor (speech signal) dan suara latar (backsound) dari sebuah film. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan pemisahan sinyal suara dengan menggunakan metode Blind Source Separation (BSS) untuk memisahkan sinyal tercampur menjadi sejumlah sinyal pembentuknya tanpa informasi mengenai jumlah sumber sinyal atau proses tercampurnya sinyal-sinyal tersebut. Algoritma yang digunakan untuk BSS dalam penelitian ini adalah algoritma Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Sinyal suara aktor yang telah terpisah dari suara latar pada sebuah film diuji menggunakan analisa MSE dan SIR untuk mengetahui kualitas sinyal hasil pemisahan. Dari pengujian Mean Square Error (MSE) terhadap sinyal speech hasil pemisahan, diperoleh nilai pengujian pada durasi 5 detik sebesar 0.036, untuk durasi 10 detik nilai MSE yakni 0.0432, dan pada data sebesar 15 detik menghasilkan nilai MSE sebesar 0.0558. Analisa Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) terhadap sinyal wicara hasil pemisahan, untuk data berdurasi 5 detik sebesar 14.485, untuk data berukuran 10 detik diperoleh SIR sebesar 13.645, dan untuk data dengan berdurasi 15 detik diperoleh SIR sebesar 12.533. Luaran dari proses pemilahan ini selanjutnya digunakan sebagai input bagi proses pengolahan sinyal lainnya yang diperlukan.
Aplikasi Terapi Digital Anak Penyandang Autism di Komunitas Forkesi Chapter Surabaya Hani'ah Mahmudah; Aries Pratiarso; Akuwan Saleh; Mike Yuliana; Prima Kristalina; Moch. Zen Samsono Hadi; Titon Dutono; Ida Anisah; Nihayatus Sa’adah
Publisher : LPPM ITB AAS Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/budimas.v4i2.5906


Many parents in the Surabaya Chapter Forkesi Community (Indonesian Special Children's Parents Communication Forum) do not understand how to care for and teach children with autism, despite the fact that 50 percent of the members of this community are parents of children with autism. This service aims to assist parents in dealing with their autistic children on a daily basis. Furthermore, to address the issue of disadvantaged children with autism who are unable to participate in therapy or seek treatment from psychologists on a regular basis due to the high expense of doing so. The development of an augmented reality-based android mobile application using the marker method will include learning materials for build a match and WH questions, as well as games to help deepen learning, and will be used in conjunction with the ABA method and DTT technique. In May-July 2021, this service activity was carried out in the Surabaya Chapter Forkesi community. Data collecting, interactions with community members, and direct implementation were the strategies used in this service. According to the findings of the Usability Testing, which received a score of 54.6, parents of children with autism agree on the use of digital therapy via Android mobile app.