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Performance Analysis of Cell Zooming Based Centralized Algorithm for Energy Efficient in Surabaya Mahmudah, Haniah; Puspitorini, Okkie; Wijayanti, Ari; Siswandari, Nur Adi; Yuanita, Rosabella Ika
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 4, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.589 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v4i2.155


The cellular subscribers’s growth over the years increases the traffic volume at Base Stations (BSs) significantly. Typically, in central business district (CBD) area, the traffic load in cellular network in the daytime is relatively heavy, and light in the daynight. But, Base Station still consumes energy normally. It can cause the energy consumption is wasted. On the other hand, energy consumption being an important issue in the world. Because, higher energy consumption contributes on increasing of emission. Thus, it requires for efficiency energy methods by switching BS dynamically. The methods are Lower-to-Higher (LH) and Higher-to-Lower (HL) scheme on centralized algorithm. In this paper propose cell zooming technique  which can adjusts the cell size dynamic based on traffic condition. The simulation result by using Lower-to-Higher (LH) scheme can save the network energy consumption up to 70.7917% when the number of mobile user is 37 users and 0% when the number of mobile user is more than or equal to 291 users. While, Higher-to-Lower (HL) scheme can save the network energy consumption up to 32.3303% when the number of mobile user is 37 users and 0% when the number of mobile user is more than or equal to 292 users. From both of these schemes, we can analyze that by using Lower-to-Higher (LH) scheme reduces energy consumption greater than using Higher-to-Lower (HL) scheme. Nevertheless, both of them can be implemented for energy-efficient method in CBD area. Eventually, the cell zooming technique by using two schemes on centralized algorithm which leads to green cellular network in Surabaya is investigated.
Pemanfaatan Alat Monitoring Kadar Air Pada Gabah untuk Peningkatkan Kualitas Panen Zainudin, Ahmad; Santoso, Tribudi; Wijayanti, Ari; Pratiarso, Aries; Sudarsono, Amang; Mahmudah, Haniah; Siswandari, Nur Adi; Budikarso, Anang; Syahroni, Nanang; Wahyuningrat S., Hari; Siswanto, Anang; Juliansyah, Farel; Farhan, Donny; Susanti, Tri
DIKEMAS (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32486/jd.v4i2.457


Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara  agraris dimana sebagian besar penghasilan masyarakat Indonesia yaitu dari pertanian. Untuk mempertahan harga jual hasil pertanian, maka diperlukan perhatian khusus dalam penyimpanan hasil panen di gudang terutama kadar air hasil panen. Pada penelitian dalam bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dibuat sebuah alat monitoring kadar air pada gabah dengan memanfaatkan mikrokontroler node MCU dan sensor kadar air yang terhubung ke internet. Data monitoring kadar air disimpan pada database dan pengguna dapat mengaksesnya melalui perangkat smartphone pada halaman website. Sehingga pengguna dapat mengakses kondisi hasil panen mereka yang ada di gudang bisa dilakukan dimana saja. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan di Desa Kampungbaru, Nganjuk. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi dan pengujian, hasil pembacaan sensor kadar air pada gabah sebesar 14% dapat dikirim ke server dan dapat diakses oleh pengguna menggunakan smartphone.   
Investigasi Penggunaan Spektrum Frekuensi pada Band 700MHZ - 1GHZ di Daerah Surabaya untuk Pembuatan Database Manajemen Spektrum Frekuensi Okkie Puspitorini; Nur Adi Siswandari; Rini Satitie
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) 2009
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Meskipun di Indonesia sudah disediakan peraturan tentang penggunaan frekuensi sesuai band yang telahditentukan, tetapi masih banyak terjadi interferensi antar pengguna, hal ini disebabkan karena adanyamobilitas pengguna yang sangat tinggi sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya overlapping dalam penggunaan bandfrekuensi. Disamping itu penambahan pengguna frekuensi yang begitu pesat, maka mengharuskan pemerintahuntuk segera menyiapkan alokasi kanal atau spectrum baru.Untuk meminimalkan kejadian tersebut, maka pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan investigasi existing bandfrekuensi agar dapat memaksimalkan penggunaan spektrum frekuensi radio dan menata ulang alokasi frekuensiserta menjamin ketersediaan dan fleksibelitas spektrum frekuensi untuk teknologi dan jasa-jasa dalammengadaptasi kebutuhan pasar baru. Investigasi dilakukan pada frekuensi 700 MHz – 1GHz denganmenggunakan spectrum analyzer dan antena omnidirectional.Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan berupa database yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkanperencanaan manajemen frekuensi yang sedang digalakkan oleh DepKomInfo dan diharapkan dapat puladigunakan untuk menyiapkan band frekuensi bagi jaringan komunikasi nirkabel masa depan. Hasil penelitianmenyatakan bahwa di Surabaya khususnya daerah urban, prosentase penerimaan sinyal terbanyak dariprovider CDMA, sedangkan layanan BWA lainnya berada pada daerah sub-urban dan daerah rural.Kata Kunci: spektrum frekuensi, existing band, investigasi, DepKomInfo, omnidirectional, urban, sub-urbandan rural.
Performance Analysis of Cell Zooming Based Centralized Algorithm for Energy Efficient in Surabaya Haniah Mahmudah; Okkie Puspitorini; Ari Wijayanti; Nur Adi Siswandari; Rosabella Ika Yuanita
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 4 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.589 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v4i2.155


The cellular subscribers’s growth over the years increases the traffic volume at Base Stations (BSs) significantly. Typically, in central business district (CBD) area, the traffic load in cellular network in the daytime is relatively heavy, and light in the daynight. But, Base Station still consumes energy normally. It can cause the energy consumption is wasted. On the other hand, energy consumption being an important issue in the world. Because, higher energy consumption contributes on increasing of emission. Thus, it requires for efficiency energy methods by switching BS dynamically. The methods are Lower-to-Higher (LH) and Higher-to-Lower (HL) scheme on centralized algorithm. In this paper propose cell zooming technique  which can adjusts the cell size dynamic based on traffic condition. The simulation result by using Lower-to-Higher (LH) scheme can save the network energy consumption up to 70.7917% when the number of mobile user is 37 users and 0% when the number of mobile user is more than or equal to 291 users. While, Higher-to-Lower (HL) scheme can save the network energy consumption up to 32.3303% when the number of mobile user is 37 users and 0% when the number of mobile user is more than or equal to 292 users. From both of these schemes, we can analyze that by using Lower-to-Higher (LH) scheme reduces energy consumption greater than using Higher-to-Lower (HL) scheme. Nevertheless, both of them can be implemented for energy-efficient method in CBD area. Eventually, the cell zooming technique by using two schemes on centralized algorithm which leads to green cellular network in Surabaya is investigated.
Analysis of Energy Consumption Using Sequential to Better Signal (SBS) Scheme for Green Celluler Network Haniah Mahmudah; Okkie Puspitorini; Ari Wijayanti; Nur Adi Siswandari; Yetik Dwi Kusumaningrum
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.481


Over time, cellular communication technology developed significantly from year to year. This is due to increasing the number of users and the higher needed. To overcome this problem, many providers increase the number of new base station installations to fill up the customer's needed. The increase number of base stations does not take into account the amount of power consumption produced, where in the cellular network Base Stations (BS) are the most dominant energy consuming equipment estimated at 60% - 80% of the total energy consumption in the cellular industry. In addition, energy waste often occurs in the BS where the emission power will always remain even if the number of users is small. Power consumption and energy savings are important issues at this time because they will affect CO2 emissions in the air. This paper proposes to save energy consumption from BS by turning off BS (sleep mode) if the number of users is small and distributed to other BS (neighboring BS) which is called cell zooming technique. The cell size can zoom out when the load traffic is high and zoom in when the load traffic is low. To determine the central BS and neighboring BS, a sequential to better signal (SBS) scheme is used where this scheme sorts neighboring BS based on the SINR value received (user). The results of this research, base station can be able to save energy 29.12% and reduce CO2 emission around 3580 kg/year. It means saving energy consumption which is also reducing air pollution occurs and this term can be named as green cellular network.
DESAIN INTERFACE DETEKSI ARAH GERAK DENGAN GIS SEDERHANA Anang Cahyono; Moh Fakrun Nizar; Nur Adi Siswandari; Okkie Puspitorini
SAINTEKBU Vol 2 No 1 (2009)
Publisher : KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.189 KB) | DOI: 10.32764/saintekbu.v2i1.40


 Arah dan gerak benda dapat diketahui dari ouput kompas medan magnet bumi dan optocuopler. Kompas medan magnet bumi menghasilkan nilai tegangan tertentu  pada sumbu x,y dan z yang besarnya tidak sama untuk setiap arah pergeseran, sedangkan optocoupler menghasilkan tegangan untuk satu putaran roda. Dengan output tersebut,  data dari sensor  diintegrasikan dengan data dari peta  pada Pc dan dengan konsep GIS sederhana akan dihasilkan suatu tampilan yang berupa posisi benda dan gerak benda pada wilayah peta dan juga dapat diperoleh informasi-informasi dari setiap penampakan pada peta. Kata Kunci : Arah, GIS, kompas
ANALISA PERFORMANSI JARINGAN HSPA DAN EVDO 1x DALAM KERETA API BERGERAK Ari Wijayanti; Okkie Puspitorini; Nur Adi Siswandari; Haniah Mahmudah
INOVTEK POLBENG Vol 4, No 1 (2014): INOVTEK VOL.4 NO 1 - 2014

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (206.755 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ip.v4i1.93


Abstrak Saat ini kebutuhan  akses internet sangat  tinggi tak terkecuali  pada alat transportasi  seperti kereta api. Teknologi jaringan nirkabel wireless HSPA dan EVDO menjadi pilihan karena memberikan kecepatan akses yang tinggi.  Akan tetapi  komunikasi  wireless  rentan  terhadap  kondisi  lingkungan  dan bergantung  pada  jaringan  Node B  yang  ada sehingga kegagalan koneksi, oleh karena itu diperlukan monitoring performansi  jaringan. Metode  yang digunakan dengan  melakukan  pengukuran  data  diatas  kereta  api  disepanjang  rute  rute  Surabaya-Malang   dan  Surabaya- Lamongan menggunakan software TEMS dan Wireshark. Hasil yang diperoleh pada rute Surabaya-Malang  Provider B pada  teknologi  HSPA  yang  memiliki  kestabilan  coverage  dan  throughput  paling  tinggi  sebesar  731,21  Kbps sedangkan  Provider  C berteknologi  EVDO  belum  menunjukkan  performansi  tinggi  karena  throughputnya  hanya bekisar 70-141 Kbps. Sedangkan untuk rute Surabaya-Lamongan  Provider A juga memiliki tingkat kesuksesan akses data  yang  lebih  tinggi dengan  throughput  tertinggi  1088,41  Kbps  sedangkan  Provider  C untuk  EVDO  memiliki cakupan  wilayah  akses  data  lebih  besar  dengan  throughput  422,9  Kbps.  Sehingga  ketersedian  jaringan  dan perencanaan cell yang baik menjadi tolak ukur keberhasilan jaringan terutama pada daerah sub urban. Kata kunci : HSPA, EVDO, Train, KPI, Throuput
Metode Naive Bayes Classifier – Smoothing pada Sensor Smartphone untuk Klasifikasi Aktivitas Pengendara Haniah Mahmudah; Okkie Puspitorini; Nur Adi Siswandari; Ari Wijayanti; Eliya Alfatekha
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 9 No 3: Agustus 2020
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1913.01 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/.v9i3.382


Most causes of death are traffic accidents. This paper aims to obtain parameters of identification of driving activities that can be developed to detect accidents in the next studies. Data is collected by sensors on smartphones, using accelerometer and gyroscope sensors. The proposed method uses Naive Bayes Classifiers (NBC) algorithm to determine driving activity, by dividing dataset into training and testing data using k-fold parameters. NBC can work using less training data, by calculating the probability value of each class from means and variance of each feature to classify classes efficiently. The results show that the accuracy of the classification is higher if a smoothing process is carried out, using single exponential smoothing method, before the clacification process of the NBC algorithm is done. The testing using 8 k-fold CV without smoothing process, using smoothing alpha (α) = 0.1, and using α = 0.9 obtain the accuracy of 98.43%, 99.27%, and 98.43%, respectively. It can be concluded that the NBC method combined with smoothing method using α = 0.1 produces greater accuracy.
Penerapan Floyd-Warshall untuk Pencarian Rute Terpendek pada Aplikasi Notifikasi Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Haniah Mahmudah; M. Fajar Ibrahim; Okkie Puspitorini; Ari Wijayanti; Nur Adi Siswandari
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 11 No 4: November 2022
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jnteti.v11i4.2201


In the case of an accident, a prompt response is needed to prevent accidents or provide assistance to traffic accident victims. Several ways can be carried out to address this problem. One of them is by developing several smartphone applications for accident detection and accident notification that provide aid in traffic accidents. The existing application to assist the victims merely presents the shortest route from the respondent to the victim’s location without any features that help the respondent find a route to the nearest hospital and police station. Therefore, this study develops a smartphone application for accident alerts for victims’ relatives and respondents, which assists in locating the victim’s position and the closest hospitals and police stations. This accident notification app for smartphones utilizes open-source software and is very scalable. The outcome of this study is an Android application capable of sending accident notification broadcasts, allowing the victim’s relatives and respondents to get accident notifications and drive to the accident place using the route given by the application. In addition, the developed app also provides information about the location of the nearest hospital and police station, allowing respondents nearby the location to help the victim promptly. The results of testing the application using the black box method on the Android platform indicated that 100% of the features of this application were running well. The shortest route with the Floyd-Warshall algorithm was 4.199 km, with no route deviations from the distance testing scenario. The average speed of notification delivery response from victims to respondents was 27.86 ms.
Implementasi Telemetri dan Evaluasi Performansi Sistem Komunikasi Lora di Daerah Pesisir Pantai OKKIE PUSPITORINI; HANIAH MAHMUDAH; ARI WIJAYANTI; NUR ADI SISWANDARI
Jurnal Elkomika Vol 11, No 1 (2023): ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektr
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v11i1.180


ABSTRAKSistem komunikasi dikembangkan untuk peningkatan ekonomi nelayan. Penelitian yang dikembangkan sistem komunikasi antar nelayan dengan pesisir pantai dengan biaya murah serta mempunyai jangkauan jarak yang terbatas. Untuk mengatasi jarak jangkauan jauh maka pada penelitian ini mengimplementasikan sistem komunikasi Lora multihop menggunakan telemetri dengan daya transmisi 24 dBm atau 250 mW. Sistem ini terdiri blok end device berupa telemetri berada pada kapal nelayan, blok gateway pada pinggir pantai, dan blok server application pada end user serta tampilan berupa website nelayan. Hasil pengujian telemetri sebagai transceiver dengan komunikasi multihop mampu digunakan untuk pengiriman data menghasilkan daerah jangkauan 7,2 km menjauhi pantai. Telemetri mengirimkan data ke gateway di pantai kemudian data diteruskan ke server cloud sebagai database. Perancangan database menggunakan model data relasional dan pengolahan data menggunakan algoritma FIFO. Hasil pengujian performansi sistem pada pengujian aplikasi front-end dan back-end menunjukan bahwa performansi sistem mampu menangani permintaan user secara cepat. Kata kunci: Telemetri, Lora, Multihop, Aplikasi, Pesisir Pantai ABSTRACTCommunication system was created to boost economic of fishing industry. Research created an inexpensive distance-restricted communication system for fishermen and coast. This study uses telemetry with transmission strength of 24 dBm or 250 mW to create multihop Lora communication in order to cross great distances. This system comprises of gateway block on coast, application server block on end user, display in form of fisherman's website, and end device block in form of telemetry on fishing boat. Using findings of testing telemetry as transceiver with multihop connection, coverage area of 7.2 km can be employed for data transfer. Data is transmitted from telemetry to coastal gateway and then sent to cloud server where it is stored as database. FIFO algorithm are used relational data modeling and data processing in database design. System's ability to handle user requests rapidly is demonstrated by results of front-end and backend application testing for system performance.Keywords: Telemetri, Lora, Multihop, Application, Coast