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The Development of Evaluation Instruments in Online Learning using the Quizizz Application: During Covid-19 Pandemic Sri Haryati; Sri Wilda Albeta; Dedi Futra; Anggi Desviana Siregar
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 13, No 1 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (913.136 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v13i1.383


This study aims to produce an online learning evaluation instrument that is considered feasible by material experts, evaluation experts and through item analysis and user response questionnaires. This research was conducted with a 4D development model. The instruments used in this study were the material expert's feasibility assessment sheet, evaluation expert, item analysis and user response questionnaires, namely lecturers and students. The data analysis in this study used a rating scale and the item analysis used the product-moment, Kuder-Richardson, the discrimination power and the difficulty level of the questions. Through the item analysis of the 25 questions selected 10 questions that meet the discrimination power,difficulty level, validation and reliability. The reliability coefficient is 0.851 which is classified as high reliability. Meanwhile, the evaluation of material experts was 85.4%, expert evaluation was 88%, student response was 90.7% and lecturers were 90%. Based on the feasibility content, the overall learning evaluation instrument using the quizizz application is declared feasible.
Potensi metabolit sekunder produksi bakteri endofit dari tumbuhan laban (Vitex pubescens Vahl) sebagai antikanker Lenny Anwar; Dedi Futra
CHEMPUBLISH JOURNAL Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): Chempublish Journal
Publisher : Universitas Jambi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Program Studi Kimia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/chp.v4i2.7937


Peran mikroba endofit dalam memproduksi metabolit sekunder dengan kualitas yang hampir sama dengan tanaman aslinya sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki bakteri endofit yang terdapat didalam jaringan kulit batang Laban (Vitex pubescens Vahl) serta kemampuannya untuk memproduksi metabolit bioaktif yang mempunyai aktivitas sitotoksik. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan teknik inokulasi langsung dengan jalan meletakkan sampel tanaman di atas permukaan Nutrient Agar (NA). Metoda Micro tetrazolium (MTT) digunakan untuk menetapkan aktivitas sitotoksik dari ekstrak etilasetat. Bakteri endofit yang berhasil diisolasi sebanyak 3 isolat yaitu Bakteri-2A, Bakteri -3B dan Bakteri-6C. Berdasarkan hasil penapisan dari 3 isolat tersebut didapatkan dua bakteri yang memiliki aktivitas potensial yang baik terhadap sel serviks (HeLa) yaitu isolat Bakteri – 6C (IC50 = 82.54 µg/mL) dan Bakteri-2A (IC50 = 297.09 µg/mL). Isolat yang menunjukkan aktivitas sitotoksik terbesar adalah isolat Bakteri-6C sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa isolat tersebut merupakan isolat yang paling potensial sebagai penghasil senyawa antikanker.
Analisis Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (online) Mahasiswa Calon Guru IPA di Kota Pekanbaru pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Riki Apriyandi Putra; Nurdiansyah Nurdiansyah; Dedi Futra; Indra Primahardani
Journal of Natural Science and Integration Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Journal of Natural Science and Integration
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jnsi.v4i1.12744


This study aims to analyze Distance Learning (PJJ) online science teacher candidate students in Pekanbaru City during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research is a survey research with the type of public opinion survey. Sampling was taken through purposive sampling method. The data collected is ordinal data via e-questionnaire (google form), through a summative response scale using a modified Likert scale with 4 answer choices. The results showed that the form of learning during the pandemic using various dominant applications were Google Meet (22.47%), Google Classroom (17.95%), Whatsapp (15.56%), and Schoology (11.70%). Online PJJ is not effectively carried out based on the availability of infrastructure, convenience and accessibility, difficulty in lecture materials, time, increased competence, and variety of courses. The implementation of PJJ is in accordance with the learning objectives because lecturers vary the use of applications, interactions run smoothly, and lecturers motivate students. The hopes of students for online PJJ are that there is a quota subsidy, the existence of priority courses, a willingness to explore various applications and the existence of sustainability after the pandemic. The cause of online PJJ is not effective is because it is not supported by several things, namely changes in the mindset and motivation of the implementers (lecturers and students), limited infrastructure such as internet networks, tools (multitasking laptops / devices), and the readiness of institutional technology (platform and management learning. system, systematic and comprehensive learning planning, effective and efficient implementation (easily accessible and learned), learning culture, e-learning pedagogy, and academic atmosphere, technical training and user level of mastery, and time management.Keyword: science pre-service teacher, pandemic covid-19, distance learning ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) online mahasiswa calon guru IPA di Kota Pekanbaru pada masa Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dengan jenis public opinion survey. Pengambilan sampel melalui metode purposive sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data ordinal melalui e-kuesioner (google form), melalaui summative response scale dengan menggunakan skala Likert yang dimodifikasi dengan 4 pilihan jawaban. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa bentuk pembelajaran selama pandemi menggunakan berbagai aplikasi yang dominan adalah Google Meet (22,47%), Google Classroom (17,95%), Whatsapp (15,56%), dan Schoology (11,70%). PJJ online tidak efektif dilakukan berdasarkan ketersediaan sarana prasarana, kemudahan dan aksesibiltas, kesukaran materi perkuliahan, waktu, peningkatan kompetensi, dan ragam matakuliah. Pelaksanaan PJJ sudah sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran karena dosen memvariasikan penggunaan aplikasi, interaksi berjalan dengan lancar, dan dosen memotivasi mahasiswa. Harapan mahasiswa terhadap PJJ online adalah adanya subsidi kuota, adanya prioritas matakuliah, kemauan mendalami berbagai aplikasi dan adanya keberlanjutan setelah pandemi. Penyebab PJJ online tidak efektif adalah karena tidak disupport oleh beberapa hal, yaitu perubahan mindset dan motivasi pelaksana (dosen dan mahasiswa), keterbatasan sarana prasarana seperti jaringan internet, tools (laptop/gawai yang multitasking), dan kesiapan teknologi institusi (platform dan learning manajemen system, perencanaan pembelajaran yang sistematis dan komprehensif, pelaksanaan yang efektif dan efisien (mudah diakses dan dipelajari), budaya belajar, pedagogi         e-learning, dan atmosfer akademik, pelatihan teknis dan tingkat penguasaan pengguna, dan manajemen waktu.Kata kunci: mahasiswa calon guru IPA, pandemi Covid-19, pembelajaran jarak jauh (online).