N.B.P Utomo
Bogor Agricultural University, Department of Aquaculture

Published : 8 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Growth of Spirulina platensis Cultured with Inorganic Fertilizer (Urea, TSP and ZA) and Chicken Manure N.B.P Utomo; . Winarti; A. Erlina
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2005): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (124.784 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.4.41-48


This experiment was conducted to compare the effectiveness of inorganic fertilizer and chicken manure on population growth and nutrient content of Spirulina platensis. It was found that Spirulina platensis cultured in inorganic medium reached a maximum population on day-9 with a density of 614.77x103 Sin/ml, containing 56.39% of crude protein and 17.92% of lipid. On the other hand, Spirulina platensis cultured in 250 ppm of chicken manure reached a maximum population on day-4 with a density of 434.32x103 Sin/ml, containing 45.39% of crude protein and 12.50% of lipid. Keywords: spirulina, Spirulina platensis, culture, inorganic fertilizer, chicken manure, population maximum   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan efektivitas pupuk inorganik (urea, TSP dan ZA) dan kotoran ayam terhadap pertumbuhan dan kandungan nutrien Spirulina platensis.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Spirulina platensis dikultur menggunakan pupuk inorganik mencapai puncak populasi pada hari ke-9 dengan kepadatan 614,77x103 Sin/ml, mengandungkan protein kasar 56,39% dan lemak 17,92%. Sementara itu, Spirulina platensis dikultur menggunakan kotoran ayam 250 ppm mencapai puncak populasi pada hari ke-4 dengan kepadatan 434,32x103 Sin/ml, kandungan protein kasar 45,39% dan lemak 12,50%. Kata kunci: spirulina, Spirulina platensis, kultur, pupuk inorganik, kotoran ayam, populasi maksimal
Effect of Different Feeding Method on Feed Conversion and Growth of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Floating Net Cage N.B.P Utomo; P. Hasanah; I. Mokoginta
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2005): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (118.483 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.4.49-52


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of two feeding methods commonly used in cage culture of carp Cyprinus carpio at Jatiluhur Lake. The results showed that the application of "at satiation feeding method" was more effective than "fixed method" (8% of body weight) indicating with food conversion ratio of 1.79 versus 1.84 and daily growth rate of 3.79% versus 3.42%. Keywords: common carp, Cyprinus carpio, FCR, at satiation, growth, cage culture   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas dua metode pemberian pakan yang umum digunakan dalam budidaya keramba jaring apung untuk ikan mas di Waduk Jatiluhur.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan secara satiasi lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pemberian pakan sebanyak 8% dari bobot biomassa, dengan nilai konversi pakan sebesar 1,79 yang lebih kecil dibandingkan perlakuan pakan sebanyak 8% (1,84) dan pertumbuhan harian sebesar 3,79% (vs. 3,42%). Kata kunci: ikan mas, Cyprinus carpio, FCR, at satiation, pertumbuhan, keramba jaring apung
Effect of Different Feeding on Feed Conversion and Growth of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Floating Net Cage Culture at Jatiluhur Dike N.B.P Utomo; F. Kumalasari; I. Mokoginta
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2005): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (119.257 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.4.63-67


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of two feeding methods commonly used in cage culture of carp Cyprinus carpio at Jatiluhur Lake, Purwakarta. Common carp in mean weight of 24.29±4.29 gram were reared in floating net cage 7×7×3 m3, for 70 days rearing.  Fish were fed on a commercial diet containing 30% protein at 5 times daily.  Experimental treatment was feeding technique, i.e., by 6% of body weight, and at satiation for the second treatment.  The results showed that the application of "at satiation feeding method" was more effective than "fixed method" (6% of body weight) indicating with food conversion ratio of 1.86 versus 1.91. Production of fish fed on the diet using at satiation method for 70 days was 1,241 kg/cage. Keywords: common carp, Cyprinus carpio, FCR, floating net cage, at satiation   ABSTRAK Salah satu cara untuk menekan biaya dalam usaha budidaya ikan secara intensif adalah dengan penggunaan pakan secera efisien agar ikan tumbuh optimal dan pakan yang terbuang seminimal mungkin. Penelitian dilakukan di Waduk Jatiluhur, Purwakarta.  Ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio) ukuran bobot awal rata-rata 24,29±4,29 gram dipelihara dalam jaring apung ukuran 7×7×3 m3, selama 70 hari.  Ikan diberi pakan dengan frekuensi yang sama sebanyak 5 kali/hari. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik pemberian pakan, yaitu ikan pada jaring pertama diberi pakan sebanyak 6% dari bobot biomassa, sementara pada jaring kedua ikan diberi pakan sekenyangnya (at satiation).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan dengan metode sekenyangnya (at satiation) menghasilkan nilai FCR sebesar 1,86 yang relatif lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan sebanyak 6% berdasarkan bobot biomassa (1,91). Produktivitas akhir ikan dengan pemberian pakan sekenyangnya 70 hari pemeliharaan dalam jaring apung di waduk Jatiluhur mencapai 1.241 kg. Kata kunci: ikan mas, Cyprinus carpio, FCR, Keramba jaring apung, at satiation
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 2 (2005): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (131.367 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.4.125-129


This experiment was conducted to determine the dietary Vitamin E requirement for reproduction of broodstock zebrafish Danio rerio.  Four isonitrogenous (39% crude protein) and isocaloric (3,260 kcal digestible energy/kg diet) practical diets, namely diets A, B, C, and D with different levels of Vitamin E were fed to zebrafish broodstock.  The broodstock were cultivated in aquaria.  Diet A contained low dosage of Vitamin E (5 mg Vitamin E /kg diet), while diets B (62 mg Vitamin E /kg diet), C (125 mg Vitamin E /kg diet), and diet D (187 mg Vitamin E /kg diet), combined respectively with 1% n-3 fatty acids and 2% n-6 fatty acids.  Fish were fed ad satiation for 60 days using these diets.  During feeding period, gonad maturation stages were examined.  The dietary with different level of Vitamin E affected egg size, chemical content, total number of larvae, normal larvae, and survival rate of larvae produced, fecundity, fertilization rate, and hatching rate.  On the other hand, fish fed on experimental diets did not show any significance differences in the gonad somatic index, fecundity, fertilization rate, and hatching rate.  Fish fed on diet D produced the highest fecundity (633.65 ± 71.86 eggs/grams of fish), fertilization rate (92.3 ± 7.7%), and hatching rate (80.31 ± 9.8%).  The total lipid content of eggs were significant, ranging from D (39.7%), C (33.5%), B (32.1%), and A (29.5%).  At a dosage of 1% of dietary n-3 fatty acids and 2% n-6 fatty acids, zebrafish require 187 mg Vitamin E/kg feed in the diet for reproduction.  . Keywords:  vitamin E, reproductive performance, Danio rerio   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan Vitamin E pada pakan induk ikan zebra (Danio rerio) untuk reproduksi.  Empat pakan perlakuan yang iso-protein (39%) dan iso-kalori (3.260 kcal digestible energy/kg pakan), dinamakan pakan A, B, C, dan pakan D dengan kandungan Vitamin E yang berbeda diberikan kepada induk ikan zebra.  Induk ikan dipelihara pada akuarium.  Pakan A mengandung Vitamin E terendah (5 mg Vitamin E/kg pakan), sedangkan pakan B mengandung Vitamin E 62 mg Vitamin E/kg pakan, pakan C asam mengandung Vitamin E 125 mg /kg pakan, dan pakan D mengandung Vitamin E 187 mg /kg pakan.  Semua pakan perlakuan mempunyai kombinasi asam lemak n-3 berbanding n-6 sebesar 1:2.  Ikan diberi pakan secara ad satiation selama 60 hari pemeliharaan.  Selama masa pemberian pakan, tingkat kematangan gonad diperiksa secara teratur.  Perbedaan kandungan vitamin E dalam pakan mempengaruhi fekunditas, derajat pembuahan telur, serta derajat penetasan telur.  Pakan perlakuan tidak mempengaruhi nilai gonad somatik indeks dan kelangsungan hidup larva umur 3 hari.  Pemberian pakan D menghasilkan fekunditas (633.65 ± 71.86  telur/gram induk), derajat pembuahan telur (92.3 ± 7.7%), serta derajat penetasan telur (80.31 ± 9,8%) terbaik.  Total kandungan lemak pada telur berbeda nyata, yaitu pada pakan D (39.7%), C(33.5%), B(32.1%), dan pakan A(29.5%).  Pada kandungan 1% asam lemak n-3 dan 2% asam lemak n-6, ikan zebra membutuhkan 187 mg Vitamin E/kg pakan untuk reproduksi yang normal.  Kata kunci:  Vitamin E, penampilan reproduksi, Danio rerio
Effect of Enriched Feed by n-3 fatty acids and 2% of n-6 fatty acid on Danio rerio Reproduction N.B.P Utomo; L. Nurmalia; I. Mokoginta
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 2 (2005): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (143.623 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.4.173-181


This experiment was conducted to determine the optimum n-3 fatty acid level in the diet containing 2 % of n-6 fatty acid on the reproductive performance of zebra fish (Danio rerio). There experimental diets containing 0.0; 1.0; 1.5 % n-3 fatty acid with 2.0 % n-6 fatty acid was fed to the fish, three times daily, at satiation, for two months. In order to evaluate the gonadal development of the broodstock, two gonads og fish was used for histologis preparation in every 7 days. At the end of the second month, reproductive performance was evaluated through parameters of gonad somato indeks, fecundity, fertilization rate, hatching rate, yolk egg absorbtion rate, survival rate of 3 days old larvae. Sample of fish also was taken for proximate composition as the end of this experiment. Results shows that at the fifth weeks of this experiment, gonad of fish fed on 1.0 % of n-3 fatty acid and 2.0 % n-6 fatty acid already produce eggs with the some size, while others. Still produce small size of eggs. It was found also that the whole body of fish fed an diet with 1.0% n-3 fatty acid contain the highest protein level compare to two other diets. Based on the evaluation of reproduction performance parameters, it was concluded that the optimum dietary level of n-3 fatty acid with 2.0 % n-6 fatty acid for Danio rerio was 0.81 - 0.90 %. Keywords: essential fatty, acids, reproduction, zebra fish, Danio rerio   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar asam lemak n-3 optimum dalam pakan yang mempunyai kadar asam lemak n-6 tetap. Tiga macam pakan dengan kadar asam lemak n-3 berbeda yaitu 0.0; 1.0; dan 2.0 % diberikan pada ikan dengan bobot rata-rata 0.12 g. Pakan diberikan secara at satiation, 4 kali sehari selama 60 hari. Setiap 7 hari sekali diambil sampel ikan untuk pembentukan preparat histologi gonad dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi perkembangan gonad. Pada akhir penelitian, induk dipijahkan dan dievaluasi performan reproduksi berdasarkan parameter. Gonad Somato Indeks, fekunditas, derajat pembuahan, derajat penetasan dan kelangsungan hidup larva berumur 3 hari. Sampel tubuh ikan diakhir penelitian juga dievaluasi komposisi proksimatnya. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa pada minggu ke-5 setelah pemberian pakan, gonad dari ikan yang diberi pakan asam lemak n-3 1.0 % mengandung telur-telur dengan ukuran yang seragam sedangkan ukuran telur ke dua perlakuan lainnya masih bervariasi. Kadar protein tertinggi juga terdapat pada tubuh ikan yang diberi pakan 1.0 % asam lemak n-3. Berdasarkan parameter performan reproduksi secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kadar asam lemak n-3 optimum dalam pakan ikan zebra, Danio rerio adalah 0.81 - 0.90 %. Kata kunci: asam lemak, reproduksi, ikan zebra, Danio  rerio
Effect of Spirulina platensis Supplementation by Different Concentration in Diet on Red Color Intensity of Kohaku Koi (Cyprinus carpio L.) N.B.P Utomo; O. Carman; F. Fitriyati
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 5 No. 1 (2006): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (97.063 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.5.1-4


Kohaku koi (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the fancy koi that has a high price.  Red color intensity of kohaku determines its market price.  This study was performed to verify the effect of Spirulina platensis supplementation in diet  with different dosages (1, 3 and 5%) on red color intensity of kohaku koi.  The result of study show that inclusion of Spirulina platensis in the diet increased intensity of koi color.  Feeding with  1% of Spirulina platensis enriched paste diet for 5 weeks resulted in  a brighter red color compared to other treatments and control.   Alteration of red color intensity has not been followed by its patch length.  No effect of Spirulina supplementation on koi growth by weight and length were observed. Keywords: Spirulina platensis, color, kohaku, koi, Cyprinus carpio   ABSTRAK Ikan koi kohaku (Cyprinus carpio L) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan koi yang memiliki harga tinggi.  Kecerahan warna merah ikan koi kohaku menentukan harga jualnya.  Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan Spirulina platensis in the diet dengan dosis berbeda (1, 3 dan 5%) terhadap kualitas warna merah koi kohaku.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan Spirulina platensis melalui pakan dapat meningkatkan kualitas warna pada ikan koi. Pemberian pakan berupa pasta yang diperkaya dengan Spirulina platensis sebanyak 1% selama 5 minggu menghasilkan warna merah lebih cerah dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya dan kontrol. Perubahan warna yang terjadi tidak diikuti oleh perubahan panjang bercak warnanya. Penambahan Spirulina pada pakan tidak berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan berat dan panjang ikan koi. Kata kunci: Spirulina platensis, warna, kohaku, koi, Cyprinus carpio
Effect of Feeding Diet Containing Different Dose of Vitamin E with 1:2 of n-3/n-6 Fatty Acid Content on Reproductive Performance of Female Zebrafish Danio rerio N.B.P Utomo; N. Nurjanah; Mia Setiawati
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 5 No. 1 (2006): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.77 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.5.31-39


The role of essential fatty acids  as a precursor of prostaglandin and as a component of cell membrane in the form of phospholipids, can affect cell fluidity. Vitamin E functions as  fatty acid antioxidant in the body and affects egg quality.  Vitamin E and essential fatty acids (n-3 and n-6) are required at the same time in a proper  ratio to induce fish gonad maturation.  Zebra fish Danio rerio broodstock in 29 days pre-saline were fed on diet containing 4 different vitamin E concentration; i.e. 325, 375, 425 and 475 mg/kg diet with constant n-3 and n-6 fatty acid doses of 1% and 2%, respectively, for 6 weeks.  Reproduction performance in terms of fecundity was improved (p
Effect of Enriched Feed by Different n-6 Fatty Acids Levels at 0% of n-3 on Danio rerio Reproductive Performance N.B.P Utomo; A. Rosmawati; I. Mokoginta
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 5 No. 1 (2006): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (121.249 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.5.51-56


Lipid and fatty acids are two factors determining reproductive performance of fish and survival rate of hatched larvae. Lipid has important role as energy source and to maintain the stability of membrane permeability.  The requirement of fatty acids differs among fish species.  Freshwater fishes need more n-6 than n-3 fatty acids, or appropriate combination of them.  In several fish species, feeding HUFA increase their fecundity, fertilization rate and eggs quality.  In this study, zebra fish, Danio rerio were fed with diet containing 0% n-3 essential fatty acids and different n-6 level; 0, 1 and 2%.  The result showed that there were no significant differences in gonado somatic index and several reproductive performances observed.  However, 1% of n-6 fatty acids supplementation produced a higher protein and lipid content in the body by 16.85% and 55.10%, respectively. Keywords: fatty acid, n-3, n-6, Danio rerio, reproductive performance   ABSTRAK Lemak dan asam lemak merupakan faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi performa reproduksi dan kelangsungan hidup larva yang menetas. Lemak berperan penting sebagai sumber energi dan menjaga kestabilan permeabilitas membran. Kebutuhan asam lemak berbeda untuk setiap jenis ikan.  Ikan air tawar biasanya lebih banyak membutuhkan asam lemak n-6 daripada asam lemak n-3 atau campuran asam lemak n-6 dan n-3. Pada beberapa ikan , pemberian HUFA melalui pakan induk dapat meningkatkan fekunditas, derajat pembuahan dan kualitas telur.  Pada penelitian ini ikan zebra diberi pakan mengandung asam lemak esensial dengan kadar n-3 tetap (0%) dan n-6 berbeda yaitu 0, 1 dan 2%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata terhadap nilai Gonado Somatik Indeks serta beberapa parameter penampilan reproduksi lainnya pada ikan zebra, Danio rerio. Namun kadar asam lemak n-3 sebesar 0% dan n-6 sebesar 1% menghasilkan kadar protein dan kadar lemak tubuh tertinggi yang masing-masing mencapai 16,85% dan 55,10% Kata kunci: asam lemak,  n-3, n-6, Danio rerio, performa reproduksi