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Pengaruh Game Berbasis Coding Terhadap Keberlanjutan Minat Belajar Programming Siswa di Batam, Indonesia Yudi Hartanto
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Respati Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52643/jti.v6i1.845


Perkembangan teknologi informasi sudah bukan cerita yang baru lagi, perkembangan minat pelajar terhadap program studi Ilmu Komputer pun terus mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Sejak 1980 data statistik Amerika Serikat menunjukkan adanya peningkatan masif pada pendaftaran siswa pada bidang studi Ilmu Komputer. Namun peningkatan tersebut tidak didorong metode pembelajaran yang efektif, sehingga sejumlah pelajar kala itu gagal melanjutkan pembelajarannya ke tahap lanjut. Menghadapi fenomena ini, peneliti berbondong-bondong mencari metode pembelajaran yang efektif, dan menemukan bahwa bermain game berbasis coding dapat meningkatkan minat belajar pemrograman. Metode ini akhirnya banyak dipraktekkan hingga kini. Pelajar Ilmu Komputer, khususnya pemrograman di Kota Batam sebagai target penelitian merupakan penghuni salah satu daerah yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara Singapura dan Malaysia. Dengan segala keunikan dan kesempatan untuk “mencicipi” permainan dari negara maju seperti Singapura, apakah metode pembelajaran berbasis coding games masih akan efektif? Hasil penelitian penulis membuktikan bahwa kepuasan bermain dan kebergunaan suatu permainan secara signifik memengaruhi kepuasan pemain, kemudian keberlanjutan minat belajar juga dipengaruhi secara signifik oleh kepuasan.
Sosialisasi “Edukasi Pajak dan Mudahnya E-Tax Zaman Now” kepada Warga Blok 3 Batam Yudi Hartanto; Kelvin Kelvin; Heryanto Heryanto; Felix Derry; Jenry Winata; Erika Erika; Calvina Thai; Evelyn Claudia; Delfia Annisa; Venny Venny; Meilyanti Meilyanti; Evelyn Chai; Cindy Cindy; Febri Nurul Anisah; Ivonne Adeline; Winnie Cen; Jennifer Jennifer; Sarah Nakita Simarmata
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): The First National Conference of Community Service Project 2019 (Accepted Papers)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

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This study examines the lack of adequate knowledge of residents of Batam Block 3 Lubuk Baja about online taxes. The purpose of this study is to provide an introduction to online tax and to encourage citizens of Block 3 to participate in paying taxes as an Indonesian citizen (WNI). The data collection process was carried out by observing the needs and constraints of local residents, as well as through interviews with the head of RT 01 Block 3 (Mr. Irwansyah). The material obtained from interviews was transcribed and analyzed. The results of the analysis raised 2 themes discussed here: social support and the goal of participation. The study of these two themes is very useful for understanding how to optimally increase the knowledge and motivation of citizens in carrying out online tax payments.
CoMBInES - Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and Social Sciences Vol 2 No 1 (2022): The 2nd Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and Social Scie
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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A bug is a system error that causes a mismatch between user expectations to actualization. Bugs often arise from programmatical mistakes, and a prompt resolution is mandatory so that the users’ business processes are assured. However, the author has noted a low efficiency of developers’ bug solving. After research, the cause is the lack of knowledge management, especially in bug tracking. The lacking of such has resulted in the repetition of the error. The developers often made the same mistake that the others had encountered. The above has moved the author to build a bug tracking system (BTS) that can enhance the efficiency of bug solving. The author has developed the application using Django, MySQL, and Scrum. Scrum’s agile approaches enable dynamic and rapid development. In addition, BTS utilized a content-based filtering algorithm known as Cosine Similarity. This study results in the implementation of BTS with comprehensive capabilities. Users can manage bugs and compare them to others to find potential duplication into minimizing data redundancy. The author has implemented the BTS towards groups of undergraduate students that actively work on application-related projects. Through a user acceptance survey, they find improvement in the quality and efficiency of their bug solving