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The Commodification of Religion in The 2012 Regional Election of Purwakarta Regency Muhamad Ridwan Effendi; Surya Hadi Darma; Firdaus Wajdi
Hayula: Jurnal Indonesia Studi Islam Multi-disiplin Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Hayula: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies
Publisher : Laboratorium Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/hayula.006.01.07


This study aims to describe the involvement of religious instruments in the dynamics of the 2012 Regional Head Elections for the Regent and Deputy Regent of Purwakarta Regency. This study uses a qualitative method with the dramaturgical approach of Erving Goffman on symbolic interactionism and Max Weber on social action theory. This study indicates that the normative use of religious elements is used as a weapon for candidates as a political commodity to attract mass sympathy and highlight the identity of a particular group. Among the religious issues used in the Pilkada Purwakarta could be the use of religious symbols, statements, figures and places used by the contestants and political constituents in Purwakarta.
Integration of religious thought and student learning ethos in the covid-19 pandemic Muhamad Ridwan Effendi; Rihlah Nur Aulia; Surya Hadi Darma; Rahviqi Syahrezi
ATTARBIYAH: Journal of Islamic Culture and Education Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Attarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Culture and Education
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/attarbiyah.v6i2.97-111


This study discusses religious thoughts that affect the learning ethos of students during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has formed a new culture in the learning process that is carried out online (on the network). This study uses a qualitative method with data collection techniques in observation, interviews and literature review. In contrast, the data analysis method used is an analysis of the religious ideas of Jabariyah, Qadariyah, Ahlu Sunnah Waljama'ah in the indicators of a predetermined learning ethos. This research has shown the results that: first, the level of religious understanding of students has shown a significant influence on learning ethos during the covid-19 pandemic, second, there is a change in the learning ethic of students seen from indicators/moral aspects (attitudes, behaviour, habits). Al-Jiddu (resistance/persistence, sincerity), al-Thariiq (method), AlHimmah (interests, ideals), and al-Shobru (patience). Third, the flow of Ahlu Sunnah Waljama'ah thought in the socio-cultural environment of the Purwakarta community also contributed to strengthening religious literacy during the covid-19 pandemic. Thus, the influence of religious thinking on the learning ethos of students has implications for the intellectual repertoire in the theological and social fields and will shape academic attitudes and culture in their participation in strengthening community religious literacy
Relationship of Religion and Culture Surya Hadi Darma; Dadang Kahmad; Afif Muhammad; Yusuf Wibisono
International Journal of Nusantara Islam Vol 9, No 1 (2021): International Journal of Nusantara Islam
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ijni.v9i1.12233


This research focuses on issues of religious, cultural and political conflicts and the integration of Ulama and Umara in Purwakarta which intersect with the political dimensions ahead of the Regional Head Election. The specific focus is on the evaluation of religion over culture and turns into a strategic issue played by interest groups. This research is a type of field research research using a qualitative dialectical phenomenological approach as the method. The collection of data and information was carried out by means of observation techniques. The findings of this study include the first, the religious and cultural relations in Purwakarta due to the perspective of the FPI, KUI and FUI mass organizations in assessing that the preservation of Sundanese culture in Purwakarta is contrary to Islamic teachings. second, the form of conflict between Ulama and Umara begins with the case of "the flute and the Koran, the making of puppet figures, the Hideung Bodas (Black and White) Festival of the Tumpeng Parade, the Bebegig Parade, to the confrontation of Sampurasun vs campurracun, and is closely related to political issues. and religious doctrine and understanding of Sundanese culture. But then it is processed into a religious issue and utilized by interest groups.Third, efforts to integrate ulama and Umara are carried out by holding a Cultural and Religious Workshop, establishing communication and compromising on the conflicts that occur.
Implementasi Kebijakan Pendidikan Berkarakter di Kabupaten Purwakarta Surya Hadi Darma; Dyah Wulandari
Jurnal pendidikan Indonesia: Teori, Penelitian, dan Inovasi Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Jurnal pendidikan Indonesia: Teori, Penelitian, dan Inovasi
Publisher : Jurnal pendidikan Indonesia: Teori, Penelitian, dan Inovasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (147.61 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Purwakarta tentang implementasi kebijakan pendidikan karakter, hal tersebut diawali oleh temuan peneliti bahwa terdapat beberapa program yang tidak berjalan maksimal sehinggap diperlukan adanya suatu pembaharuan dalam pembuatan kebijakan pendidikan di Kabupaten Purwakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah field research dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Selanjutnya data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan kuisioner. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Pengorganisasian implementasi kebijakan pendidikan berkarakter di Kabupaten Purwakarta masih belum berjalan secara optimal, hal ini nampak dari sumber daya yang belum optimal, struktur birokrasi yang belum memiliki mekanisme kerja dalam pengimplementasian kebijakan dan metode sosialisasi yang belum dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh menghambat pelaksanaan kebijakan pendidikan Berkarakter di Kabupaten Purwakarta. Selanjutnya interpretasi kebijakan pendidikan pendidikan berkarakter di Kabupaten Purwakarta masih belum sepenuhnya difahami secara menyeluruh. Dan penerapan kebijakan pendidikan berkarakter di Kabupaten Purwakarta masih belum berjalan secara optimal. Terdapat beberapa hambatan yang dalam proses penerapan kebijakan pendidikan di Purwakarta, diantaranya:1) proses sosialisasi tidak dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh, 2) belum tumbuhnya kesadaran bersama, 3) proses evaluasi tidak berjalan optimal.
Peran Guru PAI dalam Membentuk Kesadaran Hukum Berlalu Lintas Pada Siswa Kelas XII di SMK Texmaco Purwasari Alif Kurniawan; Surya Hadi Darma; Abdurrahman Saleh
Paedagogie: Jurnal Pendidikan dan studi Islam Vol. 2 No. 02 (2021): Paedagogie: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam
Publisher : Muttaqien Publishing, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) STAI DR. KHEZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.43 KB) | DOI: 10.52593/pdg.02.2.05


This research is based on the results of observations made by the author, namely the number of victims of traffic accidents aged 16-30 years, many victims of traffic accidents, traffic accidents in Karawang every year lose up to 500 children's lives under the age of 25 years, and including six students from class XII SMK Texmaco Purwasari among them. The author assumes that the incident was caused by the low awareness of students in understanding traffic laws. This study aimed to find out the answers to assumptions regarding students' awareness in understanding traffic laws and the role of teachers in shaping traffic awareness, especially at SMK TEXMACO Purwasari. The approach used by the researcher is a descriptive qualitative approach with theoretical analysis of -O-R (Stimulus Organism Response) to identify that student awareness can be formed through the communication of the role of the PAI teacher. This study indicates that the role of the PAI teacher in shaping student traffic law awareness includes: a) the first as an Informator, b) the dual role as an organizer, c) the third role as a motivator. d) The fourth role is as a facilitator, e) the fifth role is as a supervisor, f) the last role is as a class manager.
Penerapan Jiwa Kepemimpinan Remaja Masjid Al-Barqah di Desa Wanakerta sebagai Upaya Pembentukan Karakter dan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Quran serta Mengenal Huruf Hijaiyah Anindea Marliyani; Surya Hadi Darma
Satwika: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2022): SATWIKA: Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.014 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/satwika.020104


Keterlibatan remaja dalam kegiatan keagamaan di masyarakat merupakan fenomena yang cukup jarang ditemui dibeberapa daerah, keberadaan organisasi kepemudaan semestinya lebih mengakar dan memberikan dampak positif terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya. Komunitas Remaja Masjid (Korma) dilingkungan Desa Wanakerta sebagai bentuk ke khawatiran orang tua sekaligus tokoh masyarakat terhadap generasi remaja. Tidak semua remaja memiliki kemauan untuk ikut serta dan masih banyak pula yang memang asyik dengan kegiatan pribadi dan kelompoknya masing-masing, entah itu berupa kegiatan mabuk, genk motor, berkelahi antar kampung maupun perbuatan-perbuatan buruk lainnya. Dalam istilah agama islam ada suatu istilah ‘amar makruf nahi munkar’ yang artinya mengajak pada kebaikan, mencegah pada keburukan atau dalam istilah lainnya dakwah (mengajak, memperingati pada kebaikan) perlunya para remaja yang masih minim pendidikan agama maupun tidak adanya motivasi untuk melaksanakan kewajiban, dihadirkannya Korma diharapkan dapat membantu, mengajak temannya yang memang masih berat melakukan kegiatan keagamaan untuk menunaikan kewajiban sebagai seorang muslim
Peran Orang Tua dalam Menumbuhkan Sikap Kemandirian Belajar Anak-Anak Pemulung Ismiati; Surya Hadi Darma; Dyah Wulandari
Paedagogie: Jurnal Pendidikan dan studi Islam Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Paedagogie: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam
Publisher : Muttaqien Publishing, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) STAI DR. KHEZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52593/pdg.04.1.03


Abstract   The role of parents is an important component in shaping the child's personality, especially in the behavior and independence of children's learning. The daily habits and attitudes of parents are always seen, assessed and imitated by children. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of scavenger parents in fostering learning independence in their children, what factors are supporting and inhibiting factors in growing the independence of scavenger children in Ciseureuh Village, Purwakarta District, Purwakarta Regency. This study uses the theory of Suhendri & Mardalena which states that the characteristics of children who are independent in learning are that children's learning activities do not depend on other people, teachers, friends and even parents. This study uses a qualitative method, which describes the role of scavenger parents in fostering children's learning independence. In collecting data using observation, interviews and documentation as well as triangulation, while the process of analyzing data using the theory of the Miles and Hubermen model which includes, data reduction, data presentation and verification or examination of conclusions. The results of this study showthat the role of parents of scavengers in RT.10/RW07, Ciseureuh sub-district, Purwakarta district in fostering an attitude of learning independence is quite well realized. obligations of children independently from an early age. As for children's learning independence, it can be seen from the learning independence of children who diligently attend school every day, do assignments without being asked or forced and some children get achievements in school, find their own money to buy quotas when learning online by scavenging or busking and even become parking attendants. Supporting factors in growing the independence of scavenger children in RT. 10/RW07, Ciseureuh sub-district, Purwakarta district, can be seen from the internal and external factors that are well fulfilled. While the inhibiting factors are caused by parents not understanding proper parenting, giving excessive freedom, not being a good role model and not giving rewards when their children get achievements.