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Peran Orang Tua dalam Menumbuhkan Sikap Kemandirian Belajar Anak-Anak Pemulung Ismiati; Surya Hadi Darma; Dyah Wulandari
Paedagogie: Jurnal Pendidikan dan studi Islam Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Paedagogie: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam
Publisher : Muttaqien Publishing, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) STAI DR. KHEZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52593/pdg.04.1.03


Abstract   The role of parents is an important component in shaping the child's personality, especially in the behavior and independence of children's learning. The daily habits and attitudes of parents are always seen, assessed and imitated by children. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of scavenger parents in fostering learning independence in their children, what factors are supporting and inhibiting factors in growing the independence of scavenger children in Ciseureuh Village, Purwakarta District, Purwakarta Regency. This study uses the theory of Suhendri & Mardalena which states that the characteristics of children who are independent in learning are that children's learning activities do not depend on other people, teachers, friends and even parents. This study uses a qualitative method, which describes the role of scavenger parents in fostering children's learning independence. In collecting data using observation, interviews and documentation as well as triangulation, while the process of analyzing data using the theory of the Miles and Hubermen model which includes, data reduction, data presentation and verification or examination of conclusions. The results of this study showthat the role of parents of scavengers in RT.10/RW07, Ciseureuh sub-district, Purwakarta district in fostering an attitude of learning independence is quite well realized. obligations of children independently from an early age. As for children's learning independence, it can be seen from the learning independence of children who diligently attend school every day, do assignments without being asked or forced and some children get achievements in school, find their own money to buy quotas when learning online by scavenging or busking and even become parking attendants. Supporting factors in growing the independence of scavenger children in RT. 10/RW07, Ciseureuh sub-district, Purwakarta district, can be seen from the internal and external factors that are well fulfilled. While the inhibiting factors are caused by parents not understanding proper parenting, giving excessive freedom, not being a good role model and not giving rewards when their children get achievements.
Dinamika Kekerasan dalam Media Sosial dan Tantangan Pendidikan Bagi Pelajar di Purwakarta Dyah Wulandari; Muhamad Ridwan Effendi; Iis Siti Robe'ah; Taopik Irawan
EduInovasi: Journal of Basic Educational Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): EduInovasi:  Journal of Basic Educational Studies
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah IAI Nasional Laa Rooiba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/edui.v4i1.6191


The use of social media has a significant influence on violence and harassment. This is the basisthe need for supervision and guidance from parents, teachers and the community so that students in Purwakarta can be more alert and wise in using social media. This research was conducted in four schools in Purwakarta, namelySMA Negeri 2 Purwakarta, SMA Negeri 3 Purwakarta, SMKN 2 Purwakarta and SMKN 3 Linggabuana with a total sample of 371 respondents.The technique used in data collection was carried out using structured interviews, questionnaires and non-participant observation. The research results showSocial media that are popular with students in Purwakarta include WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, Twitter, Line and Tumblr. The duration of student social media use in Purwakarta is between one to two hours per day to more than five hours per day. The results of descriptive statistics on the use of social media among students in Purwakarta Regency are 1205.76, which indicates they are in the good category. Students take advantage of the use of social media to build relationships and communicate with distant family or old friends, search for the latest information and news, as a means of entertainment, as a source of learning, a place to discuss and exchange insights and seek inspiration and motivation.
Membangun Kesadaran Ekologis Warga Sekolah Melalui IHT Tatanen di Bale Atikan di SDN 3 Nangewer Kecamatan Darangdan Kabupaten Purwakarta Dyah Wulandari; Narkum Narkum; Dede Supendi; Saepul Mukti; Usep Setiawan
El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2024): El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (In Press)
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/elmujtama.v4i2.5665


This community service aims to increase ecological understanding and awareness at SDN 3 Nangewer which is carried out by holding IHT Tatanan activities in Bale Atikan. This is based on the problem that it is still lowecological understanding and awarenessat SDN 3 Nangewer. This research was conducted using descriptive-quantitative research where the service method used a mix method approach with a Participatory Action Research (PAR) design. The first is to observe the problems that occur, the second is to analyze the problems that occurSDN 3 Nangewerand followed by the next step systematically by taking action in the form of preparing material for IHT Tatanen activities in Bale Atikan and then observing the increase in ecological understanding and awareness at SDN 3 Nangewer. With the IHT Tatanan activities in Bale Atikan carried out at SDN 3 Nangewer, the ecological understanding and awareness of IHT participants has increased.