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Karakteristik Adopter pada Masyarakat Nelayan Kampung Cipatuguran Palabuhanratu dalam Penerimaan Teknologi Baru Pepi Rospina Pertiwi; Idha Farida; Rinda Noviyanti
Jurnal Penyuluhan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2011): Jurnal Penyuluhan
Publisher : Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences and PAPPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Penyuluh Pertanian Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.482 KB) | DOI: 10.25015/penyuluhan.v7i1.9784


In extension agriculture, the innovation introduction for goals is the important think especially if the innovation had appropriate with goals needed and its application to raising the goals welfare. This study aimed to explains the fisherman innovativeness level and the adopter characteristic category.   Explanatory research design with survey method were used to collect data. The location were choosen with purposively in Kecamatan Palabuhanratu, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.  The population as a whole are all fisherman in Palabuhanratu, and  37 fisherman are chosen randomly as study samples. Data collection is using survey method, and are showed quantitivelly by frequently tabulation and bar chart. This study shows that the fisherman in Kampung Cipatuguran, Palabuhanratu is dominated by high-level in leaderships level, capital ownership, empaty level, abstraction level, dare to take a risk level,  futuristic level, partisipation level, and communication activity.  Base on asking all of respondents, the degree of innovation tryness was shown medium relatively, decision for adopt the innovation is relatively high, the fearness of take a risk is relatively high, the need of supporting agent of change is relatively high, the appropriate of take a decision is relatively low,  the equal of social relationship is relatively high and the relationship with informal leader was is relatively low.Key words: adopter, fisherman, innovation
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management Vol. 1 No. 2 (2010): Marine Fisheries: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (848.266 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jmf.1.2.33-44


ABSTRACTThe majority of fishermen in the area of Banten Bayare traditional and small fishermen. In order to face the competition of the free trade market era, this research tries to assess the condition of self-capacity from the aspect of knowledge, skills and attitude of the fisherman in accordance with the criteria of Indonesian National Work Competence Standards (SKKNI). With the analysis approach of relationship structure model using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM), it is examined the aspect that significantly affect the competence of traditional fishermen. Result of structural model analysis used, the skill is the aspect thathas real effect to the competence of the fisherman compared the aspect of knowledge and the self-attitude. This indicates if traditional fishermen are more formed from direct work experience, than the formal and informal education aspects. In general, the standard of competence of traditional fishermen in Banten Bay is still low.Keywords: attitude, competence, knowledge, PLS-SEM, skillsABSTRAKKeberadaan nelayan di Teluk Banten merupakan mayoritas nelayan tradisonal dan kecil dengan alat tangkap, cara operasi penangkapan dan kapal sederhana serta tingkat pendidikan yang sangat rendah. Konflik antara nelayan tradisional dengan pengguna alat tangkap yang dilarang sering terjadi.  Bantuan alat tangkap, kapal, modal sering tidak termanfaatkan dengan optimal. Berdasarkan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI), ada tiga faktor utama untuk kompetensi tenaga kerja yaitu pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap diri.  Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengkaji struktur hubungan ketiga faktor tersebut yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap kompetensi nelayan tradisional dan kecil di Teluk Banten dengan menggunakan analisa Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). Keterampilan merupakan faktor berpengaruh nyata terhadap kompetensi dibandingkan pengetahuan dan sikap diri nelayan.  Sementara aspek pengetahuan sangat berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan dan sikap diri. Secara umum standar kompetensi nelayan tradisional yang meliputi keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan sikap diri di Teluk Banten masih rendah.Kata kunci: sikap, kompetensi, pengetahuan, PLS-SEM, keterampilan
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019): Marine Fisheries: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (848.266 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jmf.10.1.33-44


ABSTRACTThe majority of fishermen in the area of Banten Bayare traditional and small fishermen. In order to face the competition of the free trade market era, this research tries to assess the condition of self-capacity from the aspect of knowledge, skills and attitude of the fisherman in accordance with the criteria of Indonesian National Work Competence Standards (SKKNI). With the analysis approach of relationship structure model using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM), it is examined the aspect that significantly affect the competence of traditional fishermen. Result of structural model analysis used, the skill is the aspect thathas real effect to the competence of the fisherman compared the aspect of knowledge and the self-attitude. This indicates if traditional fishermen are more formed from direct work experience, than the formal and informal education aspects. In general, the standard of competence of traditional fishermen in Banten Bay is still low.Keywords: attitude, competence, knowledge, PLS-SEM, skillsABSTRAKKeberadaan nelayan di Teluk Banten merupakan mayoritas nelayan tradisonal dan kecil dengan alat tangkap, cara operasi penangkapan dan kapal sederhana serta tingkat pendidikan yang sangat rendah. Konflik antara nelayan tradisional dengan pengguna alat tangkap yang dilarang sering terjadi.  Bantuan alat tangkap, kapal, modal sering tidak termanfaatkan dengan optimal. Berdasarkan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI), ada tiga faktor utama untuk kompetensi tenaga kerja yaitu pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap diri.  Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengkaji struktur hubungan ketiga faktor tersebut yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap kompetensi nelayan tradisional dan kecil di Teluk Banten dengan menggunakan analisa Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). Keterampilan merupakan faktor berpengaruh nyata terhadap kompetensi dibandingkan pengetahuan dan sikap diri nelayan.  Sementara aspek pengetahuan sangat berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan dan sikap diri. Secara umum standar kompetensi nelayan tradisional yang meliputi keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan sikap diri di Teluk Banten masih rendah.Kata kunci: sikap, kompetensi, pengetahuan, PLS-SEM, keterampilan