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Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka Dan Jarak Jauh Vol 14 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Agribusiness Study Program at Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Univeritas Terbuka, has several practical courses. Practical work is mandatory and must be followed by every student. Formative evaluation of the implementation of practical work conducted in order to identify the characteristics of students participated in the practical work and to obtain some input and feedback from students about the quality of the implemetation of practical work that has ever done. This article describes the results of such of formative evaluation, especially in term of the students perceptions of the quality of practical manual, the quality of the practical work implementation in the field, as well as the obstacles faced. Eighty students from the entire 402 Agribusiness Study Program students who took the practical course at semester 2011.2 or 2012.1, from UPBJJ-UT Serang (Java) and UPBJJ-UT Pontianak (outside Java) were selected purposively. Only 53 out of 80 students who are willing to become informants of this evaluation .Evaluation results show that the characteristics of the students participating in practical work generally younger age, more women, residing far from UPBJJ-UT, has been working and educated at the high school. Most of students (over 80%) perceived the quality of practical guide as complete and clear in accordance with course competencies. This high quality of practical guide demonstrated by compliance of practical substances with the substance of learning materials (86.79%); completeness of practical guide component (84.90%), clarity of information in the practical guide (75.85%), and compliance of the substance of the practical guide with course substance, objectives and practical procedures (71.70%). Most of students too (81.76% ) perceived the implementation of practical work as very good and unhindered . The students felt that the implementation of practical work run well because it is supported by the meaningfulness of practical guide (86.79%), adequacy and affordability of practical work location (91.15%), ease of practical work procedures (92.45%), availability of equipment and practical materials ( 92.45%), ease of documentation of practical activities (94.34%), the availability and suitability of the educational background of the practical work instructors (94.34%), as well as good skills of the instructors in managing practical work (90.10%). While the lack of good quality of practical observation instruments and non standardized practical work financing is considered by students as factors that hinder the practical feasibility. Program Studi Agribisnis FMIPA-Universitas Terbuka memiliki beberapa mata kuliah berpraktikum. Praktikum bersifat wajib dan harus diikuti oleh setiap mahasiswa. Evaluasi formatif terhadap penyelenggaraan praktikum dilaksanakan dengan maksud mengidentifikasi karakteristik mahasiwa peserta praktikum dan mendapatkan masukan serta umpan balik dari mahasiswa tentang praktikum yang pernah dilakukannya. Artikel ini menjelaskan hasil evaluasi formatif terhadap penyelengaraan praktikum tersebut, terutama persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kualitas panduan praktikum, kualitas keterlaksanan praktikum di lapangan, serta hambatan yang dihadapi. Delapan puluh orang mahasiswa dari keseluruhan 402 orang mahasiswa PS Agribisnis yang menempuh praktikum pada semester 2011.2 atau 2012.1 di UPBJJ-UT Serang (Jawa) dan UPBJJ-UT Pontianak (Luar Jawa) dipilih secara purposive dan hanya 53 orang mahasiswa yang bersedia menjadi informan evaluasi ini. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik mahasiswa peserta praktikum umumnya berumur muda, lebih banyak perempuan, bertempat tinggal jauh dari UPBJJ-UT, sudah bekerja dan berpendidikan setingkat SMA. Kualitas panduan praktikum dipersepsikan lengkap, jelas, dan sesuai dengan kompetensi mata kuliah oleh sebagian besar mahasiswa (lebih dari 80%). Baiknya kualitas panduan praktikum tersebut ditunjukkan oleh keseuaian substansi materi praktikum dengan materi BMP (86,79%); kelengkapan komponen panduan praktikum (84,90%), kejelasan informasi dalam panduan praktikum (75,85%); dan kesesuaian substansi panduan praktikum dengan substansi MK, tujuan dan langkah-langkah praktikum (71,70%). Kualitas pelaksanaan praktikum dipersepsikan sangat baik dan tanpa hambatan oleh 81,76% mahasiswa. Keterlaksanaan praktikum berjalan dengan sangat baik karena ditunjang oleh kebermaknaan panduan praktikum (86,79%), kememadaian dan keterjangkauan tempat praktikum (91,15%), kemudahan langkah-langkah pelaksanaan praktikum (92,45%), ketersediaan alat dan bahan praktikum (92,45%), kemudahan pendokumentasian kegiatan praktikum (94,34%), ketersediaan dan kesesuaian latar belakang pendidikan instruktur (94,34%), serta baiknya keterampilan instruktur dalam mengelola praktikum (90,10%). Sementara kurang baiknya kualitas instrumen pengamatan praktikum dan tidak bakunya pembiayaan praktikum dianggap oleh mahasiswa sebagai faktor yang menghambat keterlaksanaan praktikum.
Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka Dan Jarak Jauh Vol 13 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Program Studi Agribisnis di Universitas Terbuka, dibentuk dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang kompeten di bidang penyuluhan dan komunikasi agribisnis. Salah satu cara untuk mencapai tujuan ini adalah menyusun sebuah kurikulum yang mendorong terbentuknya hard skill dan soft skill lulusan yang relevan dengan tuntutan kompetensi program studi. Hard skill yang akan dimiliki lulusan merupakan aplikasi materi, metode serta evaluasi penyuluhan berbasis agribisnis yang nantinya akan diterapkan di lapangan, yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sasarannya. Sementara softskill yang perlu dikuasai lulusan meliputi kemampuan-kamampuan berkomunikasi, bekerjasama dalam tim, kepemimpinan, dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Program Studi Agribisnis mengakomodasi pencapaian kompetensi tersebut dengan memasukkan beberapa mata kuliah berpraktikum di dalam kurikulumnya. Hal-hal yang dikaji dalam tulisan ini meliputi perbandingan pengelolaan penyelenggaraan praktikum antara program Penyuluhan Pertanian dan Agribisnis, termasuk kekuatan dan kelemahan masing-masing, berbagai kendala yang terjadi, serta peluang-peluang yang dapat diambil untuk memperbaiki penyelenggaraan praktikum. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan penyelenggaraan praktikum PS Agribisnis pada prinsipnya masih mengadopsi dari pengelolaan penyelenggaraan praktikum yang digunakan Program Studi D3 Penyuluhan Pertanian, dengan keterbatasan-keterbatasan yang ada. Satu hal yang perlu diupayakan ke depannya adalah terbentuknya panduan praktikum yang jelas, serta pembinaan kerja sama dengan instansi lain guna meningkatkan kualitas penyelenggaraan praktikum. The Agribusiness Study Program at Universitas Terbuka, the Indonesian Open University, was created with the goal of producing graduates who are competent in the field of extension and communication of agribusiness. One way to achieve this goal is to create a curriculum that develops competencies in both hard and soft skills that are relevant to the professional demands of graduates. Hard skills to be acquired include the application of methods and skills of agricultural extension that will be applied in the field. Soft skills include competencies such as the ability to communicate, work in teams, leadership, and problem-solving. The Agribusiness Study program allows graduates to acquire key competencies by incorporating some practical courses in its curriculum. This presentation will describe the comparison of practical implementation of the Management between an Agricultural Extension Study Program and the Agribusiness Study Program. The topics discussed in this presentation will address the implementation of practical management skills in the Agricultural Extension and Agribusiness Study Programs, including strengths and weaknesses, various obstacles, and how the obstacles were overcome. The result of study shows that the managing of the practical implementation of PS Agribusiness basicly can be done independently as long as the equipments can be provided as the need in field.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 17 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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This research is intended to explain (1) the perception of farmers on the application of rice SLPTT methods, and (2) the level of implementation of rice SLPTTmethod. The study design was descriptive research. The study population were all farmers who were members of paddy farmer groups in the District of Ciawi, who participated in SLPTT. Samples were selected from two groups of SLPTT participants in two villages, each of 20 participants. Data consisted of primary data and secondary data. The perception of farmers on the application of rice PTT was measured on the perception of farmers in terms of the correspondence amongmethods, characteristic of the area, and the message content of innovation. The level of implementation of the rice SLPTT method was measured by the success of the method in delivering innovation, the success of the method of making the farmers applying innovation, and the success of the method in providing benefits to farmers. The results showed that farmers' perception on the suitability of the application of SLPTT methods with the characteristics of the area is quite good, as well as the farmer's perception about the suitability of the application of SLPTT methods with the content of the message is in excellent innovation. The level of implementation of the method is quite effective. Farmers acquire enough knowledge to increase even tend to be greatly increased. In addition, farmers acquire sufficient mastery of skills, take benefits of the increased production and income. Penelitian bertujuan menjelaskan (1) persepsi petani terhadap penerapan metode SLPTT padi, dan (2), tingkat penerapan metode SLPTT padi. Rancangan penelitian adalah descriptive research. Populasi penelitian adalah semua petani yang menjadi anggota kelompok tani padi di wilayah Kecamatan Ciawi, yang menjadi peserta SLPTT. Sampel dipilih dari dua kelompok peserta SLPTT di dua desa, masing-masing  20 orang peserta.  Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Persepsi petani tentang penerapan PTT padi yang diukur adalah  persepsi petani tetang kesesuaian metode dengan karakteristik wilayah, dan isi pesan inovasi. Tingkat penerapan metode SLPTT padi diukur dengan keberhasilan metode dalam menyampaikan inovasi, keberhasilan metode dalam menjadikan petani menerapkan inovasi, dan keberhasilan metode dalam memberikan manfaat bagi petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi petani tentang kesesuaian penerapan metode SLPTT dengan karakteristik wilayah tergolong cukup baik, persepsi petani tentang kesesuaian penerapan metode SLPTT dengan isi pesan inovasi tergolong sangat baik. Tingkat penerapan metode tergolong cukup efektif baik. Petani memperoleh pengetahuan yang cukup meningkat bahkan cenderung sangat meningkat, memperoleh penguasaan keterampilan yang cukup meningkat serta memperoleh manfaat terhadap produksi dan pendapatan yang juga cukup meningkat.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 13 No 2 (2012)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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This article aims to determine (1) internal and external characteristics associated with decision-making patterns of women farmers in vegetable farming, (2) decision-making patterns of women farmers in vegetable farming, and (3) the relationship between internal and external characteristics of women farmers in decision-making patterns. Data collected by survey methods. Respondents were all members of the group of women vegetables farmers in the village of Mekarbakti, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency. Data analysis was performed by using descriptive and inferential Spearman Rank correlation test at 5% level of confidence. The results showed that internal characteristics associated with decision-making patterns of women farmers are age, while the external characteristics associated with decision making patterns of women farmers are farming infrastructure. Decision-making in the activities of tillage, fertilizing, pest and disease control, and marketing, were fully performed by the husband. While determining of businesses activities and purchases of farm fascilities were a joint decision between husband and wife, although the husband was more dominant. Activities in seed selecting, planting, replanting, and harvest timing, decision making were done equally between husband and wife. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menentukan (1) karakteristik internal dan eksternal yang berhubungan dengan pola pengambilan keputusan wanita tani pada usahatani sayuran, (2) pola pengambilan keputusan wanita tani dalam usahatani sayuran, dan (3) hubungan antara karakteristik internal dan eksternal wanita tani dengan pola pengambilan keputusannya. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode survei. Responden adalah seluruh anggota kelompok wanita tani sayuran di Desa Mekarbakti, Kecamatan Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan inferensial menggunakan uji korelasi Rank Spearman pada taraf kepercayaan 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik internal yang berhubungan dengan pola pengambilan keputusan wanita tani adalah umur, sedangkan karakteristik eksternal yang berhubungan dengan pola pengambilan keputusan wanita tani adalah prasarana usahatani. Pengambilan keputusan untuk kegiatan pengolahan tanah, pemupukan, pengendalian hama penyakit, dan pemasaran, sepenuhnya dilakukan oleh suami. Sedangkan kegiatan penentuan bisnis usahatani dan pembelian saprodi, merupakan keputusan bersama antara suami dan istri, tetapi suami lebih dominan. Adapun kegiatan pemilihan benih, penanaman, penyulaman, dan penetapan waktu panen, pengambilan keputusan dilakukan setara antara suami dan istri.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 13 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Farmers group is lead by a farmer leader that was expected to improve a dynamic of group activities. The farmer leader has significant role in ensuring the relationship between farmers in relation to the information sharing of the agricultural innovation. This study was aimed to examine the leadership role of the farmer leaders in the process of technology diffusion namely PTT Paddy, an innovation that was currently being introduced. An explanatory research design was chosen to describe the phenomenon of the leadership role of farmer leaders that was evaluated by other farmers. The research was conducted in the subdistrict Carenang, Serang, Banten. Forty participants in successfull farmer groups were selected to evaluate farmer leadership characteristics. The results showed that the farmer leaders have been helping the group to achieve goals, improving communication, increasing the motivation of the farmers, facilitating the farming infrastructure, and solving problems. The role of the farmer leaders as bridging agent in communication is categorized satisfactory. This role is effectively used in the process of the innovation dissemination of PTT Paddy to the farmers. Kelompok tani dipimpin oleh seorang kontak tani yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan dinamika kegiatan kelompok. Kontak tani memiliki peran penting dalam memastikan hubungan antara petani dengan berbagi informasi mengenai inovasi pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti peran kontak tani dalam proses difusi teknologi yaitu Pengelolaan Tanaman dan Sumberdaya Terpadu (PTT) Padi, sebuah inovasi yang saat ini sedang diperkenalkan. Desain penelitian adalah eksplanatory research dipilih untuk menggambarkan fenomena peran kontak tani yang dievaluasi oleh petani lain. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Carenang, Serang, Banten. Empat puluh peserta dalam kelompok tani terpilih untuk mengevaluasi karakteristik kontak tani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontak tani telah membantu kelompok untuk mencapai tujuan, meningkatkan komunikasi, meningkatkan motivasi petani, memfasilitasi infrastruktur pertanian, dan memecahkan masalah. Peran kontak tani sebagai agen penghubung dalam komunikasi dikategorikan memuaskan. Peran ini efektif digunakan dalam proses penyebaran inovasi PTT padi ke petani.  
Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka Dan Jarak Jauh Vol 8 No 1 (2007)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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One of the missions of Universitas Terbuka (UT) as a distance education institution is ensuring high academic quality in all aspects of educational management. The ultimate goal is to produce a good quality of graduates for every study program in the institution, this includes Agriculture Extension study program as one of the study program at UT also concerns to produce high quality graduates. Several modifications had been made for delivering a comprehensive examination for Agricultural Extension students in 2005.2.which includes conducting face to face tutorials, providing tutors for assisting students in writing final paper, and conducting assessment evaluation for the written examinations. Comprehensive examination is the ultimate requirements for every students and it is assigned in the end of their study. This article was written based on the portrait of the comprehensive examination mechanism during 2005.2 period. To control the quality Study Program took certain measures which includes by conducting monitoring and evaluating the comprehensive examination in certain regional centres, verification assessment of student final paper submitted by tutor for each regional centre, and conducting assessment evaluation for the written examination by academic staff in the study program using continous ‘running belt’ system
Karakteristik Adopter pada Masyarakat Nelayan Kampung Cipatuguran Palabuhanratu dalam Penerimaan Teknologi Baru Pepi Rospina Pertiwi; Idha Farida; Rinda Noviyanti
Jurnal Penyuluhan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2011): Jurnal Penyuluhan
Publisher : Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences and PAPPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Penyuluh Pertanian Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.482 KB) | DOI: 10.25015/penyuluhan.v7i1.9784


In extension agriculture, the innovation introduction for goals is the important think especially if the innovation had appropriate with goals needed and its application to raising the goals welfare. This study aimed to explains the fisherman innovativeness level and the adopter characteristic category.   Explanatory research design with survey method were used to collect data. The location were choosen with purposively in Kecamatan Palabuhanratu, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.  The population as a whole are all fisherman in Palabuhanratu, and  37 fisherman are chosen randomly as study samples. Data collection is using survey method, and are showed quantitivelly by frequently tabulation and bar chart. This study shows that the fisherman in Kampung Cipatuguran, Palabuhanratu is dominated by high-level in leaderships level, capital ownership, empaty level, abstraction level, dare to take a risk level,  futuristic level, partisipation level, and communication activity.  Base on asking all of respondents, the degree of innovation tryness was shown medium relatively, decision for adopt the innovation is relatively high, the fearness of take a risk is relatively high, the need of supporting agent of change is relatively high, the appropriate of take a decision is relatively low,  the equal of social relationship is relatively high and the relationship with informal leader was is relatively low.Key words: adopter, fisherman, innovation
Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kapasitas dan Kemandirian Belajar Penyuluh melalui E-Learning Pepi Rospina; Sumardjo Sumardjo; Anna Fatchiya; Oos Anwas
Jurnal Penyuluhan Vol. 18 No. 01 (2022): Jurnal Penyuluhan
Publisher : Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences and PAPPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Penyuluhan Pembangunan Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25015/18202232739


The independence of learning based on e-learning needs to be owned by extension workers in order to be able to increase their insight and knowledge through accessibility to learning resources from the internet, which is expected to increase their capacity as extension workers. The research objectives are to analyze the factors affecting capacity and independent learning of extension workers through e-learning and to build a strategy to increase the independent learning of extension workers through e-learning. The study was conducted in Cianjur and Bogor Districts, and in the learning area of ​​Universitas Terbuka 2019. Respondents are 96 extension workers who take studying at UT in 2019 through census techniques, and 160 extension workers in Bogor and Cianjur Districts who were assigned cluster random sampling. The results show that the dominant factors affecting the capacity and the independent learning of extension workers through e-learning are: the level of ICT utilization and environmental factors. Strategies to strengthen the independent learning of extension workers are: (1) utilizing extension institutions in increasing training and extension activities through the use of ICT, (2) maintaining the facilitation of supporting facilities for extension workers learning through e-learning, (3)Improving the reward system for outstanding extension workers, (4) Increasing the strengthening of the quality and service of the cyber extension website as a reference for extension workers in carrying out the independent learning process, and (5) Providing various communication spaces in a well-managed network. The independence of learning based on e-learning needs to be owned by extension workers in order to be able to increase their insight and knowledge through accessibility to learning resources from the internet, which is expected to increase their capacity as extension workers. The research objectives are to analyze the factors affecting capacity and independent learning of extension workers through e-learning and to build a strategy to increase the independent learning of extension workers through e-learning. The study was conducted in Cianjur and Bogor Districts, and in the learning area of ​​Universitas Terbuka 2019. Respondents are 96 extension workers who take studying at UT in 2019 through census techniques, and 160 extension workers in Bogor and Cianjur Districts who were assigned cluster random sampling. The results show that the dominant factors affecting the capacity and the independent learning of extension workers through e-learning are: the level of ICT utilization and environmental factors. Strategies to strengthen the independent learning of extension workers are: (1) utilizing extension institutions in increasing training and extension activities through the use of ICT, (2) maintaining the facilitation of supporting facilities for extension workers learning through e-learning, (3)Improving the reward system for outstanding extension workers, (4) Increasing the strengthening of the quality and service of the cyber extension website as a reference for extension workers in carrying out the independent learning process, and (5) Providing various communication spaces in a well-managed network.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 17 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.48 KB) | DOI: 10.33830/jmst.v17i2.191.2016


This research is intended to explain (1) the perception of farmers on the application of rice SLPTT methods, and (2) the level of implementation of rice SLPTTmethod. The study design was descriptive research. The study population were all farmers who were members of paddy farmer groups in the District of Ciawi, who participated in SLPTT. Samples were selected from two groups of SLPTT participants in two villages, each of 20 participants. Data consisted of primary data and secondary data. The perception of farmers on the application of rice PTT was measured on the perception of farmers in terms of the correspondence amongmethods, characteristic of the area, and the message content of innovation. The level of implementation of the rice SLPTT method was measured by the success of the method in delivering innovation, the success of the method of making the farmers applying innovation, and the success of the method in providing benefits to farmers. The results showed that farmers' perception on the suitability of the application of SLPTT methods with the characteristics of the area is quite good, as well as the farmer's perception about the suitability of the application of SLPTT methods with the content of the message is in excellent innovation. The level of implementation of the method is quite effective. Farmers acquire enough knowledge to increase even tend to be greatly increased. In addition, farmers acquire sufficient mastery of skills, take benefits of the increased production and income. Penelitian bertujuan menjelaskan (1) persepsi petani terhadap penerapan metode SLPTT padi, dan (2), tingkat penerapan metode SLPTT padi. Rancangan penelitian adalah descriptive research. Populasi penelitian adalah semua petani yang menjadi anggota kelompok tani padi di wilayah Kecamatan Ciawi, yang menjadi peserta SLPTT. Sampel dipilih dari dua kelompok peserta SLPTT di dua desa, masing-masing 20 orang peserta. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Persepsi petani tentang penerapan PTT padi yang diukur adalah persepsi petani tetang kesesuaian metode dengan karakteristik wilayah, dan isi pesan inovasi. Tingkat penerapan metode SLPTT padi diukur dengan keberhasilan metode dalam menyampaikan inovasi, keberhasilan metode dalam menjadikan petani menerapkan inovasi, dan keberhasilan metode dalam memberikan manfaat bagi petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi petani tentang kesesuaian penerapan metode SLPTT dengan karakteristik wilayah tergolong cukup baik, persepsi petani tentang kesesuaian penerapan metode SLPTT dengan isi pesan inovasi tergolong sangat baik. Tingkat penerapan metode tergolong cukup efektif baik. Petani memperoleh pengetahuan yang cukup meningkat bahkan cenderung sangat meningkat, memperoleh penguasaan keterampilan yang cukup meningkat serta memperoleh manfaat terhadap produksi dan pendapatan yang juga cukup meningkat.
PARTISIPASI ANGGOTA KELOMPOK TANI DALAM MENGANALISIS DATA KEADAAN PADA USAHATANI SAYURAN (Kelompok Tani Sayuran Di Desa Margamekar, Kecamatan Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung) Diarsi Eka Yani; Pepi Rospina Pertiwi; Argadatta Sigit
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 14 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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The article aims to explain (1) the internal and external members of farmer groups in vegetables farm, (2) members of the farmer's participation in analyzing the situation, and (3) the relationship between the internal and external characteristics of members in farmer groups and the participation of members in analyzing the state. Data was collected by survey method. The samples size was 70% of the entire group of vegetables farmers. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential Spearman Rank correlation test at 5% confidence level. Participation of members of farmer groups in analyzing the state of the data includes providing data members, observe and take advantage of the data members of the group, and analyze the data members of the group. Results showed that majority of the members participated in providing biophysical data, human resource data, particularly with regard to extension, as well as data nonagricultural institutions. The components of internal characteristics that significantly correlated with the participation of members in analyzing the data situation were formal education, farming experiences, and involvement of members in the group. The components of the external characteristics had no relationship with the participation of members in analyzing the state of data. Salah satu tahapan dalam perencanaan programa penyuluhan pertanian adalah analisis data keadaan yang biasanya dilakukan penyuluh bersama anggota kelompok tani binaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) faktor internal dan eksternal anggota kelompok tani dalam berusahatani sayuran, (2) partisipasi anggota kelompok tani dalam menganalisis keadaan, dan (3) hubungan antara karakteristik internal dan eksternal anggota kelompok tani dengan partisipasi anggota dalam menganalis keadaan. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode survey. Sampel dipilih secara acak sebanyak 70% dari seluruh anggota kelompok tani sayuran. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan inferensial menggunakan uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Bentuk partisipasi anggota kelompok tani dalam menganalisis data keadaan meliputi kegiatan memberikan data anggota, mengamati dan memanfaatkan data anggota kelompok, serta menganalisis data anggota kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar anggota kelompok berpartisipasi dalam memberikan data biofisik, data sumber daya manusia, terutama yang berkaitan dengan penyuluh, serta data kelembagaan nonpertanian. Komponen karakteristik internal yang berhubungan nyata dengan partisipasi anggota dalam menganalisis data keadaan adalah pendidikan formal, pengalaman usahatani, dan keterlibatan anggota dalam kelompok. Komponen karakteristik eksternal tidak ada yang berhubungan nyata dengan partisipasi anggota dalam menganalisis data keadaan.