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Pengaplikasian Batuan Beku Pumice pada Lampu Duduk Ruang Tamu Yulriawan Dafri; Luthfiyya Dyah Rhainaratri
Ars: Jurnal Seni Rupa dan Desain Vol 25, No 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/ars.v25i1.6924


Potensi batuan  beku Pumice banyak terdapat di sisi Timur Gunung Merapi, terutama di dusun Selo dan Muntilan, Jawa Timur dan juga di  pulau Bali. Potensi ini belum banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat untuk membuat barang-barang seni. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat produk kriya berbahan batuan Pumice berupa lampu untuk ruang tamu. Metode penelitian terapan ini deskriptif analitis dengan dasar penciptaannya  adalah praktik yang berbasis penelitian. Wujud  penelitian terapan ini adalah tiga karya  produk lampu duduk dalam bentuk tiga dimensional. Karya ini merupakan karya fungsional dengan pertimbangan khusus form follow function sehingga dapat menyesuaikan dengan ruang tamu hunian rumah tinggal. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi prototype  kriya baru berbentuk lampu dalam bingkai pengembangan nilai artistik dan nilai fungsi kriya. Di sisi lain dapat bermanfaat bagi industri  kriya berbahan batu di masyarakat.
Berpikir Tentang Garis, Mengolah Garis Jadi Seni Yulriawan Dafri
Ars: Jurnal Seni Rupa dan Desain Vol 1, No 14: September-Desember 2011
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/ars.v1i14.138


Line is a crucial part of human life that is inseparable from the society. The significance of line can be viewed from various angles. It can be scrutinized based on its form and the point of view used in the analysis. In real life, line can be classified into two big classes: those that are natural- they exist naturally and those that are resulted from creative thinking process of human. Line is a vehicle by which an artist expresses himself and actualizing his ideas to be understood and appreciated as a work of art.Keywords: line, creating line, expression, art
Corak : Jurnal Seni Kriya Vol 3, No 2 (2014): NOVEMBER 2014
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1134.36 KB) | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v3i2.2353


One of the valuable heritages preserved until today within Pakualaman is the art andculture. One of the various arts and cultural heritages is Srimpi dance. There are somefundamental things on why the research / creation of Srimpi dance becomes interesting to do,besides having the purpose to reveal the existence of Srimpi dance with all the accompanyingattributes, including various attributes of jewelry through the study of visual data of WedanaRenggan in the manuscript source of Langen Wibawa. The forms of jewelry that are used in theSrimpi dance during the Paku Alam IV is also expected to be clearly visualized, so thatultimately the existence of jewelry as a complementary attribute in the Srimpi danceperformances will enrich arts and culture in strengthening the national identity in the eyes ofthe international world.Through a review of this manuscript, ten sets of jewelry with deferent designs of Srimpidance especially during Paku Alam IV have been created. Thus, other forms of creative andinnovative jewelry designs and products based on the philosophy prevailing in the Pakualamanenvironment are created.At least there are two approaches used in this research / creation, namely theapproach to art history and aesthetics. In addition, semiotic analysis is also included.Exploration and experimental methods are used when making the design process. The analysiscarried out does not look at the process of cause and effect, but more emphasizes on how tovisually express the forms of jewelry that wants to be created. Therefore, this study uses amultidisciplinary approach. Keywords: Langen Wibawa, Wedana Renggan, Jewelry, Srimpi Dance, Paku Alam IV.  Salah satu warisan berharga yang terdapat di lingkungan Pakualaman dan masih terusdilestarikan sampai saat ini adalah seni dan budayanya. Dari berbagai peninggalan seni danbudaya tersebut, salah satunya adalah tari Srimpi. Ada beberapa hal yang mendasar kenapapenelitian/penciptaan tari Srimpi menarik untuk dilakukan, selain memiliki tujuan untukmengungkapkan keberadaan tari Srimpi dengan segala atribut yang menyertainya, termasukberbagai atribut perhiasan melalui kajian data visual Wedana Renggan dalam sumber naskahkuno Langen Wibawa. Diharapkan juga akan dapat divisualisasikan secara jelas bentukbentukperhiasan yang digunakan dalam tarian Srimpi pada masa Paku Alam IV, sehingga padaakhirnya keberadaan perhiasan sebagai atribut pelengkap dalam pertunjukan tari Srimpi iniakan memperkaya khasanah seni dan budaya dalam memperkuat jati diri bangsa dimatainternasional. Melalui kajian naskah kuno ini telah diciptakan 10 set perhiasan tari Srimpi dengandesain yang berbeda khususnya pada masa Paku Alam IV, dengan demikian terciptalah bentukbentukdesain dan penciptaan perhiasan yang kreatif dan inovatif berdasarkan filosofi dan‘pakem’ yang berlaku di lingkungan Pakualaman.Sedikitnya ada dua pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaknipendekatan sejarah seni dan estetika, selain itu disertakan pula analisis semiotika. Metodepenciptaan eksplorasi dan eksperimen digunakan ketika proses pembuatan desain dilakukan.Analisis yang dilakukan tidak melihat pada proses sebab akibat, tetapi lebih ditekankan padabagaimana mengungkapkan secara visual bentuk-bentuk perhiasan yang ingin diciptakan. Olehkarena itu penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan multidisiplin. Kata Kunci: Langen Wibawa, Wedana Renggan, Perhiasan, Tari Srimpi, dan Paku Alam IV.
Kemasan (Packaging) di Higashi- Konoike, Osaka, Jepang Yulriawan Dafri
EKSPRESI Vol 9, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/ekp.v0i0.438


Packaging in Higashi - Konoike, Osaka, Jepan. Packaging is a very important strategy to glamorize a product in order to attract the consumers attention. Sometimes packaging is so important that is cost more than the product itself in order to lure the consumer to buy it. Most consumer judge a product by its packaging before buying. It is logical to say that attractive packaging is crucial to attract people to imagine and finally buy a product, beside the other important functions of packaging itself such as to protect, store and transport goods. Recently, packaging manufacture in Japan also support the environmental issue like global warming with producing an ecojriendly products using a reuse, reduce and recycle material. Keywords: Packaging, Japan, product.
Quilling Paper Stamp for the Efficiency of the Batik Production Process Timbul Raharjo; Yulriawan Dafri
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i3.6472


Batik is making motifs on cloth with a coloring system using a wax barrier. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) notes batik as a cultural heritage. Batik is one of the traditional cultural characteristics of Indonesia. Batik work has become a traditional skill for some Indonesian people. Batik is currently produced by many craftsmen in several regions in Indonesia. There are several types of batik, one of which is the stamping technique, namely the technique of making batik motifs by stamping wax on the fabric. The stamp technique aims to produce batik motifs automatically bulk. With a tool in the form of a batik stamp, you can speed up the batik production process. Batik stamp tools generally use tools made of copper metal. This material in the procurement process is relatively expensive. This paper aims to improve the efficiency of batik products by applying quilling paper stamp batik as an alternative tool that is cheap and easy to make to assist the batik production process. Quilling paper stamp batik can provide benefits for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the batik production process. Because batik cap made of copper requires relatively complicated materials and the manufacturing process. In this paper, qualitative methods are used by exploring batik motifs and batik paper stamp quilling tools in one pattern unit, namely applying batik stamp quilling paper tools. Quilling paper stamp batik can be a new alternative as a tool in batik production. Quilling paper batik stamp has the advantage of being more economical and efficient. Production and diversification of batik motifs are more varied. It is hoped that the batik industry will experience an increase in the production of fitas and the economy of the batik industry in Indonesia is increasing.
Antique coloring of the burning process to increase the variety of finishing of export commodity pottery products Raharjo, Timbul; Dafri, Yulriawan; Morin, Lutse Lambert; Prasetyaningsih, Yulyta Kodrat; Atmojo, Wahyu Tri
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Vol 9, No 3 (2023): JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Theraphy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/020232175


Coloring plays an important role as an artistic consideration in pottery products for the export market. Burning technique coloring is one of the innovative finishing techniques that have an antique impression. The purpose of this paper is to experiment with the finishing of the burnt technique and its application to the surface of the pottery body to make it look antique or ancient. This is an effort to increase the variety of finishing on the products of the Kasongan Yogyakarta pottery industry. Kasongan is the largest pottery industry in Indonesia. Kasongan Yogyakarta pottery has become an international trade commodity. This paper uses a qualitative descriptive method with an explanation of the flow of the experimentation process for the combustion technique of coloring on Kasongan pottery. The experiment resulted in four findings of the burning technique, namely (1) antique green, (2) antique blue, (3) antique brown, and (4) antique earth color. The experimental results were applied to 8 pottery in the form of statues and decorative vases. It is hoped that it can add variations to the coloring of pottery products and increase sales of Kasongan pottery products.