Rohni Taufika Sari
Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin

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The Relationship between the Implementation of Health Protocols and Client Satisfaction at the Banjarmasin Health Center Rohni Taufika Sari; Noor Amaliah; Zaqyyah Huzaifah
Healthy-Mu Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : MBUnivPress

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35747/hmj.v5i2.99


Puskesmas is a type of first-level health service that has an important role in the national health system. The contribution of Puskesmas in controlling the spread of Covid-19 is very important, to be able to manage their resources effectively and efficiently so that they are expected to be able to break the chain of transmission from one individual to another, from one family to another, even on a wider community scale. Along with the 'New Normal' culture, the implementation of health protocols is a must to be implemented by the entire community, either individually, in groups or in existing organizational systems, including Puskesmas. In this case, The Indonesian Ministry of Health through the Directorate of Primary Health Services, the Director General of Health Services, has issued a regulation regarding the Technical Services of Public Health Centers during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020. The application of health protocols at health centers will lead to several changes in the pattern of services by health workers at health centers. The provision of health services by implementing health protocols in the New Normal era must maintain service quality. One indicator of service quality is the level of client satisfaction. Based on this, it is necessary to conduct research to determine whether there is a relationship between the application of health protocols and client satisfaction at the Banjarmasin Health Center. This study uses a quantitative method with a cross sectional approach, sampling technique with accidental sampling, the number of respondents is 50 people. Analysis of the data using chi square results obtained p value 0.109, so that p <0.05 (alpha); Based on statistical tests, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the implementation of health protocols and client satisfaction at the Banjarmasin Health Center. In the current New Normal era, supporting facilities are increasingly complete in implementing health protocols at health centers such as the availability of hand washing tools and materials, , masks and service patterns based on health protocol policies, the client will feel safe to get service and this will have an impact on increasing client satisfaction as a service user community.
Studi Fenomenologi: Perspektif Perawat Mengenai Personal Hygiene Klien Di Instalasi Rawat Inap rohni taufika sari
CNJ: Caring Nursing Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.998 KB)


Personal hygiene care for clients are common topic that are often discussed in nursing service. Numerous nurse assumptions emphasize that personal hygiene is essential for client, but in fact at the hospital especially inpatient care often faced by various obstacles which are effect on personal hygiene care for client. Generally, personal hygiene for hospitalized clients have less attention because it is not considered as a priority need and do not significant affect to client’s recovery. Nurse as a profession who has a body of knowledge clearly understand that personal hygiene care should to applied to all clients with any condition need, any age, and at any inpatient care unit. Therefore, is necessary to do exhaustive study how the nurse’s perspectives on personal hygiene care for client at inpatient care unit. This study used qualitative method with phenomenological approach. There were seven participants obtained by used purposive sampling technique. Data collection used by in-depth interview. There were three theme identified, namely purpose of personal hygiene care, principles of personal hygiene care and fundamental attitudes for nurses on personal hygiene care for client. The effectiveness of personal hygiene care for patients is cannot be separated from the nurse performance itself. The greatest support come from hospital manager by reminding all the nurses how important it is to take care of personal hygiene for clients, and providing facilities needed to improving quality of care.
DINAMIKA KESEHATAN: JURNAL KEBIDANAN DAN KEPERAWATAN Vol 12, No 2 (2021): Dinamika Kesehatan Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan
Publisher : Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33859/dksm.v12i2.734


Latar Belakang: Fenomena kurang percaya diri sering terjadi pada mahasiswa DIII Keperawatan yang sedang berpraktik klinik, hal ini terlihat dari mahasiswa merasa kurang memiliki keberanian maupun sering merasa gagal dan gugup saat melakukan prosedur tindakan keperawatan. Rasa takut berbuat salah atau kurang percaya diri akhirnya akan berdampak pada minimnya pengalaman klinik mahasiswa selama di lahan praktik. Adanya hubungan yang baik antara preseptor dan mahasiswa akan mampu membantu meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dan akan berdampak pada kemampuan mahasiswa dalam melakukan prosedur tindakan selama mahasiswa tersebut berpraktik.Tujuan: . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pendampingan preseptor terhadap rasa percaya diri mahasiswa ketika melakukan prosedur keperawatan di Rumah Sakit. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 45 orang mahasiswa DIII KeperawatanHasil: Hasil uji statistik menggunakan chi square didapatkan nilai ρ = 0,585 α = 0,05, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pendampingan preseptor terhadap rasa percaya diri mahasiswa ketika melakukan prosedur keperawatan di Rumah Sakit.Simpulan: Pihak institusi pendidikan memiliki andil yang besar dalam rangka memberi kesempatan kepada mahasiswanya untuk mempraktekan prosedur tindakan keperawatan di laboratorium keperawatan sebelum terjun langsung praktik di rumah sakit sehingga dalam diri mahasiswa sudah tertanam rasa percaya diri yang tinggi dan nantinya mampu melaksanakan tindakan keperawatan baik didampingi preseptor ataupun tidak Kata Kunci : Rasa Percaya Diri, Preseptor, MahasiswaTHE RELATIONSHIP OF PRESEPTOR ASSISTANCE TO STUDENTS' CONFIDENCE WHEN PERFORMING NURSING PROCEDURES IN HOSPITALBackground: The phenomenon of lack of self-confidence often occurs in DIII Nursing students who are practicing clinically, this can be seen from students feeling less courageous and often feeling failed and nervous when carrying out nursing procedures. The fear of making mistakes or lack of confidence will ultimately have an impact on the lack of clinical experience for students while in practice. The existence of a good relationship between the perceiver and the student will be able to help increase self-confidence and will have an impact on the student's ability to carry out action procedures while the student is practicing.Aim: . This study aims to determine the relationship between preceptors' mentoring and students' self-confidence when performing nursing procedures at the hospital. The sample in this study was 45 students of DIII Nursing.Results: The results of statistical tests using chi square obtained a value of = 0.585 = 0.05, this indicates that there is no relationship between the mentoring of the receptors on the students' self-confidence when performing nursing procedures at the hospital.Conclusion: Educational institutions have a big role in providing opportunities for students to practice nursing action procedures in nursing laboratories before going directly to practice in hospitals so that students have high self-confidence and will be able to carry out nursing actions both accompanied by a precept or notKeywords: Confidence, Preceptors, Students
Edukasi dan Implementasi Perawatan Luka Klien dengan Diabetes Melitus di Kota Banjarmasin Rohni Taufika Sari; Dessy Handrianti; Anita Agustina; Zaqyyah Huzaifah; Linda linda; Jenny Saherna
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 5, No 10 (2022): Volume 5 No 10 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v5i10.6958


ABSTRAK Jumlah penderita DM dari tahun ke tahun terus mengalami peningkatan. WHO memperkirakan jumlah penderita DM di dunia pada tahun 2015 sebanyak 415 juta dan meningkat menjadi 642 juta di tahun 2019 . Hiperglikemia jangka panjang dapat mempengaruhi sirkulasi pembuluh darah perifer yang kemudian menyebabkan neuropati (Waspadji, S., 2010). Neuropati perifer sering mengenai saraf ekstremitas bawah (Smeltzer & Bare, 2013). Kejadian Diabetic Foot saat ini masih cukup tinggi dan dialami oleh 85% pasien dengan diabetes melitus (DM). Satu dari setiap 20 pasien DM rawat inap menderita diabetic foot menurut tinjauan sistematis pasien dengan diabetes (Gitarja, 2017). Anggota tubuh bagian bawah hilang karena diabetes setiap 20 detik (Yazdanpanah et al., 2018). Metode perawatan luka yang sesuai kebutuhan akan membantu meningkatkan proses penyembuhan.Saat ini, teknik perawatan luka telah banyak mengalami perkembangan, dimana perawatan luka telah menggunakan balutan yang lebih modern. Prinsip dari manajemen perawatan luka modern adalah mempertahankan dan menjaga lingkungan luka tetap lembab untuk memperbaiki proses penyembuhan luka, mempertahankan kehilangan cairan jaringan dan kematian sel (Ismail, Dina Dewi Sartika, Lestari, n.d.). Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat berupa edukasi dan implementasi perawatan luka klien dengan Diabetes Mellitus bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat tentang penyakit diabetes mellitus, metode perawatan yang tepat pada kondisi diabetic foot dan membantu proses penyembuhan luka. Metode yang digunakan adalah edukasi tentang penyakit diabetes mellitus dan Implementasi perawatan luka modern. keluarga dan klien memahami tentang penyakit diabetes mellitus dan metode perawatan luka klien dengan diabetes mellitus terutama yang mengalami diabetic foot secara tepat, klien merasa nyaman setelah dilakukan tindakan. Pentingnya informasi yang benar mengenai perawatan luka modern pada penderita diabetes mellitus, baik pada anggota keluarga maupun pada klien penderita diharapkan mampu membantu meningkatkan proses penyembuhan luka dan menekan angka kesakitan klien diabetes mellitus yang mengalami diabetic food.Kata Kunci: Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Foot, Perawatan Luka Modern ABSTRACT The number of DM sufferers from year to year continues to increase. WHO estimates that the number of people with DM in the world in 2015 was 415 million and increased to 642 million in 2019. Long-term hyperglycemia can affect peripheral blood circulation which then causes neuropathy (Waspadji, 2010). Peripheral neuropathy often affects the nerves of the lower extremities (Smeltzer & Bare, 2013). The incidence of Diabetic Foot is still quite high and is experienced by 85% of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). One out of every 20 in patients with diabetes mellitus suffers from diabetic foot according to a systematic review of patients with diabetes. Lower limbs are lost due to diabetes every 20 seconds (Yazdanpanah et al., 2018). Appropriate wound care methods will help improve the healing process. Currently, wound care techniques have undergone many developments, where wound care has used more modern dressings. The principle of modern wound care management is to maintain and maintain a moist wound environment to improve the wound healing process and maintain tissue fluid loss and cell death (Ismail, 2010). The implementation of community service in the form of education and implementation of wound care for clients with Diabetes Mellitus aims to increase public understanding about diabetes mellitus, and appropriate treatment methods for diabetic foot conditions, and assist the wound healing process.The method used is education about diabetes mellitus and the Implementation of modern wound care. Family and clients understand diabetes mellitus and wound care methods for clients with diabetes mellitus, especially those who experience diabetic foot appropriately, the client feels comfortable after the procedure. The importance of correct information regarding modern wound care for people with diabetes mellitus, both for family members and for patients with patients, is expected to be able to help improve the wound healing process and reduce the morbidity of diabetes mellitus clients who experience diabetic food.Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Foot, Modern Wound Care
Hubungan Pendampingan Preseptor Terhadap Rasa Percaya Diri Mahasiswa Ketika Melakukan Prosedur Keperawatan Di Rumah Sakit Zaqyyah Huzaifah; Noor Amaliah; Rohni Taufika Sari
DINAMIKA KESEHATAN: JURNAL KEBIDANAN DAN KEPERAWATAN Vol 12, No 2 (2021): Dinamika Kesehatan Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan
Publisher : Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33859/dksm.v12i2.734


Latar Belakang: Fenomena kurang percaya diri sering terjadi pada mahasiswa DIII Keperawatan yang sedang berpraktik klinik, hal ini terlihat dari mahasiswa merasa kurang memiliki keberanian maupun sering merasa gagal dan gugup saat melakukan prosedur tindakan keperawatan. Rasa takut berbuat salah atau kurang percaya diri akhirnya akan berdampak pada minimnya pengalaman klinik mahasiswa selama di lahan praktik. Adanya hubungan yang baik antara preseptor dan mahasiswa akan mampu membantu meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dan akan berdampak pada kemampuan mahasiswa dalam melakukan prosedur tindakan selama mahasiswa tersebut berpraktik.Tujuan: untuk mengetahui hubungan pendampingan preseptor terhadap rasa percaya diri mahasiswa ketika melakukan prosedur keperawatan di Rumah Sakit. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 45 orang mahasiswa DIII KeperawatanHasil: Hasil uji statistik menggunakan chi square didapatkan nilai ρ = 0,585 α = 0,05, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pendampingan preseptor terhadap rasa percaya diri mahasiswa ketika melakukan prosedur keperawatan di Rumah Sakit.Simpulan: Pihak institusi pendidikan memiliki andil yang besar dalam rangka memberi kesempatan kepada mahasiswanya untuk mempraktekan prosedur tindakan keperawatan di laboratorium keperawatan sebelum terjun langsung praktik di rumah sakit sehingga dalam diri mahasiswa sudah tertanam rasa percaya diri yang tinggi dan nantinya mampu melaksanakan tindakan keperawatan baik didamping preseptor ataupun tidak Kata Kunci: Mahasiswa, Preseptor, Rasa Percaya Diri The Relationship of Preseptor Mentoring to Students Confidence When Doing Nursing Procedures In Hospital Background: The phenomenon of lack of self-confidence often occurs in DIII Nursing students who are practicing clinically, this can be seen from students feeling less courageous and often feeling failed and nervous when carrying out nursing procedures. The fear of making mistakes or lack of confidence will ultimately have an impact on the lack of clinical experience for students while in practice. The existence of a good relationship between the preceptor and the student will be able to help increase self-confidence and will have an impact on the student's ability to carry out action procedures while the student is practicing.Purpose: to determine the relationship between tutor mentoring and student self-confidence when carrying out nursing procedures at the hospital. The sample in this study was 45 students of DIII Nursing.Results: The results of statistical tests using chi square obtained a value of = 0.585 = 0.05, this indicates that there is no relationship between the mentoring of receptors on the students' self-confidence when performing nursing procedures at the hospital.Conclusion: The educational institution has a big role in providing opportunities for students to practice nursing action procedures in the nursing laboratory before going directly to practice in the hospital so that students have high self-confidence and will be able to carry out nursing actions either accompanied by a preceptor or not.. Keywords: Confidence, Precept, Student
Hubungan Kejadian Anemia pada Pasien Kemoterapi dengan Karakteristik Responden Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin Zaqyyah Huzaifah; Suci Fitri Rahayu; Rohni Taufika Sari; Linda Linda
Malahayati Nursing Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Volume 5 Nomor 2 2023
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/mnj.v5i2.8563


ABSTRACT Cancer is a disease that accounts for a fairly high mortality rate globally, where cancer is the second highest cause of death after cardiovascular disease. The Global Burden of Cancer Study (Globocan) from WHO (2018) recorded 18.1 million new cases of cancer patients with a mortality rate of 9.6 million. One of the therapies that are widely used for cancer patients is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a treatment that aims to kill or inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, chemotherapy itself is carried out for 2-3 years (Alvionita & Arifah, 2021). Side effects caused by chemotherapy usually occur up to one week after the patient has undergone therapy. One of the systems affected by the administration of chemotherapy drugs is the hematology system. Anemia is the most common side effect in patients undergoing chemotherapy (Febriani & Rahmawati, 2019). This study aims to determine the relationship between the incidence of anemia in chemotherapy patients with the characteristics of respondents based on gender. This type of research is quantitative research with an analytical descriptive design and uses a cross-sectional approach. The results of the study using Spearman Rank showed a value of 0.002 which is smaller than 0.05 (p-value < α) and statistically it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the incidence of anemia in chemotherapy patients and the characteristics of respondents based on gender. Keywords: Anemia, Chemotherapy, gender  ABSTRAK Kanker menjadi penyakit yang menyumbang angka kematian cukup tinggi secara global, yang mana kanker menjadi penyebab kematian tertinggi kedua setelah penyakit kardiovaskular. Global Burden of Cancer Study (Globocan) dari WHO (2018) mencatat ada 18,1 juta kasus baru penderita kanker dengan angka kematian 9,6 juta. Salah satu terapi yang banyak digunakan untuk penderita kanker ialah kemoterapi. Kemoterapi merupakan pengobatan yang bertujuan untuk membunuh atau menghambat proliferasi sel kanker, kemoterapi sendiri dilakukan selama 2-3 tahun (Alvionita & Arifah, 2021). Efek samping yang ditimbulkan oleh kemoterapi biasanya terjadi hingga satu minggu setelah pasien menjalani terapi. Salah satu sistem yang terdampak dari pemberian obat-obatan kemoterapi ada di sistem hematologi. Anemia merupakan efek samping yang paling sering terjadi pada pasien yang menjalani kemoterapi (Febriani & Rahmawati, 2019). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kejadian anemia pada pasien kemoterapi dengan karakteristik responden berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif analistik dan menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional. Hasil penelitian menggunakan uji Spearman Rank menunjukkan nilai 0,002 yang lebih kecil dari 0,05 (p value < α) dan secara uji statistik dapat disimpulkan terdapat hubungan antara kejadian anemia pada pasien kemoterapi dengan karakteristik responden berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Kata Kunci: Anemia, Kemoterapi, Jenis Kelamin
The Relationship between the Implementation of Health Protocols and Client Satisfaction at the Banjarmasin Health Center Rohni Taufika Sari; Noor Amaliah; Zaqyyah Huzaifah
Healthy-Mu Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : MBUnivPress

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35747/hmj.v5i2.99


Puskesmas is a type of first-level health service that has an important role in the national health system. The contribution of Puskesmas in controlling the spread of Covid-19 is very important, to be able to manage their resources effectively and efficiently so that they are expected to be able to break the chain of transmission from one individual to another, from one family to another, even on a wider community scale. Along with the 'New Normal' culture, the implementation of health protocols is a must to be implemented by the entire community, either individually, in groups or in existing organizational systems, including Puskesmas. In this case, The Indonesian Ministry of Health through the Directorate of Primary Health Services, the Director General of Health Services, has issued a regulation regarding the Technical Services of Public Health Centers during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020. The application of health protocols at health centers will lead to several changes in the pattern of services by health workers at health centers. The provision of health services by implementing health protocols in the New Normal era must maintain service quality. One indicator of service quality is the level of client satisfaction. Based on this, it is necessary to conduct research to determine whether there is a relationship between the application of health protocols and client satisfaction at the Banjarmasin Health Center. This study uses a quantitative method with a cross sectional approach, sampling technique with accidental sampling, the number of respondents is 50 people. Analysis of the data using chi square results obtained p value 0.109, so that p <0.05 (alpha); Based on statistical tests, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the implementation of health protocols and client satisfaction at the Banjarmasin Health Center. In the current New Normal era, supporting facilities are increasingly complete in implementing health protocols at health centers such as the availability of hand washing tools and materials, , masks and service patterns based on health protocol policies, the client will feel safe to get service and this will have an impact on increasing client satisfaction as a service user community.
Pengaruh Metode Pembekalan Terhadap Nilai Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Program Studi Diploma Tiga Keperawatan Zaqyyah Huzaifah; Rohni Taufika Sari; Suci Fitri Rahayu
DINAMIKA KESEHATAN: JURNAL KEBIDANAN DAN KEPERAWATAN Vol 14, No 2 (2023): Dinamika Kesehatan: Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan
Publisher : Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33859/dksm.v14i2.915


Latar Belakang: Uji kompetensi adalah proses pengukuran pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan perilaku peserta didik pada perguruan tinggi yang menyelenggarakan program studi keperawatan. Menghadapi uji kompetensi pada tahun 2023 prodi DIII Keperawatan Fakultas Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin membutuhkan strategi untuk mencapai tingkat kelulusan yang maksimal.Tujuan: untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode pembekalan terhadap nilai uji kompetensi mahasiswa Program Studi DIII Keperawatan Fakultas Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin tahun 2023. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah peserta yang akan mengikuti uji kompetensi tahun 2023 sebanyak 22 orang. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian Quasy Eksperiment dengan desain one group Pre and Post test design.Hasil: uji statistik menggunakan uji wilcoxon didapatkan nilai p value 0,000 yang mana nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari nilai α sehingga hipotesis diterima yaitu ada pengaruh metode pembekalan terhadap nilai uji kompetensi mahasiswa prodi DIII keperawatan tahun 2023.Kesimpulan: Metode pembelajaran dan gaya belajar yang saat ini diterapkan perlu mendapatkan modifikasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan keaktifan mahasiswa. Metode pembekalan menjadi salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan karena dapat meningkatakan pencapain kelulusan uji kompetensi. Background: Competency assessment is the process of measuring the knowledge, skills, and behavior of students in universities that organize nursing study programs. Facing the competency test in 2023, the DIII Nursing study program at the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin requires a strategy to achieve maximum graduation rates.Objective: to determine the effect of debriefing methods on the competency test scores of DIII Nursing Study Program students at the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Banjarmasin in 2023. The subjects in this study were 22 participants who will take the competency test in 2023.Method: This study is a quantitative study using Quasy Experiment research design with one group Pre and Post test design.Results: statistical tests using the Wilcoxon test obtained a p value of 0.000 which is smaller than the α value so that the hypothesis is accepted, namely there is an effect of debriefing methods on the competency test scores of DIII nursing study program students in 2023.Conclusion: The learning methods and learning styles that are currently applied need to be modified so that they can increase student motivation and activeness. The debriefing method is one of the efforts that can be made because it can increase the achievement of competency test graduation.
Analisis Faktor Optimalisasi Peran Advokasi Perawat IGD Rumah Sakit di Kota Banjarmasin Novia Heriani; Rohni Taufika Sari
DINAMIKA KESEHATAN: JURNAL KEBIDANAN DAN KEPERAWATAN Vol 14, No 2 (2023): Dinamika Kesehatan: Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan
Publisher : Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33859/dksm.v14i2.924


Latar Belakang: Advokasi merupakan inti komitmen keperawatan yang bertindak untuk menjaga hak atas dasar asasi pasien. Peran ini sangat penting dalam hubungan perawat pasien karena menjadi tolak ukur untuk menunjang keberhasilan pengobatan pasien dan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu pada rumah sakit khususnya di ruang instalasi gawat darurat. Perawat instalasi gawat darurat dituntut untuk selalu melaksanakan perannya diberbagai situasi untuk melakukan tindakan penyelamatan pasien secara profesional. Akan tetapi, pelaksanaan peran advokasi oleh perawat masih kurang dipahami dan belum dilaksanakan secara optimal.Tujuan: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan optimalisasi peran advokasi perawat instalasi gawat darurat.Metode: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, responden diambil dengan metode qouta sampling sebanyak 43 orang, dianalisa secara univariat dengan tabel distribusi frekuensi dan bivariat menggunakan uji statistik Spearman’s rho.Hasil: Penelitian ini didapatkan ada signifikansi statistik antara faktor pengetahuan (p=0,000), sikap (p=0,000), beban kerja (p=0,001), motivasi kerja (p=0,001), dan kondisi organisasi (p=0,000) dengan peran advokasi perawat (p value 0,05).Kesimpulan: Rumah Sakit perlu mempertahankan kebijakan yang mendukung peran advokasi perawat serta disarankan mengadakan pelatihan manajemen advokasi dan membentuk prosedural untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dalam melaksanakan peran advokasi perawat instalasi gawat darurat.