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Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v6i2.235


The furniture business is one of the profitable business opportunities, this is due to population growth which continues to increase so that residential needs also continue to increase which automatically results in an increase in demand for furniture products. One of the business units in the field of furniture which is currently developing in Batam, namely CV Profestama Kurnia Nisa, the daily operational process is directly controlled by the owner and assisted by several employees consisting of sales, admin and warehouse parts as well as delivery. In managing furniture supplies, CV Profestama Kurnia Nisa does not have a special method. The owner usually asks directly to the employee regarding the sale, then it will be adjusted to the purchase note from the supplier, then it will be matched with the stock in the warehouse, then this data will be recorded in the owner's notebook. This resulted in the difficulty of knowing various things related to the supply of furniture in the Warehouse and on display, especially when the owner was not in place or was out of town. This study aims to design a web-based furniture inventory system at CV Profestama Kurnia Nisa and implement a web-based furniture inventory system on CV Profestama Kurnia Nisa. The design method used is Extreme Programming (XP) which consists of several stages, namely: Planning, Design, Coding, Testing, Software increment. The newly designed system can be accessed online so that the owner can easily find out the number of furniture and when the stock is less then direct orders can be made to the supplier even though the owner is out of town.Keywords: Website, Extreme Programming (XP), Inventory, Inventory Sistem Bisnis furniture merupakan salah satu peluang usaha yang menguntungkan, hal ini disebabkan pertumbuhan penduduk yang terus meningkat sehingga kebutuhan tempat tinggal juga terus mengalami peningkatan yang secara otomatis berdampak pada peningkatan permintaan produk mebel. Salah satu unit usaha dalam bidang furniture yang saat ini berkembang di Batam yaitu CV Profestama Kurnia Nisa, proses operasional sehari-hari langsung dikendalikan oleh owner serta dibantu oleh beberapa karyawan yang terdiri dari sales, admin dan bagian gudang yang sekaligus bagian pengantaran. Dalam pengelolaan persediaan furniture, CV Profestama Kurnia Nisa tidak mempunyai cara yang khusus. Owner biasanya menanyakan secara langsung kepada karyawan yang berkaitan mengenai penjualan kemudian akan disesuaikan dengan nota pembelian dari supplier selanjutnya akan dicocokkan dengan stok di gudang selanjutnya data ini akan dicatat di dalam buku catatan owner. Hal ini mengakibatkan sulitnya mengetahui berbagai hal terkait dengan persediaan furniture yang ada di Gudang maupun yang dipajang, khususnya ketika owner tidak berada di tempat atau sedang berada di luar kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sistem inventory mebel berbasis web pada CV Profestama Kurnia Nisa serta mengimplementasikan sistem inventory mebel berbasis web pada CV Profestama Kurnia Nisa. Metode perancangan yang digunakan yaitu Extreme Programming (XP) yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu: Planning (Perencanaan), Design (Perancangan), Coding (Pengkodean), Testing (Pengujian), Software increment (Peningkatan Perangkat Lunak). Sistem yang baru dirancang dapat diakses secara daring sehingga owner  dapat dengan mudah mengetahui jumlah furniture dan ketika stok sudah kurang maka langsung dapat dilakukan pemesanan kepada supplier walaupun owner  sedang berada di luar kota.Kata kunci: Website, Extreme Programming, Inventory, Sistem Inventory
Penerapan Algoritma C4.5 Untuk Memprediksi Besarnya Penggunaan Listrik Rumah Tangga di Kota Batam Yulia Yulia; Nurul Azwanti
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.643 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v2i2.503


Electricity has been proven from the activities carried out by everyday people. The use of electricity ranging from household appliances such as refrigerator, fan, iron, mixer, rice cooker to communication tools such as mobile phones, laptops and various other electronic devices desperately need electrical energy. The use of electricity today is the only thing that matters in people's lives. Batam is one of the major cities in Indonesia. The densely populated areas in Batam are the Batam Center area. Population density will also require electrical energy to be very high. Company as energy provider in Batam city is PT PLN Batam (b'right). If the population is not wise in using electricity, of course, will greatly affect the depletion of energy preparation lstrik in Batam City itself. Therefore, techniques are needed to make predictions in the use of household appliances for the purpose of the government in list listing program. Techniques in making predictions can use data mining techniques by classifying data using C4.5 algorithm. Results from calculation Algorithm C4.5 Formation of decision tree where variable number of family members, Building area and length of time at home. Testing done with Weka has produced the same rule from the result tree that formed.
Perancangan Game Matematika Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android Yulia Yulia
Innovation in Research of Informatics (INNOVATICS) Vol 1, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Informatika Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37058/innovatics.v1i2.929


One technology that is developing very rapidly now is information technology and mobile communication (mobile). Mathematics is a science that is widely used in everyday life such as used in trade transactions, carpentry, and so forth. But unfortunately mathematics is considered a difficult subject to understand and is considered terrible by some students who do not like the subject. Like what happened at 004 Batu Aji State Elementary School in Batam. In addition, learning techniques are a bit rigid, because they only come from textbooks. Therefore an educational game was made by incorporating elements of mathematics learning in it to make it look interesting and increase students' interest in learning mathematics. The game to be built is an android-based math education game for grade 2 elementary school students. The variable indicators used are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and image installation. By incorporating elements of learning in it, the game can be used as an instructional system using mobile devices. The purpose of this study is to apply and develop mathematics learning media in the form of an android-based educational game in the hope that it can improve the ability to count quickly, add insight and memory to students. From the survey results obtained from elementary school student questionnaire 93.4% were satisfied with the Android-based mathematics education game application that was designed. 
Pembinaan Peningkatan Keterampilan Menggunakan Aplikasi Kasir Pintar Berbasis Android pada Masyarakat Tembesi Tower Batam Yulia Yulia; Elva Susanti; Roni Chandra Tampubolon
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): The First National Conference of Community Service Project 2019 (Accepted Papers)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The use of mobile technology applications that are increasingly developing ultimately has a very positive impact on various fields of life, one of which is the field of commerce. However, rarely people know there is a smart cashier application because there is no advertise it, even though this smart cashier application is very easy for traders to determine profits every day, all transaction data will be recorded if we use the application. This application can make transactions that aim to input sales that are selling at the time and also if there is a merchant promotion that provides discounts (discounts) without having to calculate with a calculator and without fear of miscalculating. Tembesi Tower Community RT.03 / RW.16 Tembesi Village, Sagulung Subdistrict, Batam In particular, PKK Makmur Jaya mothers who have priority as trading entrepreneurs, such as having shops or stalls, selling food and so on. In general, Tembesi Tower people only use conventional media to count their merchandise in every transaction such as a calculator, so the level of consumer confidence is slightly reduced if the traders cannot calculate it correctly. Dedication is carried out with the aim to improve skills in the use of smart cashier applications as learning and reference in facilitating work aimed at the Tembesi Tower community in the Sagulung district of Batam.
Pembinaan Pembuatan Blog Sebagai Branding Usaha Toko Habibie Batam Yulia Yulia; Nopriadi Nopriadi; Sasa Ani Arnomo
Jurdimas (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Royal Vol 5, No 3 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : STMIK Royal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33330/jurdimas.v5i3.1135


Abstract: As one of the leading industrial areas in Indonesia, the development of the business world in Batam City is very fast. Coupled with the increasing demand from the market because the majority of Batam people are workers. In addition, the city's minimum wage (UMK) is high compared to other areas, making the lifestyle of the people of Batam city become consumptive. The demand is increasing, the more businesses are popping up with various ideas and creations. So the competition in selling is getting tougher. For this reason, creative ideas are needed so that business continuity can continue. One idea that can be used is Branding. Even though they have used social media such as Facebook and Instagram as marketing, business owners are still less confident if they do not have a means of delivering information such as blogs or websites. This service activity uses the method of preparation, implementation, implementation and discussion. There are three solutions that I try to provide to partners, namely: Selection and creation of a blog, filling out blog content and maintaining blogs as a solution to improve branding and as a means of promotion of the Habibie Batam Shop. The target achievement of this service activity is so that partners are able to create blogs and apply them in filling content for branding as well as being able to maintain blogs. Keywords: blog; branding; habibie shop Abstrak: Sebagai salah satu daerah industri terkemuka di Indonesia, perkembangan dunia usaha di Kota Batam sangat  cepat. Ditambah lagi dengan permintaan dari pasar  yang meningkat karena mayoritas masyarakat Batam merupakan pekerja. Selain itu, upah minimum  kota  (UMK)  yang  tinggi  di  atas  daerah  lainnya  menjadikan  pola  hidup masyarakat kota Batam menjadi konsumtif. Permintaan semakin banyak, semakin banyak juga usaha-usaha yang bermunculan dengan berbagai ide dan kreasi. Sehingga persaingan dalam berjualan bertambah berat. Untuk itu dibutuhkan ide-ide kreatif agar keberlangsungan usaha dapat terus berlanjut. Salah satu ide yang dapat digunakan adalah Branding. Walaupun sudah menggunakan sosial media seperti Facebook dan Instagram sebagai pemasaran, pemilik usaha masih kurang percaya diri jika belum punya sarana penyampaian informasi seperti blog ataupun  website. Kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan metode persiapan, pelaksanaan, implementasi dan diskusi. Adapun solusi yang pengabdi coba berikan kepada mitra terdapat tiga yaitu: Pemilihan dan pembuatan blog, pengisian konten blog dan pemeliharaan blog sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan branding dan sebagai sarana promosi Toko Habibie Batam. Capaian target dari kegiatan pengabdian ini agar mitra mampu membuat blog dan mengaplikasikan dalam pengisian  konten  untuk branding sekaligus dapat melakukan mantenance blog.Kata kunci: blog; branding; toko habibie