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Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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Toe scour was one of phenomenon that frequently experienced by coastal structures and realized as the causative factor to structure failure. When a coastal structure was placed at coastal environment, existence of that structure would rapidly affect to the flow pattern around its area, one of them was breaking wave position. When breaking wave happened, energy dissipation caused by breaking process would be compensated in the form of vortex and improvement of flow intensity that have ability to move bed material from its original rest position around the toe.This research was focused on the breaking wave condition that produce local scouring at toe of impermeable sloping wall structure. Testing variable consists of wave height (H ), wave period (T) , water depth at toe (ds), beach slope (tan b), and angle of structure (a). Physical Modeling was conducted at wave flume with 40 m length, 0.6 m width and 1.1 m height in Balai Hidraulika and Geoteknik Keairan (BHGK) PUSAIR, Bandung. Riset result shows that improvement of toe scour was affected by breaking wave characteristics and their interaction with the structure. Improvement of depth of scour was in relation with water depth at toe, height of wave breaking, surf similarity parameter, bed agitation caused by breaking process, and downrush flow velocity.Gerusan kaki merupakan fenomena yang sering dialami oleh struktur-struktur bangunan pantai dan disadari sebagai faktor penyebab kegagalan struktur. Saat struktur ditempatkan di lingkungan pantai, keberadaan struktur tersebut akan segera mempengaruhi pola aliran disekitarnya, salah satunya adalah posisi gelombang pecah. Saat terjadi gelombang pecah, disipasi energi akibat proses pecahnya gelombang akan terkompensasi dalam bentuk vortex dan peningkatan intensitas aliran yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memindahkan material dasar dari posisi awalnya di kaki struktur. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada kondisi gelombang pecah yang menghasilkan gerusan local di kaki pada struktur impermeable berdinding miring. Variabel pengujian terdiri atas tinggi gelombang (H), periode gelombang (T), kedalaman air di kaki struktur (ds), kemiringan pantai (tan b), dan sudut kemiringan struktur (a). Pemodelan fisik dilakukan pada saluran gelombang dengan panjang 40 m, lebar 0,6 m dan tinggi 1,1 m di Balai Hidraulika dan Geoteknik Keairan (BHGK) PUSAIR, Bandung. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan terjadinya peningkatan gerusan kaki sebagai akibat dari karakter gelombang pecah dan interaksinya terhadap struktur. Peningkatan kedalaman gerusan sebagai hubungan dari kedalaman air di kaki struktur, tinggi gelombang pecah, parameter surf similarity, gangguan terhadap dasar di kaki struktur akibat proses pecah gelombang, dan kecepatan aliran downrush.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v13i2.7062


Toe scour was one of phenomenon that frequently experienced by coastal structures and realized as the causative factor to structure failure. When a coastal structure was placed at coastal environment, existence of that structure would rapidly affect to the flow pattern around its area, one of them was breaking wave position. When breaking wave happened, energy dissipation caused by breaking process would be compensated in the form of vortex and improvement of flow intensity that have ability to move bed material from its original rest position around the toe.This research was focused on the breaking wave condition that produce local scouring at toe of impermeable sloping wall structure. Testing variable consists of wave height (H ), wave period (T) , water depth at toe (ds), beach slope (tan b), and angle of structure (a). Physical Modeling was conducted at wave flume with 40 m length, 0.6 m width and 1.1 m height in Balai Hidraulika and Geoteknik Keairan (BHGK) PUSAIR, Bandung. Riset result shows that improvement of toe scour was affected by breaking wave characteristics and their interaction with the structure. Improvement of depth of scour was in relation with water depth at toe, height of wave breaking, surf similarity parameter, bed agitation caused by breaking process, and downrush flow velocity.Gerusan kaki merupakan fenomena yang sering dialami oleh struktur-struktur bangunan pantai dan disadari sebagai faktor penyebab kegagalan struktur. Saat struktur ditempatkan di lingkungan pantai, keberadaan struktur tersebut akan segera mempengaruhi pola aliran disekitarnya, salah satunya adalah posisi gelombang pecah. Saat terjadi gelombang pecah, disipasi energi akibat proses pecahnya gelombang akan terkompensasi dalam bentuk vortex dan peningkatan intensitas aliran yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memindahkan material dasar dari posisi awalnya di kaki struktur. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada kondisi gelombang pecah yang menghasilkan gerusan local di kaki pada struktur impermeable berdinding miring. Variabel pengujian terdiri atas tinggi gelombang (H), periode gelombang (T), kedalaman air di kaki struktur (ds), kemiringan pantai (tan b), dan sudut kemiringan struktur (a). Pemodelan fisik dilakukan pada saluran gelombang dengan panjang 40 m, lebar 0,6 m dan tinggi 1,1 m di Balai Hidraulika dan Geoteknik Keairan (BHGK) PUSAIR, Bandung. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan terjadinya peningkatan gerusan kaki sebagai akibat dari karakter gelombang pecah dan interaksinya terhadap struktur. Peningkatan kedalaman gerusan sebagai hubungan dari kedalaman air di kaki struktur, tinggi gelombang pecah, parameter surf similarity, gangguan terhadap dasar di kaki struktur akibat proses pecah gelombang, dan kecepatan aliran downrush.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v13i2.7062


Toe scour was one of phenomenon that frequently experienced by coastal structures and realized as the causative factor to structure failure. When a coastal structure was placed at coastal environment, existence of that structure would rapidly affect to the flow pattern around its area, one of them was breaking wave position. When breaking wave happened, energy dissipation caused by breaking process would be compensated in the form of vortex and improvement of flow intensity that have ability to move bed material from its original rest position around the toe.This research was focused on the breaking wave condition that produce local scouring at toe of impermeable sloping wall structure. Testing variable consists of wave height (H ), wave period (T) , water depth at toe (ds), beach slope (tan b), and angle of structure (a). Physical Modeling was conducted at wave flume with 40 m length, 0.6 m width and 1.1 m height in Balai Hidraulika and Geoteknik Keairan (BHGK) PUSAIR, Bandung. Riset result shows that improvement of toe scour was affected by breaking wave characteristics and their interaction with the structure. Improvement of depth of scour was in relation with water depth at toe, height of wave breaking, surf similarity parameter, bed agitation caused by breaking process, and downrush flow velocity.Gerusan kaki merupakan fenomena yang sering dialami oleh struktur-struktur bangunan pantai dan disadari sebagai faktor penyebab kegagalan struktur. Saat struktur ditempatkan di lingkungan pantai, keberadaan struktur tersebut akan segera mempengaruhi pola aliran disekitarnya, salah satunya adalah posisi gelombang pecah. Saat terjadi gelombang pecah, disipasi energi akibat proses pecahnya gelombang akan terkompensasi dalam bentuk vortex dan peningkatan intensitas aliran yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memindahkan material dasar dari posisi awalnya di kaki struktur. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada kondisi gelombang pecah yang menghasilkan gerusan local di kaki pada struktur impermeable berdinding miring. Variabel pengujian terdiri atas tinggi gelombang (H), periode gelombang (T), kedalaman air di kaki struktur (ds), kemiringan pantai (tan b), dan sudut kemiringan struktur (a). Pemodelan fisik dilakukan pada saluran gelombang dengan panjang 40 m, lebar 0,6 m dan tinggi 1,1 m di Balai Hidraulika dan Geoteknik Keairan (BHGK) PUSAIR, Bandung. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan terjadinya peningkatan gerusan kaki sebagai akibat dari karakter gelombang pecah dan interaksinya terhadap struktur. Peningkatan kedalaman gerusan sebagai hubungan dari kedalaman air di kaki struktur, tinggi gelombang pecah, parameter surf similarity, gangguan terhadap dasar di kaki struktur akibat proses pecah gelombang, dan kecepatan aliran downrush.
Analisis Kapasitas Penampang Sungai Batang Mahat Terhadap Besaran Debit Banjir Menggunakan Pendekatan Model Matematik Dalrino Dalrino; Sadtim Sadtim; Hartati Hartati; Indra Agus
Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil Vol 15 No 2 (2018): Edisi Oktober 2018
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (P3M), Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (772.907 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jirs.15.2.124


Batang Mahat watershed has a total area of 772.87 km2 with a total length of the main rivers around 44.06 km. With the topographic condition on the upstream side was a mountainous terrain and steep slope relatively into downstream. The problem was can be classified as river siltation, narrowing of the river, and riverbank erosion that has caused flood and threaten a public facilities. Numerical simulations using the application of the HEC RAS model were conducted to determine the capability of the river storage capacity into various discharge values. The results of the analysis show that with the discharge condition Q2 there has been flood caused by the high surface elevation of water that was overtopping of the left and right embankments elevation at the upstream and midstream areas. The water surface elevation will increase with the increasing of flood discharge. River normalization efforts with additional depth and widening of river channel were recommended.
Scour Depth Estimation on Abutment With HEC RAS and Some Empirical Equation Indra Agus; Munafri Alwys; Wisafri Wisafri; Dalrino Dalrino; Noftar Yolanda; Welfi yani
Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil Vol 17 No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (P3M), Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1005.876 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jirs.17.1.271


Toe Scour around abutment will be very dangerous and cause loss of stability on the bridge. The case of structure failure on Batang Kalu bridge in Korong Pasa Usang Nagari Kayu Tanam, Padang Pariaman Regency on Monday (10 December 2018) is a clear example of toe scouring. A case study of toe scour was on the Batang Kalu River bridge structure has been carried out. Rainfall data closest to the study location, Kandang Empat Station was used to minimize the errors in the calculation of flood discharge design. Numerical modeling with HEC RAS and scouring estimation with some empiric equation was conducted to predicting scour depth on abutment. Simulation results show scour depth results to an average of 2.731 m and close to the scour depth that occurred in the field (2.83 m). Results showed that the local scouring in the Batang Kalu River bridge structure can be suspected as the influence of the increasing river steepness. Discharge that is triggered by heavy rain with a long duration and increased river flow velocity due to steepness has the potential to create a very intense scouring. Increasing of steepness may have been caused by sand mining activities in the upper reaches. Further studies are needed to see the potential slope changes due to exploitation in the Batang Kalu River upper reaches
Kajian Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Bangunan Pengaman Pantai Dengan Penerapan Simulasi Numerik One Line Model Dalrino - -; Elvi Roza Syofyan
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Rekayasa Vol 10, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (839.115 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jipr.10.2.7


With the position on the west coast region of Sumatra, Padang beach facing directly to Indian Ocean that have potentially threat by the ocean waves that relatively give effect to changes in the coastline. This study was conducted to evaluating the performance of existing coastal protection structure to restrain the rate of erosion as a result of the influence of hydrodynamics process. Condition that reviewed was in form of distance shoreline as simulation results to initial reference line before. One Line Model was conducted to get shoreline change in each time step calculation. Model consists of two conditions, with the absence of coastal structures and with structure respectively. The simulation result show that potential erosion occurs at Batang Arau river mouth with no protection structure. Large erosion predicted around 59.04 meters from the shoreline position early. With coastal protection, model result obtained sedimentation of 7.33 meters coastline from its initial position. This occurs at a distance of 475 meters from the boundary domain. Modeling results also showed erosion is 18.39 meters at a distance of 250 m from the boundary domain. This is likely due to the limited modeling conditions that without reviewing of littoral transport direction that occurred in perpendicular to the coast. Result study show that the presence of a groyne in Padang coasts looks already quite effective in defense of the shoreline of the littoral transport direction, however the installation of groins seemingly did not give significant meaning in the addition of the coastline
Studi Sedimentasi di Sungai Batang Lampasi Sedimentation Study at Batang Lampasi River Dalrino Dalrino; Hartati Hartati; Aguskamar Aguskamar; M. Iqbal Iqbal; Dila Pertiwi
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Rekayasa Vol 15, No 1 (2019): -
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (477.16 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jipr.15.1.153


BatangLampasi River was located in Talawi village, Nagari Koto Nan GadangPayakumbuh, about 30 km from Bukittinggi, with 48.19 km river length and around 226 km2 Cathment Area. The river flow carries a lot of sediment material, causing siltation on the riverbed which causes the river to overflow in the surrounding area. Sediment transport was triggered by Lampasi watershed erosion, that especially in the upstream section and settling on the riverbed. Prediction of depth decrease caused by sedimentation was conducted. Theoretical flood discharge determined used Nakayasu method. Sediment yield caused by land erosion determined by USLE equation and will compared with total sediment transport that calculated for 5 years return period with Yang's, Engelund Hansen, Ackers and White's methods. HEC-RASS 4.0 was used to find the high of flood water level and also as input hydraulics term to calculating transport sediment. The equivalent value approaching sediment yield was Yang's method where the sediment transport value is 21294,763 tons / year with sediment thickness of 27.24 cm / year. With these deposits thickness we can see from HEC-RASS 4.0 modeling the elevation of high flood water during normal conditions and the presence of thick sediment deposits.
Model Numerik 1D Penggerusan Endapan di Mulut Muara dengan Metode Beda Hingga Dalrino - -; Mukhlis - -; Elvi Roza Syofyan
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Rekayasa Vol 10, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (683.06 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jipr.10.1.52


Sedimentation at estuary river have potency to cause floods because the narrowing of estuary as outlet. Sedimentation process can be caused by the so small river discharge at dry season so that cannot to flushing the sediment that happened at estuary mouth. When the rains arrive, river discharge which starting to big shall no long castaway to sea freely, so that causes floods in headwaters. Numerical simulation by using finite different method with Preissmann implicit scheme conducted to see ability of river discharge in early the rains to flushing the sediment in estuary mouth. Simulation was done at river with sediment elevation at + 4.00 m in estuary mouth. Boundary condition in the form of discharge hydrograph in early the rains at upstream boundary and also critical water surface elevation in sediment top and sea level at downstream boundary applied at model to see behavior of sediment transport and change of profile at bottom channel that happened. Simulation result show with 24 hours floods charge in early the rains, sediment volume of flushed equal to 20,52 %, with elevation reside at + 3,179 m. Sediment will fully under sea-water face after 9 days simulation. Change of upriver discharge and tidal elevation at downstream will influence to speed of stream that happened. By the end of simulation, the bottom profile of channel influenced of tide.
Studi Perbandingan Pondasi Tiang Pancang dengan Pondasi Bore Pile (Studi Kasus: Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Pondasi Tower Grand Kamala Lagoon-Bekasi) Mafriyal Muluk; Desmon Hamid; Satwarnirat Satwarnirat; Dalrino Dalrino; Melia Santi
Publisher : LP2M ITP

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Peran pondasi pada pembangunan struktur bawah pelaksanaan gedung menjadi sangat penting. Pemilihan jenis pondasi yang sesuai akan memperlancar proses pekerjaa tersebut, sehingga perlu perencanaan yang baik sehinga mendapatkan hasil secara efesien yang sesuai dengan kondisi di lapangan tertentu yang meliputi pengendalian waktu, biaya dan metode pelaksanaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil perbandingan pelaksanaan pekerjaan pondasi tiang pancang dengan pondasi bore pile pada pekerjaan Pondasi Tower Grand Kamala Lagoon - Bekasi, mengidentifikasi kendala/permasalah yang sering terjadi pada pekerjaan fondasi grand kamala lagoon-Bekasi dan aspek yang paling mempengaruhi terhadap biaya dan waktu pelaksanaan. Berdasarkan analisa biaya, pondasi tiang pancang memerlukan anggaran biaya sebesar Rp. 14,047,100,000.00 (Empat Belas Milyar Empat Puluh Tujuh Juta Seratus Ribu Rupiah). Sedangkan pondasi bore pile memerlukan anggaran biaya sebesar Rp 12,736,500,000.00 (Dua Belas Milyar Tujuh Ratus Tiga Puluh Enam Juta Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah). Selisih harga pada pekerjaan pemancangan tiang pancang sebesar 2,192,800,000.00 (Dua Milyar Seratus Sembilan Puluh Dua Juta Delapan Ratus Ribu Rupiah). Berdasarkan hasil analisa durasi, diketahui bahwa pondasi tiang pancang memerlukan waktu 114 hari, sedangkan pondasi bore pile 84 hari. Berdasarkan hasil analisa biaya dan waktu, pondasi yang paling tepat dan dapat digunakan dalam pekerjaan pada pembangunan Pondasi Tower Grand Kamala Lagoon-Bekasi adalah pondasi bore pile, karena yang pailing cocok pada aspek lingkungan dilapangan yang kawasan padat penduduk, biaya yang lebih efesien dibandingkan pondasi tiang pancang dan durasi yang lebih cepat.Kata kunci: Pondasi Tiang Pancang, Pondasi Bore Pile, Biaya, Waktu, Pondasi Tower Grand KamalaLagoon- Bekasi