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Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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One of water suply problem at costal areas of Pemalang Regency is saltwater intrusion. Aims of this study are to predict that saltwater intrusion and its map, also to prepare suitable efforts to reduce that problem. Result of this study shows that saltwater intrusion at unconfined aquifers on coastal areas of Comal and Ulujami Districts will reach 5.8 km length from their shorelines and at their confined aquifers will reach 4.0 km length from their shorelines in 2013. Whilst, saltwater intrusion at both confined and unconfined aquifers on coastal areas of Pemalang, Taman, and Petarukan Districts will only reach less than1 km length from their shorelines in 2013. For reducing that problem in the future, it is important to cultivate mangrove, to control sink discharge from the existing well pumps, and to build more collective deep wells.Satu di antara masalah penyediaan air baku di daerah pantai Kabupaten Pemalang adalah Intrusi  air laut. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk memprediksi dan memetakan intrusi air laut di wilayah tersebut, serta menyiapkan upaya pengendaliannya. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa intrusi air laut pada aquifer bebas di Kecamatan Comal dan Ulujami akan mencapai 5,8 km dari garis pantai dan pada aquifer tertekan akan mencapai 4,0 km dari garis pantai di tahun 2013. Sementara itu, intrusi air laut pada aquifer bebas maupun tertekan di Kecamatan Pemalang, Taman, dan Petarukan masih akan mencapai kurangdari 1 km dari garis pantai di tahun 2013. Untuk mereduksi masalah itu di masa datang, penting dilakukan reboisasi mangrove, pengendalian debit pemompaan dari sumur-sumur yang ada, dan membangun sumur-sumur dalam kolektif.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Toe scour was one of phenomenon that frequently experienced by coastal structures and realized as the causative factor to structure failure. When a coastal structure was placed at coastal environment, existence of that structure would rapidly affect to the flow pattern around its area, one of them was breaking wave position. When breaking wave happened, energy dissipation caused by breaking process would be compensated in the form of vortex and improvement of flow intensity that have ability to move bed material from its original rest position around the toe.This research was focused on the breaking wave condition that produce local scouring at toe of impermeable sloping wall structure. Testing variable consists of wave height (H ), wave period (T) , water depth at toe (ds), beach slope (tan b), and angle of structure (a). Physical Modeling was conducted at wave flume with 40 m length, 0.6 m width and 1.1 m height in Balai Hidraulika and Geoteknik Keairan (BHGK) PUSAIR, Bandung. Riset result shows that improvement of toe scour was affected by breaking wave characteristics and their interaction with the structure. Improvement of depth of scour was in relation with water depth at toe, height of wave breaking, surf similarity parameter, bed agitation caused by breaking process, and downrush flow velocity.Gerusan kaki merupakan fenomena yang sering dialami oleh struktur-struktur bangunan pantai dan disadari sebagai faktor penyebab kegagalan struktur. Saat struktur ditempatkan di lingkungan pantai, keberadaan struktur tersebut akan segera mempengaruhi pola aliran disekitarnya, salah satunya adalah posisi gelombang pecah. Saat terjadi gelombang pecah, disipasi energi akibat proses pecahnya gelombang akan terkompensasi dalam bentuk vortex dan peningkatan intensitas aliran yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memindahkan material dasar dari posisi awalnya di kaki struktur. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada kondisi gelombang pecah yang menghasilkan gerusan local di kaki pada struktur impermeable berdinding miring. Variabel pengujian terdiri atas tinggi gelombang (H), periode gelombang (T), kedalaman air di kaki struktur (ds), kemiringan pantai (tan b), dan sudut kemiringan struktur (a). Pemodelan fisik dilakukan pada saluran gelombang dengan panjang 40 m, lebar 0,6 m dan tinggi 1,1 m di Balai Hidraulika dan Geoteknik Keairan (BHGK) PUSAIR, Bandung. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan terjadinya peningkatan gerusan kaki sebagai akibat dari karakter gelombang pecah dan interaksinya terhadap struktur. Peningkatan kedalaman gerusan sebagai hubungan dari kedalaman air di kaki struktur, tinggi gelombang pecah, parameter surf similarity, gangguan terhadap dasar di kaki struktur akibat proses pecah gelombang, dan kecepatan aliran downrush.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 16, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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Until now, work, power, and energy were defined as physical and engineering quantities that only to be use as scalar quantities. Actually, they were vector quantities. That condition could potentially brought to some miss-understood and miss-applicable in using those theories as well as all of their related theories. This article was describing briefly about that problems and giving some related simple deductions and empirical facts in order to clarify the new concept for emphasizing and treating the work, power, and energy as vector quantities. It is hope that with this new concept, the work, power, and energy theories will be more useful for scienceties and practices.Hingga sekarang, besaran kerja, daya, dan energi merupakan besaran-besaran yang hanya didefinisikan dalam fisika dan teknik sebagai besaran skalar. Kenyataannya, ketiganya merupakan besaran vektor. Kondisi itu berpotensi membawa kecenderungan pada kesalahan dalam pemahaman dan penerapan terhadap teori-teori tersebut dan semua teori-teori lainnya yang berkaitan. Artikel ini memuat deskripsi singkat tentang masalah tersebut dan menyajikan beberapa deduksi dan bukti empiris sederhana terkait dalam upaya mengklarifikasikan suatu konsep baru untuk menekankan dan menggunakan besaran kerja, daya, dan energi sebagai besaran vektor. Diharapkan dengan konsep baru ini, teori kerja, daya, dan energi akan makin berguna bagi ilmuwan dan praktisi ahli.
Drainage Network System of Sekaran Village, Gunungpati District, Semarang City Utomo, Karuniadi Satrijo; Sutopo, Yeri; Adi, Muhammad Hamas
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 21, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik SIpil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v21i1.18301


Abstract. Drainage functions to drain, deplete, remove or transport water. Generally, drainage is defined as a series of water facility used to reduce and/or remove excess water from an area or land, so that the land can be functioned optimally. Drainage is also realized as an effort to control the quality of groundwater in relation to salinity. The case study was carried on in Sekaran Village, Gunungpati District, Semarang City. The area size of Sekaran Village is 6,21 km². According to the writing method, the author used tools and materials required in this research. The tools used were a roll meter and Arcmap software as a medium for data-processing, and the materials taken was data regarding information about the condition of Sekaran Village in the extent of topographic maps, rainfall data. The method of data calculation used manual calculations in accordance with the rational method to figure out the rain discharge, and the manning formula for channel flowrate. The numbers of design rainfall for 5 years and 10 years was 169,365 mm and 171,502 mm; while the design discharge with return period of 5 and 10 years, for example, in channel 1 was branch 1 was of 0,6772 m³/s and the main channel was 5,7910 m³/s; The economic channel dimensions for the main channels 1 and 4 were the base width B = 1,596 m ≈ 1.6 m and the water height h = 0,796 m ≈ 8 0,8 m, the cross section was square.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 16, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v16i1.7230


Until now, work, power, and energy were defined as physical and engineering quantities that only to be use as scalar quantities. Actually, they were vector quantities. That condition could potentially brought to some miss-understood and miss-applicable in using those theories as well as all of their related theories. This article was describing briefly about that problems and giving some related simple deductions and empirical facts in order to clarify the new concept for emphasizing and treating the work, power, and energy as vector quantities. It is hope that with this new concept, the work, power, and energy theories will be more useful for scienceties and practices.Hingga sekarang, besaran kerja, daya, dan energi merupakan besaran-besaran yang hanya didefinisikan dalam fisika dan teknik sebagai besaran skalar. Kenyataannya, ketiganya merupakan besaran vektor. Kondisi itu berpotensi membawa kecenderungan pada kesalahan dalam pemahaman dan penerapan terhadap teori-teori tersebut dan semua teori-teori lainnya yang berkaitan. Artikel ini memuat deskripsi singkat tentang masalah tersebut dan menyajikan beberapa deduksi dan bukti empiris sederhana terkait dalam upaya mengklarifikasikan suatu konsep baru untuk menekankan dan menggunakan besaran kerja, daya, dan energi sebagai besaran vektor. Diharapkan dengan konsep baru ini, teori kerja, daya, dan energi akan makin berguna bagi ilmuwan dan praktisi ahli.
Maximum Control Water Level (CWL) Jatibarang Dam to Avoid The Possibility of Overtopping Due to Flood 100 Years Sutopo, Yeri; Utomo, Karuniadi Satrijo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 21, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v21i2.20507


The study of the maximum water level control of the Jatibarang reservoir is to avoid the possibility of overtopping due to flooding after 100 years return period, therefore it is necessary to take into account the changes in land use, which were once shrubs turned into settlements. Changes in land use result in an increase in the drainage coefficient which results in an increase in surface runoff so that the flood discharge in the river becomes even greater. Jatibarang Dam in Semarang at the time of planning was still designed to use flood discharge return period of Q 50 years; whereas the water structure has included a hazard level classification, so flood safety standards should have been used return period of the Q 100 years. The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the maximum CWL value in the main spillway of the Jatibarang dam based on the analysis of flooding due to Q 100 years; and (2) comparing the maximum CWL value of the main overflow dam Jatibarang results of planning using Q 50 years with the maximum CWL value of the main overflow dam due to flood discharge Q 100 years.This type of research was a survey. Data collection methods used were observation and documentation. The observation method was used to determine the coordinates of the dam spillway, which was then used to make a Jatibarang dam spillway watershed map and directly observe the Jatibarang dam spillway construction. The documentation method was used to collect rainfall data.The inflow flood hydrograph for a 100 year return period is 1838.84 m3/s, while the outflow is 227.57 m3/s, thus the Jatibarang reservoir can accommodate or store flood discharge of 1611.27 m3/s. The maximum elevation of the Jatibarang dam spillway is +155.3. The flood routing results show that the highest elevation is +154.05 at ten time. Comparison between the highest elevation of Q 100 years flood routing results which is equal to +154.05 is lower when compared to the maximum elevation of the Jatibarang dam spillway which is equal to +155.3; so that the main spillway elevation is still able to overcome of Q 100 years. Thus the Jatibarang dam spillway is still safe against the highest elevation of flood Q 100 years.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v13i2.7066


One of water suply problem at costal areas of Pemalang Regency is saltwater intrusion. Aims of this study are to predict that saltwater intrusion and its map, also to prepare suitable efforts to reduce that problem. Result of this study shows that saltwater intrusion at unconfined aquifers on coastal areas of Comal and Ulujami Districts will reach 5.8 km length from their shorelines and at their confined aquifers will reach 4.0 km length from their shorelines in 2013. Whilst, saltwater intrusion at both confined and unconfined aquifers on coastal areas of Pemalang, Taman, and Petarukan Districts will only reach less than1 km length from their shorelines in 2013. For reducing that problem in the future, it is important to cultivate mangrove, to control sink discharge from the existing well pumps, and to build more collective deep wells.Satu di antara masalah penyediaan air baku di daerah pantai Kabupaten Pemalang adalah Intrusi  air laut. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk memprediksi dan memetakan intrusi air laut di wilayah tersebut, serta menyiapkan upaya pengendaliannya. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa intrusi air laut pada aquifer bebas di Kecamatan Comal dan Ulujami akan mencapai 5,8 km dari garis pantai dan pada aquifer tertekan akan mencapai 4,0 km dari garis pantai di tahun 2013. Sementara itu, intrusi air laut pada aquifer bebas maupun tertekan di Kecamatan Pemalang, Taman, dan Petarukan masih akan mencapai kurangdari 1 km dari garis pantai di tahun 2013. Untuk mereduksi masalah itu di masa datang, penting dilakukan reboisasi mangrove, pengendalian debit pemompaan dari sumur-sumur yang ada, dan membangun sumur-sumur dalam kolektif.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v13i2.7062


Toe scour was one of phenomenon that frequently experienced by coastal structures and realized as the causative factor to structure failure. When a coastal structure was placed at coastal environment, existence of that structure would rapidly affect to the flow pattern around its area, one of them was breaking wave position. When breaking wave happened, energy dissipation caused by breaking process would be compensated in the form of vortex and improvement of flow intensity that have ability to move bed material from its original rest position around the toe.This research was focused on the breaking wave condition that produce local scouring at toe of impermeable sloping wall structure. Testing variable consists of wave height (H ), wave period (T) , water depth at toe (ds), beach slope (tan b), and angle of structure (a). Physical Modeling was conducted at wave flume with 40 m length, 0.6 m width and 1.1 m height in Balai Hidraulika and Geoteknik Keairan (BHGK) PUSAIR, Bandung. Riset result shows that improvement of toe scour was affected by breaking wave characteristics and their interaction with the structure. Improvement of depth of scour was in relation with water depth at toe, height of wave breaking, surf similarity parameter, bed agitation caused by breaking process, and downrush flow velocity.Gerusan kaki merupakan fenomena yang sering dialami oleh struktur-struktur bangunan pantai dan disadari sebagai faktor penyebab kegagalan struktur. Saat struktur ditempatkan di lingkungan pantai, keberadaan struktur tersebut akan segera mempengaruhi pola aliran disekitarnya, salah satunya adalah posisi gelombang pecah. Saat terjadi gelombang pecah, disipasi energi akibat proses pecahnya gelombang akan terkompensasi dalam bentuk vortex dan peningkatan intensitas aliran yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memindahkan material dasar dari posisi awalnya di kaki struktur. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada kondisi gelombang pecah yang menghasilkan gerusan local di kaki pada struktur impermeable berdinding miring. Variabel pengujian terdiri atas tinggi gelombang (H), periode gelombang (T), kedalaman air di kaki struktur (ds), kemiringan pantai (tan b), dan sudut kemiringan struktur (a). Pemodelan fisik dilakukan pada saluran gelombang dengan panjang 40 m, lebar 0,6 m dan tinggi 1,1 m di Balai Hidraulika dan Geoteknik Keairan (BHGK) PUSAIR, Bandung. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan terjadinya peningkatan gerusan kaki sebagai akibat dari karakter gelombang pecah dan interaksinya terhadap struktur. Peningkatan kedalaman gerusan sebagai hubungan dari kedalaman air di kaki struktur, tinggi gelombang pecah, parameter surf similarity, gangguan terhadap dasar di kaki struktur akibat proses pecah gelombang, dan kecepatan aliran downrush.
Aspek-aspek Hidraulik Keruntuhan Bangunan Pengendali Sedimen Kedung Ringin Utomo, Karuniadi Satrijo; Cahyo, Hanggoro Tri
Dinamika Rekayasa Vol 16, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Rekayasa - Agustus 2020
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.dr.2020.16.2.283


Keruntuhan bangunan hidraulik check dam merupakan suatu fenomena keruntuhan bangunan hidraulik yang penting dikaji, khususnya ditinjau dari aspek-aspek hidraulik yang menyebabkan keruntuhan bangunan. Kajian keruntuhan bangunan Check dam dalam artikel ini mengambil kasus fenomena keruntuhan Bangunan Pengendali Sedimen (BPS) Kedung Ringin di wilayah Kabupaten Kebumen Provinsi Jawa Tengah Indonesia. Hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keruntuhan bangunan tersebut dipicu sufosi dan boiling oleh rembesan di bawah spillway. Perbaikan keruntuhan bangunan tersebut harus dilakukan dengan mengganti seluruh bagian spillway dengan memasang material baru disertai pengawasan lebih ketat dalam pekerjaan pelaksanaan mengacu pada spesifikasi teknis yang ditetapkan. Diperlukan pula pemasangan turap di bawah spillway baru minimal sepanjang 4 m dari dasar spillway untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya sufosi di masa datang
Water Distribution in a Fire Protection System (Case Study Of DKK Semarang Building Simulation by Epanet 2.0) Nurhakim, Yanuar Ali; Utomo, Karuniadi Satrijo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 23, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v23i1.28596


Abstract Fire is a disaster that must be avoided in various ways, one of them is by using a fire extinguishing system to prevent fire disaster. This study used the Semarang City Health Office (DKK) Building as a sample. The purposes of this research were; (1) to find out whether the application of the fire protection system at DKK Building has met the regulations and (2) to determine whether the water distribution in the fire protection system in the Semarang DKK Building is functioning properly as needed. Data collection methods in this study consisted of observation and literature study. The observation was used to find research data in the form of planning drawings on the building protection system and the literature study was carried out to obtain data in the form of standard tool specifications and rules for using tools in the protection system. This study also used an analysis method based on an application program called Epanet 2.0. The Epanet program was used to simulate a hydraulic model according to the fire protection system at DKK Building. The results of the analysis using the Epanet 2.0 show that the sprinkler system has met the needs based on the amount of water supply discharge and based on the required pressure. The underground tank volume of 150 m3 has met the requirements based on SNI 03-3989-2000. The pressure value for all sprinklers has met the requirements of SNI 03-3989-2000 with the smallest pressure value is 2.5 kgf / cm2. The sprinkler system does not meet the water distribution value set in NFPA 13 with a maximum distribution time of 50 seconds while the analysis results show that the distribution time is 205 seconds. The pressure value at all points of the fire hydrant system meets the SNI 03-1745-2000 rules with a maximum value not exceeding 24.1 bars. The pressure value at the farthest hydrant box hose connection does not meet the SNI 03-1745-2000 rules with the pressure value at the farthest hydrant box is 4.6 bars, where is the minimum pressure is 6.9 bars.