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Investigating Anxiety in an Indonesian EFL Speaking Classroom RAIS ABIN; Hariadi Syam
ELT Worldwide: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.042 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/eltww.v6i2.10467


Abstract.  This research aimed to explore the kinds of anxiety experienced by the students in learning speaking, and to examine the causes of the anxiety in learning speaking. This research employed descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this research were 36 students consisting 19 females and 17 males selected to be research participants through conveniently selected sampling. The data of this research were collected by online questionnaire, and interview. The obtained data were analyzed in three major phases namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The result of the research revealed three kinds of anxiety experienced by the students in learning speaking namely trait anxiety, situational-specific anxiety, and state anxiety. Furthermore, the causes of speaking anxiety were communication apprehension, test anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation.
Describing Pictures in Improving the Students’ Ability in Writing Hariadi Syam; Rais Abin
ELT Worldwide: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1073.866 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/eltww.v6i1.10465


This Research was designed to improve the students’ ability in writing by Describing pictures.The problem of the research was “can describing pictures improve students’ ability in writing?”.  There were many kinds of strategies that could be used in teaching writing, but in this research, the researcher applied only describing pictures, and writing activities focusing on the kinds of activities. The design of this research was Collaborative Classroom Action Research (CAR). Based on the analytical scoring rubric showed that from 63 in the first cycle and got increased to 73 in the second cycle. In the first cycle there were 13 Students of 30 students could reach the minimum score or only 43 % students were success. While in the last cycle there were 27 Students of 30 students could reach even greater that the minimum score or 90% students were success.Based on the conclusion of this research the researcher suggests some points. Firstly, describing pictures could be employed to improve the students’ ability in writing. Secondly, it was suggested that the English teacher could apply describing pictures as one of the alternative techniques that could be used in the teaching of English to all skills especially writing.
ANGLO-SAXON: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Vol 13, No 1 (2022): Anglo-Saxon : Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Juli2022
Publisher : English Department, University of Riau Kepulauan, Batam,Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33373/as.v13i1.4338


One of the most difficult language skills to master is speaking. This also applied to SMAN 1 Pomalaa. The English teacher of the school stated that the speaking skills of the second-grade students" of the school is fairly bad. They are not able to answer simple questions in English. This was the reason the researcher wanted to find out the problems that were faced by students in speaking English at the second-grade of SMAN 1 Pomalaa. The design of this research was descriptive qualitative. The subjects were 20 students of the second-grade class. The researcher gathered data by distributing questionnaires and then interviewing the students to answer the research questions. The findings of the research showed that the students had problems in two categories, namely linguistic and psychological. The former consisted of the lack of vocabulary mastery (2.9), poor grammar mastery (2.9), and poor pronunciation (2.9). Meanwhile, the latter consisted of the lack of self-confidence (3.2) and anxiety (2.9). Furthermore, the most dominant problem is the lack of self-confidence and anxiety.
The Effect of Using Autonomous Learning Model by Duolingo-Assisted to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at VIII Class of SMPN 3 Buton Tengah Rais Abin; Netty Huzniati Andas
EduLine: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Yayasan Ahmar Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.155 KB) | DOI: 10.35877/454RI.eduline1258


The aim of this study was to find out whether the use of the Autonomous Learning Model by Duolingo-assisted has an effect on increasing the vocabulary mastery of the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Buteng. Purposive sampling was used to select 29 students in VIII grade class as sample of this research. This study applied a pre-experimental method using one class pretest and posttest. To collect data and information, researchers used tests, distributed questionnaires, and conducted interviews. From the analysis result, the researcher found that the students' average score increased from 60.94 to 86.83. Hypothesis analysis at a significant level of 0.05 showed that the value of Tcount was higher than the value of Ttable (14,662>2,048) so that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. This means that the treatment given to students, namely the Autonomous Learning Model assisted by the Duolingo application has an effect to increase vocabulary. Autonomous Learning assisted by the Duolingo application is very appropriate to use in teaching vocabulary because with this learning model students were encouraged to be more independent and responsible in learning English without others help. Duolingo as a learning media made students more interested in learning English because this application is equipped with complete features that make it easier for students to learn vocabulary.
Natural Science Education Research Science Education National Conference 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/nser.v0i0.17914


Adanya taman literasi masyarakat Ceria Bangsaku di dusun 3 Labuan Bajo ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi persoalan yang dihadapi mitra berkenaan dalam bidang literasi dan pendidikan yaitu rendahnya minat baca dan menulis pada anak-anak suku Bajo, karena tidak memiliki fasilitas berupa buku dan Taman Baca Masyarakat untuk belajar dan membaca. Kebiasaan membaca juga yang belum dimulai dari rumah dikarenakan kegiatan membaca masih belum dimanfaatkan dalam ranah keluarga. Kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk menumbuhkan minat baca pada anak-anak pesisir suku Bajo, yaitu; 1) Melengkapi kebutuhan Taman Baca Masyarakat yang lebih lengkap bagi anak-anak pesisir suku Bajo, 2) menyuplai buku-buku bacaan serta buku bacaan berbasis teknologi augmented reality, dan juga buku bacaan bahasa Inggris, 3) membuat kelas kursus membaca, menulis dan berhitung yang selalu bisa digunakan oleh anak untuk belajar. Dari pengabdian yang telah dilakukan maka diperoleh hasil yaitu terlengkapinya Taman Baca Masyarakat dengan jumlah buku yang lebih banyak dari sebelumnya, anak-anak pesisir suku Bajo banyak yang datang membaca di Taman Baca Masyarakat menjadikannya memiliki minat baca yang tinggi dan berjalannya kegiatan pojok baca atau gelar buku setiap minggu.
JOEEL: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : English Language Education Study Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38114/joeel.v4i1.276


This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Tinondo. The research purpose is to find out whether there is a significant effect of Dictogloss method on Listening skill of Narrative text at the second grade students of SMPN 1 Tinondo. The population of this research consists of 43 students. From the population, there were 22 students were taken as a sample of experimental class and 21 students were control class. The sample was taken using saturation sampling. The research method used in this research is a quantitative method using quasi experimental method. The data collected through pre-test and post-test. This aims to determine whether there is an effect of Dictogloss Method on the students' listening skill of narrative texts. The data analyzed by using t-test which showed that the value of t-test (to) was higher than t-table (tt), to > tt = 32.023 > 1,717 in a significant degree of 0,05 %. It means that the alternative hypothesis (ha) was accepted and the Null hypothesis (ho) was rejected. In conclusion, The Dictogloss method has an effect on students' listening skill.
Strategi pembelajaran bahasa berbantukan kecerdasan buatan Syarifuddin Tundreng; Kadaruddin Kadaruddin; Rais Abin; Hariadi Syam; Alifiah Pratiwi
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Vol 9, No 4 (2023): JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Theraphy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/020233183


The use of Artificial Intelligence (KB) has experienced rapid development in various fields, including education and learning. This article discusses artificial intelligence-assisted language learning strategies. The main objective of this strategy is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the language learning process by utilizing family planning technology. This article outlines various approaches that can be used in the implementation of KB-assisted learning strategies, including automated text analysis, personalized learning, adaptive feedback, language error detection, and automatic translation. The advantages and challenges of each approach are discussed in depth, as well as their potential impact on language learning outcomes. This study adopts a literature analysis approach to investigate language learning strategies assisted by artificial intelligence. The steps taken in this study include the identification and collection of relevant literature sources, as well as critical analysis of the information found. By combining the advantages of family planning technology with the principles of language learning, it is hoped that this strategy can pave the way to a more interactive, adaptive, and efficient learning experience
Strategi pembelajaran bahasa berbantukan kecerdasan buatan Syarifuddin Tundreng; Kadaruddin Kadaruddin; Rais Abin; Hariadi Syam; Alifiah Pratiwi
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Vol 9, No 4 (2023): JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Theraphy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/020233183


The use of Artificial Intelligence (KB) has experienced rapid development in various fields, including education and learning. This article discusses artificial intelligence-assisted language learning strategies. The main objective of this strategy is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the language learning process by utilizing family planning technology. This article outlines various approaches that can be used in the implementation of KB-assisted learning strategies, including automated text analysis, personalized learning, adaptive feedback, language error detection, and automatic translation. The advantages and challenges of each approach are discussed in depth, as well as their potential impact on language learning outcomes. This study adopts a literature analysis approach to investigate language learning strategies assisted by artificial intelligence. The steps taken in this study include the identification and collection of relevant literature sources, as well as critical analysis of the information found. By combining the advantages of family planning technology with the principles of language learning, it is hoped that this strategy can pave the way to a more interactive, adaptive, and efficient learning experience