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Prinsip Tanggung Jawab Orangtua Biologis terhadap Anak Di Luar Perkawinan Rachmadi Usman
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 11, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (961.359 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk1119


Every children should get law protection, also children who born from unmarried parent. If it is not, that children be a victim, whereas they was born in holy condition without any mistakes, even they was born as a adultery action. The children who born from unmarried parents often get discrimination and stereotype in society. Because that, toward give protection for children who born from unmarried parents and obligate the father to responsible, Constitutional Court decide provision Article 43 paragraph (1) Act Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage is against Constitution of 1945 conditionally, unconstitutional as long as that provision interpretation omit private/civil relation between the man who proved by science and technology and/or other evidence by Law have relationship with their father, and then every children who born from unmarried parents have private/ civil relation not only  with their mother and her family, but also with their father and his family. This decision rise change of meaning and law definition concerning children who born from unmarried parent, include children from adultery couple, as long  as  can  prove by law they have relationship with the man as father also have private/ civil relation with their father and his family. But in other side, Constitutional Court also rise parent (father) biologic principle against children, include children who born from unmarried parent.
Makna Pengalihan Hak Kepemilikan Benda Objek Jaminan Fidusia Atas Dasar Kepercayaan Rachmadi Usman
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 28 No. 1: JANUARI 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/iustum.vol28.iss1.art7


The concept of fiduciary in legislation is “the transfer of ownership rights to an object on the basis of belief”, while jurisprudence defines it as “the transfer of property rights based on trust”. However, the object whose ownership rights have been transferred remains in the hands of the fiduciary. This fiduciary concept contains ambiguity, because in its imposition it is not clear how the transfer of property rights to the object of the fiduciary guarantee. The juridical and actual submission of movable objects generally occurs at the same time. The meaning of the transfer of ownership rights to objects of fiduciary security on the basis of this belief needs to be examined. This is a normative legal research using a statutory and historical approach. The results of the study conclude that the real and juridical submission of fiduciary security does not occur at the same time. The transfer of ownership rights to the object of fiduciary security is carried out as collateral for debt repayment, meaning false delivery, not really in the sense of the transfer of real ownership rights. The real delivery only occurs when the fiduciary is deemed in default, on the other hand the object of the fiduciary guarantee will be returned if the fiduciary is not in default. This transfer of ownership rights to the object of fiduciary security is intended to give the fiduciary the authority to act to sell the object of fiduciary security as well as to give preference to other creditors.
Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia Vol 15, No 3 (2018): Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia - September 2018
Publisher : Direktorat Jenderal Peraturan Perundang-undang, Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.378 KB) | DOI: 10.54629/jli.v15i3.222


AbstrakBerdasarkan UU No. 30/2004 tentang Peraturan Jabatan Notaris sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No. 2/2014, kewenangan notaris sebagai pejabat umum adalah membuat akta notaris yang merupakan akta autentik, sepanjang pembuatan akta itu tidak juga ditugaskan atau dikecualikan kepada pejabat lain atau orang lain yang ditetapkan undang-undang. Sejalan dengan itu, Pasal 15 ayat (1) UU No. 4/1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan Atas Tanah Beserta Benda-benda yang Berkaitan dengan Tanah memberikan kewenangan kepada notaris untuk membuat SKMHT. SKMHT di sini dikerjakan, dihasilkan atau diciptakan sendiri oleh notaris yang bersangkutan. Notaris tidak berwenang mengisi atau mengikuti blangko/formulir/isian akta SKMHT yang telah disediakan pihak pertanahan. Pembuatan SKMHT dengan cara mengisi blangko/formulir/isian SKMHT yang disediakan pihak pertanahan merupakan tindakan hukum yang berada di luar kewenangan notaris untuk membuat akta, notaris wajib membuat kuasa membebankan Hak Tanggungan tersebut dalam bentuk akta, bukan surat seperti SKMHT. Oleh karena itu, SKMHT yang dibuat notaris dengan menggunakan blangko/formulir/isian SKMHT yang disediakan pihak pertanahan tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai akta notaris, karena tidak berwenangnya pejabat umum yang bersangkutan atau tidak mempunyai pejabat umum yang bersangkutan. Bilamana notaris bermaksud membuat kuasa membebankan Hak Tanggungan, hendaknya pemberian kuasa membebankan Hak Tanggungan tersebut dituangkan dalam Akta Membebankan Hak Tanggungan atau Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan, sehingga notaris tidak bertindak di luar kewenangannya dalam membuat akta. Kata Kunci: Akta Notaris, Kewenangan Notaris, SKHMT  AbstractBased on Law no. 30/2004 on the Regulation of Notary Office as amended by Law no. 2/2014, the authority of a Notary as a public official is to make a notarial deed which is an authentic deed, as long as the deed is not also assigned or excluded to other officials or other persons stipulated by law. Accordingly, Article 15 paragraph (1) of Law no. 4/1996 on the Rights of the dependent authorizes the notary to make SKMHT. SKMHT here is done, produced or created by the notary concerned itself. Notary is not authorized to fill or follow blank/form/field of SKMHT deed which has been provided by the land party. The making of SKMHT by filling in SKMHT forms/forms/fields provided by the land party is a legal action that is outside the authority of a notary to make the deed, the notary must make the power to impose the Mortgage right in the form of deed, not a letter like SKMHT. Therefore, SKMHT made by a notary using SKMHT forms/forms/fields provided by the land party does not qualify as a notarial deed, because it is not authorized to the general official concerned or does not have the relevant public official. If the notary intends to authorize the burden of the Deposit, the authorization to impose the Deposit Insurance is stipulated in the Deed of Burdening the Deposit or the Power of Deposit Insurance, so that the notary does not act outside his authority in making the deed. Key Words: Authority of Notary, SKMHT, Notary Deed 
Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia Vol 17, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia - Maret 2020
Publisher : Direktorat Jenderal Peraturan Perundang-undang, Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.67 KB) | DOI: 10.54629/jli.v17i1.567


The validity of a notary deed as an authentic deed is determined in Article 1 number 1 and Article 38 of Law Number 30/2004 concerning the Position of Notary as amended by Law Number 2 of 2014 and Article 1868 of Burgerlijk Wetboek. This provision requires the authenticity of a notarial deed because the deed was made by or in the presence of a public official, the deed was made in the form and procedure (procedure) and conditions determined by law, and the general official who made the deed has the authority to make the deed concerned. Based on this provision, the Power of Attorney Imposing Mortgage Rights (SKMHT) made before a Notary Public using the SKMHT provided by the land party does not qualify as a Notarial Deed, therefore not making binding force (invalid) as an authentic deed, which is because it was made by officials who are generally not authorized and contain disabilities as authentic deeds. SKMHT contains a defect as an authentic deed because the form of SKMHT is not stipulated by law, it is only determined based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs / Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency Number 3 of 1997 concerning Provisions for Implementing Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration as amended by Regulation The Head of the National Land Agency Number 8 of 2012 and its form did not meet the requirements as a notarial deed. Therefore, in accordance with Article 38 of Law Number 30/2004 as amended by Law Number 2 of 2014 and Article 1869 of Burgerlijk Wetboek, such SKMHT deed is only located as a deed under the hand, so it does not have the strength of proof. In connection with that, in order for the authenticity of the power to impose Mortgage Rights (HT) fulfilled, the form of power to charge the HT should be made with a notarial deed by following the form and terms of the notary deed or the form of the SKMHT must be specified in the law.
Yuridika Vol. 32 No. 1 (2017): Volume 32 No 1 January 2017
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.018 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/ydk.v32i1.4431


Payment transactions with electronic money were conducted by transferring the fund electronically to merchant terminal, which would directly subtract the value of electronic money on electronic device managed by the owner. The characteristic of electronic money are as follows: to be deposited in advance to the issuer; the sum of money is electronically deposited in a particular medium, it can be card or other communication instrument; its function is as a non cash payment instrument to merchant not to the issuer of electronic money; and the sum of electronic money does not constitute saving product because it does not include in those guaranteed by Deposit Guarantor and it is not given any interest or reward. Electronic money is essentially cashless money, whose monetary value comes from the value of money deposited in advance to the publisher, then stored electronically in an electronic media such as server (hard drive) or chip card, which functions as a Non-cash payment instrument to the non-electronic issuer concerned. The monetary value of the electronic money is in electronic form (electronic value) obtained by redeeming a sum of cash or debiting his account in the bank and then stored electronically in electronic media in the form of a stored value card.
Prinsip Tanggung Jawab Orangtua Biologis terhadap Anak Di Luar Perkawinan Rachmadi Usman
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 11, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (961.359 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk1119


Every children should get law protection, also children who born from unmarried parent. If it is not, that children be a victim, whereas they was born in holy condition without any mistakes, even they was born as a adultery action. The children who born from unmarried parents often get discrimination and stereotype in society. Because that, toward give protection for children who born from unmarried parents and obligate the father to responsible, Constitutional Court decide provision Article 43 paragraph (1) Act Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage is against Constitution of 1945 conditionally, unconstitutional as long as that provision interpretation omit private/civil relation between the man who proved by science and technology and/or other evidence by Law have relationship with their father, and then every children who born from unmarried parents have private/ civil relation not only  with their mother and her family, but also with their father and his family. This decision rise change of meaning and law definition concerning children who born from unmarried parent, include children from adultery couple, as long  as  can  prove by law they have relationship with the man as father also have private/ civil relation with their father and his family. But in other side, Constitutional Court also rise parent (father) biologic principle against children, include children who born from unmarried parent.
Penetapan Pengadilan terhadap Status Anak Li'an dari Perkawinan yang Sah berdasarkan Test Deoksiribo Nuklead Acid Rachmadi Usman; Diana Rahmawati
Lambung Mangkurat Law Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Program Magister Kenotariatan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Lambung Mangkurat bekerjasama den

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32801/lamlaj.v4i2.129


Sesuai dengan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010bertanggal 17 Pebruari 2012, Test Deoksiribo Nuklead Acid (Tes DNA) dapat menjadialat bukti yang autentik untuk mengetahui asal usul benih dari janin yang dikandungoleh isteri yang di-li’an suaminya. Jika terbukti berdasarkan tes DNA,anak li’an itu memang anak dari suami yang me-li’an isterinya, maka upaya pemulihanterhadap status dan hak anak dapat dilakukan melalui proses pengadilan berdasarkanPasal 43 ayat (1) dan Pasal 55 ayat (2) UU No. 1/1974 dan Pasal 103 ayat (2) Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Upaya pemulihan status dan hak anak li’an itu dapat dilakukan melalui penetapan pengadilan berdasarkan bukti tes DNA, jika terbukti anak li’an mempunyai hubungan darah dengan ayahnya, hakim dapat membatalkan pengingkaran anak karena zina (melalui li’an) sebagai dasar mengubah status hukum anak li’an menjadi anaknya yang sah (anak istilhag), yang berakibat pulih kembali hubungan nasab dan keperdataan lainnya dengan ayahnya dan keluarga ayahnya.
The Urgency of Protecting Children Born from Women had Ceased Her Marriage Due to Li'an*) Rachmadi Usman; Diana Rahmawati
Lambung Mangkurat Law Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Program Magister Kenotariatan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Lambung Mangkurat bekerjasama den

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32801/lamlaj.v3i2.72


A husband is given the right to deny the child born by his wife as his child, while his wife denies the accusation. If a husband accuses his wife of adultery, but does not complete the evidence by presenting 4 witnesses and his wife refutes the accusation, then they can take the oath of li'an. The child born of the oath of li'an is a child who called as mula’nah or an adulterous child or a child born out of marriage. As a result of the legal li'an child, this adulterous child does not have nasab, marriage guardian, inheritance and a living with the man who caused his birth. In order for the li'an child not to be abandoned by his biological father, a biological father should be appointed to take responsibility for fulfilling the life needs of the li'an child concerned. The government has the authority to determine the punishment of ta'zir to the adulterous man by obliging him to fulfill the life needs of theli'an child, even obliging him to give part of the assets after he dies through obligatory wasiat. This is done in order to fulfill the sense of justice and the interests of children and human rights of a child.  
Policy On The Implementation Of Restrictions On Community Activities (PPKM) Based On Inclusive Law Muh Akbar Fhad Syahril; Ade Risna Sari; Fuad Fuad; Rachmadi Usman; Baren Sipayung
DE LEGA LATA: JURNAL ILMU HUKUM Vol 8, No 1 (2023): January-June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/dll.v8i1.12480


The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world has impacted the crisis in all aspects of human life. The COVID-19 pandemic, which was initially a health crisis, quickly transformed into an economic, social, political, and even environmental crisis. The Indonesian government is trying to control the spread of COVID-19 by issuing various policies, one of which is the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). However, PPKM has attracted a lot of controversy because it is felt that it has made it difficult for many people in the context of mobility and seems to violate personal rights. This study aims to analyze PPKM policy with an inclusive legal approach. As part of the social order, in addition to norms of decency and religion, inclusive law protects and integrates the interests of members of society. This research method is normative-juridical with a statutory and conceptual approach. The data obtained are analyzed qualitatively and presented descriptively. The results showed that the PPKM policy is an effort to overcome the decline of society due to the pandemic and follows the concept of inclusive law. Between inclusive law and legal reality, there is a commonality in seeing the various interests of members of society that will create order in life. This makes people able to live with certainty and create order. The Indonesian government chose to seek an orderly situation by imposing a ban on mobility through PPKM
Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Kebakaran Lahan Gambut dan Hutan Yulia Qamariyanti; Rachmadi Usman; Diana Rahmawati
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 21, No 1 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.21.1.132-142


Area gambut di Indonesia mencakup luas + 22 Juta Hektar dan tersebar utamanya di Pulau Sumatera, Pulau Kalimantan dan Pulau Papua. Salah satu yang terjadi pada lahan gambut pada saat musim kemarau adalah mudah terbakar, karena lahan gambut menjadi kering dan sangat rentan munculnya titik api (hotspot). Lahan gambut yang kering akan mudah terbakar dan menyebar secara luas apalagi tingkat kekencangan angin yang tinggi. Kebakaran yang terjadi akan banyak mengakibatkan kerugian bagi kelestarian ekosistem lingkungan hidup, lahan dan rumah milik warga masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah: untuk mengkaji tentang penyebab dan dampak terjadinya kebakaran lahan gambut dan hutan di provinsi Kalimantan Selatan; dan untuk mengkaji upaya pemerintah untuk melakukan pencegahan dan penanggulan kebakaran lahan gambut dan hutan di provinsi Kalimantan Selatan;  Hasil Penelitian adalah: 1. Penyebab terjadinya kebakaran lahan gambut dan hutan di provinsi Kalimantan Selatan adalah: masyarakat membuka lahan pertanian atau perkebunan; sistem pengelolaan hutan yang tidak memberikan manfaat ekonomi yang memicu masyarakat bertindak anarkis; pembalakan liar atau illegal logging menghasilkan lahan-lahan kritis; kebutuhan akan Hijauan Makanan Ternak (HMT);  perambahan hutan (perambah hutan); ketidaksengajaan dari pelaku (menyalakan rokok dan membuang puntung rokok dalam kawasan hutan); g. Belum maksimal penegakan hukum dan kepedulian para pihak. Sedangkan dampaknya adalah: kabut asap sulit dihilangkan dan diperkirakan akan abadi hingga tibanya musim hujan dan dampaknya mengganggu seluruh sektor; kabut asap pekat mengganggu aktivitas masyarakat; kabut asap mengganggu aktivitas penerbangan di bandara; kualitas udara tidak sehat/ berbahaya. 2. Upaya pemerintah untuk melakukan pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran lahan gambut dan hutan adalah dengan membuat kebijakan perangkat peraturan perundangundangan yang dibuat dari aturan yang bersifat nasional sampai ke tingkat pemerintahan dibawahnya. Karena penyelenggaraan penanggulangan bencana merupakan tanggung jawab Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah, yang dilaksanakan secara terencana, terpadu, terkoordinasi dan menyeluruh pada 3 (tiga) tahapan: a. Pra-Bencana; b. Saat Tanggap Darurat; c. Pasca Bencana.