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SISTEM INFOMASI PENYEWAAN LAPANGAN OLAHRAGA MENGGUNAKAN METODE WATERFALL PADA GREEN GARDEN SPORT CENTER -, Surtika Ayumida; -, Lukmanul Hakim; - Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Mohammad Syamsul Azis; - Universitas Nusa Mandiri, Chika Mahaulika
IJNS - Indonesian Journal on Networking and Security Vol 10, No 4 (2021): IJNS Desember 2021
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonesia

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Abstract - Today the world is familiar with internet-based technologies such as websites where all the desired information can be obtained easily. Green Garden Sport Center is still using a manual system in the field rental process. With the website of the Sports Field Rental Information System at the Karawang Green Garden Sport Center, it is expected to be able to assist customers in field bookings and assist in the data collection process. In building this system the author uses support tools with object-oriented methodology namely UML because UML supports the programming language of web applications, PHP and MySQL, while for writing PHP scripts the writer uses Sublime Text 3, the browser, functions to see the appearance of PHP commands that have been run on a web server. Examples of browsers are: Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, in designing this the author uses Mozilla Firefox. The system produced from the tools above will be far more optimal in terms of efficiency and effectiveness and easy to understand. With the creation of sports field rentals through the internet, it makes it easy for customers to determine schedules and find out information about available sports fields so that they do not experience schedule conflicts in managing field rentals, and can make it easier for administrators to manage field data, schedules and tenant data. Keywords : Information System, Sports Field Rentals Abstrak - Saat ini dunia telah mengenal teknologi berbasis internet seperti website dimana segala informasi yang diinginkan bisa diperoleh dengan mudah. Lapangan Olahraga Green Garden Sport Center masih menggunakan sistem manual dalam proses penyewaan lapangan. Dengan adanya website Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Lapangan Olahraga Pada Green Garden Sport Center Karawang diharapkan dapat membantu customer dalam pemesanan lapangan serta membantu dalam proses pendataan. Dalam membangun sistem ini penulis menggunakan alat pendukung dengan metodologi yang berorientasi objek yaitu UML karena UML mendukung bahasa pemrograman aplikasi web, PHP dan MySQL, sedangkan untuk penulisan script PHP penulis menggunakan Sublime Text 3, browser, berfungsi untuk melihat tampilan perintah-perintah PHP yang telah dijalankan di web server. Contoh browser yaitu: Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, dalam merancang ini penulis menggunakan Mozilla Firefox. Sistem yang dihasilkan dari tools diatas akan jauh lebih optimal dari segi efisiensi dan efektifitas serta mudah dipahami. Dengan dibuatnya penyewaan lapangan olahraga melalui internet ini, memudahkan bagi customer dalam menentukan jadwal dan mengetahui informasi tentang lapangan olahraga yang tersedia agar tidak mengalami bentrokan jadwal dalam pengelolaan penyewaan lapangan, serta dapat mempermudah admin dalam mengelola data lapangan, jadwal dan data penyewa. Kata kunci : Sistem Informasi, Penyewaan Lapangan Olahraga
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 4 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (576.73 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i4.5039


Abstrak: Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia terjadi lebih dari setahun. Angka penularan dan angka kematiannya masih tinggi khususnya di wilayah Jabodetabek dan Karawang. Prodi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Kampus Karawang menyelenggarakan pengabdian masyarakat (PkM) berupa sosialisasi protokol kesehatan (prokes) dari aspek sosial budaya kepada karyawan perusahaan mitra, mahasiswa, dosen, dan masyarakat sekitar. Tujuannya meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran peserta agar menerapkan prokes. Metode yang digunakan penyuluhan, diikuti enam puluh delapan peserta. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan survei kuesioner dua minggu pasca penyuluhan. Hasilnya, tingkat kepatuhan melaksankan prokes secara umum termasuk kategori sedang yaitu sebesar 63,23 persen. Tingkat kepatuhan melaksanakan prokes yang tinggi pada penggunaan masker dan mencuci tangan. Sementara penggunaan hand sanitizer dan menghindari berjabat tangan masih rendah. Alasan peserta enggan melaksanakan prokes yaitu tidak adanya orang sekitar yang terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19, harga hand sanitizer dianggap mahal, ringannya sanksi, prokes dianggap merepotkan, dan rendahnya keteladanan. Sebanyak 52,9 persen responden tidak percaya dapat tertular Covid-19. Sebelum obat ditemukan, penyuluhan perlu dilaksanakan agar partisipasi masyarakat melaksanakan prokes Covid-19 meningkat.Abstract:  The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has been going on for more than a year. The transmission rate and death rate are still high, especially in the Greater Jakarta and Karawang areas. The Accounting Information System Study Program of Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Karawang Campus, organizes community service in the form of socializing health protocols from socio-cultural aspects to employees of partner company, students, lecturers, and the surrounding community. The goal is to increase the knowledge and awareness of participants to apply the Covid-19 health protocol. The method used is counseling, followed by sixty-eight participants. Evaluation with a questionnaire survey two weeks after counseling. As a result, the level of compliance in implementing health protocols is in the moderate category in general, which is 63.23 percent. High level of adherence to the use of masks and hand washing. While the use of hand sanitizer and avoiding handshake is still low. The reasons participants did not want to implement the health protocols were that no one around them was confirmed to be positive for Covid-19, the price of hand sanitizers was considered expensive, sanctions were light for violators, health protocols were considered troublesome, and role models did not set an example. As many as 52.9 percent of respondents do not believe they can contract Covid-19. Before drugs are found, counseling needs to be carried out so that community participation in implementing the Covid-19 health protocol increase.
Pelatihan Pemasaran Online Berbasis Marketplace Bagi UMKM Dalam Merespon Perubahan Perilaku Konsumen Lukmanul Hakim
LOYALITAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : IAI Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (792.72 KB) | DOI: 10.30739/loyal.v2i1.353


Internet users are increasing every year. According to the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association in 2017, internet users in Indonesia accounted for 143.26 million people or 54.7 percent of the total population. Business people take advantage of this momentum by implementing online-based marketing. The community responded positively and began to switch to online shopping. There are many companies that have implemented online-based marketing which has the effect of reducing sales turnover of other companies that are not yet online. The purpose of community service activities is to improve the knowledge and skills of the company's human resources to be able to implement marketplace-based online marketing. The main activity consists of one day training for making marketplace accounts and online marketing assistance for one month. It is expected that with this activity, partner companies can develop marketplace-based online marketing independently. One day training model followed by one-month online mentoring can be used as a reference for similar activities.
Procuratio : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Procuratio : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Publisher : Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia

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The business incubator was first established in the United States in 1959, then developed and spread throughout the world. In line with the growth of business incubators, academics around the world are interested in researching business incubators and publishing them in internationally reputable scientific journals. This study aims to describe the development of business incubator research published in internationally reputable scientific journals. The research method used is quantitative descriptive bibliometric analysis approach. Data sources were obtained from the Scopus database with restrictions on articles published in the last ten years. Data were analyzed with the Analyze menu on Scopus and VOSviewer software. Research findings based on bibliometric analysis: Publication of Scopus indexed business incubators in 2010 - 2019 totaling 410 articles with 947 authors, and 160 different keywords; The most publications in 2019 were 91 articles; The Journal of Technology Transfer becomes the core journal of business incubator research publications; The most prolific writers are Baskaran, A. and Schwartz, M .; Most of the research affiliations are from Universidade de São Paulo-Brazil and Universidad de Santiago de Compostela-Spain; Most contributors are United States citizens. Research conclusions: First, the development of business incubator research published in the scientific journal Scopus indexed in 2009-2019 experienced positive growth. Second, bibliometric visualization of network maps based on keywords is divided into eight clusters and network maps based on the author are divided into four clusters. Inkubator bisnis pertama kali didirikan di Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1959, kemudian berkembang dan menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan inkubator bisnis, para akademisi di dunia tertarik meneliti inkubator bisnis dan mempublikasikannya pada jurnal ilmiah bereputasi internasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perkembangan penelitian inkubator bisnis yang dipublikasi pada jurnal ilmiah bereputasi internasional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan analisis bibliometrik. Sumber data diperoleh dari database Scopus dengan pembatasan artikel yang terbit sepuluh tahun terakhir. Data dianalisis dengan menu Analyze pada Scopus dan perangkat lunak VOSviewer. Temuan penelitian berdasarkan analisis bibliometrik: Publikasi penelitian inkubator bisnis yang terindeks Scopus tahun 2010 – 2019 sebanyak sebanyak 410 artikel dengan 947 penulis, dan 160 kata kunci yang berbeda; Publikasi paling banyak pada tahun 2019 yaitu sebanyak 91 artikel; Journal Of Technology Transfer menjadi jurnal inti publikasi penelitian inkubator bisnis; Penulis terproduktif adalah Baskaran, A. dan Schwartz, M.; Afiliasi peneliti terbanyak berasal dari Universidade de Sao Paulo-Brazil dan Universidad de Santiago de Compostela-Spanyol; Kontributor terbanyak berkebangsaan Amerika Serikat. Kesimpulan penelitian : Pertama, perkembangan penelitian inkubator bisnis yang dipublikasi pada jurnal ilmiah terindeks Scopus tahun 2009-2019 mengalami pertumbuhan yang positif. Kedua, visualisasi bibliometrik peta jaringan berdasarkan kata kunci terbagi menjadi delapan klaster dan peta jaringan berdasarkan penulis terbagi menjadi empat klaster.
Perancangan Aplikasi Berbasis Desktop Dengan Microsoft Visual Basic (Studi Kasus: Aplikasi Absensi Anak Magang 1.0) Mohammad Syamsul Azis; Lukmanul Hakim; Walim
Jurnal RESPONSIF: Riset Sains & Informatika Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Responsif : Riset Sains dan Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas BSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51977/jti.v2i1.170


Magang merupakan kegiatan wajib bagi mahasiswa tingkat akhir pada perkuliahan program diploma tiga. Kebijakan di lingkungan Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, kegiatan magang dilakukan pada semester lima. Mengingat jumlah mahasiswa yang terlibat banyak dan kegiatan magang dilakukan untuk jangka waktu lama yaitu sekitar tiga sampai enam bulan maka kegiatan magang perlu dicacat dengan cermat melalui suatu aplikasi. Abang 1.0 singkatan dari Absensi Anak Magang generasi pertama. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Tujuan aplikasi ini adalah untuk mencatat kehadiran, kegiatan, agenda dan aktivitas-aktivitas lainnya yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa selama magang pada suatu organisasi baik di perusahaan maupun instansi pemerintah. Metode yang digunakan untuk merancang aplikasi ini adalah dengan metode waterfall. Metode ini diawali dengan tahap analisis, desain, pengodean, pengujian dan pemeliharaan. Aplikasi Abang 1.0 telah diuji coba pada mahasiswa magang Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika di Kampus Karawang dan Kampus Cikampek selama dua semester, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pelaporan aplikasi Abang 1.0 lebih efektif dan efisien daripada cara manual berbasis kertas.
Pelatihan Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Keuangan dengan Zahir Accounting Di Yayasan Raudhah Syarifah Kabupaten Purwakarta Lukmanul Hakim; Dede Firmansyah Saefudin; Suhardi Suhardi; Ratnawati Ratnawati; Widi Witriani; Dita Meiliani
Jurnal Abdimas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Volume 1 No 2 November 2021: Jurnal Abdimas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (986.998 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/abdiekbis.v1i2.735


The purpose of this community service activity (PkM) is to implement the management of financial reports with the desktop version of the Zahir Accounting application in educational institutions. Training is used as a method in PkM activities both offline and online with the Zoom Clouds Meeting application. The activity was held on Sunday 3 October 2021 at the Foundation Hall located in Purwakarta Regency. The conclusions from the results of the PkM implementation are: First, the financial recording and reporting training activities with Zahir Accounting as community service at the Raudhah Syarifah Foundation, Purwakarta Regency were successfully held. Second, Zahir Accounting Software can be implemented in educational institutions that are categorized as service companies. Third, the use of Zahir Accounting can improve the quality of financial recording and reporting. Fourth, there was an increase in the knowledge of participants by 81.8 percent and an increase in the skills of participants by 54.55 percent. Fifth, the level of participants' satisfaction with the implementation of PKM is in the high category. Recommendations for further activities are to increase the training time to two working days, increase case examples, and provide assistance when partner institutions implement the Zahir Accounting application.
Strategi Promosi Melalui Public Relations Kebudayaan Mapag Menak Ani Solihat; Lukmanul Hakim; Rani Rahmayani; Andry Trijumansyah
Jurnal Kajian Pariwisata Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kajian Pariwisata
Publisher : LPPM STP ARS Internasional

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Kebudayaan Mapag Menak merupakan sebuah upacara tradisi turun temurun untuk menyambut tamu yang dilakukan oleh seluruh warga desa dengan sukarela dengan melakukan arak-arakan, pencak silat dan menyajikan makanan. Arak - arakan yang khas adalah dodombaan dan para tamu akan diarak di atas boneka domba, selanjutnya jamuan makanan untuk para tamu disajikan dengan 31 jenis kuliner tradisional. Kebudayaan Mapag Menak sampai saat ini telah dikelola oleh Padepokan Seni Kebudayaan Saung Langit Pancanitis yang berlokasi di Desa Nagrak, Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Bandung sampai saat ini masih banyak yang belum mengetahui Kebudayaan Mapag Menak hal ini menunjukan kebudayaan tersebut masih belum tersebar luas merata pada seluruh tatar Sunda apalagi secara nasional sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah strategi promosi melalui public relation, yang diupayakan sebagai langkah memperkenalkan dan mensosialisasikan, Kebudayaan Mapag Menak Desa Nagrak, Kecamatan Pacet, Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Dengan hasil penelitian Padepokan Seni Kebudayaan Saung Langit Pancanitis masih belum menggunakan public relations untuk mempromosikan dan memperkenalkan Kebudayaan Mapag Menak dan jika public relations dimanfaatkan sebagai media untuk memperkenalkan, mempromosikan, mensosialisasikan Kebudayaan Mapag Menak sehingga diharapkan seluruh masyarakat Sunda dan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia dapat mengetahui Kebudayaan Mapag Menak.
Dampak Lingkungan Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Pariwisata Berwirausaha Didin Syarifuddin; Iis Iskandar; Lukmanul Hakim
Jurnal Pariwisata Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Jurnal PARIWISATA
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (124.52 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/par.v4i1.1831


ABSTRAKFaktor penentu kemajuan sebuah bangsa salah satunya adalah tingginya jumlah masyarakat yang berwirausaha. Indonesia sampai saat ini baru mencapai angka 1.65 persen atau 3.795.000 jiwa yang berwirausaha dari total penduduk sekitar 230 juta jiwa. Padahal jumlah minimal wirausaha yang bisa jadi penopang pembangunan kemajuan sebuah bangsa adalah sebanyak dua persen atau 4.600.000 jiwa, artinya masih ada kekurangan sebanyak 805.000 jiwa. Rendahnya wirausaha yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat ternyata salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah lingkungan, bisa lingkungan keluarga, kampus, masyarakat dan lingkungan media sosial. Hal inipun terjadi pada mahasiswa di lingkungan Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata ARS Internasional, Bandung. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan lingkungan tempat interaksi sosial mahasiswa, minat berwirausaha serta dampak lingkungan terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif verifikatif, yaitu untuk menjelaskan hubungan kausalitas lingkungan terhadap minat berwirausaha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dukungan lingkungan keluarga, teman, masyarakat dan media sosial, mendukung mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha. Sementara minat yang tumbuh pada mahasiswa dilihat dari ketertarikan, perhatian, keinginan, sampai pada kemauan untuk berwirausaha dengan kategori baik.  Dampak lingkungan terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha, sebesar 39 persen. Artinya bahwa lingkungan menjadi faktor penentu tumbuhnya minat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha. Semakin sering mahasiswa berada dalam lingkungan yang memberikan motivasi berwirausaha, maka semakin tinggi pula minat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha yang dimungkinkan dapat memulai berwirausaha.  Kata Kunci: Wirausaha, Lingkungan Keluarga, Lingkungan Pergaulan Teman, Masyarakat, Media Sosial, Dan Minat Berwirausaha.  ABSTRACTDeterminant factor of progress of a nation is the high number of people who are entrepreneurship. Indonesia has been only reached 1.65 percent, or 3.795 million people of the total population of around 230 million people. Whereas a minimum number of entrepreneurship who may be supporting the progress of a nation is two percent, or 4,600,000 people, that means there is still shortage of as many as 805,000 people. Low entrepreneurship by the community turns out that one contributing factor is the environment, can be a family environment, peer gourp (campus), community and social media environment. This also happens to students at ARS International, School of Tourism, Bandung. This paper aims to describe the environment in which social interaction of students, interest in entrepreneurship as well as the environmental impact of the interest of students to entrepreneurship. The method used is verivicative method, is to explain the causality of the interest in entrepreneurship environment. The results showed that the support of family, peer group, community and social media, support students for entrepreneurship. While a growing interest on student views of interest, attention, desire, until the willingness to self-employed with either category. The environmental impact of the interest of students to entrepreneurship, 39 percent. It means that the environment becomes a decisive factor for the growth of student interest in entrepreneurship. The more often students are in an environment that is motivating entrepreneurship, the higher the interest of students to entrepreneurship are possible can start entrepreneurship.Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Family Environment, Peer Group (Campus), Community, Social Media, And Interest In Entrepreneurship.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Inventory Safety Tools pada PT. Kumpul Mas Abadi Surtika Ayumida; Lukmanul Hakim; Sely Fitria Dewi
PROFITABILITAS Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Kampu Kabupaten Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/profitabilitas.v2i1.1289


PT Kumpul Mas Abadi is a company that supplies safety tools. Currently, inventory management is experiencing problems because it is still done manually. The purpose of this study is to design a website-based computerized inventory information system to replace the manual system. The research method used is software development with the Water Fall method. The results showed: First, the design of the inventory information system at PT Kumpul Mas Abadi has been completed using the PHP programming language and the Laravel framework; Second, the design of information systems using the Waterfall Method consists of three stages, namely system design, software design, and implementation design; Third, the implementation of a website-based information system needs to be implemented immediately so that companies get various benefits, namely inventory management becomes more effective and efficient which in turn can support increased productivity and company performance.
Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Pada Puskesmas Tirtamulya Kabupaten Karawang Surtika Ayumida; Lukmanul Hakim; Gabriela Juni Sabatini
PROFITABILITAS Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Teknologi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi
Publisher : Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Kampu Kabupaten Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (560.075 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/profitabilitas.v1i1.421


The development of information technology has grown so rapidly, one of which is a website-based information system which has many advantages over conventional paper-based systems and desktop-based information systems. This study aims to offer a solution to the Puskesmas Tirtamulya in Karawang Regency to implement a website-based medical record information system. The research method used is the application design with the Waterfall Model from Pressman. The results of the study created a website-based information system for the Puskesmas Tirtamulya, Karawang Regency with the following advantages: First, eliminating the possibility of duplicate patient data; Second, the process of searching for medical record data is easier to find; Third, it saves space because patient data and medical records are stored in the form of computer files, not in the form of paper documents; The four patient data and medical records are backed up online and periodically so that the data is stored safely; Fifth, the data stored in the system can be used as information as a basis for decision making by the puskesmas leadership. However, this website-based information system has requirements so that the system can run smoothly, namely further development costs are needed, competent management human resources are needed in the field of information technology, require data access subscription fees and require monthly system and network maintenance so that the system can go according to plan.