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Faktor Risiko Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita di Kabupaten Kerinci Provinsi Jambi Eti kurniawati
Journal of Health Science and Physiotherapy Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Journal of Health Science and Physiotherapy
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Siti Hajar Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35893/jhsp.v2i2.45


Pembangunan kesehatan dalam periode tahun 2015-2019 difokuskan pada empat program prioritas, yaitu salah satunya penurunan prevalensi balita pendek (Stunting). Data dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jambi menurut Kabupaten adalah tertinggi di Kabupaten Kerinci sebesar 35,0%. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian Stunting pada Balita di wilayah Kecamatan Siulak Kabupaten Kerinci tahun 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain Case Control. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan tekhnik Multistage Random Sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memiliki balita yang Stunting dan tidak Stunting dengan jumlah sampel 88 responden, sebanyak 44 (kasus) dan 44 orang (kontrol). Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian dilakukan uji chi-square didapatkan Pengetahuan Ibu (p=0,032), Penggunaan Jamban (p=0,005), Pendapatan Keluarga (p=0,007), ASI eksklusif (p=0,001), MP-ASI (p=0,011), Imunisasi dasar (p=0,029), dan Pengasuh Anak (p=0,018). Hal ini menyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara Pengetahuan Ibu, Penggunaan Jamban, Pendapatan Keluarga, ASI eksklusif, MP-ASI, Imunisasi dasar, dan Pengasuh Anak. Kesimpulan masih perlu upaya yang keras untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan serta merubah perilaku agar masyarakat terdorong melakukan upaya yang baik menjaga kesehatan balita khususnya Stunting. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan Instansi terkait dan tenaga kesehatan untuk lebih meningkatkan perannya dalam memberikan informasi dan upaya terkait faktor-faktor terhadap kejadian Stunting. Kata kunci: Stunting, Pengetahuan,Jamban, Pendapatan Keluarga, ASI Eksklusif, MP-ASI, Imunisasi Dasar, Pengasuh Anak.
Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Gejala Klinis Dermatitis Kontak pada Kelompok Petani Kelapa di Mendahara Ilir Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur Ana Jumiati; Eti Kurniawati; Akhsin Munawar
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Mulawarman (JKMM) Vol.2 No.2 Desember(2020) : Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Mulawarman (JKMM)
Publisher : Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/jkmm.v2i2.4694


Latar Belakang & Tujuan: Dermatitis kontak akibat kerja didefinisikan sebagai penyakit kulit dimana pajanan di tempat kerja merupakan faktor penyebab yang utama serta faktor kontributor. Petani terpapar pestisida mulai saat pencampuran dan sampai panen selesai selain terpapar pestisida pupuk juga dikaitkan dengan dermatitis kontak akibat kejra. Determinan terjadinya dermatitis kontak adalah personal hygiene, alat pelindung diri dan pengetahuan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan gejala klinis dermatitis kontak pada kelompok tani di Mendahara Ilir. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah kelompok petani di Mendahara Ilir sebanyak 97 responden. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2020. Instrumen penelitian adalah lembar observasi dan kuesioner. Uji statistik yang digunakan uji chi-square. Hasil: Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa 67 (69,1%) responden memiliki gejala klinis dermatitis kontak, 52 (53,6%) responden memiliki pengetahuan rendah, 60 (61,9%) memiliki personal hygiene kurang baik dan 53 (54,6%) responden tidak lengkap menggunakan APD. Hasil bivariat diketahui ada hubungan antara pengetahuan (p value=0,001), personal hygiene (p value=0,001) dan penggunaan APD (p value=0,001) dengan gejala klinis dermatitis kontak pada kelompok petani di Mendahara Ilir Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur tahun 2020. Kesimpulan: Diharapkan pengelola SATKER BPP agar lebih memperhatikan para petani, dengan cara memberikan edukasi berupa waktu khusus mengenai APD serta dibuatkan aturan untuk penggunaan APD dan bagi kelompok tani selalu menggunakan alat pelindung diriyang lengkap agar terhindar dari dermatitis kontak. Petani berupaya menjaga personal hygiene dan bila memiliki gejala klinis dermatitis kontak agar datang ke puskesmas terdekat.Kata Kunci: Dermatitis, Pengetahuan, Personal Hygiene, Penggunaan APD
Hubungan Iklim Kerja Panas Terhadap Dehidrasi Pada Pekerja Di Bagian Dryler Di Pt.X Tahun 2020 Entianopa Entianopa; Arianti Wahyuni; Eti Kurniawati
Indonesian Journal of Health Community Vol 1 No 1 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Ivet

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Iklim kerja yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan overstress dan metabolisme panas pada tubuh sehingga pekerja berpotensi mengalami heat stress dan kekurangan cairan akibat keluarnya keringat berlebih yang akan mempengaruhi status hidrasi pekerja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel dipilih dengan teknik total sampling dan jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 38 pekerja bagian dryler. Sebanyak 42,1% responden mengalami dehidrasi, iklim kerja rata-rata 29,429oC, 84,2% responden mengalami kelelahan sedang, 71,1% responden tidak melakukan aktivitas fisik dan 60,5% responden tidak mengonsumsi air> 8 gelas / hari. Ada hubungan antara iklim kerja panas (p = 0,000), aktivitas fisik (p = 0,023) dan konsumsi air (p = 0,010) dengan dehidrasi pada pekerja bagian dryler PT Angkasa Raya Djambi. Tidak ada hubungan antara kelelahan (p = 1.000) dengan dehidrasi pada pekerja bagian dryler PT Angkasa Raya Djambi. Diharapkan pihak perusahaan meningkatkan ventilasi terbuka atau pemasangan blower di setiap sudut ruang kerja sehingga sirkulasi udara dapat mengalir dengan baik.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manusia Dan Kesehatan Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manusia Dan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31850/makes.v5i1.1221


ABSTRAK Pekerja las memiliki risiko cedera mata yang tinggi akibat paparan radiasi, mekanik, suhu dan kimiawi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan keluhan mata pada pekerja las di Bengkel Las. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini diambil menggunakan teknik pengambilan secara total sampling yaitu seluruh pekerja las di Kecamatan Jelutung Kota Jambi yang berjumlah 63 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2021 di bengkel las di Kecamatan Jelutung. Instrumen penelitian adalah kuesioner. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji Chi Square. Sebanyak 46,0% responden ada keluhan mata, 49,2% responden memiliki usia berisiko, 79,4% responden memiliki masa kerja berisiko dan 39,7% responden tidak menggunakan APD saat melakukan pengelasan. Ada hubungan antara usia (p=0,032) dan penggunaan APD (p=0,000) dengan keluhan mata pada pekerja las di Bengkel Las Kecamatan Jelutung. Tidak ada hubungan antara masa kerja (p=0,510) dengan keluhan mata pada pekerja las di Bengkel Las Kecamatan Jelutung. Keluhan mata pekerja bengkel las di Kecamatan Jelutung berhubungan dengan usia dan penggunaan APD. Untuk itu diharapkan kepada pemilik bengkel las melakukan pengawasan kepada pekerja terhadap penggunaan APD googles/welding shields. Pekerja sering mengistirahatkan matanya setelah mengelas dengan metode 20-20-20, setiap bekerja 20 menit lakukan istirahat 20 detik dengan memandang jarak sejauh 20 kaki (6 meter). ABSTRACT Welders are at high risk of eye injury from radiation, mechanical, thermal and chemical exposures. This study aims to determine the factors associated with eye complaints in welding workers at the Welding Workshop. The research design used was cross sectional. The sample in this study was taken using a total sampling technique, namely all welding workers in Jelutung District, Jambi City, amounting to 63 people. This research was conducted in June 2021 at a welding workshop in Jelutung District. The research instrument is a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate using Chi Square test. As many as 46.0% of respondents had eye complaints, 49.2% of respondents had a risky age, 79.4% of respondents had a risky working period and 39.7% of respondents did not use personal protective equipment when doing welding. There is a relationship between age (p=0.032) and the use of personal protective equipment (p=0.000) with eye complaints in welding workers at the Welding Workshop, Jelutung District. There was no relationship between years of service (p=0.510) and eye complaints in welding workers at the Welding Workshop, Jelutung District. The eye complaints of welding workshop workers in Jelutung District are related to age and the use of personal protective equipment. For this reason, it is hoped that the welding workshop owner will supervise workers against the use of personal protective equipment such as googles/welding shields. Workers often rest their eyes after welding with the 20-20-20 method, every 20 minutes of work take a 20 second break by looking at a distance of 20 feet (6 meters).
Jurnal Endurance Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Endurance : Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.541 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/jen.v6i1.151


Ascariasis is a public health problem that still widespread throughout in the world. This research is an analytical research with a cross-sectional design. The research was conducted on 3 June-3 July 2020 at the Legok Village. The sample this study were children aged 6-10 years, totaly 90 people who were taken by cluster random sampling. Data analysis used chi square statistical test.The results of the study were obtained from 90 respondents whose feces were examined at the Laboratory of the Pusekesmas Putri Ayu. It was known that as many 14 (15.6%) respondents were infected by Ascariasis and 76 (84.4%) respondents weren’t infected by Ascariasis. There is a significant relationship between personal hygiene (p-value = 0.001), there is a significant relationship between the availability of latrines (p-value = 0.000), there is a significant relationship between the availability of clean water facilities (p-value = 0.000), there is no relationship meaning between floor of the house (p-value = 0.046) and there is no significant relationship between parental attention (p-value = 0.033) with the incidence of worms in elementary school-aged children in Legok Village, Jambi City in 2020. It is advisable for children to maintain personal hygiene, Kelurahan Legok to build communal latrines and clean water facilities. Meanwhile, Putri Ayu Community Health Center provides education to parents about the dangers of worms in children
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Keluhan Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) pada Pekerja di Kantor Jambi Ekspress Nefa Repilda; Entianopa Entianopa; Eti Kurniawati
Indonesian Journal of Health Community Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Ivet

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31331/ijheco.v3i2.2299


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition in which the central nerve is compressed in the wrist which results in numbness and muscle weakness in the hand. Workers at the Jambi Express Office work with intense computer use for 5-6 hours. so you are at risk of experiencing CTS. The research objective was to determine the factors associated with CTS. This research was a quantitative study with a cross sectional design. The research population is all workers in Jambi Ekspress as many as 41 people. The research sample was workers at Jambi Ekspress who used computers, namely as many as 30 people. As many as 36.7% of respondents experienced CTS, 76.6% of respondents worked with wrong hand posture, 100% of respondents did not make repetitive movements, 73.3% of respondents had years of service old category. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between length of service (p=0.014) and CTS. There is no relationship between awkward hand postures (p = 1.000) and repetitive movements (p = 0.069) with CTS.. It is expected that workers do warm-up exercises for five minutes before starting work. Take regular breaks by bending and straightening your wrists for at least 3-5 minutes.
Jurnal Endurance Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Endurance : Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.541 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/jen.v6i1.151


Ascariasis is a public health problem that still widespread throughout in the world. This research is an analytical research with a cross-sectional design. The research was conducted on 3 June-3 July 2020 at the Legok Village. The sample this study were children aged 6-10 years, totaly 90 people who were taken by cluster random sampling. Data analysis used chi square statistical test.The results of the study were obtained from 90 respondents whose feces were examined at the Laboratory of the Pusekesmas Putri Ayu. It was known that as many 14 (15.6%) respondents were infected by Ascariasis and 76 (84.4%) respondents weren’t infected by Ascariasis. There is a significant relationship between personal hygiene (p-value = 0.001), there is a significant relationship between the availability of latrines (p-value = 0.000), there is a significant relationship between the availability of clean water facilities (p-value = 0.000), there is no relationship meaning between floor of the house (p-value = 0.046) and there is no significant relationship between parental attention (p-value = 0.033) with the incidence of worms in elementary school-aged children in Legok Village, Jambi City in 2020. It is advisable for children to maintain personal hygiene, Kelurahan Legok to build communal latrines and clean water facilities. Meanwhile, Putri Ayu Community Health Center provides education to parents about the dangers of worms in children
Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian Vol 3 No 10: Maret 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47492/jip.v3i10.2507


Work fatigue is one of the health and safety problems that can be a risk factor for accidents at work. One of the main factors causing work accidents caused by humans is stress and fatigue. Work fatigue provides a 50% distribution of the occurrence of work accidents. Gas station is a company that runs the production process continuously for 16 hours of work for 7 days a week. The length of working hours is one of the factors causing work fatigue. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to work fatigue in workers at the gas station operator division in Rantau Keloyang District, Bungo Regency in 2021. This study uses a quantitative method using a cross sectional design by providing questionnaires and interviews to gas station workers. For work environment data, the data taken are noise and heat pressure using WBGT and sound level meter (SLM). The results of this study indicate that the factors related to work fatigue are work shifts, nutritional status, noise, and heat stress on work fatigue in workers at the gas station operator division in Rantau Keloyang District. The most frequent distribution of the nutritional status of workers is in the thin category. As well as the distribution of the most noise frequency is the category that does not meet the requirements. It is recommended for gas station operators to maximize break hours to take a short break so that work fatigue can be overcome and work becomes more focused and it is hoped that relevant agencies and gas station owners will make policies to minimize work fatigue and provide personal protective equipment for their workers.
Upaya pencegahan dan penularan penyakit tuberculosis di Puskesmas Kebun Kopi Entianopa - Entianopa; Suroso Suroso; Rara Marisdayana; Eti Kurniawati
Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Harapan Ibu Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30644/jphi.v5i1.753


Tuberkulosis merupakan penyakit yang menjadi perhatian global. Sepertiga penduduk dunia telah terinfeksi kuman tuberkulosis. Berdasarkan laporan resmi WHO, menyebutkan bahwa pada tahun 2014 terdapat 9,6 juta orang di dunia sakit karena tuberkulosis dan sebanyak 1,2 juta orang diantaranya meninggal karena tuberkulosis. Metode kegiatan pengabdian ini terdiri dari, Focus Group Discussion, Peningkatan pengetahuan penderita TB tentang pengobatan TB, Pembuatan media informasi peningkatan pengetahuan penderita TB. Selanjutnya dilaksanakan penyuluhan/sosialisasi dengan menggunakan video dan penjelasan dari narasumber. Materi yang diberikan adalah tentang penyebab penyakit TB paru, gejala penyakit TB, cara penularan penyakit TB, faktor risiko penyakit TB, deteksi dini penyakit TB, tindakan yang harus dilakukan ketika mendapatkan suspect TB dan pencegahan penyakit TB, juga sikap dan perilaku yang harus dilakukan dalam mencegah penularan TB paru, serta sikap dan perilaku dalam upaya pengobatan TB paru. Para Pengawas Minum Obat (PMO) agar bisa mengupayakan kepada penderita TB untuk teratur meminum obat yang telah diberikan oleh Puskesmas, sehingga pasien TB bisa kembali sembuh dan tidak terjadi penularan TB.
Upaya peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang penyakit filariasis di Desa Kemingking Dalam Kecamatan Taman Rajo Eti Kurniawati; Putri Sahara Harahap; Ratna Sari Dewi
Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Harapan Ibu Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30644/jphi.v5i1.762


ProvinceJambi is one of the filariasis endemic areas. Almost all regencies / cities in Jambi Province have filariasis cases. Cumulatively the number of chronic filariasis cases reported in Jambi Province in 2014 was 375 cases spread across 9 Regencies / Cities with the highest cases in Muaro Jambi District. Based on the results of the 2014 Finger Blood Survey (SDJ), 180 cases of filariasis in Muaro Jambi District were scattered in 13 health centers in 8 sub-districts of 11 sub-districts. With the discovery of new cases as many as 9 cases. And the most cases were in the MuroKumpeh Health Center area of ​​50 cases. Community service activities are carried out with counseling methods and demonstrations related to filariasis and methods of prevention. From the results of the survey it is known that Muaro Jambi Regency is still an endemic filariasis area with an Mf rate of 1.8%. There was an increase in the average knowledge of the community from before and after the socialization of filariasis in the village of KemingkingDalam.