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Media Konservasi Vol 17 No 2 (2012): Media Konservasi Vol. 17 No. 2 Agustus 2012
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.588 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.17.2.%p


The aims of the  study  is to reveal of local knowledge  the Samin society  about the diversity of plant species is usefulness, the utilization category, the potential use, value of cultural and concept of  traditional conservation. The location of observation are 7 villages: Larikrejo and Kaliyoso (Kudus);  Bombong and Ngawen (Pati); Klopoduwur and Tambak (Blora); Margomulyo (Bojonegoro).  Data collection using survey and  open ended interview techniques.  Useful plant inventory carrying more than 235 species of plants; as 118 species of food; ingredient in traditional medicines 74 species: 16 species of building materials; equipment and craft materials 15 species: 16 species of firewood; 27 species of animal feed; fiber materials and rope three species, two species of fish poisons; pest control materials 16 species and  ornamental plants 25 species. The most of  useful plant species (80% ) are cultivated plant and  25% intensity value  utilization of this species is high. The results of calculation of the Indeks of Cultural Signification found the species that have important value is the highest Oryza sativa L. and  the second  is Tectona grandis L.f.  Keyword: local knowledge, plant diversity, plant conservation, Indeks of Cultural Signification, Samin Society
Sago palm (Metroxylon spp.) is a tropical plant adapted to marginal land such as fresh water swamp, peat swamp or brackish water.  The objective of the researche is to identify physical and chemical habitat characteristics of sago palm in the Seram island, Maluku.  The research was conducted in nine months from March to November 2009.  The observation was conducted at three samples area, namely Luhu (West Seram District), Sawai (Central Maluku District), and Werinama (East Seram  District).  Soi Samin Botanri; Dede Setiadi; Edi Guhardja; Ibnul Qayim; Lilik B. Prasetyo
Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 34 No. 1 (2011): Forum Pascasarjana
Publisher : Forum Pasca Sarjana

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Sago palm (Metroxylon spp.) is a tropical plant adapted to marginal land such as fresh water swamp, peat swamp or brackish water.  The objective of the researche is to identify physical and chemical habitat characteristics of sago palm in the Seram island, Maluku.  The research was conducted in nine months from March to November 2009.  The observation was conducted at three samples area, namely Luhu (West Seram District), Sawai (Central Maluku District), and Werinama (East Seram  District).  Soil and water samples were taken at samples area and analyzed at Soil Research Center Laboratory, Bogor.  Result showed that sago palm at the Seram island can be found at four different habitat types, namely: 1) upland habitat/dry land, 2) temporary inundated fresh water swamp, 3) temporary inundated brackish water, and 4) permanent inundated fresh water swamp.  Soil texture of these habitats characterized by clay-loam and silty-clay with average bulk density of about 1.20.  The soil has acidic reaction that consists of medium soil organic and having medium cation exchange capacity (CEC).  Except for Fe and Alwhich were high, the nutrient content of the soil was very low. Salinity of water was less than 1.0 ppt (part per thousand).  Nitrate (NO3-), phosphate (PO43-) and other cation such us NH4+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ were found relatively high in water.  Micro climate condition under sago stands (clump of Sago) such us temperature, relative humidity, and sun radiation intensity are low with very narrow fluctuation.  Micro-climate conditions were characterized by temperature ranging from 22,69oC to 23,94oC, meanwhile relative humidity ranging from 87,97 to 91,60%.  In case of  sun light intensity at near clump of sago palm reached of about 206,53 lux (12,40%).   Keywords: habitat type, Metroxylon spp., land, micro climate, Seram Island
Sago palm biodiversity in Seram island Maluku province Indonesia Samin Botanri; Dede Setiadi; Edi Guhardja; Ibnul Qayim; Lilik B prasetyo
Jurnal Agro Vol 5, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/2431


The number of sago palm species in Maluku province becomes the current issue of biodiversity. The research aimed to clarify the species of sago palm in the Seram island, Maluku province. The research was conducted from March to November 2009 in three sample regions i.e. Luhu of Seram Bagian Barat (SBB) district, Sawai of Maluku Tengah (MT) district, and Werinama of Seram Bagian Timur (SBT) district. Genetic analysis was done at the laboratory of plant biology Inter Center University (ICU) Bogor Agricultural University. Variety of palm sagu was analyzed using index of similarity analysis for group similarity and Shannon-Wiener (H’) index for biodiversity of species. Further, the genetic analysis used isozyme method showed that group of sago in Seram Island shared group similarity included index value ranging from 60.66–80.92%. Based on the result of Shannon-Wiener (H’) index, all growth phases of sago palm group in Seram Island generally indicated a very low H’ value ranging from 0.61 – 0.90. Clearly, the genetic analysis illustrated there were only two kinds of sago species in Seram Island i.e. Metroxylon rumphii Mart. and M. sagus Rottb. The first species consists of three varieties i.e. 1) Microcanthum Becc., 2) Sylvestre Becc., and 3) Rotang Becc. Sago species of M. sagu Rottb. has solely one variety Molat Becc. Here, variety of Microcanthum is divided by two kinds of variety i.e. Tuni and Makanaro. Jumlah spesies tumbuhan sagu di provinsi Maluku masih mengalami perdebatan dalam bidang biodiversitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan klarifikasi spesies sagu yang tumbuh dan berkembang di pulau Seram, provinsi Maluku. Penelitian berlangsung pada bulan Maret–November 2009. Pengamatan dilakukan pada 3 wilayah sampel yaitu: Luhu Kab. Seram Bagian Barat (SBB), Sawai Kab. Maluku Tengah (MT), dan Werinama Kab. Seram Bagian Timur (SBT). Analisis genetik dikerjakan di laboratorium Biologi Tumbuhan Pusat Antar Universitas (PAU) IPB Bogor. Keanekaragaman kelompok sagu dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kemiripan kelompok. Keanekaragaman spesies dianalisis menggunakan Indeks Keaneragaman Shannon-Wiener (H’). Analisis genetik menggunakan  metode isozim. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kelompok sagu di Pulau Seram memiliki kemiripan kelompok yang termasuk dalam kategori tinggi dengan nilai indeks berkisar antara 60,66 – 80,92 %. Hasil analisis indeks keanekaragaman spesies menurut indeks Shannon-Wiener (H’) pada semua fase pertumbuhan menunjukkan bahwa indeks keanekaragaman spesies vegetasi dalam kelompok sagu di Pulau Seram secara umum termasuk dalam kategori sangat rendah dengan nilai H’ berkisar antara 0,61 – 0,90. Hasil analisis genetik menunjukkan bahwa di Pulau Seram Maluku hanya terdapat dua spesies sagu, yaitu Metroxylon rumphii Mart. dan M. sagus Rottb. Spesies yang pertama terdiri dari tiga varietas, yaitu: 1) Microcanthum Becc., 2) Sylvestre Becc., dan 3) Rotang Becc. Sedangkan spesies M. sagu Rottb. hanya memiliki satu varietas yakni Molat Becc.  Varietas Microcanthum terbagi atas dua subvarietas, yaitu Tuni dan Makanaro. 
Pengetahuan Fauna (Etnozoologi) Masyarakat Tengger di Bromo Tengger Semeru Jawa Timur Jati Batoro; Dede Setiadi; Tatik Chikmawati; Y. Purwanto
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati Vol 17, No 1 (2012): February 2012
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/biota.v17i1.128


Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengetahuan tentang pemanfaatan hewan berpotensi, pelestarian lingkungan oleh masyarakat Tengger. Mempelajari interaksi antara masyarakat dan lingkungannya dan aspek praktek, persepsi serta representasinya. Metode penelitian digunakan survei exploratif meliputi inventarisasi jenis hewan di kandang, lingkungan rumah, wilayah konservasi hutan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TN.BTS) meliputi nama lokal dan nama ilmiah. Metode dengan teknik ethnodirect, sampling meliputi wawancara langsung, semistruktural terhadap penduduk, pemangku adat, dukun serta pengumpulan informasi dengan pendekatan bersifat partisipasif (participatory ethnobotanical appraisal, PEA). Jenis hewan peliharaan mempunyai nilai ekonomi dapat dipergunakan sumber bahan pangan bagi masyarakat Tengger. Pengetahuan keanekaragaman satwa liar dan binatang yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat Tengger meliputi 110 jenis, hanya sekitar 6% saja yang sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari rumah tangganya, diantaranya adalah untuk bahan pangan, ritual, obat-obatan, dan lain-lainnya.