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Jurnal Perspektif Ekonomi Darussalam (Darussalam Journal of Economic Perspec Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Perspektif Ekonomi Darussalam (in pressing)
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Islam, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis - Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jped.v7i2.21748


This study observes the influence of Service Quality and Customer Intimacy on Customer Loyalty at Bank Muamalat KC Solo with Satisfaction as an Intervening variable. This study applies quantitative methods with a total of 100 respondents. The result was analyzed through statistical tests, classical assumption tests and path analysis on SPSS version 23. The finding shows:  Service Quality has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Customer Intimacy has no significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Service Quality has a significant positive effect on satisfaction. Customer Intimacy has a significant positive effect on satisfaction. Satisfaction has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Satisfaction is not able to facilitate the effect of Service Quality and Customer Intimacy on Customer Loyalty. The implications of this research are expected as a reference in order to measure the extent to which the object of this research is in providing services to customers, and measuring how satisfied customers are.
Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Kompensasi dalam Memengaruhi Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Anwar Contruction Ahmad Ulil Albab Al Umar; Yeyen Novita; Deby Asyah Septiyanti; Pandu Nur Wicaksono; Faiz Nasokha; Muammar Taufiqi Lutfi Mustofa
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v22i1.1899


This study analyzes employee performance influenced by leadership style and compensation factors at PT. Anwar Construction. The method of data collection is through the distribution of questionnaires. The population of this study were all employees at PT. Anwar Construction. The sample of this study amounted to 48 respondents. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression using the SPSS application. Testing hypotheses 1 and 2 using t test, f test and coefficient of determination test. The results of this study indicate that leadership style and compensation have a significant effect on employee performance in the company. Then, leadership style has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Compensation has a significant and positive effect on employee performance. Furthermore, the Adjusted R Square value is 0.462 or 46.2%. This means that employee performance can be explained by leadership style and compensation of 46.2%, the remaining 54.8% is explained by other factors not examined in this study. The implications of this research are expected to be a benchmark for the company PT. Anwar Construction to improve employee performance.
Si-Datuk: Model Peningkatan SDI Unggul pada Mustahik Penerima Zakat Produktif Arna Asna Annisa; Yeyen Novita; Dian Luthvita Nadilla; Rizki Galih Kuncoro
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 12, No 4 (2021): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v12i4.6446


Lingkar kemiskinan yang sulit terputus menjadi tantangan perekonomian nasional dalam menghadapi masyarakat berpendapatan rendah. Bagi seorang Muslim, zakat merupakan instrumen pengentasan kemiskinan yang wajib dilakukan oleh mereka yang tergolong muzakki. Namun seringkali zakat yang bersifat konsumtif tidak memberikan efek jangka panjang untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan. Pelaksanaan penyusunan artikel ini bertujuan untuk menemukan konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis zakat produktif sehingga mustahik, terutama mereka yang tergolong fakir dan miskin bisa keluar dari golongan tersebut. Penyusunan model pengabdian ini menggunakan literatur review untuk menyusun sinergisitas peran KSEI dan BAZNAS dalam melakukan evaluasi dan monitoring sebagai upaya penguatan SDI penerima zakat produktif dengan Sistem Pendamping Mutu Mustahik (SI-DATUK). Proses ini akan menghasilkan sumber daya insani mustahik yang unggul mengingat yang dilakukan oleh relawan Kelompok Studi Ekonomi Islam di setiap perguruan tinggi yang bersinergi dengan BAZNAS sebagai lembaga amil pemerintah dalam bentuk pendampingan dan pembinaan yang terstruktur melalui metode DJITU (Dedikasi, Jujur, Inovatif, Tekun dan Ulet). Keluaran program dilihat dari kemampuan mustahik yang unggul dengan indikator kemandirian finansial dari usaha menjalankan zakat produktif yang ditasyarufkan oleh BAZNAS sehingga selanjutnya mereka tidak akan lagi masuk golongan penerima zakat.
ANALISIS PERAN PEMERINTAH DAN MASYARAKAT DALAM SEKTOR EKONOMI MELALUI FINALISASI KEBIJAKAN Yeyen Novita; Wafiratulaela Wafiratulaela; Pandu Nur Wicaksono; Muammar Taufiqi Lutfi Mustofa; Wann Nurdiana Sari; Yuni Inawati
JISIP: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan Vol 6, No 1 (2022): JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan)
Publisher : Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/jisip.v6i1.2848


One of the processes carried out by the government and the community to manage existing resources through collaboration between the government and the private sector is one of the meanings of economic development. This is done in the context of creating job opportunities as well as efforts to encourage economic growth in a region. Thus, it is important for the government and the community to play a role in solving macroeconomic problems. The final objective of this research is to analyze in depth the concept of the three-sector economy, the rationality of the role of government and society, the scope of the government's role, government policy instruments and an overview of al-hisbah. This study uses a literature study where information is obtained through a collection of books, a collection of scientific works, several theses, encyclopedias, a little information from the internet and even other sources. Research shows that in the economy three sectors are played by 3 roles including households, companies and the government. The rationality of the government's role is based on the consequences of collective obligations, and the failure of the market to realize falah. The analysis of the government's role includes: the role of allocation, distribution, stabilization, the role of the state in overcoming externalities and the role of the state related to the implementation of Islamic morality. There are also three policies that cover, among others: fiscal policy, monetary policy, and supply-side policy. Some basic thinking about the role of society consists of the consequences of fardhu kifayah, the existence of public property rights and the failure of the market and government. While hisbah is an institution controlled by the government through individual efforts specifically assigned to solve problems related to the moral, religious and economic fields.
ANALISIS WAKAF UANG DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA DI INDONESIA Ahmad Ulil Albab Al Umar; Hikmah Endraswati; Yeyen Novita; Anava Salsa Nur Savitri
JURNAL ILMIAH EDUNOMIKA Vol 6, No 1 (2022): EDUNOMIKA : Vol. 06, No. 01, 2022
Publisher : ITB AAS INDONESIA Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/jie.v6i1.4371


Cash waqf has become a new trend in waqf recently. Cash waqf itself can be done by anyone without a minimum limit on the amount of money in waqf right. This study aims to determine the concept, as well as views on cash waqf in Indonesia. The method used is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. The data in this study were obtained from secondary data sourced from journal articles, books, and other data. The results of this study indicate that cash waqf is currently a trend in society for waqf. The convenience and many choices provided by waqf institutions make it attractive and easier for waqifs who want to be waqf. According to the majority of scholars, cash waqf itself is permissible according to Islam. The implications of cash waqf can be expected as a new breakthrough for waqif who want waqf easily, then cash waqf itself is expected to overcome poverty and encourage the economy in Indonesia.
Si-Dimas: Model Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Duafa Berbasis Masjid Dian Luthvita Nadila; Yeyen Novita; Zulafa Maulania Agta Dhiyanda; Arna Asna Annisa
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 1 No. 1: Desember 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.493 KB)


This research is aimed at studying solutions to improve welfare based on mosques by optimizing infaq and alms funds in fostered villages. This research uses qualitative methods and uses case studies. The main technique in collecting data is observation and in-depth interviews. The results of the research obtained indicate that the optimization of infaq and alms funds is one way to improve the welfare of poor people in the target villages through the SI-DIMAS concept. With the principle of fair and sustainable, this concept is endeavored to provide prosperity for the poor. The implementation of this concept is supported by the existence of synergy between LP2M as a campus research institute, KSEI as one of the UKMs engaged in the economy, mosque administrators as infaq and alms administrators at the mosque and the poor as aid in making UMKM from infaq and alms funds with the covenant qardhul hasan. (Monitoring and Evaluating) to minimize the risk of loss due to both the income that can be distributed as an effort to improve the welfare of the people in the target villages.
Repurchase Intention of Z-Generation in the Indonesian Marketplace Yeyen Novita; Pandu Nur Wicaksono; Faiz Nasokha; Rifda Nabila
Relevance: Journal of Management and Business Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (840.54 KB)


This study aimed to investigate the influence of e-service quality, customer trust, and word of mount on repurchase intention mediated by customer satisfaction. The sample in this study were taken by Z generation who had purchased products online in the marketplace. The number of samples that used were 200 respondens. Sampling using purposive sampling technique, namely the determination of the sample by selecting a group of subjects in accordance with this study. This study used primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires. The data obtained were analyzed by using SmartPLS 3.2.9 software. The results show that customer trust and e-service quality have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Meanwhile the word of mounth has no effect on customer satisfaction. The results of the study also show that e-service quality, customer trust, and word of mount have a positive effect on repurchase intention. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction has no effect on repurchase intention. Furthermore, customer satisfaction is not able to mediate the relationship of e-service quality, customer trust, and word of mount to repurchase intention. The novelty of this research is that it involves respondents who are Z-Generation.
Si-Dimas: Model Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Duafa Berbasis Masjid Dian Luthvita Nadila; Yeyen Novita; Zulafa Maulania Agta Dhiyanda; Arna Asna Annisa
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 1 No. 1: Desember 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jceki.v1i1.16


This research is aimed at studying solutions to improve welfare based on mosques by optimizing infaq and alms funds in fostered villages. This research uses qualitative methods and uses case studies. The main technique in collecting data is observation and in-depth interviews. The results of the research obtained indicate that the optimization of infaq and alms funds is one way to improve the welfare of poor people in the target villages through the SI-DIMAS concept. With the principle of fair and sustainable, this concept is endeavored to provide prosperity for the poor. The implementation of this concept is supported by the existence of synergy between LP2M as a campus research institute, KSEI as one of the UKMs engaged in the economy, mosque administrators as infaq and alms administrators at the mosque and the poor as aid in making UMKM from infaq and alms funds with the covenant qardhul hasan. (Monitoring and Evaluating) to minimize the risk of loss due to both the income that can be distributed as an effort to improve the welfare of the people in the target villages.
Si-Dimas: Model Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Duafa Berbasis Masjid Dian Luthvita Nadila; Yeyen Novita; Zulafa Maulania Agta Dhiyanda; Arna Asna Annisa
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 1 No. 1: Desember 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jceki.v1i1.16


This research is aimed at studying solutions to improve welfare based on mosques by optimizing infaq and alms funds in fostered villages. This research uses qualitative methods and uses case studies. The main technique in collecting data is observation and in-depth interviews. The results of the research obtained indicate that the optimization of infaq and alms funds is one way to improve the welfare of poor people in the target villages through the SI-DIMAS concept. With the principle of fair and sustainable, this concept is endeavored to provide prosperity for the poor. The implementation of this concept is supported by the existence of synergy between LP2M as a campus research institute, KSEI as one of the UKMs engaged in the economy, mosque administrators as infaq and alms administrators at the mosque and the poor as aid in making UMKM from infaq and alms funds with the covenant qardhul hasan. (Monitoring and Evaluating) to minimize the risk of loss due to both the income that can be distributed as an effort to improve the welfare of the people in the target villages.