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Analisis Pemangku Kepentingan Destinasi Pariwisata Dieng Plateau Jawa Tengah Destha T Raharjana; Heddy S Ahimsa-Putra; Djoko Wijono; Hendrie A Kusworo
Publisher : PolimdoSains

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35729/jhp.v2i2.30


The existence of stakeholders has an important role for the implementation of the Dieng Plateau tourism policy. This view is quite rational because tourism is an industry that might work if supported by other relevant stakeholders. This is where the strategic tourism stakeholders are, including in order to encourage tourism management of Dieng Plateau as a leading destination in Central Java. The existence of Government Regulation No. 50/2011 concerning RIPPARNAS establishes Dieng tourism area and its surroundings as a national tourism strategic area (KSPN) emphasizing the importance of collaboration among stakeholders in managing destinations. Furthermore, this article was prepared with the aim of analyzing stakeholders who are seen as having interests and influence in the management of tourism in the Dieng Plateau. The analysis is carried out to identify stakeholders, analyze stakeholder involvement, categorize stakeholders, and analyze relationships between stakeholders by looking at aspects of communication, coordination and cooperation (3K). The results of the analysis show that there are five stakeholders including subjects and context setters, ten stakeholders included in the key players group, and thirteen stakeholders belong to the crowds group. Analysis of its involvement, only six stakeholders were seen as having strong involvement in setting policies, providing funding, research or advocacy support, providing technology / training facilities, and conservation / maintenance of infrastructure. In the future, stakeholders involved in managing tourism in the Dieng Plateau need to strengthen structural or non-structural dimensions.
Inersia : Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 13, No 2 (2017): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1152.965 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/inersia.v13i2.17180


ABSTRActToday, urban kampungs  are inhabited by most of the Indonesia’s population. The high  density of population and building is one of the most common conditions found in urban kampungs, whichimpact on various problemsexperienced by the inhabitans. One of those impacts isthe lack of children's interaction area. Thisphenomenon needs to be studied in depth, since social interaction plays  important role for the child's personal development in the future. Thisstudy, which is part of the author's dissertation research, aims to explore the physical settings variation  of children interaction space in the urban kampungs. This research uses explorative method, meanwhile  data collecting uses field observation method. Kampung Ngampilan Yogyakarta was taken as the case, because it has high density and specific geographical condition due to its location on the river bank. As a result, it is found that with limited environmental conditions, the children interaction space in Kampung Ngampilan Yogyakarta is formed organically or unplanned. The spaces can be grouped into three kinds of categories, namely based on the degree of enclosureness, degree of fixation of space elements and the degree of naturaleness of space elements. This finding can be used  as  reference in kampung  development which is more conducive as place for children interaction activities.Keywords:children interaction space,physical setting, urban kampung ABSTRAKSaat ini kampung kota merupakan permukiman yang dihuni oleh sebagian besar peduduk kota di Indonesia.  Kepadatan penduduk dan bangunan yang tinggi, merupakan salah satu kondisi yang sering ditemukan di kampung-kampung kota. Anak-anak, sebagai salah satu kelompok penduduk, ikut merasakan dampaknya, salah satunya adalah karena semakin minimnya area interaksi anak-anak. Hal ini perlu untuk dikaji secara mendalam, mengingat interaksi sosial di usia anak berperan penting bagi perkembangan pribadi anak ke depan. Kajian yang merupakan bagian dari riset disertasi penulis ini, bertujuan untuk menggali keragaman seting fisik ruang interaksi anak di kampung padat kota semacam itu.  Riset ini menggunakan metode eksploratif, dengan menggunakan metode observasi lapangan untuk menggali data. Kampung Ngampilan Yogyakarta dipilih sebagai kasuskarena densitasnya tinggi, rerata ekonomi penduduknya menengah ke bawah, dan kondisi geografis  yang spesifik karena berada di berada di bantaran sungai. Dari hasil kajian ditemukan bahwa dengan kondisi lingkungan yang terbatas, ruang interaksi anak di Kampung Ngampilan Yogyakarta terbentuk secara organik atau tidak terencana. Ruang-ruang tersebut dapat dikelompokkan menjadi tiga macam kategori, yaitu berdasarkan derajat keterlingkupan, derajat fiksasi elemen ruang dan derajat kealamiahan elemen ruang.  Temuan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu referensi dalam pengembangan kampung kota ke depan, yang lebih kondusif sebagai wadah aktivitas anak-anak sebagai salah satu kelompok penghuninya.Kata kunci: ruang interaksi  anak, seting fisik, kampung kota
Physical Characteristics of Entrance Areas of Coss Passage alongside Jl. Agro, Yogyakarta Yurista Hardika Dinata; Djoko Wijono
Built Environment Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/best.v1i1.366


This study aimed to determine the physical characteristics of the entrance areas of cross passage alongside Jl. Agro, Yogyakarta. This study was a descriptive qualitative research, where the observational cases were determined based on the purposive sampling technique. The research results showed that commercial buildings with a short seatback constructed the wall space around the entrance areas of cross passage. The scale of the road space was formed by a combination of balanced and narrow space affected by the height of the building. Street floor space, signage, and vegetation showed different patterns at each entrance areas of cross passage. As part of street furniture, gate and sculpture turned into a strong identity in the cross-passage area. There were nine entrance areas of cross passage as a case of observation. The nine cases' physical appearance showed the distinctive form of the archipelago and local identity as three different elements bound them: urban village area as a local identity, Mataram ditch as a heritage of the agricultural system, and universities as a generator of activity.
Urban Architecture in Malabero Village, The Old City of Bengkulu Dwi Rina Utami; Djoko Wijono
Built Environment Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/best.v1i1.498


Urban architecture in Malabero village is an interesting part to be researched. This is demonstrated by several elements of urban architecture that illustrate specific characteristics such as the Thomas Parr Monument, the Old Post Office, Merdeka Square, Kampung Cina, Bengkulu Malay settlement, a settlement built on the coastline and various building build on the sea embankment. This research was conducted to determine the configuration of contemporary architecture in Malabero and how it happen using qualitative and explorative methods. The research results that architecture configuration of the street in Malabero village consists of spread and linear organic patterns. Architecture configuration of building and space on the settlement scale based on ethnicity with diverse characteristics and tend to follow the street with linear patterns, meanwhile on the urban scale tend to the octopus shape cities. The configuration of infrastructure and vegetation in Kampung Cina and Merdeka Square is complete and well designed. Furthermore, the configuration of signages tend to be found at the cross street. This research also revealed that the architecture configuration was formed due to several factors such as historical, geographical, policy, and control of the government, economic, socio-cultural, important event, and lifestyle.