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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 27, No 3 (2012): September
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (383.358 KB)


The research aims to find out the forms as well as the function of social capital in the chain of economic activity in Pasar Blante (Blante market), one of the traditional markets in Kawangkoan, North Sulawesi, particularly its non-barter transaction. This research employs phenomenology-qualitative research method by involving triangulation as the method of data gathering. Spradley Model is chosen to analyze data. The results of the research highlight kinds of social capital embodied in non-barter transaction in Pasar Blante which comprises trust, network, norms. These important factors are reflected in transaction chain involving many agents such as (1) the cattle’s owner; (2) maantung; (3) tukang blante; (4) cukong; and (5) the buyers.The contribution of social capital on non-barter transaction among people involving in economic activity are embodied in (1) The transparent transaction resulting in lower informationcost among people taking part in that activity; (2) Free information access which enables them to obtain credible information on getting qualified cattles with highly economical value; (3) Appreciation on someone’s ownership shown in high-sense of belonging and responsibility ontaking care all cattles in Pasar Blante without additional charge; (4) Commitment on contact agreement which minimizes the cancellation on transaction; (5) The transaction needs no written document which legalizes the ownership of the buyer; (6) The availability of cattle’s food which in turn reduces the cattle’s food consumption cost; (7) Fast access on marketing which is supported by all parties involving in the transaction as well as all elements of society. Moreover, this research elucidates that non-barter transaction also support other transactions such as barter transaction and trade-in transaction. Finally, this non-barter transaction proves to be contributive to increase the local revenues and generates the economic activity in the area.Keywords: social capital, traditional market, transaction, chain, non-barter.
The practice of womens social capital as the pillars of the family economic in rural area Rahel Widiawati Kimbal
International Journal of Communication and Society Vol 3, No 2: December 2021
Publisher : Association for Scientific Computing Electrical and Engineering (ASCEE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31763/ijcs.v3i2.336


This study aims to find various forms of women’s social practices as the pillars of the family economic in rural UIK. The research employs qualitative research method which involves a study case at Kacang Tore Small Enterprise. The data of the research were collected by using triangulation method covering observation, interview, and documentation, and those data obtained in this research were then analyzed using a forward stepwise model from Spradley. From the findings, it is stated that social capital is formed by the presence of several elements of social capital which created through social interactions between economic actors, and women workers. Its form can be seen through various forms of social capital such as beliefs, networks, norms, values of life based on religious teachings and ancestral cultural heritage which passed down over generations to generations by exchanging kindness. The practice of women’s social capital, the pillars of the family economy, is found in terms of (1) building trust in a working relationship in all activities of the small business unit; (2) establishing social capital network which emerges from relationships between family members and friends; (3) maintaining kindness and reciprocity embedded in free knowledge sharing and giving loan; (4) preserving the values of life as having been explained in religious teachings and in cultural heritage passed down from the generation to generation; (5) implementing norms as the guideline for all economic actors to conduct their economic activities. These practices are essential to strengthen the existence of small business unit at the rural area, which then provide the recommendation for other small business units throughout Indonesia to empower women as the pillar of the family. Empowering women is believed to increase the family economy because women serve as the ideal capital resources for maintaining the economic resilience of the family.
DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen Vol 15, No 1 (2020): May
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/derema.v15i1.2283


This study aims at finding out the role of social capital among woman workers in the effort of strengthening the management of small industry enterprise. Qualitatively, this study constitutes a case study on UIK Kacang Hai Jessivar. Data collection applies triangulation technigue such as observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis employes Spradley Model. The findings show that social capital is formed by the presence of several aspects detected in the  interaction among the enterprise owner with woman workers. The social capital can be identified in the followings: (1) trust among the enterprise owner and woman workers, (3) friendship and family network, (3) shared and agreed norm of the two sides, (4) Value based upon religion and cultural heritage, and (5) obligation of exchanging kindness among the enterprises owner and woman workers. The role of the social capital in strengthening the management of UIK Kacang Hai Jessivar can be formulated as follows: (1) the workers’responsibility in the production activities, (2) the job distribution, (3) mutual assistance among workers, (4) punctuality of job completion without being necessarily supervised, (5) friendship relationship in terms of empowering other women, (6) easiness of finding qualified workers, (7) discipline despite the loose working time, (8) care to workers’ family, (9) honesty and responsibility in the job performance, (10) helping other workers, (11) serving the consumers passionately, (12) respecting the enterprise owner, and (13) dilligence. Such roles strongly support the progress and existence of the small industry enterprise amidst the threat of the big and modern product of large enterprises. This study recommends the vitality of establishing and maintaining the social capital for the sustainability of small industry enterprise.Abstrak Bahasa Indonesia Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan peran modal sosial di kalangan pekerja perempuan dalam penguatan manajemen usaha industri kecil (UIK Kacang Hai Jessivar). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui studi kasus pada UIK Kacang Hai Jessivar. Teknik pengumpulan  datanya  menggunakan  triangulasi  berupa  observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pada analisis datanya menggunakan model maju bertahap spradley. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah modal sosial terbentuk dengan hadirnya beberapa unsur modal sosial yang tercipta melalui hubungan antara pemilik usaha dan para pekerja perempuan. Hal ini terlihat dalam hal: (1) kepercayaan antar pengusaha kacang hai dan pekerja perempuan, (2) hubungan melalui jaringan pertemanan dan keluarga, (3) norma hidup yang disepakati kedua belah pihak, (4) nilai hidup yang didasarkan pada ajaran agama dan warisan budaya leluhur yang turun temurun dan, (5) kewajiban dengan saling bertukar kebaikan antara  pemilik usaha industri kecil dan para pekerja perempuan. Peran modal sosial dikalangan perempuan pekerja dalam penguatan manajemen UIK Kacang Hai Jessivar terlihat dalam hal (1) tanggung jawab pekerja pada kegiatan produksi kacang hai sampai akhir, (2) Pembagian kerja teratur dan mudah dikerjakan, (3) Saling menolong pekerjaan satu dengan yang lainnya, (4) Ketepatan waktu dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan meskipun tanpa diawasi, (5) Hubungan pertemanan untuk memberdayakan perempuan lainnya, (6) Kemudahan dalam mencari pekerja berkualitas, (7) Jam kerja yang tidak terikat tetapi disiplin, (8) Kepedulian pada keluarga pekerja, (9) Jujur dan bertanggungjawab dalam melakukan pekerjaan, (10) Saling membantu pekerjaan orang lain, (11) Melayani dengan kasih kepada konsumen, (12) Menghargai pemilik usaha dan (13) Rajin dalam bekerja. Peran modal sosial ini sangat membantu kemajuan usaha industri kecil untuk tetap bertahan di tengah gempuran produk usaha besar modern yang semakin ketat dengan manajemennya yang teratur. Penelitian ini menjadi rekomendasi kepada usaha industri kecil lainnya untuk tetap memelihara dan mempertahankan modal sosial yang sudah terbentuk di antara pelaku ekonomi usaha industri kecil. 
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 27, No 3 (2012): September
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (116.363 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jieb.6238


The research aims to find out the forms as well as the function of social capital in the chain of economic activity in Pasar Blante (Blante market), one of the traditional markets in Kawangkoan, North Sulawesi, particularly its non-barter transaction. This research employs phenomenology-qualitative research method by involving triangulation as the method of data gathering. Spradley Model is chosen to analyze data. The results of the research highlight kinds of social capital embodied in non-barter transaction in Pasar Blante which comprises trust, network, norms. These important factors are reflected in transaction chain involving many agents such as (1) the cattle’s owner; (2) maantung; (3) tukang blante; (4) cukong; and (5) the buyers.The contribution of social capital on non-barter transaction among people involving in economic activity are embodied in (1) The transparent transaction resulting in lower informationcost among people taking part in that activity; (2) Free information access which enables them to obtain credible information on getting qualified cattles with highly economical value; (3) Appreciation on someone’s ownership shown in high-sense of belonging and responsibility ontaking care all cattles in Pasar Blante without additional charge; (4) Commitment on contact agreement which minimizes the cancellation on transaction; (5) The transaction needs no written document which legalizes the ownership of the buyer; (6) The availability of cattle’s food which in turn reduces the cattle’s food consumption cost; (7) Fast access on marketing which is supported by all parties involving in the transaction as well as all elements of society. Moreover, this research elucidates that non-barter transaction also support other transactions such as barter transaction and trade-in transaction. Finally, this non-barter transaction proves to be contributive to increase the local revenues and generates the economic activity in the area.Keywords: social capital, traditional market, transaction, chain, non-barter.
Causes and Strategies for Overcoming Work Stress (A Case Study on PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk Tondano Branch Office) Novita Paramita Motoda; Rahel Widiawati Kimbal
International Journal of Applied Business and International Management (IJABIM) 2020: IJABIM STUDENTS EDITION, AUGUST 2020
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.574 KB) | DOI: 10.32535/ijabim.v0i0.872


This study aims to determine the factors that give rise to work stress on the employees of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tondano Branch Office, and propose effective strategies to overcome it. This research applied qualitative methodology by interview, observation, and documentation for data collection. The data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model. The study was conducted in Tondano. The study findings indicate that work stress is attributable to several factors such as (a) conflicts with coworkers due to argumentations, (b) targeted and heavy workload, and (c), ill-adjusted work times. Therefore, the management's strategies to overcome it necessary to unveil are: (1) creating a flexible work atmosphere, (2) paying attention to employee's complaints, (3) encouraging employees by giving rewards, (4) making recreational program, (5) performing regular work rotations. Furthermore, the employees need to: (1) have short in-room break, (2) take a part in outdoor activities or enjoy hobbies on vacation, (3) improve quality work, (3) find suitable working partners able to create a cheerful atmosphere, and (4) improve quality work. The conclusion ends with a final comment that: (1) work conflict occurs when heated arguments arise among employees affecting their mental condition in carrying out their jobs, (2) excessive targeted workload makes them fall into depression since they are working around the clock, and (3) irregular working hours saps their energy since overmuch office hours lessens their family time.
Strengthening Human Capital through Social Capital (A Study on Kacang Tore Small Enterprise) Rahel Widiawati Kimbal
International Journal of Applied Business and International Management (IJABIM) Vol 5, No 1 (2020): IJABIM VOL. 5 NO. 1
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.946 KB) | DOI: 10.32535/ijabim.v5i1.763


The objective of this study deals with revealing the component(s) of human capital which functions to establish social capital in the Kacang Tore small enterprises. This study involves peanut farmers and Kacang Tore business owner who are regarded as business doers of small enterprises. The research constitutes a qualitative study by applying triangulation technique of collecting data namely observation, interview, and documentation. The analysis of data follows Spradley’s Developmental Research Sequence. The findings point out that human capital defined as the economic value of human resources relating to ability, knowledge, ideas, innovation, energy, and commitment constitutes the power to establish a strong social capital. Human capital in the small enterprise can be identified in several forms namely 1) individual competence, 2) High work motivation, 3) value system of the work environment, 4) teamwork and 5) leadership in running the small enterprise. These components contribute to build and strengthen the required social capital in the small enterprise such as 1) strong relative network, 2) mutual trust and collaboration, 3) obedience to the norm, 4) mutual exchange of kindness, and 5) meaningful life value. Social capital derived from strong human capital constitutes powerful energy for the survival of the small enterprise amidst the tight competition in the era of industrial revolution 4.0.
Strategy Formulation for Increasing the Social Capital of Women in Small Scale Industries Rahel Widiawati Kimbal; Tinneke EM Sumual
International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific (IJAFAP) Vol 5, No 3 (2022): October Edition of International Journal of Accounting Finance in Asia Pasific
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.495 KB) | DOI: 10.32535/ijafap.v5i3.1875


This research aims to find a strategy formulation for strengthening women's social capital in small-scale industries. Given that the power of social capital has started to dissolve and weaken along with the current modernization, the design of a strategy should be a crucial capital in the continuation of small scale companies integrating women as pillars of the family economy. Therefore, a formulated strategy is needed to strengthen social capital in small scale industries. With a case study on the Kacang Tore small industry, this study used a qualitative research methodology. To gather data, a triangulation approach of observation, interviews, and documentation was used. The stepwise forward model developed by Spradley is used in this study's data analysis. The results identifie various strategies to strengthen women's social capital in terms of trust, networks, reciprocity, values and norms. Keywords: Formulation, Small Scale Industries, Social Capital, Strategy, Strengthening, Women
Social Capital Reciprocity and Women Pillars of Family Economy Rahel Widiawati Kimbal; Johnny Manaroinsong; Jaqualine Tangkau
Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Project
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/jicp.v4i2.1232


This research aims to find forms of women's reciprocity social capital as a pillar of the family economy. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study whose data collection techniques use triangulation in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. For data analysis using Miles and Huberman models. The results found in the field regarding the forms of social capital of women's reciprocity as pillars of the family economy at UIK were found through interactions and social relations between women business owners and women workers in the field in terms of: (1). Knowledge collaboration (2) free knowledge transfer (3) Support from family members (4) Cooperation and mutual encouragement between individuals (5) Helping each other (6) Motivating (7) having empathy for others and (8) Participating. These forms of reciprocity of women's social capital become the economic reinforcement of the family. Because the success of the family cannot be separated from the role of women as important actors. Therefore, it is hoped that the positive resources of women through the use of social capital reciprocity depicted in small industrial enterprises can be an inspiration for small businesses and women in Indonesia to keep working.
Social Capital Values as the Strengthening Elements in the Rural Small Industry Rahel Widiawati Kimbal; Jaqueline E.M Tangkau
Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Project Management (ICPM) Mal
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/jicp.v4i1.1158


This research aims at revealing various practices of social capital values to strengthen rural small industry. The practices which emerge from the interaction among farmers, big vendor, tibo, roasted nut business owner and consumers lead to different forms of social capital values. This research uses qualitative research method which involves a study case. The data are analyzed using forward stepwise model from Spradley, which formulates the findings from the empirical research. The research findings reveal various social capital values embedded in local tradition of Minahasa known as Mapalus. It refers to a form of cooperation which grow and develop among the Minahasans. Mapalus includes various social activities as follows (1) Mendu impero’ongan, a community service performed by the villagers; (2) Berantang, providing help for the bereaved family; (3) Sumakey, celebrating certain occasions together. Mapalus also exists in economic and financial activities such as: (1) Ma’endo. It refers to communal activities to cultivate the field or to renovate houses; and (2) Pa’ando. It is a financial activity in a form social gathering known as ‘arisan’. This cultural value is an important social capital for rural society to support their economic activities and to strengthen the rural small industry.
Strengthening Women's Trust in Social Capital in UIK Rahel Widiawati Kimbal; Mister Gidion Maru
Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Project
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/jicp.v4i2.1233


This study aims to find forms of strengthening women's social capital trust in small industrial enterprises (UIK). Strengthening social capital trust should be an important capital in small industrial business activities involving women who are the pillars of the family economy. This study uses a qualitative research method through a case study at UIK Kacang tore. The data collection technique used triangulation in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. In the data analysis using the Spradley step-forward model. The results found in the field are various forms of strengthening social capital trust, which can be seen in: (1) Increasing self-confidence through increasing human resources (2) Maintaining honesty (3) Having high integrity (4) Loyalty (5) Firm and tenacious in decision making ( 6) build communication with the environment and (7) be responsible. The role of trust in social capital is a reinforcement for the progress of small industrial businesses to survive in the midst of the increasingly stringent onslaught of modern large business products. This is also a recommendation for Indonesian women to remain a mainstay for family economic resilience. Because women have a strong ideal capital resources.