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Implementation of Performance-Based Budget on Ternate Resort Police Task Force Marsudi Marsudi; Abdul Hadi Sirat; Hartaty Hadady
Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah, FEB, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/jmb.v9i1.63


The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of performance-based budgets at Satker (Task Force) Polres (Resort Police) Ternate in terms of planning, implementation (including transparent and accountability), evaluation, performance measurement, effectiveness, and efficiency. using qualitative descriptive approaches with 5 informants and documentation study studies The outcomes revealed from the perspective of planning seen the process that has been procedurally seen the relationship between Renstra, Renja, and RKA and budget preparation done bottom up. However, several challenges remain in its implementation, particularly a shortage of HR expertise in linked roles. Aspects of implementation reviewed from transparency show that all members and functional units are aware of the budget allocation of each of these things seen from Kasatker's attention to socializing RKA/DIPA, in terms of accountability seen to comply with budgeting mechanisms and can be accounted for and can be assessed success or failure in the achievement of targets Evaluation is carried out on a regular basis to determine the extent to which budget realization has been achieved and to identify problems connected to budget use. The achievements of each strategic target indication are observed in performance measurement.
Mendefinisikan Pengelolaan Keuangan Dalam Keluarga Sakinah Hartaty Hadady; Muhsin N. Bailusy; Rheza Pratama; Johan Fahri
Society Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Society
Publisher : Laboratorium Rekayasa Sosial FISIP Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (977.831 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/society.v9i1.312


Secularism has been entering every aspect of life, including a micro-level of financial management of a family. This study sheds light on how religious views can be used to minimize the influence of secularism. This study was mainly aimed at demonstrating how sacred goals in Muslim families, through Sakeenah values, can be used as an antidote to secularism practices in managing family finance. Thirteen contextual characteristics of financial management in eight Muslim families were identified using the Grounded Theory method. These characteristics were used to verify main concepts—basic financial management, family structure, Sakeenah elements, and a form of secularism—usury. Using the Grounded Theory method was also the other aim of this study that demonstrated its use to deepen the interrelation between those four main concepts and those characteristics contextually. Several limitations surfaced after the analyses, and this allowed recommendations for future studies.
Strategy for The Development of Processed Food Products Based on Local Wisdom in South Halmahera Abdul Hadi Sirat; Hartaty Hadady; Ikbal M. Aris Ali
Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Proceedings of The 1st Virtual International Conference on Economics, Business &
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/jicp.v2i5.933


The purpose of this research is to design a strategy for developing superior processed food products to encourage economic growth in South Halmahera Regency. Using a SWOT analysis, the research findings are increasing community participation in increasing their production capacity through collaboration with other institutions (SO strategy); 2) utilizing technology to enhance people's creativity create more competitive products (WO Strategy establishing a soft approach to the community to support government programs (ST Strategy); increas coordination with the village government to ascertain the program is successfully proven (WT strategy). The results of this study indicate that the government program in developing processed products has not been fully implemented by the community. Therefore, further research should develop by adding key informants.
Perilaku Investor Herding pada Perusahaan Infrastruktur di BEI: Pendekatan Panel Data Hartaty Hadady; Rachman Dano Mustafa
Society Vol 10 No 2 (2022): Society
Publisher : Laboratorium Rekayasa Sosial FISIP Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/society.v10i2.483


This research aims to examine the behavior of herding investors due to the information on interest rates and trading volume. By using daily infrastructure company data on the IDX, it is found that interest rates have a negative effect, while volume has a positive effect on herding behavior. The results show that herding behavior decreases when information on interest rates is entered, while herding behavior increases when there is a trend in trading volume. These results indicate that information announced and scheduled will reduce the behavior of herding investors, such as information about interest rates. On the other hand, investor herding behavior tends to increase when information is random, such as trends in stock trading volumes.
Intervensi Penyetaraan Jabatan: Analisis Efektivitas Penyetaraan Jabatan Administrasi Ke Jabatan Fungsional Pada Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Maluku Utara Hadi Tuasamu; Hartaty Hadady; Johan Fahri
JEMI is managed and published by the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Kutai Kartanegara University. Institutional legality is reflected in the ISSN number: 1411-9560 published by LIPI in 2003 as a manifestation of the comm Vol 22 No 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53640/jemi.v22i2.1131


Simplification of the structure and equalization of administrative positions is a bureaucratic streamlining program to realize fast, effective, and efficient public services, As is the priority program of the leadership of the president and vice president. The purpose of this study analysis is to analyze the effectiveness of the policy of equalizing administrative positions to functional positions in the Regional Secretariat of North Maluku Province. This study uses a descriptive analysis approach to explain and analyze the effectiveness of equalization of positions. The study data used is in the form of literature studies. The results of the study analysis show that the policy of equalizing administrative positions to functional positions has not been implemented effectively. The impact on the equalization of administrative positions into functional positions is still in accordance with the indicators of organizational efficiency. Administrative officers who are transferred to majority functional positions do not meet the educational and competency requirements required in the functional positions they will occupy, because the equalization of positions provides a lot of tolerance for the requirements of functional positions.
Pengaruh Pengetahuan Keuangan Terhadap Pengelolaan Keuangan Keluarga Dengan Gaya Hidup Sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Study Kasus Di Masyarakat Kecamatan Tidore Timur) Muksin Hadi; Hartaty Hadady; Suratno Amiro; Rheza Pratama
JEMI is managed and published by the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Kutai Kartanegara University. Institutional legality is reflected in the ISSN number: 1411-9560 published by LIPI in 2003 as a manifestation of the comm Vol 22 No 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53640/jemi.v22i2.1132


The aims of this study were: (1) to find out and analyze the effect of financial knowledge on family financial management in the people of the East Tidore sub-district. (2) To find out and analyze the effect of financial knowledge on financial management moderated by lifestyle. The number of samples in this study were 100 respondents from family members in the East Tidore sub-district. The test tool used is simple linear regression analysis using the statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) 25 as a statistical test tool. The results of the study show that: (1) Financial knowledge influences family financial management in the East Tidore sub-district community; and (2) Lifestyle influences and strengthens financial knowledge on family financial management in the East Tidore sub-district community
Pengaruh Economic Value Added (EVA), Market Value Added (MVA) Dan Financial Value Added (FVA) Terhadap Return Saham (Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2016-2021) Diah Wahyu Lestari; Abdul Hadi Sirat; Hartaty Hadady
Inisiatif: Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Manajemen Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Inisiatif: Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas 45 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30640/inisiatif.v2i3.1363


This study aims to determine the effect of Economic Value Added (EVA), Market Value Added (MVA) and Financial Value Added (FVA) on stock returns in manufacturing companies for the 2016-2021 period. The population of this study in all manufacturing companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2016-2021 period. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. The sampling technique using the purposive sampling method obtained a sample of 10 manufacturing companies with a total observation during the 2016-2021 period, namely 60. The test tool used is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 25 as a statistical test tool. The results showed that EVA and MVA had a positive and significant effect on stock returns, while FVA had no significant effect on stock returns. And testing simultaneously the variables EVA, MVA and FVA have a positive and significant effect on stock returns.